#44 Jack & Dale | Corporate Chaos, Lack of Cardio & Life
This episode is brought to you by Swash Clothing and Sugar Life.
Welcome to the overly excited podcast hosted by Jack Watts and Dale
Sidebottom. 2 friends with a passion for life, learning And all
things that get them jumping out of their
seats. Alright, you hooligans. This is
episode 44 Lewis Hamilton.
He's coming off actually, well, I don't know when this is coming out, but he's
coming off a win. Lewis, after George
Russell got disqualified for having a a light car.
I did hear that. And he asked me was 3rd. He comes 2nd. So he's
come second. There you go. But happy Friday, everyone. We are pumped
to be here on the overly excited podcast. My name is Jack Watts.
Doubt you guys knew that after listening to 44 episodes. And
my partner in crime over here, Dale,
side body. Stop it, Jack. What's going on, mate? Well, I'll
tell you what. Now, we roll into the shed normally.
Most of the time, we're just rolling in the squash gear, or we got the
shorts and runners on. Talk us through tonight. Now, we know
you're a corporate, and I must admit, you you're
looking extremely dapper. Oh. You're a good looking rooster, we
all know that. You're tall. You stand out. But tell you what I usually don't
put in a lot of effort, do I? Well, not to say you put in
a lot of effort, but you're looking, like it. I know it's smart casual,
but it's very I just think it's very chic. It's very nice. Thank you, mate.
I appreciate that. Ellen will love that because this she got me this Tommy
Hilfiger sweat. You know, she knows her corporate. I
like the beige with a bone beige. Yeah. June, if you're going to color
bomb. June. I reckon June. Yeah. But, I I was
wearing the suit pants into work for a while, but, you know,
we're property. We're sort of construction, so a bit more casual
than soup pants. So I've adapted to the Jean,
the denim. I've got the r m brown, kangaroo
leather on. They're new to you. Williams. Yeah. They're new. Have you cracked them in?
I've got a bit of a, you know, there's a bit of scuffing. You've just
been kicking the curve. Yeah. Exactly. They're new. Correct. Well, I've got
to seem like I've sort of done something in a bit.
But, the gene with it and, you know, the nice time piece there too that
goes well. You know, I had a shot I shave every week now. Every
week? Yeah. Shave every Sunday. I don't you know? I'll let it grow
out during the week. It's not dark. No. I don't grow much,
but when I let it grow out, I look like this dirty little Spaniard that
if if you if you turn the fan on, the wind would blow it off.
But it it only goes in certain spots. Do you are you like,
everyday sh Oh, definitely not. No. I shave tonight because I've got a
I've got a gig tomorrow. I'm speaking tomorrow. So Yeah. And you're the clean shave?
You're the razor? Yeah. A 100%, mate. Oh, because it it doesn't I get the
worst skin rash. Yeah. But your you could like, yours grows everywhere.
I look like a 13 year old boy that I didn't hit puberty like it
literally doesn't grow everywhere. Anyway, there you go. Anyway. A
little bit deep there. Yeah. Thank you, mate. No. Feeling good. Feeling good. Good. I've
I've got some stats for you. 44. Here we go.
Steven Milne, the tip rat. Kicked over 500. Kicked over
5. He was a big player, wasn't he? I think Corey Corey Enright too. Yep.
Yep. Yep. Yep. Amazing back flanker. I reckon he was, him and
Lindsay Gilby. I reckon for me were 2 of the pioneers that
brought back flankers into just game changes. Yep. Yep.
Yep. Skills, runners. Yep. Corey and Rob, we I
think we beat him in his 300th down at the category.
So we we, you know, it's a rare thing to know then. Yeah. At
the day. So I think, they beat us by a 187,
obviously, and then, we got our revenge. How much did you invite?
Yeah. About 10 points. Yeah. Still a win win win win win win. Especially if
the Coriant Russ 300. It's just like, like, I think they were the club. Yeah.
That's right. I think that was Gorny's big breakout game, though. Gorny. That's
when the Lulu came knocking and and all the other things he's got going
on. Barack Obama at age 44 became the first African American
president. Do you know where Barack Obama?
Jesus. Give that another go. Barack
Obama. Do you know where he's born?
Barack. Obama? No. He was
born in Kenya. Yeah. Oh, you've been a tribute for him. I love that. So
don't tell me don't learn on you, Jacko. And, Jeff Bezos, Amazon
Yes. At age 44 is when Amazon became the
number one comp company in the world. Wow. So there you go. There's a couple
of stats. I had I had a few people, last time we're in the
shed say they liked the 40 three. So I thought I'd just continue
on even though I absolutely just massacred that.
Now, I'm gonna give a shout out, Jacko. Julie. Had a
lovely chat with Julie tonight. Julie's, the mother of my new business partner,
Paul. And, went over there today. And Julie said every
Saturday morning, the first thing she does, cracks the headphones in,
and we kick off her weekend. I said I said, Julie, surely you could start
your better weekend. No.
But amazing. She loved it. Yeah. And so I thought I'd give her a
shout out. Really appreciate that. Yeah. It's, lovely to hear when people are really enjoying
it. It is great to hear that. I actually also had a similar,
a similar event. I've had a little goodbye to the family. I'm moving up
to Sydney, obviously, Sunday driving up. So we had a family dinner.
When was that? Yes. So 2 days ago. And my sister actually said,
you know, she mentioned that she's loving the podcast and loving listening to us.
And she actually really enjoys listening to you and your
honesty about, you know, obviously having 2 young
kids and the struggles and how tough it is
because, you know, and I don't understand it. And but she's got
2 young kids. She's got a 4 year old and a 2 year old and
you know, she's dead half the time she's cooked like
fuck. You know what? She got no time for anything. She's looks like zombie
zombie. No, you look beautiful. Steph, you look gorgeous. Don't you?
But, you know, and she just said that it was so it's so nice to
hear someone talk about it in an honest way, just about how
hard it really is because I think she feels a lot of the time
like, fuck, is this just me? Like, am I just, you know, am I just
struggling here and everyone else is doing it easy? Yeah.
But I do appreciate that. And I personally reflect on
things I share, and I feel I talk about it too much. But, like, I
was saying to you before, like, I don't really have anything
else going on. Like, no joke. Word of a lot. I wasn't gonna bring this
up again, but but last year we go, I'm gonna start again. Diego, jeez. He's
sad again. But we love this. This this is I know, but,
like, for the last 8 weeks, like, every week, I've either had 1
or 2 kids sick or my wife. Yeah. And it
just it just keeps going. Like, it I I I can't even
describe, like, yeah. Oh, I just can't even describe what
it, what it feels like. Like, it just It's like it's like what it does
to you mentally as well. It's like when you just can't get a break.
We don't do anything. Like, literally, and I said, like, I've spoken to this before.
Like, you lose your identity as a person. Like, can you
try your best to do whatever you can? But at the end of the day,
you don't really you work, you don't leave your house. On the
weekends, somebody's sick, so if you've got plans, you don't get to go to it.
And it's just like Groundhog Day every day. You're a very social person. You
wanna be out and out. You wanna be, you know You sort of become you're
not, though. And it's it's hard. Like, you you you lose contact
with people, and you end up gravitating to people in the same situation. And you've
been you really don't see them either. You just talk about it. Maybe the gym
Talk about how fucking hard it is. Life is. Yeah. It's, yeah.
It's I think it's one of those things like you said, and nobody
could ever explain to me what it'd be like. Yeah. I love
it. I'm so grateful Yeah. That I'm able to be a father, and
that I've got a family. But I couldn't
yeah. I just couldn't describe to you what life is
like. Yeah. And that's yeah. That's honest,
but, yeah, it's it's nice to hear that, that for the
other 95% of our listeners that are, like, shut up, babe.
Move on. Give us another stat. There's a few out there that love it, mate.
There's a few out there that love it. Oh, so now, Jacob, that's
my let's talk about yours, mate. You've got the new gig. So,
obviously, things are going nicely. You're in and
out of Sydney. You're back here. Living in Bondi. Yep.
Looking suave as they come. Yes. Yes. How
has the corporate change been for you, great man? No. It's been
amazing. It's been, a lot of fun. Busy.
I've certainly lost my routine at this stage,
which, you know, I think just because it's, you know, I'm starting
out, it's been very difficult to, to get any sort
of continuity with anything outside of work.
Because there's been a whole lot of other stuff, you know, extra stuff on just,
you know, most nights and whatnot, but, but
loving it and keen to, I think I've sort of, you know, I started,
in Melbourne on the 1st July. And so I think I've sort of
done everything I can down here. It's time for me to get up there and
get going and get into it. And, you know, basically these next
6 months is just gonna be getting out and meeting, meeting a whole lot of
people out in Sydney and trying to get my name out there and meet the
property, you know, influence influential people up there,
to try and start winning some business for our company. So,
it's exciting. It's a lot. It's it's, yeah, I think just
that routine side of things has been really tough because, you know, I'm
probably trying to get in there a bit earlier, so I'm not getting the gym
in the morning And then I'm basically trying to work all day,
really. And and so and at squash, we, you
know, every lunchtime, it was an hour hour in the gym.
Me doing a long lunch. And this is well, yeah, exactly. This is either a
long lunch or it's 10 minute lunch and then you go on a meet up
doing whatever. So it's, it's just a very different
sort of, routine, at the moment, but
I'm hoping once I get up to Sydney and I sort of get settled in,
I wanna start. I wanna crack it back into the early morning gym. So I
think that's the only way to do it. Yeah. It's gotta be, man. So I
think it'll be a, it'll be either sort of, I don't know,
this gym that I'm looking at. I don't know if it's, I think it's a
6 AM sessions the earliest. So I might just do
that. 6 to 7 quick shower jumps straight in the on the bus
and into work, and and that'll be me. Alright. But,
yeah, it's it's it's exciting. It's just fucking hectic. It's like
Drinking is hectic because, like, nothing against squash. Mhmm.
But you did have a pretty crazy gig. Mhmm. Like, it was you
run a very relaxed show, and that that's your business. That's your brand. Like, you
lived it. And then you go into a corporate world that's
just it's a completely different thing. I've got mates that are in similar jobs,
and, like, they're it's full on. Yeah. It's a bit
it's a little bit a little bit in terms of that, but it's it's more
just the after hours stuff. Like, it's what I've noticed is,
you know, in terms of like the day to day, it's, it's not that much
more intense or the there's a bit more on the line and you're
dealing in 1,000,000 of dollars rather than, you know, a couple of 100,000
or whatever. But, but it's more just the constant,
you know, like I was just saying to you before this, like
already my next week, like in Sydney, I've got something on every
single night because my role is BDM. I'm out of, you
know, we're we're trying to grow the business. And so I basically just gotta get
out there and meet as many people as I can. So you sort of work
during the day? Yeah. Yeah. So you like working double shifts? That's right. Exactly.
And that's what's that's what's hard about it. It's not it's like,
you know, the day to day stuff in terms of compared to
squash, like it's a similar sort of intensity. Yeah. But you'll get home and dinner
and go to bed. That's right. Spot on. So then so that's where and that's
where I lose that bit of routine. Because if I go if we have a,
you know, night out, have a dinner and we're having a few drinks and I
get home at 12 or 11, and then I've gotta be out for work. It's,
you know, I'm not gonna get up at 5 and go to the gym
after being out till 12. You know, it's like I gotta
rest. Yeah. So you just you just losing that bit of,
you know, what's important to you. So Well, the routine, it's probably
that's probably the the thing that you gotta figure out because it's probably not gonna
be there. Yep. It's always gonna be a little bit different. Yeah. Yeah. I am
gonna have to like, that's one thing I'm really gonna have to sort out because
Once you get the runs on the board, though, and people know who you are,
and you you probably can leave a little bit earlier. But Yeah. Like, I know
this sounds easy, but people are like, oh, I want him to sleep early, but
realistically, your job is to be there till the end. Spot on. You can't
leave early. Exactly. They're like, your job's here to get business, and you'll be with
a different person each night. Yep. Like, oh, you'll stay at the end. Yep. They're
not doing it every night, though. Yep. And that's That's hard. Exactly. And this
is even just the same with being in the office. You know? If I don't
have something on it that at night or whatever, but you know, when you start
somewhere, you want to put your best foot forward. And so I'm not going to
be taking liberties and, you know, jumping out at 4:30
or 5:4 o'clock, you know? Well, I can say
that, you know, we'll see how we go. But, but you know,
as you said, yeah, you do like, you just wanna get some runs on the
board and that's, that's, that's where it's interesting for me in a brand
new industry that I'd know fuck all about really. Like,
you know, this month has been amazing for learning and getting a feel for it.
But, but, you know, it's it is a brand new
industry, and I'm, and I'm right at the bottom, but I'm meant to but I'm
I've got a role that's sort of mid tier. And so I'm meant to be
bringing in business, but I don't know what I'm talking about. Just yeah. Mate, do
you know what? It doesn't matter what you're talking about. You just listen. Yeah. It's
all anything in life is I've found, if you go into
somebody and build a connection and listen, they will tell you what they need to
hear. Yeah. And it doesn't matter what profession they're in. Yeah. See, I'm giving away
all my secrets to it. No. But I think that's just life, isn't it? We
talk about all the time, you know, those connections, relationships. You make
someone feel special or valued or listened to. Yep. Bang. It
comes in. That's what I can do now. You do that better than anyone, but
all it's just the, the technical side of it. I'm sure it is, mate. But
but but you just be honest. Yeah. Do you know what I mean? I think
that's where Exactly. Say, I used to play footy. Yes. Did it
well too. Yeah. You said be honest. No.
You know, talk about basketball. Yeah. Or you or or golf or
marathon. So you're still gonna become a professional for I still think that's up there
with my favorite part of this podcast that night that
you, like, I'd said that. And I know you still believe it. I do.
I loved everything about that. That shows the confidence behind you. So
selling anything, you can do it, mate. We can do this. You can do this.
We can sell some office. Anyone out there in Sydney that needs a new
office space, I'm your man. And you're not talking
flat packs from my kid? No. No. No. We're talking, you know, we're we're sort
of mid to high end. So sort of like the officer in that moment. Basically
like this shit. We actually, Dale, you could be my first deal.
You could be my first job. This needs a little refurbishment.
Yeah. We could put some tiling up here. We could the acoustics, we could
we we've actually got a very Well, the only time the acoustics are bad when
we walk outside the shed, and I've got 2 little boys
sleeping, and Jack's got a booming voice. I've got my I think you're
louder when we walk outside the shed. I think you're discussing
your friendship. That post that post podcast
high. It's that post podcast. Like, Jack, there won't
be there won't be a podcast if you keep talking this loud.
I will have to sleep in that shed.
You can go to my mind, mate. No. I know. I know. Well, you got
plenty of rooms now that you moved out. Now talk to me. You
better have Helen Yes. Loves it, mate. Not only does she
enjoy horse racing. What does she love? No. No. She loves
equestrian. Even you've got Tubby Taylor and Matthew
Pavlich, commentator of the Olympics, which I thoroughly enjoyed. But the equestrian is a
big part, and Australia has always done very well. Yep. Talk to me about
the Olympics, and what it's like for you now being now
it's not a wag. It'd be a I'm a it'd be a boyfriend I'm a
boss. Of a horse rider. Buff. Hoofler. Boofler. A
boofler. I'm a boofler. What's what's it like watching your
question all the time? And are you picking up on it? I'm riding to
it, mate. I know if they miss their little fucking once over.
You know, I know they'll they missed the transition. No. Poor poor
transition there. Not quite extending on that
walk. They're not extending in the dressage. Mate, I'm all over
it. It's, I never thought I would see the day that I would
have the eventing on whilst
the boomers were playing Spain the other night. 1, 2. And I'm
watching, you know, Tim Burton for,
Australia ride around in the dressage, but, you know, that's where we're at. And,
you know, I'm in my place, so it's good. It's
fun. We had a we had a silver medalist last night. Oh, yeah.
So big bird over for the Australians, which was, you
know, pretty huge effort. But she's just
obsessed, genuinely obsessed with it. And I love seeing her
passion. Yep. I mean, she does. She's a bit of a mansplainer,
you know, when it comes to equestrian. She likes to sorta
it's, you know, it's like a bit of know it all type stuff.
I'm probably not the one that you need to impress her. So
if she was sitting with other people and knew what they were talking about, you
know You have been to a few events now, though. That's true. And you've taken
some good photos. That's true. I've seen your videos and your photos. Videographer. Good
angles, Jacko. That, I've got one. This is gonna be this is
gonna be controversial. And, Alan, I'm I'm Yeah. It's not. Not trying
to be that and for anybody if I offend you, I I'm trying not
to. Now the Olympics for me I'm trying No. Well, it's just
I'm bringing up a conversation here. So everything in the Olympics is
humans. Equestrian is like an animal
involved. Like, I just find that it's I
know it's always been there, it's there, but there's a lot to do with
your horse. Yes. I know someone's riding you train it and things like that.
But at the end of the day, it's not a human centric
sport because it's predominantly if your animal
is a good horse. Jack, am I pointing up the wrong you're
you're looking at me strange. No. So I know I don't wanna put you under
the bus. And I Alan, I don't wanna offend anyone, but I like, I just
I've always thought this, like Luckily, Alan doesn't listen to this podcast and,
That's alright then. Well, so my opinion. And
I and I haven't dared
us. So we do it on the potty? Did approach this subject with her. Have
you thought of this before though? Of course. Of course. Oh my god. Of course.
And I've said to her that's what I say, but it's it's about it's about
the relationship between horse and man or woman. And
it's like and she and she took and that's what I I always said to
her. I was like, so really it's just the best, like, how much influence does
the writer actually have? But they do have some influence. No.
I'm sure they do. You know, and she doesn't say it's all about the writer.
Yep. She under she totally, you know, she's on board. She's she's
realistic and she knows that it's, you know, if you don't have a good horse,
you can't ride. You know, you can't compete. Yep. And,
you know, you could probably put it's a bit like the f ones, though. Yeah.
But it's It's like you could probably put 10 of those drivers
into, you know, Max Verstappen's car for the last 2 years, and they
would have won the championship. Similar to a question, I think,
you know, you could probably put the top 5 riders That's the right analogy.
Onto that best onto that fucking gun horse. Yep. And they and they're gonna
get it done. But, also, you could probably put a shit rider
and it they could really and they would stuff up the best horse, you know.
So so there is that sort of, you know. I really like that
analogy. Yeah. Thanks. I appreciate that. And we That was just top of the head
horse. I know it was. I know it was. I sort of thought I I
was gonna bring that up when you said, let's do it. I was like, oh,
I've always had this not like, I just it's always been a question for
mine. Yeah. Yeah. You know? And I think some love the Olympics, but I think
some of the sports, I feel they're at the Olympics because no one will
watch it, like, as a season. What do you think about the break
Will it be there next year? Next 4 years? Probably not. No. Good on it.
Like, it's that's great. Yeah. I don't know. I
just feel there's a whole lot of sports that make up the Olympics. But I
sorta lie I thought I sort of like that left to center, you know, because
we don't see it day to day. And you won't. That's And and so you
see this I also love the the one that I thoroughly enjoyed is
where they climb up a wall really quick, speed climbing. Yep. Yep. Yep. How would
you ever get into that? Who knows? Who who
knows? Look, I always always just think about things like that. Like,
we hear things like, what would make you think how did you get really good
at climbing a wall real fast? Yeah. Like, in, like, where does that
come from? But, anyway, there you go. Excuse me. I liked
your analogy. Yep. Thank you. And that helped me look at things a lot. There
you go. Yeah. The Olympics is great. It's beautiful. It's a a great couple of
weeks. I yeah.
The the equestrian the the equestrian goes all fucking for the
next 2 weeks or something. I'm pretty sure. They got the venting, and then they
got the individual things, and then they got the show jumping, and then they got
the dresser individual, and then they got It's exciting for you, mate. Yeah. So there's
plenty of equestrian to watch. But
So you might have to FaceTime when you're in Sydney. Yeah. You don't miss
it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Sure, man. That's actually a good call.
Yeah. No. I'll stay up to date. You
gotta be I gotta be No. Ellen doesn't listen to this. So we're not we're
not putting anything down. No. No. We're just talking about an open
conversation. And I think that's the beautiful thing about it. Absolutely.
One thing I thoroughly enjoyed about last week's guest, Johnny Van
Wees, is how casually he
spoke about doing outrageous things that most of humankind
couldn't actually do. Had a few people come up to me and go, how
casual was he when he said he just did the arctic trunk or wherever it
was to Trafalgar Square or whatever where you ride 250 k's, you
swim the English Channel, and you run a 100 k's. I was like, it will
I remember sitting there with you when he was saying it, I'm like, you what?
Okay. I just loved his attitude. He was such an Aussie bloke.
Of course. Aussie. And he did not have the the aura of
an like, an elite athlete. It was, yeah. You
know, we'll just give it a crack. And, but I almost think like that
helps him in those ultra ultra
crazy sort of human feats. You've almost gotta be
a bit sort of. I think
for something like that, the amount of time that you're by yourself in your own
head Mhmm. Like, a lot of people couldn't handle that because we
don't allow it. Well, yeah, any pain for 1, but we don't allow
ourselves that time with our thoughts. Mhmm. So, yeah, he might sound a bit
crazy and things, but he's probably more switched on the most. Mhmm. Because think
how how long he spends just with himself present aware.
Self aware in the moment. Mhmm. You know, and we talk about this all the
time, you know, that we're never present. We're never self aware. We never allow ourselves
to be bored because we're always busy swiping for
dopamine hits or whatever it is. Yeah. He's not. Like, even his
training now, he's saying for doing the Loch Ness. So what he's saying, like, 7
or 8 k's in the bay and then In the bay. We did another 4
k's in the pool. Like, to swim. That's not running.
Yeah. We'd battle to do that each day. Running is swimming that. Swimming that. In
the middle of winter in Melbourne. Yeah. Yeah. Madness.
Absolutely madness. But that's a bit for you know, that's
yeah. It's interesting. Like, you you speak, We've sort of
spoken to a lot of these people now. Why do we keep getting them? Yeah.
A lot of people doing extreme physical
acts, but but I think they all sort of, you know, it all
comes from some sort of, you know, I was
using it to help myself sort of thing. It was it was initially it was
to help myself. Yeah. And then I thought I'll try and do something good with
it or whatever. I find that interesting because it's sort of
like there's certainly a relationship between endurance
sports and I think like a mental, you know,
mental health or mental trauma or
dealing with something. It gives you something, I think. Do you know what I mean?
Like, you know, I've just seen that, you know, recently doing High
Rocks. Like, everyone after, oh, we're gonna sign up this one. We're gonna do this
one. And they go, are you gonna do it? I said, nope. I'm very happy
that I've done that. Are you gonna do it individually? Nope. If my
wife, Bre, wants to do it again, I'll do it with her. But for me,
like, I'm not like, I don't know. It was something nice to do, but other
people just love it. You know, and they're signing up all different ones. It's brilliant.
I think it it as you said, it gives them purpose. Yeah. It gives you
something to strive towards. Which is amazing. Mhmm. And it's, like,
such a positive thing to do. Yeah. Exactly. You know, it's a beautiful community, and
I love and I think it's amazing. It's just funny how and that
I think that's very similar to all those guests we've had that start off by
doing something. It feels really good. I think what could be next? Yeah. What could
I do? How could I build on it? Yeah. And I think that's how it
started. Then to go and swim the English Channel back and
forth and whatever it is, that's unheard of. Or or Paul
Watkins doing the 600 kilometers at in the Arctic
Circle or whatever like that. Anyway, there's extremes and then
there's extremes, and they are it. So, how's your, how's
the, you're obviously doing your own shows. You're selling out
big arenas. With Paul Watkins. With Paulie? Yeah. How's it all
going? Good. Yes. So we've got, we've got Shepparton
on October 4th. Yep. Parkdale, Melbourne
on October 18. Parkdale? Parkdale. Yep.
I'm coming to that. There we go, Jack. There we go. So the theater in
Parkdale, Shirley Burke Theatre or something. I know where that is. It's just near
the station there. I've got no idea. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No. I've been there. Anyway,
it looks very nice in the pictures. Yeah. So we've got to add a little
tour and, like, online. That's a beautiful little spot. Yeah. Anyways, so we're
going there, and then I got Geelong's. Geelong's a big one. We've got a 300
and 50 person theater. So the other one's a bit smaller. Shepparton's, I
think, a 140. Yep. The Shirley Burke one in Park does a 170.
Yep. And then the Geelong one's, at 350. So I think we've
sold about 4 tickets to the Geelong one.
Everyone down in Geelong jump on board. When you come in, don't sit at the
back. Oh, you got plenty of time.
No. We do. But, no. It's, one of those things that's
putting yourself out there. Like, a lot of the gigs I do all the gigs
I've done this week or the one I'm doing tomorrow, like, you literally rock up.
You do your event. They're all there. They pay you. You come home. Yep. There's
no risk. You know? Yep. So I think this is really testing myself and
challenging. And, obviously, doing it with Paul is exciting. Yep. We both have
different unique stories, and we'll sell it in a different way to give people what
they want. So, yeah, I I'm I'm really excited about it. Don't get me
wrong. Like, I'm I'm a bit nervous about selling tickets because you
gotta these venues don't say, oh, yeah, come and use it for free. So
you you gotta put a lot of money upfront Yep. And that's something that I
just don't do for anything else. So like, we talk about on
this podcast on the line, mate, and I love it. Step
out there. Get on that horse. Bloody o. Get on the equation. The
walk. You are. I like it because that's, you know, that's a big message that
you, you know, on a weekly basis, you give me a lot of, you know.
Yeah. I try and say and then that's where, like, I think I've mentioned it
a couple of times. I applied to that TV game show that, haven't heard
back from it. I must've thought, oh, no. That
bloke's definitely no good. So I don't know. The yeah. Like,
you've gotta try and do things and step out there. So, anyway, that should
be good. But, what else, Gecko? That's What else?
What do we got to look forward to? I got the marathon coming up Good.
Which I'm a bit nervous about if I'm being honest. How far away is that
now? So I think that's October 14.
Or yeah. Maybe somewhere around there.
October 18 is a Friday. October 18. There's a great event going on at
Parkdale. Okay. That's a Friday. Okay. Yeah. So I think it might be the October
it might be the Sunday, October 14. I know 15th,
Tuesday 16th, Wednesday 17th, Thursday 18th.
Thursday 18th. Thursday 18th. Hey. I've Close.
Who knows? Well, that'd be exciting. So somewhere around there. So you can come and
do your marathon, fly back, and then you have to fly back again to
go and what to park down. That's okay. I'll send I'll just send you a
couple of photos. Correct. That's exciting, though. No. It should be good.
The training with Mitchie, how's it gonna go now that,
Well, we've the last couple of weeks have been tough, and then we got
out fry we got out set day last week, which was great.
Just did a nice little tenor, but the calf was pretty
tight. Still. And, yeah, it's just crazy. As soon as I'm
like, soon as I'm, like, drinking and not,
like, super fresh, the calf gets tight. Yeah. Because it's
all with the tension in it. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. It is,
mate. And it'll be the pickle juice. Yeah. Yeah. It needs something.
But but I've just, like my training, obviously, in the last month with
work has gone to the shit, and I barely run. And now it's coming
into, like, the most important time. And it's like, if this thing was, like, 2
months ago, I would've been flying. Yeah. But now I'm fucked. So Do you reckon
you nearly better off? I know it sounds horrible. Like
Selling my ticket. No. No. Yep. Just rocking up and
just doing it fresh. Like, just be
freshening up the week before. Yeah. But, like, not doing, like, big runs before
it and just going into it, and it'll hurt. But because you're
not sore anything, like, you probably do it. I think
whatever on everyone that's done one says you have to get to at least
30 Oh, okay. Before you've done it. See, I've never done one. So I couldn't,
if you have, if you haven't been able to run 30, you'll
really struggle to get one done. Right. So, and like,
you know, a few months ago, like, we hit 25 and I was crew I
was feeling good. So then close. But now, like, we did 10 on the
weekend and I was done. 10 and at a real slow
pace, and I was done. So you just lose it so quickly.
But then you can also you don't gain it as quick as you lose it.
No. Exactly. But Yeah. You've got say, you've got good blood in you, mate.
Yeah. You're a thoroughbred. We'll get through, mate. Courses. But I'm excited
because once I get that done, running's done for me. I'm
absolutely done with it. So you remember when you said you were going to try
and give marathon running at at crack, so tick that one off. Done.
Done. Alright. Yeah. Yeah. I just need to see about golf or basketball?
Oh, NBL. Yeah. Could be a chance, but
golf. Sydney Kings? I still have the time. Yeah. Bogan. Bogan.
Bogan, actually, Bogan got me tickets. When I went
over to LA a while ago, he was playing for the Lakers, and he got
me courtside tickets to a Lakers game. How do you know Bogut? I know Bogut
somehow. I don't know. Through he Exactly. You do you
are a hence why your new position is suited
for you. BDM works. You're very, very well connected human. We've got
our fingers in a few pies. You've got your fingers in a lot of pies
before you even went in there. I'm very just get this marathon done, and then
I'm gonna bulk. I'm going on a bulk, mate. I'm putting
fucking muscle on. Don't you worry about that? I'm gonna get I'm
tipping over a 100 gigs.
I look forward to it. This is this is, we we've talked a lot
of different things. Yeah. Hopefully, we've tickled your fancy with something as always, but
My highlight was the, was the f one analogy. Yeah. I I did
enjoy it. Yeah. That was my highlight. And you didn't even know what episode we're
coming into. And that's good. Like, I actually did some preparation.
As per usual each week. No. I just
know when ages of people in their forties when they've done
something good. Listen, that's 44. Have a great
Friday. Oh, treat yourself. Get out. Get out. Get into it. Have a really good
weekend. Like, set the intention down. Yes, please.
After listening to the overly excited podcast, I know Kristen
Gibson's gonna be out. She's gonna be fucking bang. She's listening to this, and
she's gonna go off and have the best weekend. I want the rest of you
to do the same. Follow Gibbo. And give me a message. If anyone's out there
and they've got to if you've you've you've if you're still listening by some
miracle, if you're still listening, message me on Instagram. I wanna
hear from you. I, give me a call. FaceTime me,
whatever you wanna do, but I'll I will answer and, thank you very
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