#42 Jack, Dale & Kristen | Growing, Changing, and Embracing Life
This episode is brought to you by Swash Clothing and Sugar Life.
Welcome to the overly excited podcast hosted by Jack Watts and Dale
Sidebottom. 2 friends with a passion for life, learning and all
things that get them jumping out of their seats.
We're recording. We are recording. Alright everybody. I'll tell you
what, we are excited. We're back. It is an evening. Jacko, we
are pre recording this. This is episode number 42. Normally, I give
you a football number, like Jack Yeah. Like Matthew Stokes. But
let's be honest, that's not really doing much for anyone. So I've got a
little bit more for everyone today. Number 42. Here's some inspiration for the listeners
out there. Doesn't matter where you are, this will get you going. Woah. At the
age of 42, Stan Lee created superman for the first
time. Samuel L Jackson was a nobody. Nobody knew
who he was. And he had his breakthrough film at 42
years old Oh, wow. In Pulp Fiction. Susan Boyle, an
unknown, got up and belted out a bloody tune of
Britain's Got Talent at 42. Jack Dorsey,
don't know if you know him, but co founded Twitter at age 42.
Wow. And the big one for me, this lady got knocked back by
13 publishers. It's not JK. JK Rowling.
Oh, wow. The Harry Potter creation
released her 8th book on the age of
42. Wow. So when you look around the world, doesn't
matter what your age is. If you're over 42, good luck to you. You're
not gonna achieve things like these people have at 42. But everyone
else, this episode is gonna bring some magic. That's half Donald
Trump's age, isn't it? Oh, no. Let's let's not
get him to hold on to Kimbo. Sorry. You're welcome on the
podcast at 2. You bring that up.
Name is Dale Somerton. I'm joined by Jack Watts and Chris McGissen, the amazing
producer. How are we team? Pretty good. Very, very well.
Yeah. We've had a big week, big couple of weeks. It feels like we haven't
seen each other before. We haven't. And I've I've got a little story for you.
So, like, I had I had a rough week, guys. School holidays, kids have had
gastro. Oh. And the wife gets gastro over the weekend and
Don't kiss me. Went out for a couple of birthday parties and you sit down
on a Sunday evening and you're reflecting on life and you're like,
oh, jeez, I've done alright, you know. And you flick on the TV and I
don't mind watching the TV. Bondo Rescue comes on. I was like, you know what?
Did you say what, Tee? I was like, oh, oh, Kimo. That's
me. Kimo. Oh. She's had a couple of wands. She's
not. She's trigger happy. Kimo, you just I was really
lacing you. Sorry. So anyway, I was gonna give a real good
story, but I'm not now.
You probably save me from just rambling crap anyway, Demos. No. Go on.
What what happened? Bombardier Rescue. What what what could possibly have come
up on? Well, I saw a lot of internationals that couldn't swim very well. And
I was like, I hope they don't go to the mortiseadip. This is what I
first saw because I tell you what, they're in a bit of trouble. You know?
Like, it's dark there. It's cold. But then I was looking around, and, you know,
it's not just the internationals that can't swim or the drunks on the beach. You
look around the beautiful Bondi. And I was like, shit, there's some bloke with
his shirt off on a balcony. So he's only been there 24 hours,
did not take the big boy long. Oh, that's right. Well, that's right. In life,
Talking about people that fall on their feet, that just
hit the jackpot. There's a bloody rental crisis around the world,
particularly in Bondi. So true. How the fuck do you get a property? And
then there is the big Jack Watts, the number one round pick.
La la la la. Here we are. Look at me. I'm moving to Sydney. I
can't get a rental. Next minute, on the beach, in Bondi,
sitting at your IKEA table Yes. You have got a view of the whole
beach. Mate. It's yeah. Now until Gibo wrecked me
past, I'm I'm sorry for you. I'm so sorry. I don't
think it adds to that's what we're doing. That's what we add to that. Mate,
you have had a bit going on, but Jesus Christ, what a good place to
live. It's a ridiculous location, isn't it? I am the flat pack
Ridiculous. King. Flat pack. I am the flat pack. Did you at least have a
drill or was it all Alan Key? All Alan Key. Oh, I checked it. The
hands just recovered. The whiskers on the hand has just recovered from them.
Oh, you should have got a drill, mate. I know. But, yeah,
we we got up there Friday, arvo, and
I was literally just putting furniture together until Sunday Arvo.
But as you've seen, maybe we'll post a little something something on this on
the Instagram to give the listeners a little view of what we get up
there. But, yeah, it's pretty spectacular. Very spectacular. It's
unbelievable. So I loved is what, I'd say what Alan's
done, but I think to have a woman to help you set up
and put all the nice things in, she's done. It It did look like you're
trying to sell it. Like, it look Yeah. It looked like you moved in for
a day and you're having an open home. That's exactly Perfect. That's what she's all
about. That presentation. She needs it to look perfect. I did like it.
Yeah. We actually said on the way home, if if I was up there on
my own, I'd have a mattress on the floor. I'd have a little crate as
my chair and my table. Yeah. But, yeah. Very
fortunate. So good. Have the doll come up and and look after me. So So
doll. I love how you call it the doll. Oh, yes. Things are progressing well.
And give our talk. Let's talk. No. So to say, well, I've got a
jar here. Oh, I know. But let's before we get into your jar a jar.
I don't know what's in your jar, and I get a little bit nervous, but
we have invited you back after, obviously, our 1 year anniversary when Yep.
You just took it to a next level. And me and Jacko basically opened up
our pockets and grabbed each other with laughs because you made us go a
little bit deeper than probably what we had. So you're back again. You brought a
jar, which is a little bit, little bit It's Louie. It's not a cookie jar,
ain't it? No. No cookies. There's a bit of money in it, but, no. There
is a bit of money. That's pizza money. Okay. It was no
sun. Noosa was awesome. Australia. It was great. The weather was shit.
Really? Yeah. It was shit. Wait. Like, the whole time? The weather,
yes. Yeah. Shit. Is he not not sunny?
Not sunny. Really? You know what? It just again, you
go, this is life. Yep. The kids had an absolute
ball surfing. Yep. Lyle hurt his knee. Gibo hurt
his knee. So he was shattered going into Noosa, took
his surfboard going, I might surf, not a chance. So he gave it a good
go, didn't he? What did he do? Meniscus and just tore something tore
something. Onto something. Shit. I'm a nurse. You'd think I'd know. Yep.
But, yeah, he did a doozy. Yep. So no surfing.
Still pretty sore. But as I said to Gibo, you can
look at it you can look at it and go, that's shit, which it is.
But you can also go, well, I don't have to be Noosa
going, fuck. Is the surf good? When are we going here? What are we doing
this? You can actually relax, and the boys will just surf. And for
the first time, little Maxie, who's 14, went
out with Sam in the big waves. Oi. And he wasn't, they weren't like,
oh, come on, dad. Come on. They were like, yep. Let's do it. And it
was epic. Off they went. Oh, hell good. Positive spin to a
a shitty knee and shitty weather, but the boys had an absolute ball. It was
awesome. So what you're saying is I'm about 13
years off. Been on a go anywhere. Pretty much stale.
Actually actually made me even more Sorry.
Daily. Teen, I'm sorry. No. I'm very Dale loves his kids. No. I'm just kidding.
You know? No. I sound like I sound like really negative about it. I'm actually
not. I do love them, but the whole point of holidays to go on holiday.
You know, not go somewhere else and parent in a different location. Even though
I had an absolute ball and I love Noosa, fucking water was
too warm. Too warm? I was like, wow. I'm gonna come home depressed.
So sick. She's she's she's too used to the Get it. She's too used to
the Get in. She's too used to the 6 AM down at morning. Oh. Give
a hand, mate. Jeez. This water's like 22 degrees. My
head's not round. You're not even getting like, you don't even get the shock factor
going into 22 degrees, do you? It's like Some people would. Do you know when
the thing is just surfing, we went out the back
and went under the water, and I was like, what's that noise? And I said
to actually, Kibo said, what's that noise? I'm still in the middle of the evening.
Yep. Yeah. Because I'm deaf in one ear. But I did hear in the end.
And the kids go, if you go underwater and listen, you can hear the whales
talking to each other. Wow. And they did And you actually can? You
can. Even I heard it. Wow. See, that's what I love about That's cool.
Up there. The wildlife, the nature, like, it's
so different. Yeah. You don't I know the walks Through the national parks? That walks
probably It's unbelievable. I don't know. I like the one in Byron Bay. That's nice,
but I reckon the Noosa one trumps it. Yeah. I did it every day
Yep. Through the national It does trump it. Yeah. Big time. Just like the the
scenery on on that like, you're walking on the cliffs all the way down to
Hell's Gate or whatever it's called. I don't reckon anyone, like, if you've never been
to Australia, if you're listening international, we do get listed over 50
countries. That's the place to
go, isn't it? Yeah. Like So It really is. Or come to Bondi, stay with
me. Don't need to fold out a couch. Stay on stay on the sofa
bed. Make sure we got the sofa bed. So that But have you got an
air fryer? Oh, you do. Oh, we do. We do. Yes. Air fryer.
What else do I have? I got a microwave. I've got a fridge that
doesn't work yet, but, it will eventually just don't work. When you
plug it in. Y'all gotta plug it in. Yeah. Oh, you haven't. We got it
in there and then we forgot to plug it in and now it's already poured
in. And we it was quite a battle to it in because you had to
go under this we've got this old phone hanging up that's connected to the wall,
but it's right where the fridge goes, so it couldn't fit. So you gotta bend
it underneath, get it through, and then whip it in and Righto. So it's not
We did all that and then forgot to plug it in. Yeah. K. So boys,
we could, what I'm noticing is we the 3 of us could sit
here and talk shit. Oh, no. Without you, yeah,
that's what we just do. That's what we've done the 40 times. So
But I bought my jar. Oh, you did? I had to think about, you know,
asking some questions. And on that note of Bondi
and what's he falling on his feet. Yes. He's fallen on his feet, but
he hasn't really. Because what it says on the jar here is
what you think you create, what you feel you
attract, what you imagine you become. The
power of the mind. The power of the mind. Power of the
mind. On that, my brain the last couple of weeks has been going.
940. What's it been saying? Preview. Like, can you It's been going
This is a counseling session. Yeah? Yeah. It can be whatever you want.
No. But when you asked me, how are you? I'm like, I haven't
been great. I've been alright. But, you know, it's just the for for no
rhyme or reason, winter, but it's not winter because I love
the cold water. Mhmm. It's just the brains just nothing
changes out here, but in your own brain, it's like old
negative Nancy. Yep. Yep. Yep. Just going through. Negative
guts comes in. Yep. But this morning, I woke up and went, you know what?
If you can get up and go for a dip, you're doing alright. Yep. And
I am. You are. Absolutely. You're doing more than alright. You're doing more than alright.
You're doing more than good. Beach. It's it is interesting. Isn't it like just the
ups and downs? And sometimes there's no rhyme or reason. And sometimes
you're trying to figure it out. Why am I doing? 3 months ago, I was
feeling great and You're a black dog. Yeah. Yep. Reers its little head.
It reers its little head. So we're here for you, Gibo. Oh, thanks. Well,
maybe it's because we haven't seen each other for a couple years. I think that's
what it is, and you're moving away. Oh, I'll be up and back. Don't
worry. Don't worry. I got a lot of a lot of freedom. So
Do you? No. Don't say too much. I mean, we've really started you.
Yeah. Exactly. I better do some work. No
worries. It's good. Like, I was saying to Amy before I came here, we had
a a little wine and a chat. Mhmm. And it's like, you know, it's
almost like when things are going along really well, and
then it's like, hang on a minute. Can't feel that great all
the time. Yeah. You get thrown a little curve ball. Yep. Life yeah. Yeah. And
then and then it's how you sort of deal with that, isn't it? Yep. Things
will come up. Like in shitty times and traumatic times, it's like you
thrive. But when things are actually pretty good, it's like, hang
on. And then you sort of go, fuck. What's wrong with me? Because things are
great, but I'm still feeling shit. Like, why the hell am I feeling shit when
everything's going well? That's what I I get sort of frustrated with
sometimes. Because it's like, yeah, you feel like you're complaining about
nothing almost, but it's, you know, your feelings are valid and you can't really
help what what you're feeling. I think a lot lot of people that
know me think, oh, Kristen's always positive and happy. And from the outside
in and, yes, most of the time I am, but. Yep. Yep. Yeah.
It's funny. We portray we portray portray different things to different
people. Yeah. Totally. And I'll see how they wanna see. Yeah.
The the, image we put out into the world isn't always how what's going on
inside, is it? Yeah. It's behind that mask. It has just meant me time. So
alright. So I've got my jar. Yep. And I thought I'd do a bit of
a a lucky dip rather than ask you both the same question. Keys in the
keys in the jar, is it? You wish I had.
Dressing. Jeez. 42 episodes that you did. Jeff, did you put
your keys in? It's these Toyota keys in
it. There is money in the job, but I'm hiding that from the
kids. Not very good to hide in place in the glass jar. In a in
a see through jar. Sure. I didn't leave much imagination.
So rather than you guys answer the same
questions like I did last time, I thought I'd put a few questions in the
jar and you take it in turns. Alright. Jack's
ready. Alright. This is exciting. Yeah. So
am I asking? I can't even get his hand in there. No. Hang on. Oh,
well, we need to. Yeah. So So am I we need to
figure it. So one of so who's gonna pick and who's So I
pick out the question. And who are you gonna oh. And then do I just
get to ask one of you the question? I don't know. Or am I asking
How many questions are there? Like a few? A few. 7?
But we don't have to ask them all. I just Yeah. I think we should
ask them all. Yeah. Well How long have we got? We're probably like 45 minutes
in already. Oh. Got 2.
Accidentally got 2. Sorry about that. Alright.
What do we got big boy? Oh, this is interesting.
Can we maybe can we ask both of you? Can I ask both of you?
Sure. Do whatever you want. Alright. Dale, I'll start with you. Yes, Jack.
What would you say makes you not the easiest person
to live with? Oh, I'll hands down tell you that.
That's Freeza? Can we get Fraser in it? She could I'm too intense. We probably
woke the kids up, so she's probably away. No. She definitely is. She's probably one
of the kids at the moment. Love you, bro. Thank you.
I'm definitely I'm just I'm definitely too intense
and too full on, and I when I'm I just know what I wanna happen,
and it's gotta happen. I don't really there's not really any leniency.
Mhmm. Like, I'm where she's a lot sort of warmer and kinder
and bit more calm. Yep. Whereas I just know I wanna get something
done and I'd fixate it. Come out around the house or anything.
Yeah. Washing or cooking or No. Like, we're doing all the chores.
Dumb elite at that. But it's probably more dealing with kids
that little toddlers that don't, listen. And
then sort of I become a bit of a toddler too because also 3
kids. 3 toddlers. That's exactly what praise got. So one of my I was
gonna say, it's hard enough for 2 kids, but then I turn up every now
and then as a third, and start arguing with a 3 year old and a
1 year old. And I don't know who makes more sense.
And that's honest truth. Oh, I love that. Oh. Gibo?
What's difficult to I think that Gibo and the kids would be like, fuck,
how did we ever live without her?
No. What? Oh, god. Actually You would be a pretty good person to live without
that. Thank you. Thank you. I think so. Oh, fuck. I don't think so. You're
caring. You give every you give give give. You you gave me that
incredible tuna casserole dish when I was sick. You got me when I
was sore. You got me all my meds. Special nurse
meds. What's a cup of meds? Meds.
Yeah. Okay. Come on, mate. No. I think you'd be great you'd be great to
live with. Yeah. Look, there's gotta be, But you there's gotta be something.
You fight a lot or what?
Go tooty for Ernie. He's like, are you
fucking kidding me?
So there's one. Maybe my,
cute little Oh, yeah. The snow is so
boring. That's so cute. See that's why. You know what? Actually, my
boys, like, mom my nudity. Oh. They're like,
mom they're like teenage boys. Come on, mom. Cover up. Some clothes on. I'm
like, well, it's my fucking house. Yep. Yep. Oh, no. Sam
said the other day, he came in. He goes, oh, mom. Some clothes. I'm like,
you're actually in my bedroom. Yeah. This is my bedroom. Yep. That's
fair enough. I remember that's that's a it's an interesting one,
isn't it? I remember my my old man used to always just run from the
shower back to the, you know, back to his bedroom, which is down all
the way in the living room, like, all the way up the hall, like
So at the other end of the house? Yeah. At the other end of the
house. Out he comes. Blah blah blah. Yeah. And then,
I'm more like It's more like Your legs bruised,
dad. Andy big Andy. But I'll
never forget, He was coming up and I think we we never used to lock
it. We never lock our doors or anything and front door's always open. He's
walking up the up the hallway to his bedroom right at the front of the
house. I don't know why, but the cops have rocked up.
He's the cops have somehow, like, either open the door or they're at
the front door and the doors open, And he's strolling up completely
stark. Good day, sir. Good day, sir. Yeah.
Could you just come with us for a second? Is that a gun in your
pocket or will you just show me to see me? Between your legs. But
anyway, yeah. There you go. The old nerdy. Alright. I'll just,
ducked into the jar. The nerdy cover up cause. What's the challenge
that you have both successfully faced, and how have you handled
it? What's he?
Oh, well, I mean, in recent times, I guess,
you know, the challenge of, probably the work
situation was a big challenge. And, and then obviously like your
situation at home moving away from you, your
partner and for me. Yeah. Moving away from Ellen and,
and for a great opportunity that, you know, I sort
of was pretty hard to say no to, but I think I'm really proud of
how I handled it in the way of like communicating with her and asking, you
know, what
her thoughts and how she felt about it and, you know, setting up a
bit of a a schedule on how it's gonna work and,
and then, you know, attacking it and enjoying it and and being appreciative
for the opportunity rather than, you know, looking at it as a Love that.
As a struggle. Do you think because you've set it up so well and you're
so transparent and obviously talking about it, that it's allowed you
now to look forward to it? Yeah. I think now that it's
sort of happening, it's yeah. Definitely. Like, now I can
sort of finally, you know, see how it's gonna work, and I've got my place
up there. I've got a bit of a base and, you know, I can see
how, you know, on the weekends we can organize the flights and I can get
down there on a Friday and stay till Monday and whatever it is. So
and and, yeah, definitely like the fact that we spoke, we talked through
it all. It wasn't sort of like, oh, I'm doing this. Yeah. You know, it's
how we're gonna work. Yep. It's like we're both right on the same page with
it. So there's no, like, gray area of yeah. I was
thinking about that too. How awesome for, you
know, for you 2, you've you've not fairly new, but, you know,
you're new in love or falling in love.
And, you know, to go on an
adventure, even though, yes, it's you moving to Sydney, it's so close,
but to actually evolve like that Mhmm. You're young, you guys don't
have too much responsibility, embrace
it, and I think it's gonna be so awesome for both of you. And what
a great start to an epic love story. Oh.
A good base. A good base to go. That's, good base. And Alan
now as that. She can work from home. She Is that
right? Well, yes. She's actually in the market for a new job at
the moment. Oh, New South Wales. Job.
So look out, but, I'm sure she'll she's
similar to me. She'll land on her feet, the girl. Yeah. Do you reckon the
horses will be able to go on your balcony? I'm not too sure if they'll
fit. Are you gonna say how do you lead a horse to water? Not sure
if they'll fit in a little shoe box one better.
But, yeah. I'll set a club up on Bondo. I don't know.
I don't think, We'll see how that can sort of work. I might have to
see, you know, try and speak to some people. TV show and I could be
the nurse on location with the horses. With the horses. Land
on our feet. Look out. Oh. Land on our moves. Where
are you, gimbo? What are we at? A challenge. I have to say, when
it says what what's a challenge that you've successfully faced and how have you
handled it? Straight front of mind comes
mental health, my mental health
journey. And I think
I continually face it, but I continually smash it.
Oh, good. You know, most of the time, probably
yeah. 90% of the time, I'm really good and up and
about, but, you know I think the way what I see is
you've found things that are really important in your
schedule that you stick to. And that's sort of for me, I know
personally when things go on. Yeah. Like, and even at the moment, like,
I'm, I'm a bit scattered because I haven't had that
routine because it's starting a new job. And I've been up in Sydney and
then flying back and then you're knackered and then you got, you know, so it's
sort of like, I can't wait to get up to Sydney and just lock
into this routine and get to a gym and find a, you know, that
little, because that's what makes me happy. I know I know that that's what
makes me happy. That's what gets me healthy and fit. And that's what 6 AM
dip. Even Lyle said to me at 5:30 this morning, he's like, it's
fucking freezing. How do you get up and go? I'm like, well,
if I can get up and do this, I'm doing alright. Can do anything.
Can do anything. And you do that. Yep. You know, like and it
always shifts. And, yeah, that's something I'm very proud of and I'm very
passionate about because everyone, you know,
in their own head, again, nothing changes out here. But And it's
not easy to get up at 6 AM. Like, no one wants to fucking get
up at 6 AM. The bed's warm and you're feeling good. But,
snooze button. But every time you feel better afterwards. So Yeah. And that's the
thing. That's what, you know, I thought yesterday and today I was like, you know
what? When you say something negative to yourself, say the opposite.
Mhmm. So it's like Just fake it. You're swaying it today, Gibo.
You are a legend. Keep it holy. Woo. It's easy moving
well. God, you look good. I'm not swaying.
Let's see it. What does it say on the front of the jar? Yeah. How
you doing again?
It says, a reminder everybody, what you think you create,
what you feel you attract, what you imagine you become.
Oh, stop it. Alright. I'm gonna pick one out. Oh, here we go. How we
doing for time? Alright. We're going really well. Perfect. Time
is great. This one really, you know, crept out at me.
Pulled out of a jar. How do you know? What do you know?
I'm stuck on the sides. Dale, we'll start with
you. Yes. What's the most generous thing
somebody has done for you?
Oh, most generous thing.
Oh, jeez. I would say
probably early days when I'd started my business,
and I didn't really have
I was trying to make my way then. There's a certain few people
that, you know, just said come and have a crack at this and
gave me an opportunity, when they didn't have to.
Like, they they didn't have to. And that for me, I'm not gonna
mention who they were or what they did, but, yeah, I'd I'd I'd never forget
that because it's so hard. Like, people know when you're starting
anything that, oh, come back when you've proven yourself or you've
got a bit more experience or you can't get that. So,
yeah, for for these people that and and I've been very loyal
to these people and these companies Mhmm. And this school that have
done that because, yeah, I I remember that they were the ones
that, yeah, when I I said I need a shot. Yep.
That they gave it to me. Yeah. It was. And big time because then
I can do that. People see me do that, and it, you know, it radiates.
So without that, you don't have people seeing it. You don't have the
confidence. You don't believe in yourself. Yeah. But it's
true. Again Given you. Yeah. What you, you know, what you put out
Yeah. Yeah. You get back. You too. And you very much in the
universe from when I've when since I've known you, which isn't that long,
but you definitely radiate. You know, you're a good person. You put
out so much positive And it's it's funny. Like, it's I
will give anyone a chance. I'll give them all the time in the world.
And it wasn't you, you go, ugh. Yeah. But it wasn't yeah. When I was
starting, like, it wasn't that people didn't, but no. And you should
never expect things from people, but the ones you sort of wish had of, they're
the ones that don't. Mhmm. And that's why you should never,
like, rely on people or expect things from it. But, yeah, I'm a
big believer in helping and and because, yeah,
certain people did it to me. For you and it helped. And when and especially
when they don't, they're not getting much out of it, you know, in the, in
the, in the beginning. It's like they're actually just giving out of the
goodness of their hearts and giving you a chance. And then, you know, you look
at it and you would have repaid them 10 fold because of time. You you'll
never forget that. And then Oh, I could never repay them for what they did
for me, though, to give me that chance. So, yeah, that would that would be
it. And, obviously, yeah, people along the way in personal things in my
life, but probably the biggest thing that's played a part in my life is
my work, about and it yeah. Yeah.
It's really played a big impact. So real. Yeah. That would be it. And
and I would say if anyone's listening and you see anybody start something
new, don't just say well done. Mhmm. Think of it. They could reach out and
maybe, like, what could you physically do to help them? Even at
sharing posts. Sharing them or, you know, connect them with
somebody else. Or you'd be so surprised what that can do. Like a
cafe or a shop go and buy something or Yeah. Yeah. Like, give them a
chance because Yep. If somebody's putting themselves out there and trying something new, it's
hard. It's not easy. Hard. You know, and it's hard to succeed these days
because everybody's doing something. Everyone's here there. But, yeah, if
somebody's trying something, be that person that, you know, gives them a leg up and
So good. If you can. So, yeah, that would be my little thing there. You
both. Thank you. Yep. Awesome. Love that. Now, Jacko. Yep. What's
the most generous thing somebody has done for you, Jacko? I
was just having to think about it. You were lucky. You got a bit of
time here. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. I know. I did. Yeah. I saw his facial
expressions. Yeah. I was like, oh, I'm struggling. I'm struggling. Do you want me to
repeat what I said? Because you're thinking so. No. No. It's just first 30
c, but then bang it came through. Sorry about that. No. No. I
think it's probably not a thing, but it's it's, you know, a consistent
sort of effort was I look back and I think, like, the older I
get, the more I appreciate my dad and what he did for me growing up.
Like, and it's big Andy, v a
town. What's, snag out and all the snag.
Yeah. But, sorry, Andy. But no,
like looking back and, and for me, like as a kid, this was just normal
that he, you know, would come to every single training
session. He would drive me to every game. I'd be
playing basketball on a Friday night in Geelong, and then I'm
coming back and playing footy in on Saturday morning in Berlin. And then I'm
playing footy in on Sunday morning in here. And then I'm 5 AM
basketball training Monday morning before he takes me to school. And then
Tuesday, Tuesday, and then Tuesday, I'll go out to bullying again for basketball training, Wednesday,
footy trainers. Like, and he took me to everything and he never missed
1. He never missed a single game. He never, and it's like, when you're a
kid, you just take that for granted. Like, oh, that's what he does. And
now you sort of I think I look at it. I go, fuck. And now
if I if I put it have to put in that kind of effort or,
like, I just want to see on the couch or, you know, obviously I haven't
had my own kids so I don't know how to do. Just put a ceiling
on the couch. But tell You don't know, Jacko. I look at
the couch, go fuck. What's taking up space? What's that doing? Sorry. Keep
going. What's that thing taking up space in your lounge room? Get out of here.
You'll never get to use that. But, no, I think, yeah, in
terms of generosity, you know, like, just the effort. Yeah. That's so
beautiful. What you just said, both of you, is when I
asked or the the jar asked Mhmm. What
is something someone did that's the generosity. It
wasn't, you know, a big act of something.
It it was huge, but you said your dad, and you said someone who
gave your leg up in work, and that is everything. Mhmm. And that's what it's
all about. Yeah. And that's it's I mean, it's funny
because, yeah, I look back at the time, you
don't show that appreciation. Of course. You don't know how to do that. Yeah.
Right? Yeah. Exactly. But I hope And we all wish we Yeah.
You you know, you brought your dad down to Dipper's,
big Andy, and you're like, come on, dad. Let's do this crazy cold water
thing. And he came down and, you know, to maybe
not to you, but I could see it in his face
what that meant to him. You bringing him down and going, this is my dad.
This is Andy Watts, and that was awesome. He tried to tough that
out. He's like, you remember when we're out there and he stayed out there for
a minute or 2 extra because he he tried, oh, I'm fine. I'm
fine. Mom reckons you nearly had to take him to hospital. For the other 50s
like me. Like you shaking for 3 hours afterwards.
Oh. And me and your dad blanket on him. Me and your dad have got
something in common. I'm, I'm deaf in my left ear. He's hard of hearing.
And I said, oh, Andy You're sitting on the wrong side. Well, I said, Andy,
where do you live? And he said, I'm retired. And I'm like,
okay. And I'm like, okay. He's deaf too. Yep.
Love it. Good. Thanks. Don't worry, Andy. I can't I can't wear my
hearing aids tomorrow, mate. There you go,
questions? Yeah. I love this. Fuck. You love this shit. Yeah. You're really cheeseburger what
you do, mate. You're a lead. You're a lead. Oh, I've grabbed 2 again.
Oh. Oh, you did. Just give us that one all
done. Yeah. I'm gonna grab another one.
Oh. Oh. Gibbo, what's the best piece of advice you have ever
received? Fuck, I always know that I always have these little quotes, and then
I forget them when I get asked this question. Do you? You get asked
that a bit when you're like, I'm give advice.
Do you think I'll I'll give mine? Yeah. Please, Dale. If
you're ready. Dale, if you are talking, you are not
learning. Oh. So and something that
I'd also didn't learn for a long time because I was always talking.
Still learning. No. Listening a little better.
So essentially, yeah, if you're always going in a conversation and when someone
else is talking, you're just waiting to talk about yourself or
you're never learning. So the power of a question and just stopping, and
it's something I think we can all I I still know I can get a
lot better at it. But, yeah, if you're one of those people that is
not listening to listen, you're listening to wait to talk Yep. You're never
learning. So that would be mine. Yep. It's so difficult because it's it's like human
nature. Isn't it? I wanna get in there and but, yeah. It's like
that. The smart is the smartest man in the room isn't allowed us or whatever.
That's whoever's asked the best questions. Yep. So true. I
think you reminded me of the fact that
I very often need to go shut up, Kristen,
and just listen. But that's a and that is a very good reminder.
But a big thing I think,
so many. I think I'm always learning, but
communication is the key to any
success. Communicating whether it be with kids, in
relationships, in work.
And, also, I think live I don't know. Not live
life like it's your last day on earth. That's a bit wanky.
But I think every day is a gift.
That's why it's called the present. I know it might be
written up on you all somewhere. You know, we're all a bit,
you know, each day, life is hard. Lot of
responsibility. Life is great. But, yeah, if you can live
each day and find something wonderful in each day,
then you're winning. Yep. You gotta practice the gratitude. I don't because
if you don't if you don't, it's so easy to just let it flow and
get negative and negative and negative. But you really do have to tell
yourself. You tell them in a negative mindset of it, can't you? Oh, I
give her. Never. Never. You never, here's one that,
I think this is a really good one. What's one message you received
about love or relationships that has stood on the forefront for
you? Not gonna give anyone the opportunity whoever wants to go
first. Yes. So I'm glad I didn't get this one. Us both. Yes.
Yeah. My wife and you both. Say it again. Sorry? What's one
message that you received about love or relationships that has stood on the
forefront for you? So a message. I think well, a
message, but I think I'm gonna go with the whole communication thing
again. Yep. Because communication
is in relationships and love.
Gibo and I, hubby and I, without communication
of I suppose like anybody, but we, you know, we had a 6 month
hiatus post COVID. But
because of that and because of communicating and marriage counseling
and all the rest, it's, you know, it saved our marriage
and, you know, we realized what was important. And,
again, if you I think what we realized mostly
was we didn't communicate. We we didn't have we thought we
didn't have to. But, yeah,
realizing that communicating Yep. And saying
exactly how you feel, and it's not always gonna you know, it's not
telling how you feel isn't gonna make the other person necessarily feel
great or whatever, but lay it down on the table,
you can move forward. Very good. My life. Yeah. I think for me, it's
probably just like once I sort of learned, like, it's never
gonna be perfect. I think I was always searching for, like, you know, it
has to like everything. As soon as there was one little thing that
wasn't quite exactly how I wanted it, I'd freak the fuck out
and, you know, run away or whatever. So, you know, coming to that realization
of like, of yet realizing
that it's not perfect, but if you're happy and it brings you a lot of,
you know, fulfillment and, and also I think,
you've got to, like, for me, I know I've got to, I've got to have
myself, I've got to sort out myself first. If I'm
not in a good spot, I portray that. I project that. And, you
know, so it's very important for me to, to, you know, take
care of myself first because then I can give myself fully
and give, give the best version of me to any sort of relationship.
So they're probably the 2. And I think that's very true. Like, that person that
you're closest to, they're the one that cops it. Yeah. You know? And then and
at the end of the day, you don't realize the impact you're having if that's
always the case. So, yeah, you can't I don't I don't think you can love
anyone till you love yourself. So true. Yeah. And that's like
it sounds very simple, but a lot of people don't love
themselves. Yep. And they don't put the work in. They don't do things from themselves.
Like, it's not easy, but when you do that, then you can you
can fully give yourself to somebody else. And it's so petty. I like, I know
how petty it is, but, like, yeah, when I'm not doing the right things, I'll
try and pick that apart out there because you're feeling shit because you're shit It's
so true, isn't it? But at the time, you can't see it. Yeah. And you're
like, you Oh, I can. But you're just not in a good place. You're like,
I just want someone else to be I wanna make someone else feel and, like,
that's so horrible. Yeah. It is. But it's it's true, though.
But when you are a comedian People are in a positive sorry. A
negative mindset or, you know, not happy within themselves, they tend to be
like Yeah. They bring other people down. Yep. Yep. But if you're generally, you
know And that doesn't have to be in a relationship. That's No. Any in law.
That's work, friendships, family that's what I find out for you started a new
job in a, Monash, won't
say. Just Was it all? You said it's fucked you about
it. Oops. What? What? No. I started a
new job, and it's Monache? Don't say
anymore. Just Shut up, Kristen. Shut up. Shut up.
Shut up, Kristen. Shut up. Shut up. No. The heck. You've been easy pissing. That's
like in a trout farm. Oh, just put it in. You got 8 of them.
You're jagging them on the back. I'm pissed. You know, sorry. No, Monash. You know,
saving lives and doing it all for the greater good. And and
I'm working in a private hospital. Gave it away before.
Jesus. You're catching in, I guess. Cash in. No. But I'm working casually in a
private hospital and it's, you know, it's more about making
money, which that's how the world goes around. Right? Got a business. Yeah.
Hospitals are open, and it sort of I was like, oh, you
know. And there's new people, and not everyone's is happy go
lucky, whatever. But you know what? It's, like, it's not about
you. Go and do your job. Have the best
time you can while you're there. Yep. And then have other things in your life.
Awesome, doesn't it? Love the new job. So we won't
say where you're working. No. So don't think you won't got that. With Monash. You
mentioned a private hospital Monash something or other. But anyway, we won't
actually Jesus. It doesn't know. It doesn't narrow it down in. Sleep
sync shit. Oh my god. Yes. It's on location. That's where it's at.
Ladies and gentlemen. Oh, well, give a I'll tell you what. If you're, we
got one more, Jacko. Is this one more? Yeah. Go go one more, mate. One
more? Final one. Here we go. Final one. Last time, the 80. Cracker. A
day is Friday. Friday morning. And then we're gonna do karaoke karaoke
Total eclipse of the heart. Bloody Tyler. Very
good. I'm sorry. What is a risk
that you took that changed your life?
You ain't gonna give up? You want 1? The one
that came to the forefront of my mind, I'm not gonna share. That's
crypto. I wasn't working at Monash proper.
No. No. Sorry. No. No. I don't know what you're saying. Okay.
Hang on. Thinking music. A
risk that I can't change a lot. I suppose,
a risk I took was I could've stayed in a
relationship, and just
settled for being sort of not happy with
myself and portraying that in other areas. But, yeah,
like, I've I've made the hard call because it wasn't fair on anyone else.
And, as hard as that was, and I heard a lot of people over the
years and stuff like that that, that made me change the person
I was and do work on myself. And through that,
I've become happy, And I know that I've been able to make other people
happy. Whereas if I had to just not
accepted and sort of taken that, Not accepted,
I suppose, that I was the problem. Yeah. Things may not be going that
well, but it wasn't it was a two way street. And it was things that
I needed to change myself. Because like I said, I didn't love the
person I was, so then that would affect all areas of my life. So
the risk I took, I suppose, was owning that and realizing that I
need to do something about it and then doing something in, I suppose, the
last 9 years trying to
continually better myself. Whereas previously, I blame other people for
being unhappy and and not being the person I wanted to be. So
So that would be mine. Love that. Yep. Mine, definitely
again, it comes back to to mental health or mental wellness.
But, when I so I started my nursing
degree when I was pregnant with my first.
So I was 26 when I started my nursing degree.
Anyway, finished my nursing, took me 10 years part time.
Then I became a nurse, you know, and I was like, how awesome is this?
And when my grad year, I was like, fuck. This is
hard. Yeah. And people and, again,
I was working at Sandringham Hospital. I'll openly say that. I love the
hospital. I was born there. My kids were born there.
I wanted to always give back to my community. But
when I was working there and the same staff aren't there anymore,
You know, it was negative people
wanting to bring others down. And I in my grad year, I nearly
quit. I was like, no. I cannot cannot do this.
And then even, you know, I I stayed there for 5 years.
And I remember saying to Gibbo one day, my hubby,
I've just resigned. And he's like, you fucking what?
And I'm like, yep. I've resigned. I think I'm gonna take the
plunge and go casual and do the nurses on location thing. I got given a
an opportunity to, work in TV and film as
an onset medic. And it even though
oh, it was scary taking the plunge, but, I
wasn't happy anyway in that, you know, you you're doing
lates, you're working long hours, you're on call, you're getting called in the middle of
the night, people surrounding me weren't great. And it was
the scariest thing I did, but for my own self and my
own mental health and my career and my kids and my husband, my
home life, best thing I ever did was, you know, even though the
voices around me were like, are you sure this is what you wanna do? I
knew in my heart of hearts that I think you gotta do
what you gotta be true to yourself. Work's
not always gonna be easy, but, and you're not always
gonna love it. You are more than you work though. Yeah. And you know, like
you said, that impacts your family and Totally. And you're a better person. I wasn't
happy and I, you know, I've nearly quit nursing and I even though it took
me 10 years, but that's definitely, it's a
fine that's a fine line, that question, isn't it? Like, there's a fine line
of soon as something's not, you know, not
amazing. Oh, I'll quit. No. It's not a mate. Like, you got to
tough it out to an extent. You do. You got to sort of, you know,
battle through a few things. But then at the same time, I think it comes
a point where it's like, if it's affecting your life in a big way
negatively, you know, it is brave to make the decision to
live. So it's, Have you got one in mind when you're talking
about that? Yeah. In terms of risk. To finish to finish to finish off
a, great podcast Like JK Rowling's 8th
ball hitting a home run. Samuel Jackson, Pulp
Fiction. Jacko, what's, 42.
A wrist or 2. 42? Kimo, you're 42. The juice is
42. Stop it. How many times? Kimo, you don't even need to go with that.
40. We weren't gonna bring up 80? Woah. I actually over 30.
Down the bottom. Did you? No. I didn't. So I
fucked up all your other jokes. Shocking jokes. I'll
probably say a risk or, you know, when I retired from footy, I still had
a year on my contract and I could have easily sort of stuck
out. Yeah. But similar sort of to that, you know, what we're just
talking about, like, I just wasn't happy at all and I was grinding and
I was, you know, and I was it was probably leading me down a bad
path as well because I wasn't playing. I was coming back from a broken leg.
It was sort of during COVID. So, you know, we were basically on our own
while the main squad traveled and Oh, they're in, like, the bubble and such.
They did their own thing. So there's, like, 10 of us back at the club.
And so it's probably, you know, it's like you're just training and then, you know,
going down to a bad path. So, I think
making that decision to to go, nah. You know, I'm done.
Like, I want to I want to get to that next point in my life.
And, you know, and I've definitely had moments
where I'm like, fuck, I could have given it more. I could stuck it out.
But I think, you know, I'm a year or 2 or
3 further down the track with my life outside of footy.
Yep. And I, I definitely became a
happier, healthier, better person sort of thing. So,
yeah, Well, that's I love that. I've heard that story before.
Because that would have been a obviously, I know you had, like, squash and things
like that, but you're leaving a very easy like,
you're just training. You you know you're not gonna play. And it's interesting because
Did you feel sort of like were people surprised
when you Yeah. You said, It's just funny, though, because you can look at it
like that. Yeah. I would say. Yeah. You can sort of say, oh, you're just
getting paid to stay fit for a living. But the pressure and the
scrutiny and the shit you have to go through and and when
you've done it for 10, 12 years already and you're in this bad
mindset and I didn't have the tools back then to be able to turn it
around and feel good. And, and so, yeah, it
just got to that point. And like, I'll never forget. First call I made was
to my parents and I just told them, like, I'm going to retire. And it
was the biggest relief, Like, it was the best
feeling to tell them to tell them. Was that the first time you said that
loud? Yeah. Probably. Well, yeah, I'd spoken to the club and stuff, but,
but yeah, just call. I just remember calling mom and dad and just
sort of saying, like, they react. They were, as always, supportive
and you know, if that's what you want to do, fantastic. You
remember the Do you remember the exact moment
when you said because obviously, it would have been on your mind. Mhmm. And obviously,
you're not in a good place. Things are going on. Do you remember the exact
time or moment where you were when you said, no. I'm done. Like, that's it?
It was sort of throughout a bit of a week, but I can remember the
phone call when I actually decided bang 100% and the phone
call to them back at my place in Adelaide, walk out the backyard and I
can, like, remember the coaches talking. Yeah. And
that feeling of, like, relief off your shoulders. Yeah. Fuck. I
never have to do that again. Yeah. Yeah. How, how good is
that? And, you know, you're like, yeah, you could, oh, fuck. You didn't appreciate it.
And blah, blah, blah. I totally understand where people come from when they say that,
and everyone would give their left knot to be in that position.
But, you know, it's But they don't know. They can only see from the
outside. Like I said, like Yeah. I don't know what you're going through. I don't
know what it's like. No. I can't judge. Exactly. So, you know, a
personal decision, and it was, you know, I think it was a great one.
Mhmm. Well, there you go. I think so too. Yeah. Go on your jacket.
Yeah. Because then he got overly excited. Yeah.
And then I'll have a look at it. I tell you what. And I'm very
much looking forward to our little we're having a little catch up after this.
We've got a couple of pizzas on the way, a few beers in the fridge,
and we're gonna discuss all things overly excited podcast
foreseeable future for the next 12 months. So alright.
That's episode number 42. Well, I'm team. Have a great Friday, everyone.
Enjoy your weekend. Friday.
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