#25 Jack & Dale | Authentic Conversations: Navigating Emotional Needs
This episode is brought to you by Swash Clothing and Sugar Life.
Welcome to the overly excited podcast hosted by Jack Watts and Dale
Sidebottom. 2 friends with a passion for life, learning and all
things that get them jumping out of their
seats. Alright, everyone. Welcome back to the podcast. Episode
25. You beauty. 5 times
525, Jacko. Oh, numeracy one there for you, great man. How are
you, big fella? Was maths your strong point at school? It was because I'm very
bad at spelling too. Do you wanna have one or the other? I didn't do
math methods, though. I did I was listening the other night. I'm like, wow,
Jacko. Yep. Ticks a lot of boxes in a lot of areas. This,
this fella I get to sit across from. Nerd. How are you, mate?
Good. Good. Yeah. Life's good. Life's good.
Feeling good on top of things. Fit, healthy,
happy. Still not getting quite enough sleep. That's the
only thing. But, other than that, life's good and can't complain.
Work's tough, but, you know, we'll get there. Fuck.
Sleep. Let's go. I wanna I'd let's let's talk a little bit about sleep. Sleep.
Why do you think you're not getting enough? Like, do you do you go to
bed similar times? Do you well, I
guess maybe because a few few probably
little factors, but I think I am not drinking.
So I feel like I've got a lot
more energy. And so it's almost like if I go to bed at when I
used to go to bed at 9 o'clock or 9:30, I'm up at 1 o'clock
Really? Or 2 o'clock because I'm just ready to go. Yeah. It's like, I think
when I'm when I'm partying, I'm putting my body through so much
that it, like, needs the sleep. Whereas now I'm not. And it's
like, you're fine. Also, you know, I've started seeing a
little someone and she's a bit of a night owl, which makes things a bit
tough too. But, with your with your
5:30 starts and you're up gas bagging until 1 in the
morning. Wow. Not late. Gosh. You know?
Well, no. So Brie Brie loves staying up late. And I'm like, see
you. See you. I'm going to sleep. She goes, jeez, you sleep heavy most nights.
Yeah. Well, that You know, my alarm goes on 4:30. I'm I can't be up
at 1 talking about Yeah. The latest TV show. Yeah. I
think that'll come soon enough. How long are you in
freezer? Yeah. Probably a little bit longer.
But, yeah. No. Other than that, fuck. Feeling fit and
ran 22 k's last Saturday just for a bit of fun and Is that the
longest you've ever done? Yeah. It'd be it would be. Yeah. I did the half
mazza last October. But, yeah,
just on a Saturday morning with Mitchie boys Yeah. Punched out 22.
So All done. So that's in preparation for the marathon? Well, yeah. I mean,
marathon's what? Still 6 months away. But Still. Yeah. So It's a good
effort, mate. Just yeah. It's just it's just a beautiful way to catch up. So
with my with my man, Mitchie. So that's going really well.
Body fit starting to get back there, but I'm I'm not quite as disciplined as
you with the 5 AM as these days. I'm not chatting till 1 o'clock back.
Yeah. 5 AM is just would be pushing it for me, but I'm jumping in
tomorrow so maybe you'll we'll get back on that. Good boy. And I do
appreciate, everybody listening is a very light podcast for us. I've,
I had to put Jacko back on. Just been on a call for group in
Portugal, and, obviously, time zones did not work so
well. But with that being said, Jacko, you know, when you
I got something out of today. Yes. I did a bit of talking myself, but
also listen. And one of the the guys presenting with is speaking about, like,
empathy and listening. Mhmm. And I think it goes really well with, the
last episode we did together, you know, where I shared about, you know, I'm
feel like I'm drowning. I'm not doing things well. You spoke about, you know,
your Taylor Swift experience on the bridge. I don't know. I haven't spoke to you
about this, but what your I got so many lovely
messages, from people that, like, really just
empathize with me and said, yeah, we've been through that and,
not giving advice. And I was it was just really nice. Like, sometimes
to see not just by yourself. Yeah. You know, because you
when you're really battling and struggling, it's hard to see I think doc spoke
about it, you know, you only see out of a 4 corner room. You only
see the wall, not the beautiful view everywhere. Yep. And it I didn't have depression.
I don't have depression, but like, similar, I felt stuck. Yep.
So just to hear that from people. And sometimes it's nice just to
because when you are sort of going through it on your own, you sort of
constantly trying to validate yourself. Like, am I am I being unreasonable?
Am I feeling, you know, am I just having a bit of a soak? Because
you know, guys would probably try to, you know, put ourselves in that car,
you know, toughen up. Like you just, whereas when some, you know, some
people are so good at it, aren't they sort of comforting and being there for
you and making you feel validated for, for your
feelings, I guess like, you know, no matter why you
feel that way or no matter whether the reason is, you know,
it could be a new number of different things, but, you know,
to, to sort of have someone sit there with you and
listen and, you know, tell you that, yeah. Yeah. I've been through
something similar and I've felt exactly the same way or I've, and I found that
this helped or, you know, I found, you know, but you know, I totally
get where you're coming from. Like I was listening to a podcast this morning, actually
diary of a CEO and it's like, it was about relationships.
And she said she was doing a class, session
with this couple and that and the woman said, I just want you to say
what at least three words to me. And he said, oh, and what do you
think they are? And he said, oh, I love you. Obviously. She said, no, I
understand you. She just wants to be understood. And it was like, that sort
of resonated with me. I was like, when you, when you feel
understood properly understood by someone and they get what
you're trying to get across, you know, it just feels it
it makes you feel, I don't know, comfort
validation. You know, it puts for me,
it puts me my mind at ease because I'm constantly sort of fighting with
myself. Like, am I am I, should I be feeling this or am I
overreacting or am I doing this or It makes you feel
safe. Yep. I think that's a word that I've been using a
lot lately. If you feel safe in any aspect, you can be
your true self. And I think that's exactly what it
is. Like Yep. So true of what you're saying. Yeah.
Because, I mean, fuck. So not it doesn't doesn't happen
very often these days, does it? There's so many think think about
all the aspects of your life, and I think about mine. There's There's a lot
of things you can't control and a lot of situations you go into that you
don't feel safe. And normally, when you don't feel safe, there'll be some form of
anxiety. Mhmm. Might be a little bit stressed, be hesitant. And as
you put on that bravado, you put that mask on. Mhmm. But the moment is
you're safe. That's a true you. You're coming out. You feel comfortable.
Even like social situations, you know, we're so used
to, like, certainly Aussie blokes, like Yeah. Put hanging shit on
blokes or, you know, it that's our way of being comfortable, but it it's not.
It's so it's it's put down, isn't it? Put down still even as much as
if you're trying to joke. And I think it's probably something if I, if I
look at myself, I probably feel like I do that. I do this really well
with a lot of my friends is actually, you know, really
give them the time of day and, you know, listen to
what they say and, and, and make sure, or try to make sure that they
feel comfortable going even further with me, like to open up a bit
because I sort of feel like, you know, that's where the really
good stuff comes from when you can really open up, you know, and
I mean, again, this is typical me. Like a lot of the time I feel
like I overshare and I go too much when someone's probably sitting there going,
fuck, shut up. Like, you know, shut the hell up. We don't need
to hear this. But, but you know, so for me, it's pretty
natural to sort of open up. Whereas I think for most people, I think it's
probably the opposite. Most people keep it in and find it hard and and
probably think the same thing. Oh, they won't won't wanna listen to me or they
won't wanna hear this, but it's so,
beneficial to be able to have someone that you can talk to like that
or, you know, whatever it might be. Whether it's a therapist or a
friend or a family member or whatever. That was that was really beautiful, mate,
that you were able to identify that skill set that you have
and be proud of it and talk about it. Because it a lot of people
wouldn't do that. They would talk about the things they don't do well or whatever.
But and I think we do talk about our problems or whatever, but it's also
really nice to identify the things that we do really well and celebrate those
Yep. That we're not big noting ourself that is a really good quality, like you
said, to be able to listen and be there for people, but also identify
things in yourself that you actually do well and be proud of it.
Like, I I think that that was lovely to hear, mate. Because I don't I
don't think we do that enough ourselves on this podcast. No. But I think that's
just a general as society. Yep. As you say I I think you've said a
few times, like, the the tall poppy syndrome that we do have in Australia.
Yeah. You're so used to getting brought there. So nice, mate. Mhmm. Yeah.
So well done for saying that. I really liked it. There you go. Yeah. Now
with that, so I think everything you're saying and what I was sort of
going with around people just reaching out and saying you're doing a good
job and, like, we've been there and so forth.
This quote tonight that, guys presenting with Sam Mornay is beautiful,
beautiful human. English, I don't hold that against you. He talks a lot about the
cricket. Uh-huh. I love I love the Pommy's name. That's my that's my heritage.
Isn't it all about? I think so. Well, so some closer
than others. Both parents born over there. Oh, you're a lot closer. Anyway,
he had this question for me around, like, empathy and listening tonight. And,
when someone is talking to you, this is what you should
say to them. Do you want me to listen or do you want me to
give advice? Now I just thought that was so powerful
because sometimes people just wanna be heard. Yeah. They just wanna
talk. But we feel like we need to give
advice. But then it goes, like, I was just sitting there going,
oh, Dale, like, you've done this so many times.
People don't want your advice. No one wants to hear from you. Just shut up
and listen. Well How easy is that? It's the typical, you
know, this is the typical male, female, you know,
debate that, you know, females don't, you know, I'm stereotyping
here, listeners. You can do it as your podcast.
But, you know, like, a lot of the time, if, you know,
females don't want a a solution. They just want to talk and get through this
stuff. And us as males, we feel like we've got to fix everything.
When she comes home and, oh, I'm really, this person at work.
Well, maybe you should go and talk to her and maybe just ask her this
question and take her out for a call. And she doesn't want to hear that.
She knows she knows she should do that. She, she just wants to get it
out. She wants you to look exactly what I was saying. Like she just wants
to feel validated for her feelings or whoever it is.
She, hey, you know, we want to feel validated for our feelings a
lot of the time. And, but I think the question that you, you just
said is, is a really good one. Do you want a solution here? Do
you want help in fixing this problem? Yeah. Or do you want me just to
listen and and and that can fix probably a whole lot of issues
between relationships and friendships and So see, that is the most simple
advice I've ever heard. Mhmm. But it's, like, instead of
going into a conversation or listening blind without
knowing what the outcome that person wants, like, why
guess? Yeah. Be upfront. Yeah. That's it'd be so
refreshing for that person, also for you because you know exactly
what you need to do to get the best result for the person you care
about Yeah. Instead of doing the wrong thing by guessing and actually making the
situation worse. Mhmm. Mhmm. Like, you know, I
understand or whatever that three words was. Yeah. That's that's it.
Yeah. Oh. Yeah. Exactly. That's a light bulb moment for me.
Yeah. I've heard that one before. Never heard it. I probably do you know what?
I probably heard it, but I wasn't listening.
You were too busy thinking of a solution, though. I'm already talking.
Oh, that's brilliant. I mean, that's growing up with 2 sisters and, you
know, I got told that all the time. You know, it makes you just
if you, you know, we're very similar because I've got 2 sisters
too. Yeah. But it is it is interesting. Like, what
you want to achieve? What do you wanna achieve out of this conversation? You know?
What what do you want me to be? I mean yeah. How many
times do you, like and the funny thing is you're just trying to help. Yeah.
I know. You're just trying to help. Sometimes. But then that's the last thing that
she wants to hear. So she gets angry. She gets frustrated because you're trying to
give her, you know, a a solution to something that she
doesn't want. That's not what she
it's hard to go against how you feel or what you think.
But that's, you know, I think we've spoken about a bit, but the putting yourself
in other people's shoes, it's like, you know, trying to understand what that
person needs at that time, regardless of what you think they need
or what you think that they should hear. It's like, no. Okay. What do they
need to hear right now to and often it's like, you know,
when these conversations are happening, it's in an emotional
atmosphere, isn't it? It's like she's come home or your friends come home. They're they're
emotional about it, and that's not the time to to get the you know,
it's like, let's okay. Let's just get through this little period. It's like seeing out
the new ball. Oh, very good. Just Good analogy. I feel like having a bad
loss in footy and then having a big debrief about it straight away. You need
to let it settle. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Let it settle. Let the dust settle,
Jack. And then that's when you can sort it if she comes back or if,
you know, and needs a needs a solution, you can sort of, you
know, try and help out then. But in the moment, I think it's just
play that straight bat. That's all we do.
As I say, get the lacquer off the ball before you get cross
patterned, lads. Alright. Now there's cricket terminology for you. So I
just wonder I think it's when we do have these chats and we talk and
things, it's great. But I think it's only great if you take
action. So, like, I had a lot of thinking about it in my life
and, as I said, doing things not very well. And I have taken action. I'm
like, I've canceled. I'd had a couple of trips. I'd run to Abu Dhabi
coming up and one to Asia late in the year. I've canceled both of those.
I'm not doing any more international work this year. Wow. So
How do you how'd that make you feel? I found it really hard to do
because, like, I'd never done that before. And you
probably worked hard to get them. I did. But then what I
realized was is it wasn't fair on anybody, me doing that.
So why could I justify doing that when I upset
everybody in my life? So it actually once I've figured it
out, and it's probably one of the only times I haven't been
selfish about my career or things I'm doing
because you sorta you sorta had to be. Yep.
Yep. But now I don't, but I found it really hard not to be.
Yep. And I think this was a real big moment that I'm like,
no. This isn't about you. You've gotta put other people first. Yep.
So I have done the action, and I feel great with it now. I really
struggled at the start. Yep. But, yeah, I think it's really important to
acknowledge that. And and for the people that reached out, I do a pressure, and
it helped me get to that decision. And and and I listened back to our
podcast, and your words and advice and listening and what
you said, like, that helped too. So thank you. Oh, mate. That's amazing. Like
and as you know, some people might see that, oh, yeah. That's just
what that's easy. That's what you should do. But I see you and I know
you as this ambitious driven, you know,
work orientated, like you want to succeed and for you
and it's, you know, like you're providing for your family. You're out
there working your ass off, getting these gigs. It's
fucking tough to say no to, you know, like
that. That's such a huge step. And I'm sure Breeze
fucking probably loved it and appreciated it. The fact that, you know Josh, she never
said and this I loved her so much for this. She never ever
said that you have to stop. Mhmm. And that
for me was when I I nearly cried. I'm like, that's so unfair
that, you know, she you know, like,
I had to come to that decision myself. Yep. And she didn't make me
come to it, and that's what I appreciate so much more. Yeah. Because I
needed to realize that what I was doing was being selfish to
others. Yeah. How much how more import like, I
guess, more impactful is it coming from you and not her having to say,
you know I would've I would've resented it. Yeah. Exactly. Been like, oh,
there goes that Abu Dhabi trip, you know, rah rah rah. And And you should
let her know how much that means to her. Yeah. I did. I let her
know. The fact that she's even though I'm sure it was
probably fucking hard for her when you go on for a week, and then you
come back and you're taught and you're fucked for cause you've been working your ass
off. So it's, you know, so it's probably really hard on her and it's
really hard on you, but she'd never, you know, said anything to you or
she'd never forced your hand. Like, that's pretty awesome by her. And
then for you to come up and, you know, I guess
come to that realization and and make action, take
action and, you know, make a change. Fuck. Well done, mate.
It's free. You know? It's Yeah. Epic. So and as you said, it
was tough in the tough, but I'm sure I I almost you you look
lighter. Yeah. You look like you got a bit of a weight off your shoulders
and I feel yeah. Like, I feel good. Mhmm. I don't know. It's
you know, I just thought, why am I doing it? Like, you don't
need to prove anything to anybody. Mhmm. But I all I was proving to the
ones I love that wasn't there when I was here, that I wasn't present. I
was tired. I was grumpy. Yeah. I find, like So you
gotta sometimes you gotta make these decisions. It's very hard. But as you
said, it's liberating. Yep. Like It's an interesting one, isn't it?
Because, like, we talk a lot about you've gotta look after
yourself and you gotta, you know, 1st and foremost, like, you gotta be in a
good space yourself and, and whatnot. But also I think like for me, and
I know this, like, when I, and this is like, you know, it goes back
to my drinking partying. And then when I get sober and I get healthy and
I get, you know, once I get to that stage of, like, I've
sort of got my my own shit in a somewhat, you know,
good spot, then, like, I can actually finally
start making decisions or doing things
that help other people. And I think, like, in all honesty,
that is what brings me the most joy in life is like,
is doing something, you know, whatever it is, big or
small, you know, getting a coffee for the girl in the morning and, you
know, giving it to her in bed or get,
or go, you know, taking a maid out for a nice dinner
and, you know, coming, or,
thanking him for what he does for me or whatever. When you're
in a good spot yourself, that's the only time I can ever really do
that stuff. Like, cause I'm not in self preservation mode. I'm
not just trying to survive the week and get through and, you know,
and it's and it brings me the most joy in life when
you are are in a position yourself to be able to
think out of your own sort of world and help someone else or
do something nice for someone else, you know, it's,
yeah, I dunno. And that's, it's it seems like that's exactly the
decision you made. It's like, okay, this isn't for me. It's for
other special people in my life and I wanna be better for them. And it's
like, how how awesome is that? I think, yeah, what you just said there
is you can't be kind to anybody until you're kind to the person you
see in the mirror. But unfortunately, so many people, it's
too hard to do that. Mhmm. It's easier to neglect
yourself or abuse yourself in certain ways and then
try and act like you do nice things for other people. But very similar to
what I was doing about you're doing everything not well Mhmm. So you don't get
the benefits of, you know, that oxytocin, the love drug when you do
something kind for somebody else. Yeah. Because you're generally doing it because you feel
good about yourself and you want to do something nice for them. Yep. It doesn't
work that way. Yeah. Yeah. When you're doing it for the wrong reasons sort of
thing. You're doing it when you're doing it to try to make yourself feel better.
You wanna just grasp something and go, I'm feeling that crap about the person I
see in the mirror. Surely, this will give me a hit. You know? Buy this
for someone and that'll, you know, I'm doing that's meant to be nice. It's like,
nah. It's like, exactly. When it it's gotta come from
a genuine nice place and mean something and
and, yeah, be a bit more thoughtful, doesn't it? Well, that's good, mate, that,
you're aware of that and you're feeling good and you're up and about. Yeah.
Yeah. Life's life's good. That's good, mate. Life's good. You can't
complain. So I like that a lot. I was going to talk
about and it's funny how this sort of come up, like, one of the things
I've been doing a lot of talking lately, and one of the things I finish
off my talks with is I talk about this, message that I
created back in the day where I I felt good about myself, like you
said. And so I'd pick a mate and I'd write them a Perl message. What
I I'd tell them why I'm proud of them, what I admire about them, and
why I love them. And I wanted us because I I thought I've
been a little bit negative on things so far. Like, the last few point
because we're talking about things that it's, like, it's good. Like, we're talking
about it, but we're actioning in it. And I think today, it's sort of done
what I wanted and I thought would do anyway. You started by talking about, you
know, what you're really proud about yourself, the way you talk to your mates, and
then you're in a better place. And, you know, I made this decision to do
what I want. So we don't really need to do it, but it's it's
funny how things come around. And when you talk about things you put into
place, and then you do something about it. Yeah. Do you find that? I I
found that really fascinating. Particularly when you're talking, like, that's I wanted to
talk about that. Yeah. And we and we don't plan this. So for listeners, we
we definitely don't plan this. This. What? Those 10 hour planning meetings?
The 2 messages saying, oh, really? 8 o'clock? What are you doing?
I'm sorry, Jacko. No. It's,
yeah. That that sort of I guess it's that manifestation they talk about.
Isn't it like when when you talk about things, when you focus on
things, you know, it brings things to life, doesn't it?
And, and that's the power of like, I guess I grew up my whole life,
my dad positive thinking, you know, you're a great kid. You're a great
person. Go, you know, you treat people so well and, and it's like
constant affirmation, you know, and,
you know, I think that's something we all, we need to get a lot better
at. Yeah. And it's, it's obviously it's great to talk about the
struggles and it's, I think that's, it's really important, but
as you said, like we don't focus enough on the positives. Do
we? And, and, and,
because, yeah, I don't know why. I don't know why everyone will, you scared of
getting knocked down. You said to getting, you know, blah, blah, blah. But,
but it's so important to realize what you're doing well and
why you're a good person and why people love you. And,
again, I, you know, obviously I'm in this zone, but it's like
I feel like I'm only able to talk like this when I'm feeling good about
myself and I'm not being, you know, not being an idiot on the weekends. And,
you know That's a that's a very good point. Yeah. Because, as I said, I
think we're both being a little bit not not negative, but we've been speaking about
struggles. Mhmm. Because life feels like that way. Mhmm.
But when you're not like that, it brings to light probably other things in your
mentality and the mindset that you're in comes to a different fruition. And
you talk about positive things or things you're good at.
Yeah. And it's like, you know, I guess I think we spoke about it, you
know, in another pod. It's like those habits and routines
that you form create your lot. You know, it's sort
of, if you're in good habit, if you've got good habits and you're
doing all the little things really well often, you
know, like everything else falls into place. I sort of feel like there's sort
of no hiding. Like you can make it as many excuses as you want.
Like, Oh, this happened and that's so unlucky. And this and that. It's
like, there's nothing like. It's like you bring it all on yourself.
You either bring good or you bring the stress and the anxiety and
the, you know, I didn't perform well at this, you know,
event or this thing or whatever. And you look back and you
go, oh, shit. You know, I was out all weekend and then I've just come
in good Wednesday. And then, you know, I went to this thing Wednesday night thinking
that I should, you know, knock it out of the park. Like, come on now.
Yeah. So it's just I don't know. Well, it's nice. I'll
constantly I I feel I always we always say this. Feels good
after a potty. Yeah. Feel a bit of love going on in you. Big time.
Big time. So Yeah. I love I I actually had a message,
like, as I was coming here from a friend of mine, Alana, who's an old
friend of mine, like, known her since we were 10,
something like that. But she's, she's, you know, we sort of, our lives
went different ways. She's had a couple of kids and, you know, but she's
loving the pod and she sort of, she's been so supportive,
always like messaging me about the pod. And,
she just sort of said, like, she said, I want to speak to you. She
messaged me as I was in the car on the way saying, I want to
speak to you about your potty. And I said, I'm just on my way to
record another episode. Do you want me to speak about anything? She goes, I just
want to shake you with love because I have a very special
spot for you in my heart. And I want
you to know that whatever it is you're driving for, whether it's in
a peace, a state of inner peace, just be true to yourself and don't feel
like you need to justify anything. I'll have more to say you in
person, blah blah blah. But I have Wow. To to hear that, you know what
I mean? You're a superstar. Yeah. That's a beautiful thing to let
somebody know. And you know the best thing about doing that on a
message? You can come back to that anytime you want. Yeah. And it
reminds you of the person you are Yeah. And how lucky you are to have
people like that in your life. Yeah. So it's Joe, I told
you, dude, I love this quote. It's very easy to do that. It's also very
easy not to. Mhmm. Well done, Alana. Yeah. I think it's the more more of
us that can do that, the better world it'll be. Yep. Yeah. It's
just that's just genuine support, isn't it? You know? And love and
and we all probably feel that for
so many different people in our lives. But do we tell them? No. We don't
tell them. No. That's the thing. Yeah. Yeah. We don't. We wait. Well,
again, I told you this all the time. We wait for a special occasion where
everybody's telling them. Mhmm. Or we wait for a funeral when they're not there.
Think about what the eulogy and talking about it. Like, why don't we do that
when they're there? Yeah. What I say is, like, that's so
powerful. It's just because It's not because you just did something
amazing. Mhmm. I don't know how you drove around here, but I'm sure it's
okay. In another life, Oscar Piastro.
I have seen the grind marks on your car.
I thought you were Tony Hawk there for a while.
But, you know, that's why it means so much. It's not your birthday. It's not
that you've done something special. Yep. Like, it's just a random Thursday night
and you got that message. Exactly. That's why it hits home. And it hits home,
doesn't it? It's it's, So let people know if they're doing something good. Yep.
Like, even if you just you you don't have to see them. And I think,
like, to do that again, like exactly
what I was saying earlier for me to, to,
to feel like I can do that myself. I need to be in a good
spot myself, like, which is sad, you know, it's, but
yeah, it's sort of, it's like it all comes down to being
comfortable with yourself and comfortable with the human being that you
are and who, and I sort of, you know, I know that I'm
not, I'm obviously not a 100% comfortable when I'm doing certain
things. And then that trickles into every
party life. Like, I know that
deep down, I'm a very loving, caring, soft, gentle,
supportive person. And, and when I'm
feeling myself and when I'm feeling healthy and, and, you know, not doing
stupid stuff, I can be that person. But when I'm, you
know, it's it's so interesting. Like it's it's I'm like a
broken record, but it's so true. It's so true. I think a lot of people
are though. Yeah. Like, and the only way
you don't you talk about the good times, you talk about when you're not, and
it slowly changes if you wanna change. Yeah. Yeah. You know, if you wanna take
that action. Like what I spoke about, I could very easily just go on to
Abu Dhabi. I'm gonna celebrate. I'm proud of myself that I was able to do
that because I wanted to go to Abu Dhabi. Yeah. But I I I knew
I didn't I knew I couldn't. I knew I shouldn't. Mhmm. It's exactly the same
as that. We we all know what we need to do. Yeah. No one's perfect.
It's just hard to do it on a consistent basis. That's why life's hard. Yeah.
But life's not easy. Yeah. And if people say it is, then I don't,
like, well done to you. You must be an incredible person. But for a lot
of people, you know, and you've just gotta look at mental health rates. Like, they're
not getting better, and they're they're not going to get better, which is very unfortunate
with all the advice and medical, data and all the
programs out there. That's the unfortunate thing. Loneliness is an all time
high. It's getting worse. You know, we're so disconnected. All these different things.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like it life is not easy. But that's where it's
good to celebrate. Like, it's good for you to celebrate that you are feeling good.
Mhmm. That you can do that. You know, that you put those things out there
when you are. Because there'll be times that you won't feel good. Yeah. And that's
fine. Yeah. But you that doesn't mean you neglect now
feeling good because you don't wanna show off. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Or big note you
shut big note. Yeah. Like, it's really powerful that you do that because it's
good to hear. And it's like also, you know, I think the
people that you surround yourself with so important to, you know,
like you can, you know, it's the typical
quote, the 5 people you surround yourself with is, you know, you're the average of
the 5 people you spend the most time with. But it's just it's so
true. If you spend time with people who, you know,
positive and uplifting
I I think that's why I love starting the morning with
the 5 AM gym class. Yeah. Because I see the same people there that are
to be able to do that class regularly each day, you've gotta
have some form of self discipline. Yep. You know? And you've gotta be pretty
motivated. Yep. You know, and to I think that for me kick
starts my day. You see familiar faces, the energy. Yeah. And
it there's some very successful people in there. Why? Because they
prioritise getting up at that time to exercise to kick off their day. Yep. Yeah.
And I I just think, like you said, routine intention, like,
it it makes a difference. Yep. You know? Oh, when you exactly. You're gonna be
there tomorrow, big boy. Look out, baby. Look out.
Yeah. I'm on fire too. So I'll take you to the cleaners, don't you worry
about. Oh, big boy. And those Shubert boys. Oh,
god. Can't wait to get into their group. Show them how it's done
in there. Oh, well, I love that, mate. Now for listeners, we have a
treat next week. Oh, cool. We're back in the room.
I think we yeah. We spoke about this before. I never realized how hard it
would be to organize 2 people's schedules to
to align and then find time to get a podcast with
somebody else when you're both doing different things. And that's all I love that we've
we've been able to do this. We're scrapping. You know what I mean? Like Yeah.
We're just getting there. We're getting it done, but we are consistent. Now I'm gonna
leave it to you, mate. Because you haven't seen his wedding. You don't know him
very well. Shit. The big man. Yes. We've got a
very special guest. Next Friday, we will
have the great Maxie Gorny on the pod. Pod. Gorny. Big Gorny.
So they've, what did they have? Well, they've just had a big loss against the
Swanies. Might not talk too much about footy. Yeah. Probably not the best. We'll move
we'll move away from that. Missing this. I don't know if you watched that game
of footy, Jack, but I could only watch about 10 minutes. Really? Oh, it's
horrendous. Oh, I didn't actually see anything. You're actually, had a couple of
photos. You were getting a bit of tashimi. Tashimi.
When you spelt oh my god. Oh my god. I told you.
I'm not bad at math. So I can't spell. This makes sense now.
Alright, lady. Did you know what I'm saying? I actually I had to ask Ellen.
I was like, what does you mean by this? Okay. So I've
sent Dale's asked me, are you watching the footy? And I've sent him a photo
and we're having some we're having some sashimi. Some
sashimi Dale. That's so far off. It wasn't even close. Even I googled it,
and it didn't even come up as anything. You googled it what you thought
it was spelt like. I thought Shirley would give me something. It
was so far off. Dale has said enjoy the
tsh tshemi. It was tshemi.
The tshemi.
I don't even I wasn't even drinking. I was late. I was sitting there watching
a photo. You had to go to bed. I love that song. But no, I
didn't see the game. Yeah. Not not a good one for
my days boys, but, but having big Gorny on the pod will be
good. We'll get to we'll hear all about his family life, his
restaurants, Lululemon ambassador,
Callaway ambassador, even though he plays off about 4,000 and
can't hit the ball straight. Wondering if he's good at golf because all your other
mates are. Yeah. He's not? Oh, look. He's gotten
better. I think he might be at 20 or something now. I don't know.
But he he's, you know, he'll take the free clubs and the Yeah. I
would too. Buying clubs at his height would cost a lot. Yeah. True.
Long shafts. I wanna be a lot hard at the ball. Like, I've got
half the distance going here. I still can't do it very well at all. So
Exactly. Oh, that'd be exciting, Jacko. That'd be good. I'm glad you understood what
I was saying in my messages. Fuck. That was so funny.
Stick to your 5 v 5 times 5, 25.
But then we're gonna try who else are we gonna try? We're gonna try and
get Tony Armstrong on the on the pod. Be nice to
get the big man on and, whispers of a little Karl Stefanovic
trip up to Sydney. So leave it with us and, that'd be
pretty exciting if we can pull a few of those big names. I will and
I've, got, Paul Watkins coming on who's, mate,
he's like an ultra North Pole marathon winner.
So, like, ultra, like, 5 500 kilometers in the
North Pole by yourself where you sleep on a sled. You go for 10
days by yourself. That's right. And he's won it like 5 times. Like,
anyway, I heard him speak the other day with at a I was keynoting and
he was speaking after me and, you know, you're talking about pushing
yourself to the limits. Yep. So we've got him after Gawney. So I'll tell you
what, we are strings and all sort of things going together here, Jago.
Anyone if you want any anyone else peoples, And let us know. Let us
know. Let us know anyone you wanna want us to try to get on,
and we'll do our best. Other than that, have a beautiful Friday.
And be like Alana. Well run Alana. Good on you, Alana. That's a bloody beautiful
message. You're a you're a lovely human being. Love you, darling. Good idea. On
your Jacko, 5 times 5, baby. Tashimi.
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