Embracing Overwhelm: Allowing Ourselves to Feel and Finding Positives in Every Situation

This episode is brought to you by Swash Clothing and Sugar Life.

Welcome to the overly excited podcast hosted by Jack Watts and Dale

Sidebottom. Two friends with a passion for life, learning And all

things that get them jumping out of their seats.

Alrighty. And we're back on the Well, the overly

excited podcast, but as we were just saying, Saudi, it's been a bit of a

tough week for the boys. We're a bit little bit flat.

I find this time of year, it's quite interesting that, you know, you got a

lot on, a lot happening socially, and, I know I've

certainly lost a bit of my routine, and and then it's

tough to, you know, to keep that energy up. But Good to be

here. How have you been, mate? How's how's the week? Yeah. Good, mate.

We're, we're both on the same page. But, What I

find really helpful is sometimes things you don't really wanna do, but

then you do them when you feel better. Yeah. Like, not saying I don't wanna

do a podcast, but or Have an engagement or, you know, a

speaking gig or something. But, like, as I was saying today, I was sitting at

the front before I went. I had to go in and do a 2 hour

talk, and I was like, Getting it. Getting it. Getting it. Get. Come on. You

can do it. And at the end of it, I bounced down. Yeah. Yeah. It's

the same as feeling like this. Yeah. It's end of the day, But

sometimes when you do that, you feel better. So Same as the gym, I'd

say. It's like but what I what I find really interesting is when you

get in this, like For me, personally, when I when you miss, you know,

you go out, you have a big weekend or whatever, then you miss a few

days of the gym, and you eat like shit for a bit. It's so

hard just to get back on the horse. Like, that first one back is,

like, because you sort of feeling like I'm gonna be a bit

Shit. And I'm not gonna perform like I usually do, or I'm not gonna be

able to do what I it's like, oh, fuck. It's almost like

that embarrassment and all that. You beat yourself up? Like, is that what it

is? Yeah. I don't know. I just struggle to, like I don't wanna go if

I'm not gonna be able to do it at the level I don't wanna be

able to do it at. But I know as you just said, like, every time

you go, no matter what you do, and I tell I say this to everyone

else. Like like, you're only competing against yourself. Get out there as soon as you

get there. And and as soon as you do it, you feel

so much better, but it's It's a battle

within your own mind to to get it done, I think. It's easier to tell

other people sometimes, isn't it? Fucking I think we're all like

that. It certainly is. Anyway but, mate, I must

admit, I was running around Albert Park the other day,

and, I was like, well, some something's out in the middle

of a something's out in the middle of Albert Park. And I'm like, what's

going on here? And then I was like, hey. No. I'm not the best swimmer,

but I thought, mate, I think someone's drowning. How's this bloke?

We've, sunnies on, good tan, good looking rig. Good looking

what? Holding the sign up. 50% off. I

must admit, you showed me that video, and I really enjoyed it.

For those people who haven't seen it, go to, the squash

Instagram and see Jacko, walk around Melbourne

with the in bodies. Different ones each time. Very smart. Yeah. We've

signed for Black Friday, 50% off, and the last time

it scans you in back, like, holding a sign.

That got me up. I really enjoyed that. It shows how we're going, Sadie.

I am absolutely selling the body at the moment. Just trying to

Trying to work on a couple of extra sales because it's been pretty tight

lately. Yes. I think people are putting the money back in their pockets and,

But no. It's actually it's good fun. That that kind of stuff is is

enjoyable when it's you know, we try to take the piece of it. We we

don't take ourselves too seriously. And, Yeah. We we let

that 1 fly last night, actually, or the night before. No. Last

night on the socials, and, And it got a bit of a

it it got a bit of an eye. I got a bit of an eye.

So so hopefully, people are not only commenting and giving me shit, but they're

also buying some shorts. Shorts and tops. There's a lot of good

things. Great sale too. By the time this goes live, the sale might be

done. But I think it'll still be going black Friday. Yeah. To

next Friday, I think it'll it keeps kicking until,

you know, nearly the end of November. So everyone's getting in earlier and earlier

these days trying to Black Friday goes for a month. It does. Literally. And

then you have pre Christmas sales. It actually does. Anyway, that's good.

And we are recording this a little bit earlier. I've got a Get set off

to, Asia again. So, you very kindly jumped in,

mate, and, taken the reins. Now I really like what we're gonna talk about

today. I put it over to you. I said, mate, oh, nothing. What

do you got? And he come back with a lot of good stuff, which I

really enjoyed. And a lot of heartache. You know? Like, I think we've been getting,

Quite deep and vulnerable and open, which is great. But I

think you mix it up as well. We probably will go down that path as

well. Anyway, before we do that, man, I'm gonna, Obviously, you're gonna run the show

today, but, last week, Friday, we had,

Shannon, Shannon and Colin, And

brilliant chat. I know that I've had

them previously both on my other podcast a couple of times. Had them on my

platform doing webinars and things like that. And it's so funny when you feel like

you know some people, but I've never actually met them in face to face. Like,

we live In EFL Chelsea, they live locked down based on Brighton.

It's not very far away, and I'd never met them. You know, you always say,

oh, catch up for a coffee or different things like that. So, personally,

I love the chat and, if you haven't listened to it, please do

so. But more probably I enjoyed meeting him in person

and seeing Like, I'd always admired their energy and their worth ethic.

And now that they're teamed up together and it really it made

me feel made me feel good, you know, that these connections You

make along the way. And like I mentioned last week, like, mom was

sitting next to Shauna who was at, the TEDx talk that

I was doing about 4 years ago. Mhmm. And she got talking to mom, and

then that's how I got it. It's so funny, you know, how things come

about. But, yeah, it was really nice to finally for

me, I enjoyed the chat a lot. Yeah. I've obviously spoken before, but

probably more importantly, just getting that face to face connection was really

powerful. Yeah. Yeah. Definitely. I loved it. I love

their energy. I love their everything they sort of you know, their

values and what they speak about really, you know, Was right

up my alley and and what I believe in, and it was just awesome

to hear how strong they are in those beliefs because sometimes I sort of doubt

myself a little bit on, You know, oh, can the

nice guy ever win, or can you be a leader and still be the not

you know, the empathetic nice person? And does it actually work

and All that kind of stuff and to hear, you know, to hear Cole sort

of talk about that and and, you know, explain that

She's made an absolute living and been one of the most successful, you

know, business retail CEOs. CEOs. Big companies,

Suzanne and sports girl Exactly. For such a long

time was, was incredible. And then, obviously, Shanna, like,

she's Been a a bit of a life coach, worked with a lot of footy

players before. I've actually already spoken to her a little bit,

since the talk, you know, just having a chat, and We should catch up and

would love to keep talking and, you know, just the the

energy and the vibe. And I think as well, The

positive spin that they have on everything, it's not as as we,

I think as we try to do, it's not doom and gloom, and it's not

all mister a professional, and you gotta be perfect, and you gotta do this. And

if you don't, you know, it's like you gotta have fun. There's a balance and,

yeah. It was a it was a great chat. Oh, I loved, you

know, that they're gonna have their best decade near in their fifties. Yeah. So just

it was so refreshing. And I think 2 Big there's too

much emphasis on your age when you can do something. You know?

You're too young, you're too old, or whatever. Like, age is a number. And they're

just like, 50 is gonna be great. Sixty is gonna be better. Seventies.

I was like Yeah. You 2 are legends. Yeah. Like, you know what I mean?

Like, it just, When you find a zest for life Yeah. And

somebody that brings you up, this is what I was saying before. You know, like,

a bit flappy. You come into a podcast, we lift each other up. It was

sort of like They're doing it on another platform in a different way.

Yeah. So I think it was really nice. I think the more people you can

have conversations with like that, it Rubs off on you. Yeah. It

is infects. Like, it it comes across. So, I

really enjoyed that. Yeah. Reinforces, I think, what we

Well, I think it's it's good to reinforce beliefs that

you might have because it is hard. Sometimes you do fall off the the

bandwagon a little bit, and you You start to doubt yourself. So

to continually reinforce and and hear, you know,

success stories from From, different people is

pretty important. But It is, mate. Now before I let you take over the

reins, from our, podcast, the last time we did in

the shed, I was a little bit open about, obviously, battling as a

father. I was just so nice. I got about 3 or 4 messages from,

you know, people I've known Along the years of 1 random,

just about, like, they've gone through it too, and it was refreshing to hear. So

that was nice. People sharing that with me as well. And got one from

Paul as well that, as we're talking about kindness, he was on a morning

run, and, he ran past a homeless guy that had

a sign that wanted food, and he got about 50 meters past and he decided,

no. I'm gonna go back and boring breakfast, sat down, had a chat with you,

and things like that. So that's So we do it. Yeah.

Like, yeah, good is that to hear those things as, well, I love it.

So for the people that, you know, riding in and sending us messages

and, even if Jack and myself know you, if we

don't know you, it's it's still as powerful, and we really appreciate that.

So, Jacko, what have we got today, great man? Now

white hearted. What do we got? What's his style? Well, I've just,

I've obviously, I've been talking a lot about books and

and, I am clearly loving my fairies and

dragons erotica at the moment. And, As you said,

you got a few messages. I actually got a couple of messages just from people

that I you know, good friends actually that that was saying When they

listen to me talking about my books, it motivated them and inspired them

to start reading again? Not like, not just dragon. Like, not your

Fantasy books, 2 stories. Yeah. I mean, it was because they were listening to the

pod, and they were hearing me talk about, you know, a quarter of thorns and

roses, and how much I'm loving favor, and the The deep, dark

love triangle that's going on. But it was like it's

just interesting to hear that they they noticed a Change in

my energy when I started talking about it and how much I was loving

it, obviously. So and then yeah. So a few of them have started

reading books and getting back into their reading and which is pretty

special. That's cool, mate. I like that. You do. I must admit you

do. They're more I'm not saying I'm not saying you're over excitable

person, but I tell you what, you get up and about When

you start going on about your books. I think when when you've got a good

book, there's nothing better. Like I know. But your energy,

I can concur with why people, They're hearing the tone. I actually

see it firsthand. Yeah. You do lift. But

on top of reading, I do also love a good TV

show, Sadie. Yes. And I thought we could just have a little chat

about certain I've had a I've watched a couple of rippers recently.

So I'll I'll kick us off with a couple of my favorites. Yep. And I

thought I could sort of intertwine this with us potentially running,

down down in the into the future. So one of my favorites at the

moment is Welcome to Rexam. Have you heard of Welcome to Rexam? Love it. Have

you watched it? Yeah. I've I've only watched season 1. Okay. I didn't

I'd actually when you messaged and said that, I didn't realize it was season 2

out. So good. Love it. Amazing. You're lucky you got the Ten episodes

ahead of you to binge. But welcome to Rex, and it's a

TV show about Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhinney. And,

they go and buy this tiny, 3rd oldest club in

the world. 3rd oldest club in the world in Wales. Football. Yep. That's

right. And they're they've been struggling for 15, 20

years down in the bottom division or whatever they call it. The Nash the National

Leagues. So they're not they're not even in, like, English Premier Leagues. It's, Like,

there's Premier League of those. Championship, and then there's division 2, division

3, I think. Yeah. And then there's national league. Yeah. And that means, yeah,

pretty crap. Well, you're not even you're in an amateur league, aren't they? They're not

actually at They no. They're they are well, some aren't, but Oh, yeah. Yeah. That

they're also paying their players over That's right. To try and get out of there.

Big time. They go through they go through the, the financial breakdown in

recent episodes. Oh, do they? It's pretty it's pretty epic.

But I just thought, yeah, I've just been loving that. And I

love what I love is, like, they focus on

Community and people and the stories and, you know, it's

this the football's great and watching them win and all that stuff, you know,

it's awesome. But but Seeing the town and what they've

gone through, what the town's about, and what certain players are going through in

their families. And, Yeah. And then,

I guess, it probably ties into the my next question, what what I wanted to

talk about. Like, people who you see that you admire.

Like, I don't know. Just even, like, say, Ryan Ryan

Reynolds. Right? He has no idea about Football whatsoever. Like, he's

not really into sports. Rob's the big sports, Nafty, and just loves,

you know, he loves his Philadelphia Eagles and his, Everything back

in America, but but Ryan just Ryan Reynolds is

biggest star in the world, you know, but he goes in there and he's just,

like I mean, We all know that they're just normal people, but,

obviously, it is different when you have a global superstar.

But the way he treats people, the way, You know, I

think it sort of shows that anyone can be a nice person

and show kindness and, You know, it

might be a bit easier for him with a couple 100,000,000 in the bank

to help a lot more people, you know. But, But at the end

of the day, it's sort of just like the basic little things that were

how he treats the people he he comes into contact with, which is why I

think people love him. So, Yeah. That's a that's a big one for

me. I, I agree. I think, do you know

the the thing I loved about it most was They didn't even know each other

Mhmm. Before they did this, before they outlaid all

that money to buy it. I think, Rob just Instagram

messaged him or something and say, hey. We should buy a team. Like,

so weird. But then Brian was like, yeah. Sure. Like and they started chatting

around, and they did it. And this was, like, all over COVID, that 1st season,

when it was all over screens, and they weren't even allowed to go there. And,

yeah, I just And and to answer your point, I I agree. Even

though I think the cameras are on them when you see them, like, they know

that. They're well aware of that. I think that would play into a little bit,

but the way they come across, you can't fake that the whole

time. You know? So I think they're really good blokes and their

mission is I love it. Like, yes, they wanna get promoted, but

they wanna do good things for the town of Wrexham. Like, South Wales, I think

it's 4 hours from Carter. For People who've been to Wales is a long

way from, like Anything. Yeah. I lived

in, in London, and it's a long way from there. I didn't get past Cardiff,

and that was a long Mission to get there. And you can see, like,

even though when I was living in London, I was lived, in between Chelsea and

Fulham's home ground. And I obviously went for Fulham

because our battlers and, like, Chelsea were winning everything, but people

live for it. Mhmm. Like, we think People are sport mad in Australia.

It's, it's on another level over there, particularly when it's a smaller team.

Yeah. And I just felt the same, like, when You're playing footy

here. I know you obviously didn't do this, but I played

in country and in Melbourne. And Being in part of a small

country town and part of the team, it was so much better

because the whole weekend, everything revolves around there. Thursday

night dinner, Everyone goes to the club, and it sort of reminds me

and that's what I really like. Wrexham is not a big place. No.

And for the global Attention they're getting. Yeah. But

you can see what sport means to a community and what

it's done to Rexam now that got a little bit of hope after I think

it was Ford as you said, 14 to 15 years of, like, really battling.

Yeah. It get yeah. Yeah. It's like Because they are a

small town, it's probably not a whole lot to do there. It's like it gives

the whole community, like, a singular sort of purpose almost, like, or

something to bring them together Yep. Which is just I don't know. It's so nice

to see. And I think that's it sort of speaks to our

Our desire as human beings to want connection

and community and to belong and how important that is. Like, I was

listening to some podcast recently, and this guy was talking about

how when, like, love and, like,

Human connection and even a cuddle can is

like it's literally like medicine that changes your DNA

Or yourselves in a in like a positive way to

and I just found it staggering. It's like and belonging when you have

that feeling as a human, Your health is so much better.

Yeah. So yeah. It's just it's even not even a

hug. It's just, I've done a lot of research on this because a lot of

How I start sessions, I get people to play and do things that building I

do ice break. I don't do ice breakers because they're normally very bad and have

the Opposite effect. They make people feel more uncomfortable, but I slowly

get people going. And one of the biggest things I get people to do is

just even a high five. Mhmm. That touch, You think it's not

much, but what it does, the endorphins and what it does for you, chemical

elements and how you feel Yeah. Is incredible, but Huggings on

another planet. Like, that keeps going more and more and more. But, yeah,

being part of something or belonging, A lot of studies at the

moment, people are so lonely. You know? They've never been more connected than what they

are on their device. But when they think about it, they've got nobody in their

corner Yeah. Because they don't have that human connection at

your screen. Yeah. So that's where being part of something

automatically gets you into a community. Mhmm. That's I say to people, if

you go move somewhere new, join the running club, join a

cooking group. I don't know. Volunteer at a sports club. Like, Do

something in that community because straight away, you've got a community.

You've got a tribe. Without that, you can't just

go to the pub and Say, hey, Dale. Do you wanna be

friends? I've got no friends. Like, no, mate. Yeah. Yeah. You might say,

yeah. I'd love to. Not everyone's gonna do that. Do you know what I mean?

Yeah. So you've gotta find something that you've got a little bit of interest in,

or one of the best ways is to serve. Give back. Yeah. You know, when

you give back authentically, it Comes back tenfold. Yeah. It's very

similar to kindness. So So true. I love that. And I think

more so than ever, particularly, I speak to a lot of country footy clubs that

are really battling because after COVID, people have

not gone back. You know, we had that break, and now The heartbeat of all

these small communities is run by 3 or 4 people, and

they're lifting all the load, and it's Really sad. And you

see more and more teams folding, and you look at some of the

footy scores particularly, and teams get mean by 3, 400 points Yeah.

Which is really sad because at the end of the day, communities thrive

around that, and, yeah, we need it. So I think shows like

Welcome to Wrexham. Yes. It's on a bigger scale

because it's on Disney or whatever it's on, but I think it

still has got that message that comes across. That's what I really related

to it. And, yeah, I'm excited to watch season 2 because I didn't even I

didn't even know it was on there. They didn't like it, I think. Lucky

you. What about, you know, I mean,

obviously, we know Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhinney yet yet.

But, Zaidi, you and I, we we just grow this podcast. Yes. It turns

into a global juggernaut. Oh. Next minute Yeah. We're talking. Who are

we thinking that the ship? Who's the ship little footy to who

you, mate. There's a You could buy that little sheen down there. Ship swans,

ship bears, or ship united. Oh. There's 3, mate. Hello. These are

little photos. Little I played for the chef's ones, mate. So 20s. Let's get

down. Probably got more of a, interest in them than the other 2, but,

I like the idea of growing, mate. I like that. I love to, like, own

it. I don't know. Like, obviously, I love basketball all the time growing

up, and and the idea of, like, To my next

I've watched, recently, I I watched, The Last

Dance again. MJ, you know, his whole thing and

And, like, just the idea of, like, owning a bus, you know, the Jerry Krause

and the Jerry Rhine store, the owner and the and the sort of, You

know, head of operations or whatever he is,

like, putting a team together and manufacturing how which

Players do we need and keeping everyone happy, and, I think

that would be it would be so much fun to to I mean, probably

a bit stressful, but, but, yeah, something like that would be a

little passion for some time to look at that. We we need to get a

few more listeners. So if you are listening, maybe share it A lot

with everyone you know, and then join a club of new tribe and

share it with them.

I've got, I obviously like Welgan Wrexham.

I really enjoyed, the David Beckham documentary. Oh, yeah.

I really that was sort of my era, so I could relate to I used

to play soccer, so I could relate to, just I don't know. Hit

home. Could relate to, you know, global superstar model

best looking man Similar to yourselves, so it's Yeah. That right boot of

yours. I'll tell you what I did get out of that is, David Beckham

has got better with age. He is A

fine looking specimen. He said it is. As far as a good looking

rooster goes, I said to Bree, I said, wowie. I can

nothing against Posh Spice, but I'm sure she'd look good too if

she didn't put 10 bees into her face. So she looks like she's been stung

by bees. Oh. I thought I thought Posh was the the the

winner of that whole series. She was the legend. I know, but,

like, I just don't understand. That a Much work. Oh, way too much. I just

don't think she need, though. Anyway, that's that was that's very

judgmental of me, but then you look at David Beckham, he's just natural, and I

was like, wow. But I doubt I doubt he's probably natural. Let's be honest. He's

not. I think he's probably had the the same sort of work done, but,

Just not to the same extreme. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Gone to Grade 1. She's

going grade 5. Anyway, my favorite TV

show got a little bit different. Yes. There's a couple Shows on

ABC Eye View that I really like, and, I've watched the young

ones of these where they get kindergarten kids into old homes. But Recently,

they had, old people's homes for teenagers, number 2. Have you

seen any of these? No. I haven't. I've heard it. So they've. I've heard about

they put, like, 4 year olds into old people's homes. With the young kids. Okay.

Yeah. And they're just so innocent, and and that of course, that's going to

work. You know? It makes the oldies, Then they get all old people

that are very depressed, you know, live by themselves.

Like, they're like, my life's done. It's not not worth living. And, of course, the

young kids Do that. But I really like the teenage one because they

get kids, and it it's sort of sad to watch and

see. They get kids that are, So

lonely. Like, they're Teenagers? Yeah. Yeah. So,

like, 13 to 15, most of them are. Mhmm. Like,

Just sit in their room, play games, socially

anxious, like, can't talk to people,

And what ends up happening when they, you know, they find someone, and it's

really well done. I I really like it. Probably hits home a little

because they use a lot of play to build that connection. Yeah. And I think

if anyone can take anything away from it, they build connections because everything

they do, not nothing's to do with screens. There's not 1 TV. There's

not 1 phone. Mhmm. You know, they're playing games. They're creating

things. They're being curious. Like, all these Things that we know

work. Interacting with each other around the world. Chatting, you know. Like,

but more importantly, I really liked they did a lot of work on

Figuring out things they like about themselves. Because it's very easy for

me to say, oh, Jacko, you know, you're a good looking rooster. You're a big

boy. You know? Heart of the lion. Yeah. All these different things, but then when

it comes back to you, it's it's always harder. Yeah. And particularly when you don't

feel that good about yourself, and I'm sure we could do that well because, you

know, we're pretty happy with the people we see, and that's a really nice way

to be, but a lot of people aren't. And I find that really hard

to see people go through. Mhmm. Because I people got

so many good traits, but they just can't see them. Mhmm. You know? And So

to see young kids and really, like, older adults

do that together and then go through that journey and, by the end of

it, you know, The the young kids are all outspoken. They're speaking in

front of groups, which is amazing. Mhmm. But the the older ones

that they couldn't even couldn't even they walk in and couldn't even look people in

the eye, let alone have a have a conversation. Yeah.

But then the older people, like, Bounding in in their nineties, and they're

nearly doing cartwheels. Like, whereas previously, they just wanted to die. Yeah.

Hoping they wouldn't wake up, and that's what a few would say. I'm like, wow.

Yeah. It's, yes. So as far as something to

make you feel good, yeah, it does. It it sort of pulls on the

heartstrings and Got the highs and lows, but in the end,

it works really well. Now I don't that's a study, and they wanna do that

everywhere. I don't think it'd work everywhere because You've gotta have it so

well structured. You can't just put them in there and say, be friends

and do things. Like, it's actually structured really well. Yeah. Do they have people

Running it. Yeah. They've got it well run and, like, they got psychologists and

doctors and so they've obviously planned it out so well.

Yeah. So it works really good. Yeah. And for a TV show,

if you it's on ABC I view, check it out. It's, for me,

it's been really nice to watch. Yep. The other one I've I've just finished

up, which, oh, boy. Are you, are you a Marvel

man? No. So, of course, you are. Why did I

even? Sorry, mate. Well, sorry. I'll just go on my own little

tangent here, but, for all those Marvel Arts out there that, you

know, obviously, Ironman and the Avengers and all this stuff was

pretty special, and then it's just lost its way recently. It's

been pretty average. Okay. There hasn't been a lot of good stuff coming out.

Once they got the whole sort of time travelling thing in

there, it's like, oh, they can just go back and bring anyone back that they

want, and so it doesn't really matter if someone dies or whatever. So

they sort of it it got to a stage where it was

it lost that sort of Important or, you

know, whatever was happening, it didn't really matter. You're right, mate. Yep. Anyway,

they've brought out the new series, Loki. Loki.

So it's Thor's brother who was god of mischief or

something. And he was, like, the villain in the beginning of, you

know, Marvel. Like, One of the throne for himself to

for his power and to be a dick and to, you know, run

the run the universe, basically. Anyway, it goes

it's gone through this whole, like, character arc, and it this this final sort

of it's a TV series. I think it was 6 episode 8 episodes

maybe. But I finished it the other day, and and it was just

done so well. They've wrapped it up from

villain to hero. The big fella Tom Hiddleston,

another man. So funny when you, like, when you love a

character, then you go on, like, You look into the

person who actually acts that character. And

if you love them, it makes you love The character 10 times more, don't you

think? Of course. We it's something to be relatable to. Yeah. Yeah.

Exactly. And, like, all these interviews, and you hear his life

story and this and that. So

anyway, yeah, that was a pretty it was a pretty emotional little

finish tools. It was one of those shows where, you know, like,

sometimes you're sitting there and you're half on your phone and, like, these days,

especially, you're not You're not actually taking it all in and

but this one, it was, you know, 8 episodes. I think I did it in

a night and a half pretty much. And just snuffed it. That's a lot of

you in there, Jacob. As you you know me, so it's it's

all or nothing, baby. I've binge like nothing else. And,

and so, yeah, that one was, that was pretty special, and it's opened it

up for for plenty, You know, a lot of opportunities

following this little TV series, so that's another

one. The next one, Taylor Swift, T Swizzle.

I'm obviously going to a concert. Yeah. You know, I've got tickets coming

out my ass. But going to the Taylor Swift concert, and

I haven't, I don't really know her music all that

well, but have you seen that she's she filmed

her performance or whatever, And she's released it at the

movies, and it did, like, over a100,000,000 at the box office. Have you

seen that? No. What? Jesus. So she's re she's released

what You're going to see. Yes. Exactly. And because

so many people couldn't get tickets. Oh, that's so smart.

She's so smart. And it has smashed it, like,

absolutely killed it. Wow. And she just filmed one of her yeah. And do

you know what? It probably gives people more They're probably more excited now to

see that live. Yeah. Because sometimes they've

seen how good it is. Yep. Well, that's the thing I'm not weird thing, though,

isn't it? Because I'm not sure whether I should Go and see it before the

concert. Well, if you don't really know music I should probably do

some No. I'm not saying that. No. I I I'd I don't

know. Sometimes watching a movie for the 1st time

is best. Yeah. You know? Some movies are great and keep watching, but

I personally probably would wait. Yeah. You know, it's pretty they're not cheap,

those titles with concert tickets, and they're hard to get. There's probably a

reason for that. Yeah. You're the lucky one that probably doesn't need to go to

the cinemas to see that, but you made the judgment. I wouldn't. Yeah. I'd

wait for the excitement on the day, mate. Yeah. I think I think you're right.

I think you're right. I should probably just start listening to a field of things.

This thing called Spotify, mate, you you could not listen to any music.

Well, it is funny because, Like, Taylor Swift, it's

something about the the Swifties out there. Like, I bet you, I'm gonna get some

backlash from this party because people are gonna, You got tickets and you

don't even know I'm used. Like, I've spoken to some people before, like, oh, yeah.

I don't really know her all that well. 1 of my mates tickets, and he

said, you wanna come along? I said, absolutely. I'll come. And,

like, it is a cult. It is a cult.

Her supporters and people who love her, it's like it's like nothing

I've really seen before. The the passion of how much people love it. Like

Imagine what They're like, they're there. I know. I know. Because I saw something,

and you correct me if I'm wrong, but people somewhere were camping

out 5 months before her show. They

already had tickets just so they could get front row and

run-in. So they're sleeping out 5 months. 5 months.

Still sleeping at the front of this. No. So you're not

I'm gonna I'd love a fact check, but this I I swear it was

true. 5 months. Like, 5 days, I think is

extreme, but It looks literally intense. 5 months

somewhere. We don't have many American listeners. I'm sure it was

in America. I've

checked the stats before. I, Majority in Australia, so I don't

think they're keeping in Australia, but, yeah. Like, she is

Josh, she's phenomenal. Yeah. Her and Travis Kelsey, what do you think?

Yeah. They've, like, apparently, a new Posh and, Bex. The Posh

and Bex. I thought it was a bit of a hoax early on. It a

bit of a media ploy, but then I saw the video recently of

her running into his arms post show. Have you seen that one, Soddy? No. I

haven't. I haven't. But, like, it's hard not to

see posts of them. Like It is. Well, I think that just goes

and shows how big, You know, t swizzled.

Oh. But she is a global global brand.

Crazy. Be the biggest, wouldn't she? Like Biggest. Yep. By by a country mile.

I think I saw something she she could've sold out the g 50

times over. Wow. That is how many people had had

actually registered for tickets. And you're going. I don't know.

Music. I'll tell you what. I'd be giving you some backlash too,

mate. I don't know any of the songs, so Can you tell me one of

her songs? What's your favorite song? Or just give me 1.

She wears shorts, skirts, and a caption, and I'm

on the bleachers. Just

You did that. Shake it up. Shake it up.

That's a bit of an older one though, mate. Would no. Wait. I'd love

some new catalogs sort of sort of set up. That's about me.

Well, I'll tell you what. You're gonna go to a concert, and you're gonna come

back, and you'll be swizzled up. I will be. I will be. Buy a

shirt? I would love a bit of merch. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Love some merch.

Hopefully, there's a vinyl there that I can buy. Oh, there you go. I

like it. I like it. That'd be good. There you go for your backlash.

What else we got, mate? You've, actually wrote to any questions. Oh, yeah. What

have you got? Looking forward to the last one. See, this is the

most important thing in life, isn't it? I mean, I just

think to And and I

I thought it was so good, like, speaking to the girls last week.

It was a similar sort of thing. You know? When you're lost, And I think

when you get down and when you get in the dumps a bit,

it's it's when you don't have anything to look forward

to or or a purpose. And they sort of said,

obviously, bring it back to the this basics. You know?

Be, like, really focus on your health, sleeping,

you know, having a a tidy environment,

Whatever it might be, your relationships, like, really

focus on that. And I think that's the best place to start,

definitely. And then from there, for me, it's about having

things to look forward to and to work towards

and to be you know, To give you yourself

a purpose and a and a reason for whatever

it might be, you know, not eating the bloody chocolate bar

or Or getting a bit earlier because

and and I think that's, like, for me, having something

To look forward to whether it's a holiday or whether it's

an event that, you know, you're going to with a bunch of your friends or

Or a golf trip or, you know, or you wanna you wanna

reach a certain goal in fitness or a triathlon or

something like that. Like, having that in front of

you makes those decisions. I don't know why. I don't know really the

science behind it or what's going on in your head or I just know for

me personally, it makes it so much easier to make those good

decisions. Yep. And not

get, you know fuck. I'm I got the biggest rubber on of all time,

and, you know, it's so easy for me just to, Oh, yeah. You wanna

come and do oh, yeah. I'll come do that. Next minute, you know, I've been

out 4 nights of the week, and I've eaten the chocolate, and I've eaten the

bloody. Oh, do you wanna come down? And we'll just get a mud cake, and

we'll eat pizza, and we'll have a few beers. And,

whereas yeah. I think having something, Something to look forward

to. And, like, I'm just thinking right now, like, at the moment,

I probably feel like I don't really have that. You don't have, like

so When you I know you've got a lot of concerts and things like that,

but do you reckon because you go to so many, they don't mean

Like, they don't have the same gloss. Like, they don't The concerts and stuff? Like,

they're like, because you you go to more than nearly anyone I've ever heard

of. Like, musicals, concerts, So it's different things like that. Gigs. Mhmm.

Like, for someone that maybe only go 1 or 2 a year, they

may value those or Look forward to more. That might be a bit

Yeah. I don't know. I like, I don't know. A thing like that because what

you're saying before, 90% Of the excitement

you get out of the holidays, the anticipation, the lead up of it.

Obviously, being there is nice, but having that In the back of your

mind, it's like a dangling a carrot in front of a donkey. You know? It

just that's what keeps it going. Yeah. So, yeah, I was just I was

thinking as you're saying that because You do have so many

things you do. Yeah. You're such a social person, like, does it take the

gloss off each one of those? I don't think it I don't think it takes

the gloss off. I think it's just not really something that

that is like it. Yeah. I guess if you only had 1 or 2 Yeah.

It would be something to look forward to. Whereas for me, because I've got 1

maybe, you know, every couple of weeks, It's sort of more just what I

love doing. So I still I still I'm excited for it.

You know, I'm gonna I've got 2 Thursday, Friday this

week. I'm going to an immersive theater performance Thursday

night with the squash crew. It's a little squash crisis party. And then I'm

going to miss Saigon Friday night, which is some I don't actually

know really what it's about, but some love story musical, which I'm pumped

for. Super excited, But that's

not gonna send me to bed like, make me go to bed early, or that's

not gonna make me change my behavior. Do you know what I mean? No. No.

I do. And that's but that's what that's what I was, like, asking the question.

Like, whereas if you looked at my social life and my schedule,

I've got 1 one of my good mate's 40th coming up in about 2

weeks. Mhmm. I've been looking forward to that for a long time. Yeah.

Because I literally don't have anything. Yeah. Well, I'm going

away. But while this is on, I'm in Asia. You know, I've got 6

days in Asia, 4 full day workshop traveling. Like, yeah, I'm grateful I

can do what I'm doing, but most of the time, I go away for work.

Yeah. So and then I'm back home and so, yeah, I'm

Doesn't sound like much to some people, but to me, it's gonna mean a

lot, and I'm really looking forward to it. Yeah. But nothing that's a different thing.

Like, we should never judge What somebody thinks is exciting or

Yeah. Because we all got different lives, and we all have different things going

on. But I saw yeah. I was Generally interested about your life

because you do have so much going on. Well, it's so interesting

you say that because you're saying you you've got this 40th, which you're really

looking forward to and that's it's funny for me, like, right now. I'm

like, I'll be completely honest. Like, I've got so much

shit on coming up in the next, You know, up until

This is what I mean. Yeah. Up until Christmas, which it's almost like

Overwhelming? It's overwhelming Yeah. Right now. And that's where I was saying, like, and I'm

I came we came in here today, and I'm fucked. Like, I'm so fatigued because

I had a big weekend last weekend. And then now I know I've got,

you know, Squash Christmas party Thursday. Friday. Down to the

theater Friday. I got a wedding Saturday, which I meant meant to be emceeing.

Next week, I've got a mate's Bucks party, Saturday. I've got something Friday.

The following week, we got another wedding. The following week of that after that,

I'm going to a music festival. The following week after that, I got

another Bucks party. It's pretty much takes me up

to Christmas. Like, with something big every single weekend, it's

like, Fuck. Like, as and, like, it's funny

because back in the day, that would be like, oh my god. Yes. Good. How

good is this? Like, we got fucking what? Something every weekend with the boys that

we can go and get smashed and and have a good time. Whereas now it's

like And I'm sure I'll enjoy it. Yeah. But I just know

it's gonna take me out of that that,

routine. But what we're talking about here is

having things to look forward to, and that

doesn't for you. Because it's on, like yeah. Yeah. It's it's

good when you're there, but you're not getting that excitement in the lead up.

No. Do you know what I mean? Like, it's actually probably doing the opposite and

giving you anxiety Yep. Because you're like, how am I going to do this?

Yeah. And then you think about it, instead of being a positive, it ends up

being a negative and just probably Amplify things. Yeah.

Isn't it, like, funny what different stages you're at? Yeah. And like

you said, like, a couple years ago, that would've been unreal. Yeah. But now

you're more aware of that and Yep. Yeah. It is.

It's just think of that? Like, I always think and I think about my life,

and I spoke about a bit on here how it's changed a lot. Mhmm. And,

yeah, like, you mourn what you used to have, but then you've

gotta adapt and Find ways to enjoy your current state and

what you're doing. Yeah. Yeah. It's just really funny hearing you talk like

that. Yes. I'd probably be overwhelmed too with what you're saying. You got a lot

on. But how do you change that? Mhmm. Because they are positives

in a way. Mhmm. How do you turn that around? Like, do you think about

that? Yeah. Yeah. I do. And it's interesting because I think the

thing that sort of you know, I know how

like, when I go to a mate's box party next, Like, it's

it'll be easy to say, oh, we'll just don't have a huge one and just

take it easy and, you know, go home at 10 o'clock, and

you'll be fine the next day, and then you can get. But I know how

I am when I get with a bunch of my mates on a box party.

Or haven't seen them all for a while? Exactly. And then I go to a

wedding the next Wake and it's like, I know what I'm gonna do at a

wedding, and I know how you know? So

yeah. It is. It's it's like, So how to

how do you turn that into a positive? Or do you just hang on for

dear life and get through it and I think that's what you're gonna do. Yeah.

But I and then, like, that's what's hard, though, because then, you know, that next

week, you know, what is it today? Wednesday, and I haven't I

barely I've been to the gym yet this week. Don't

think so. And it's Wednesday because I'm just being knackered and

then crook today and, you know, It's,

yeah. It's like, okay. What do you value more, I guess? What's more important?

Yeah. It's an interesting one. I think it's very interesting and,

yeah, probably probably nice to finish. You know, is it to finish on

A positive, I suppose. No. No. And I think a good

question. Exactly like when if people are listening out there,

How do you? Like, you know, that's a great one because I think we've all

been in that situation. I know, like, I probably should be looking

forward to going to Singapore and Thailand over, like,

when I leave on Sunday, but I I'm not because I'm exactly the

same. I've got Four workshops in 5 days, and one of those days is a

travel day. The other 2 days, I'm flying from Australia. And I know when

I get back, Then I've got another 5 days of back to back workshops the

next like, and it's great to be busy, like, in like, when you work for

yourself, and, like, I'm really grateful for it. But But you're allowed to be a

bit overwhelmed and a bit, like Like, so then, like, my excitement,

like, I'm sorta now I'm dreading it, but I, Like You know it's

gonna be a lot of work. You know it's gonna be tough. You know it's

gonna Lonely and away from home. So similar to you where, you know, you've got

these things you should be looking forward to. Mhmm. I don't know. I think allowing

our self permission to be do you know what? Like, there are good things

and bad things of it. Mhmm. And if you don't feel that good about it,

man, that's okay. Yep. I reckon I might it's probably

something good to to for me to think about is actually

come up with something that I know that I'm gonna love. Good. You know,

maybe for next week when I when we come in here and have something that

I set, you know, whether it's I'm gonna put

I don't know. Have have a 3, 4 day weekend of

absolutely nothing or plan or or go away to Wilson's

prom or something. Go camping and leave the phone at home or Yeah. You

know, something like that. When are you gonna do that in 3 years time Yeah.

When your schedule's free? I know. Sorry, mate. I

love you. I love where you're going. I'm like, what are you gonna do? What

I mean? I gotta I gotta look at the at the schedule and plan it

eventually. February 2027.

We'll get that. Oh, Jacko, mate. I hope, the rest of the week's well,

buddy. Thanks a lot. I had a chat with that again. We're not flipping a

back around and getting deep again. This should be called the

only deep podcast. Oh my goodness. We tried. We

tried, people. We had we had good thoughts. We had good

planning, and then it just backflips. Sorry. All we wanted to do was talk about

Ryan Reynolds and how fucking hot he is, and next minute we're talking about, fuck.

I'm just so overwhelmed. Sorry. I need a hug.

Right. But hugs do make you feel better. They do. They do. Oh, listeners. As

always, we do really appreciate the messages. And like we said,

We'll never read your full name out or anything like that, but,

it is really nice when you do message in. So, if

If you do like our lighthearted chat, they got Dave or something, or we hit

a corridor, or if you know how to find positives when you

feel overwhelmed and A bit anxious or about what's coming

up. I think everybody could benefit from that because we all go through those

stages and phases. It doesn't matter what you got happening in your life. So,

Watsy, always a pleasure, great man. Thank you for

absolutely dominating the questions tonight. Outstanding. Be good,


Creators and Guests

Dale Sidebottom
Dale Sidebottom
Is the creator and founder of Jugar Life and Energetic Education. Two multidisciplinary business platforms that provide people with the tools to make play a focus of their everyday. Dale is a full-time 'play' consultant who taps into his 20+ years working in the education and health sectors to educate individuals, schools, sporting clubs and corporate organisations globally on the benefits 'adult play' can have on mental health and wellbeing. Dale is the author of All Work No Play, a TEDx speaker and podcast host. Dale has worked face-to-face with students, teachers, schools and corporations in over 20 countries worldwide.
Jack Watts
Jack Watts
Co - Host of The Overly Excited Podcast, owner of Skwosh Clothing.
Embracing Overwhelm: Allowing Ourselves to Feel and Finding Positives in Every Situation
Broadcast by