#40 Jack & Dale | Embracing Change: Refreshing Conversations on The Overly Excited Podcast

This episode is brought to you by Swash Clothing and Sugar Life.

Welcome to the overly excited podcast hosted by Jack Watts and Dale

Sidebottom. 2 friends with a passion for life, learning and all

things that get them jumping out of their seats.

What episode? Alright, everyone. This is,

David Oh, can Wojo. Can you

remember? He was 30 no. 43.

Oh, no. 40. Very dope. But like we're coming off the back flank in a

very good side. I'll tell you what, Jacko. We are live today.

Not often do we do a live recording. It's always the

prerecord, but today You can let the cat out of the bag, you big boys.

So episode number 40 for those people listening along that,

don't know Geelong's back flankers from probably 10 years ago.

How are you, Jeko? Good, mate. Very, very well. Been a a

big week. Started the new job. Oh. So the new job

Excited to dig into this. Just about 1 week in the books,

and, yeah, I'm very, very excited about that. So it's been it's been awesome.

Handed over squash Yes. On Monday. So that's all, you know, that's

all moved across to Vision Brands Group.

So, yeah, a lot a lot happening. Got the apartment. Yes. So let's talk

let's break this down a bit because, obviously, you've let

hints out on the podcast. Yes. Like, in let's be honest, man. It's been a

rough probably 6 months. Yeah. Probably even longer, to be honest. I've been going

through it. Yeah. You've been, highs and lows of a roller coaster,

and how's it felt? Like, firstly, with squash, you know, because

obviously, you created it. Yep. Founding owner and Yep.

How's that been? Is it like It's been an

interesting sort of journey, I guess. And you you, you know, it's,

it's the roller coaster of business, isn't it? When you when you own your own

business, it's it's not always, rainbows.

That's for sure. Definitely not. So,

so, yeah, I mean, it's it's been tough, you

know, not only just like because we're, it was, you

know, struggling a little bit and, and, financially we're, we're

struggling. And so then what do we do and how do we change it? But

just also your relationships with the people you're working with and your friends and,

you know, so we've sort of, we've been trying to sell it for a while.

And you know, we've, we've gotten like over the past, probably

year and a half, we've been so close a couple of times to these awesome

deals. And they just fall over at the last hurdle and blah,

blah, blah. But, so a lot of energy and emotion goes into that.

Yeah. And also you sort of almost and we found this, like, we

we we realize it's probably a bit late, but you almost,

you almost stop the business because you think,

oh, we're this we're going over here. So we don't need to keep, you

know, thinking forward and innovating and, and, you know,

doing all this stuff. So you sort of become a bit stagnant and then that

falls through. So then you gotta start again and, and you haven't got things

organized for the next, you know, so it was, a good learning curve. That's

for sure. But, Yeah, finally we found, we found a

great partner, vision brands group. So, they've

come on board and, you know, I think really all they

really wanted was, was the great man study. That was

a big part of the deal. So,

Walsh and I have been kicked to the curb.

See you later, boys. We don't need your your Catch you never. Thanks for the

memories. Catch you never.

But, but, yeah, stubby was, was very sought after.

So he's he's got a beautiful little pay rise and he's gonna he's now their

head creative over at Vision Brands Group. So they've got Oh, so and not just

squash as well? No. Wow. Good on him. Yes. Think so about that?

Pumped. Yeah. Pumped. That's sick. Because he's such a and he's

like, obviously, he's everyone sees him as like the quirky sort of weird guy

he is, but he's in he's incredibly hard worker. Like, he's

so disciplined and loves his work. Like he really loves the

structure of, you know, being in the office every day, getting

in there early, leaving late. Like he's incredible. Certainly,

you know, polar opposite to me really. But,

but, everyone knows their own strengths, Jackie. Exactly. Correct.

But yeah, so they're very lucky to have him and he's he's super pumped. And,

and it's it's exciting that squash lives on, you know, it's the it can

still, you know, depending on how, how they handle

it and what they do with it, you know, it's, it, it can still live

on and, and flourish. So I think, you know,

after 8 years of, of blood, sweat, and tears, and you pour everything

into it, and you know, as you said, the ups and downs,

you know, it's it's nice just to have a have an end to it, a

finishing point, which, you know, wasn't a disaster. Yep.

And, yeah, looking like really, really excited for for the

next chapter, the next adventure. And you should be proud of it, mate, because,

like, creating anything from, like, scratch, you know, people see

the incredible like, and the quality of clothing, like, it's amazing.

People see that, but they don't understand what actually happens to get that clothing

created and then get it in customers and, you know, the b to

c side of things and, they'd, you know, it's a

glamorous thing. I own a clothing brand. Yeah. Like, it sounds really good, but it's

the back end stuff. So to be able to actually create it, get it up

and running, mate, it's amazing. Yeah. Yeah. 8 years of, you

know, back and forward with China fact Chinese factories and getting

them into stores and getting told no and not, we don't want

you and your stuff shit. And then finally cracking, you know, bang, you get

a big 1 and you get Meyer and you get rebel sport and we're going

into rebel this summer and, you know, all this kind of

stuff. Yeah. It's something to certainly be proud

of because it's not easy. Like if, if it was easy, everyone would be doing

it and making shitloads of money. And, you know, it's it's hard. It

takes a lot of hard work, so we're very, very proud of it and and

proud that we sort of stuck to our guns, you know, kept that fun, vibrant

feel to it the whole way through. We didn't, you know, sort of sell out

or, you know, just try and, you know, mass produce

sort of thing. We kept that quality. I think

that's do you know what I mean? That's Yeah. And, obviously, the creative flare

stubby. Like, it, it does stand out. It is unique. It's

fun. It's playful. That's that's the only thing I love about it. Even though I

mentioned pretty close to 40, I still wanna wear that fun stuff. You know? Like,

I'm not ready just to put the car keys on, mate. Now, saying that,

you're going to obviously move to Sydney, got a new

apartment, new job, talk to us, big boy. This Yeah. If there is ever a

job I feel that was created for someone like Jay

Watts to roll into, you've you've found it, mate. Mate, I've,

I've certainly fallen on my feet. And this is the

thing. It's like, I mean, you know, this is where connections and your and

your friends and, and treating people well come, come into it. Cause

you know, when you're, when you're looking for something and you need something, you

know, people come in and wanna help you when you've, when you've, you know, been

a good person to them. So, yeah, very, very fortunate.

It's, it's, I'm working for a, you know, a fit

it fit out company, a big construction company that builds office fit

outs. So we did, you know, Snapchat's office up in

Sydney and we're doing, this massive $25, 000,

000 job in Richmond for Harry, the hirer.

Harry, the hirer, the big blue building. Yeah. So it's huge.

But then, you know, we do a whole bunch of, you know, whatever, whatever anyone

needs. But, yeah, it's, it's very

exciting. So I've I've got the BDM roll up in in Sydney. What's, what's that

acronym stand for for Business development manager. So,

We're not, if you're not in the lingo there No fair. Acronyms.

Fair. I mean anything. Thank you. But, but yeah, so 1 of

my, my best mates, he's sort of, he's been at the company

for 7 or 8 years now. And, and like,

you know, we've been playing golf for 5 years together and, and he just like,

you know, never had a bad word to say about his work and his company

is always, and he's got good flexibility and he gets to do

fucking cool shit. And, and so

then basically how it happened, like he, he takes a lot of his clients, you

know, on, to events or to golf trips or to this, to, you

know, keep them happy. And I was the lucky sort of plus 1

that whenever anyone would pull out, I'd get the light call.

So I sort of got to come on these fucking epic trips. To live by

bugle and bugle and these big beautiful lunches

and up to Sydney for weekends and, you know, and it's all on

his company car. Yeah. Of course. So I'm I'm already in debt with him, to

be honest. I I owe a bit.

But, through that, I got to meet like some of his really big clients and

become good mates for them. And then, you know, met his boss and the

owner of the company and became good mates with him. And so it was sort

of like, you know, and they, they seem to like me. And, and,

so then when this sale went through with squash, you know, I just asked a

question and they had a had a role pop up in Sydney.

So yeah. And and then, you know, sort of went through the whole process and

I know eventually got the job. So Thanks. Exciting. Now I know, obviously,

probably moving to Sydney wasn't like, it wasn't your first choice.

No. Have you come to terms if it now are you excited or you're a

little bit anxious, nervous? No. I'm pumped now. Yeah. Cool. So pumped.

Like, I I think initially it was sort of like, fuck, I've got it pretty

good down here. And so,

you know, and with my house and my girlfriend and, you

know, it just throws up like stuff that you're going to have to deal with

that if I, if I could stay down here, I wouldn't have to deal with.

So, but it's just all worked out

sort of perfectly. Like it's, it's sort of crazy. Like I've, we finished

squash, July 1st. They offered me I could start July

1st. So straight into it. The 1st

apartment in Sydney, that's almost impossible to get a rental up there.

First apartment. W 1 of my mates up there, he had a friend

moving out of this apartment on North Bondi on the beach. So he's given

me the, the sort of, you know, walk in and,

even still the agents still had to go to market with it. So there was,

you know, 50 people at this fucking thing. I've managed to get that somehow. I

don't know how, it's all just, it's all working out. So,

and you know, Ellen, we, Ellen, we find she's, she's very, very

supportive and I think we're both heading up there next weekend to deck the

apartment out. And, you know, I'll be up and I'll be out of

fly up and back every couple of weeks. Was that an hour flight? Yeah.

Exactly. You couldn't do the drive, mate. It was about 7 hours. Yeah. Well Cool.

I'm like, I don't think I've got a parking spot that's gonna be an issue,

but Really? Yeah. Yeah. Oh. It's gonna be tough, but, we're gonna

move the big black car. I'm I'm always thinking of Vespa.

I'm always thinking leave the car here and go the Vespa. So we'll see

what happens. But yeah, just, just pumped.

Absolutely excited. And I've had the 1st week in the office this week

with, with, with Gossie obviously sort of showing me the

ropes and, yeah, it's just been amazing, you know,

such a good vibe and a big team and team teamwork

and, you know, very much looking forward to getting stuck in.

Bang. Well, there you go. That's very exciting news. Obviously, of

that's probably a lot of our chats we talk about before we have our podcast.

Obviously, a lot of time has been consumed about that. Yeah. I'm really glad

it's all worked out for you, mate. It's exciting. Thanks, mate. Now What about you?

What have you been up to? High rocks. High rocks, mate. Yeah.

What an event. Mate, that was special, wasn't it? Now,

obviously, for those people that haven't well, obviously, I was doing with them,

Jacko, you just chimed in as well, mate. Like Fitness animal that you

are. Hey, that was a super impressive event Mhmm. To go all

day, Saturday and Sunday, every 10 minutes, a wave of, like, 40 or

50 people would go Yeah. Starting at, like, 8 AM, and they're going till at

7. Like, you race at night, didn't you? 8 PM. 8 PM, yours was

far out. Yep. Yeah. So they've obviously

got it got it to a fine art working it all out. Thinking about I've

always think about a business. Wowie. Yeah. That's a good business. Yep. And

what was it? It was a $150 for everyone. I think, like, for bringing myself

to the couples is, like, 350 or something like that, which is quite, like, quite

a lot of money, but you pay that because it was so well organized. Oh,

I'll I'll be back. Like, I'll be gone. Yeah. Like, it was so much fun.

Yep. It was well organized. So you did it you did a a team event.

So we did the 4 man relay. Yep. So it was

2 runs, 2 exercises each. Yep. And then you're done. It's

literally a sprint. Yep. So I think, yeah, I think

it was a 3 minute 40 ks sort of thing. And then I did

the rower true. True me

fashion went out too hard. No, I went to the wrong exercise. So I was

meant to do the sled push first and I've gone to the rollers. I got

us a 3 second time penalty, a 3 minute time penalty.

And I've because I've done the run and I'm flying, like, absolutely

fanging it. I'm thinking, come on. Let's go. And I've run-in and I've run to

the rower, and there's no 1 there. And, like, we weren't first out. So I

was like, there's no way these guys have rode a k

before I've even got here. Like, there's no way. And then I'm at the row,

and I'm just and I fucking went so hard and, like, yeah, blew up. Like,

blew up hard. I was, like, sitting at, like, 132

for 500 and then like

blew out to about 2 minutes. I was, I was like,

to get some. But

yeah. So I got it. I got them done pretty quickly. And then and then

my next 1, I was meant to do the road and went to the slip

push. No judges there. Like, no. And this 1 judge

was like, well, on the on the way out because everyone had obviously finished the

sled push because we were the last, event. Yeah.

So luckily, this 1 judge was there. And so she took a photo of my

number and, you know, we got it done and got the 3

minute time penalty, but what an event. Great

event. So, obviously, yeah, obviously, doing the team event a little bit

different because you only do, like, a quarter of it really. And you

can plan out who's good at what. Obviously, you're good on the roller Yeah. And

the sled when you go to the right 1. Yeah. Probably makes a bit of

a difference. Yeah. But, obviously,

I did it with, with my lovely wife, Brie. And, in the

pairs, you have to do it all. So not all the reps, but you share

those. But you do the whole 8 k's. Yeah. You do the whole 8 k's.

That's hard. It was. Yeah. Like, it

was it was a great experience, though. Like because you're pushing yourself and you're

Well, that's the thing. I didn't wanna go I didn't wanna be too competitive and

make it not not enjoyable. Yeah. And that was my 1 concern because

even though I I didn't care what time we got, it's like once I start

something, I I gotta be carried away. Yep. So a couple of times, Bryce

said, hey. Like, get to and I was like, yeah. Yeah. Sorry. So Yeah. Like,

I know. Like, I just forget, and then come on. Come on.

Hurry up. Let's go. Let's go. Have it. We need to have fun. Oh, no.

Alright. It's alright. So, anyway, we did. We had a good time. I was very

proud of her because, like, she had to do it in the male weight. Yeah.

So, like, a sled push of a 152 kilos. That's a lot. So we got

to that Jacko, and I did 2 up and back, and then I was cooked

because I went really fast. I said, Brazy, your turn. And she got on the

sled, and 1 second went by, 2 seconds went

by, 3 seconds. I'm like, oh, it's not moving. And, like, she's

given it she's given it at all. That's heavy. It's so heavy. And then it

started moving, and she she did 1 lap of it. She got it? Yep. 1

lap. And I was like, wow. That's amazing. It's all good. It was such a

good effort. It just gave me a break as well then we got into it.

But, yes, for someone that doesn't weigh that much to push, you

know, like, it's well over double wide. Yep. That's a lot. Yeah.

Crazy. Yeah. That that is the hard thing too. Isn't it? Like, when the women

have to do the men's, weight. Yeah. Like, I I heard the,

sled pull was really hard. Yeah. What was even hard for like,

I it took me a long time to do it. Yeah. Yeah. So You know,

I don't have 20 kilos on break. Exactly. So that would be

tough. And then And the thing is with that too is, like, I didn't didn't

wanna just do all the reps. Yeah. So it's you gotta share. So that's you

know, and I know that was hard for her with, like, and 20 kilo lunges

walking and, like, it it was tough. That 1 would the lunges would screw

me up. The lunges and wall press, like Yeah. So that's where

I mate, I reckon for 3 days, I I 2 days I could not

get off the couch, and then the 3rd day I was still walking around like

I'd been riding horses. Yeah. I was like, yeehaw. Side

is here. Saddle laws break.

Literally, I'm walking around, like, a stick up in my ass. I

I couldn't get the soreness out. Yeah. We, so

I did it with Schubert. Yeah. And he brought his big boss along,

and he put his big boss on the wall wall thrust wall A 100 wall

bolt. A 100 of them. We got the main we got the guy who was

running the whole event, Yeah. And he had the camera on him. So he

was watching every rep. Oh, so you can no reps. Mate, he would have

done 300 reps. He honestly would have done

300 wardrobes, and he's just like, nah. No rep.

No rep. Come on. You gotta get lower. You gotta get lower. And he's missing

it by inches. Like, he's probably and it's just no rep. No rep.

And I was like, mate, let's just go. Let's just take the penalty. And TJ,

like, obviously, it's probably why he is where he is, like, big, you

know, GM at, ABN group. Like, he's

just like, I'm getting this done and he's just kept going. He would have done

300 of them, mate. And by the end, so we finished it. He fell down

the stairs because he he couldn't move his legs. He was shaking.

Laugh. Oh, I was like, it was painful to watch. Have

you spoken to him since? Like, people talk about Dom's Yeah.

And delayed onset muscle soreness acronym. He's,

he would have been in all sorts. Yeah. Yeah. The couple we went out and

had a few beers afterwards too, so that wouldn't have helped the recovery.

But, yeah, he said he was, he said, yeah, very, very tender

the next few days. Oh, there you go. We're doing a 100 wall balls just

at any time. It's tough. Let alone when someone's penalizing you as well because

that would have been very frustrating. Yeah. Like, I would have done my hitting. Oh,

mate. Yeah. I don't know how you would have handled it. I'd like You would

have I wouldn't hate him, but I probably woulda blown up.

I'm a lot better than I used to be, Jack. I used to just get

angry and tell me what I think. I'm I'm quite good now, but I think

after doing all those events Yeah. And then just wanting to get it done,

like, he goes he got he he was doing it on I'll never forget. He's

like the he's like, what am I up to? 80 or something? He goes,

41. And I was just like, oh,

mate. If that's not gonna break your spirit, I don't know what would. Oh,

crush your soul. Yes. Anyway, great event.

I loved, obviously, we go to the same gym, and a lot of people from

there did it. And Yeah. I think that's the thing I loved about it. Like,

people were going each of your station and cheering you on, and it was

just a really, I don't know, supportive, nice environment. Yep.

I've never done it, like, a fitness Mhmm. Sort of, like, challenge.

Done, like, half marathons and things like that, but that's sort of a real

not lonely, but you in your own head. Mhmm. Whereas this 1 broke it up

and people are cheering you on and When when you finish, you go and say

say hello to everyone and you can see where, like, oh, when's when are they

competing? Like, we had Andy and, like and they're just beast.

They are. Absolute animals. Did you, get the shirt off? No.

No. Mate, come on now. Mate, we were the minority there if the

shirts on. Yeah. Yeah. Well, that's the thing. Like, I was like, oh, I think

I'm in okay, Nick. But I was surprised, Jacko, because you get your shirt off

at any opportunity. I do. I do. But, yeah, this

this night, it didn't call for me. But if I was doing the singles, maybe

if I was doing it on my on my own or I think Ellen and

I have spoken about doing the mixed doubles. Yeah. So we're looking at the Perth,

the Perth Perth 1 in a couple of months. Bang on. It's a really fun

thing to do. Yeah. Like, I really and that's like people's asking, do you

wanna do the singles now? I'm like, I I don't really have any desire to

do that. Yeah. I'd do it again if Brie wanted to do it. Yeah. Just

doing something different together. And, like, as we spoke about on the pod, like, the

journey, like, you know, you you put this in the calendar like

months ago, and you 2 have been training together and the Sunday sessions

and, you know, that's what it's about. Yep. And then going down there on a

Saturday and getting a bit nervous. Well, I'm sure we're a bit excited, a bit

nervous, and then you finish it and that sense of achievement together. And,

you know, that's what it's all about. It's, we're not we're not trying to win

the world title. No. Well, definitely not. And we won't go anywhere near that. So

no. That was really good, man. I really liked it. What an event. I've

got a bit of news, mate. Woo. So for a long time,

obviously, I've spoken all around the world and things like that. A lot of people

have said, why don't you do public talks? But I've always been too

scared. Like, not scared, but I don't know. It's it's different. You know, you're

booking big theaters, you know, 2, 300 people, you know, you need to fill them.

Yeah. You gotta pay for it up front. You gotta do all these things. And

I've just been oh, anyway, I put it off. Anyway, so, I reached out

to Paul Watkins, who we had on the podcast, who

he's, like, by far the best speaker I've ever seen. So I thought, you know

what? Let's team up with someone. So I'll be like

the crappy encore band at the start, and then big Pauley Watkins will come in

and he'd be like, t swizzle. 96, 000.

Let's go, Pauley. Yeah. So we're we're doing these nights together,

and we've booked theaters in Shepparton, Geelong, Ballarat,

and Melbourne. Wow. So, yeah, 2 hour nights with some tickets to

the public. So I'm a little bit nervous, but he also excited, mate.

So, 1 of those things I speak about is all the time, like, step

outside your comfort zone. Yep. And for so long now, like, I like,

I haven't in that work element, you know, that I've because you met you found

your niche. You're doing well, so you could just keep doing that. Yeah. And, like,

so like, you just yes. So a corporate event. The corporates pay for me to

come in. I do it for their staff, and I leave. Yep. There's no risk.

You know? There's I don't have to do any advertising or whatever. They pay my

fee. I do the job, and I leave. Whereas There's no real chance of

failure. No. There's none. Mhmm. You know? And I will tell you, I'll ask for

money before I go. So, like, there's there's no risk of me not even getting

paid. Yeah. But, yeah, like, it's I still enjoy it, but,

yeah, I think putting yourself out there,

to, yeah, get people. But my thing is not everyone is at a

workplace that can do PD. Yeah. And more importantly, like, it's something

nice that you can go, like, with your partner, your kids,

workmates, anyone like that, and, yeah, get something that you may not have

got before. So Yep. My thing is, hopefully, you know, Paul and myself can reach

more people, and, yeah, more importantly, it's just doing

something a little bit nervous about which I am nervous. So, yeah, if people are

listening and you wanna look at the tickets, I'll put, I'll put a link in

the show notes. David Rudinski episode number 40. Woohoo. So

that's good. We're both That's exciting. Doing things that, well,

you're obviously making a really big Yeah. Career move. Yep. Mine's not that

big, but, yeah, I think different challenging ourselves. Yeah. I think it's

important, isn't it? It's like an ice bath. Yep. That's exactly right. Shout

out to give up. So

the the, the talks Yep. Is it gonna be sort of similar to the stuff

you're doing? Is it about the play, the fun? Yeah. So so what

my talk is, like, I I do use play, but

This and if you haven't watched Paul Watkins'

TED Talk, I tell you what, that's, it's by far, I think, 1 of the

best ones I've seen. But, anyway yeah. So I will start it off, and

mine's more about just sort of having fun. I give people ideas and ways to

connect, and I sort of take them on a journey with different play based

activities that they're just having fun. But through that, they're connecting. They're

understanding themselves. They're sharing. They're getting creative. Yeah. And by the end of it,

by the end of my hour, I've taken people out of their comfort

zone, but done it in a really safe way. Yeah. Because the 1 thing I've

found is if people don't feel safe Yeah. Yeah. It doesn't matter what you tell

them. They're not gonna retain anything. Yep. So, yeah, I'd I'd take them on that

journey, obviously use a little bit of energy. I had questions I had

questions yesterday, Jacko, and, the first question was, do

you have ADHD? And I'm like, maybe. And the second question was, how many coffees

have you drank? I was like, oh, I've drank a lot. I've

got I've got sick kids. They're not sleeping. They're on holidays. Bloody

Kinder. I said, I probably had 8 coffees. This was

12 o'clock when I was talking. I was, like, that was no lie. Anyway,

so that will be, that'll be mine. Mine. And then, obviously, Paul will get up

and, you know, talk about all his adventures and Yeah. How he relates that

back to, you know, what what you are and, you know, your job

title and things like that. But similar to what you've been sort of

Yeah. Exploring through, you know, like, that loss of identity. You know? Yeah. You've owned

a business, and then you're like, oh, what what am I now? What do I

go? Yep. Yep. Yeah. What do you fall back on when, you know, all

that sort of falls away? Yeah. It's, you know Fall back on me to good

person. Who you are and the way you treat people and yeah. That's it.

So that's exciting. Also, last week, we had, the MP,

Tim Richardson on. Oh. He was, I was I really

enjoyed that chat. He's a gun, isn't he? He's a gun, The local

MP. Local MP. I was, I was a bit nervous about getting

a politician on because, I don't know, I don't really like politics because you,

I just feel that they're all about themselves. Whereas, Tim wasn't.

Yeah. He's all about other people, and he gets around everyone. You see him in

the media, seeing it around schools and helping people out. He's skipping challenge.

Thought that was thought that was a that was a really enjoyable chat. Yeah. I

think it's a bit of like the judge in a book before it's cover. And

I'll be honest. I did. Yeah. And that's, I'm, I'm the same, you know, politics,

blah, blah, blah. Hate it. Yeah. But I'm sure if you broke

it down and met most of them individually and spoke to them about their

story and why they're doing what they're doing, I'm sure it's probably, you know, they're

all probably in it for pretty good reasons. I think it's just the

way that and and Tim sort of said the same thing. Like, you see,

you know, we all we really see is the bullshit that goes on at the

top there that, you know, big popularity contest.

And, you know, they're just they're just trying to say things to get votes, like,

rather than you know, most of them are really trying to make change and and

positive change for the community. And, you know,

it's, it it sort of woke me up a little bit to maybe get a

bit more interesting and involved in It didn't I I've still got no

interest. But what I did, I did like

Tim. So Yeah. And I love the other he's a great person. Yeah. I must

admit, I have been interested in the US election at the

moment just because I don't know. Like, I've never seen

something so embarrassing in my life. Did you see the snippets of that

debate? Oh my god. Oh,

mate. I just I don't know. Oh my god. How could you even How is

Biden even alive still, like hell, like, how could you even just

be talking, start mumbling, talk about COVID, Medicare, then

start to meet your golf swing. And they're they're about to be

the leaders of the free world. It's 400, 000, 000 people, Jacko. Mhmm. And

you've got those 2. I know. Oh, anyway, I'll just find it comical. It's a

little bit, like, scary in a way. Yep. Sleepy Joe literally.

Like, if you're 80 years old, do you why would you wanna do that anyway?

No. Exactly. I feel like I feel like it's almost like free Joe Biden. Like,

it's like the Britney sort of thing. Like, he's he's someone's, like, pulling the strings.

It looks like they're they are. They're just putting me out there as like, you

know, he's obviously getting the they're gonna be the face, but someone's making all the

decisions, but they need him out in front to make the decisions. Yeah. But surely

he could get a bit of face. He can't even

talk. I know. I know. Oh, anyway, I think that's pretty

funny. The golf chat was unbelievable.

No. I'm off 6. No. Okay. You you are not off 6. You

can't hit the ball like that. And then Biden talking about how he got down

to single figures while he was vice president. Like, what? Are you doing any work?

Yeah. Well, Trumpy was out the next morning. Did you see that? Yeah. Trumpy hit

it was out playing golf the next morning. Chip shot. There was nearly when it

riding. It was just like, I drive the slice on it. Yeah. Yeah. But it

Trumpy smacked his drive. Joe Biden couldn't have hit the ball like that.

Oh, anyway. There you go. So, oh, well, Jacko, very exciting,

mate. Congratulations. Obviously,

nice way to finish a chapter of your life Yeah. And a chapter you should

be proud of. Yeah. When you look back on and yeah. I think you

will 1 day. We probably do now, but also probably exciting

too to have something to go towards. Yeah. That, and I know when you

finish footy, you're like and so many footballers are like, what do you do now?

It's like, it's the same with, you know, business because that's what you've done. That's

consumed you after playing footy. You've gone straight into that. Yeah. So

without that sort of next thing, I don't know, that purpose, your

identity, even though we aren't at work Yeah. It makes a big

difference, and it makes you feel comfortable. It gives you structure, doesn't it, in your

in your life and something to do. But, but, yeah,

very, very excited for this next little journey. So Move to Sydney,

and don't worry, everyone. The podcast will be going. We'll be, lives on. We will

be doing them over Zoom. We will, little trips might have to go out to

Sydney. Sorry, Breeza. Sorry, Breeza. Some podcast.

Maybe a Friday arvo pod and I'll have him home by Monday.

Alright, listeners. As always, enjoy your Friday. Up the bombers tonight. Big

game against the pies, Jekyll. Big game. Goss is going to those going

tonight to set himself for that 1. So I think, yeah.

He's pretty excited about that. He's said he's gonna be a bit rough tomorrow. Is

he? Yes. Well, it should be a good game. We're playing golf today, actually, out

at PK. Oh. So So are you gonna become a member

now? Yeah. You are. I am. And they've got some good reciprocals out there so

I can play new South Wales golf course. So, so yeah.

Hoping, really hoping I get in, in the next intake so I can start

taking clients out to New South Wales. Oh, that will be a

very big, draw card. Because otherwise, how would you you

can't just say go and play the public course. Yeah. Exactly.

Exactly. I'll have to yeah. I'll have to just get Gossy to come up every

couple of weeks to see Gossy. Golf.

Oh, there you go. The the chat of the privilege, I suppose.

Yeah. That's right.

Creators and Guests

Dale Sidebottom
Dale Sidebottom
Is the creator and founder of Jugar Life and Energetic Education. Two multidisciplinary business platforms that provide people with the tools to make play a focus of their everyday. Dale is a full-time 'play' consultant who taps into his 20+ years working in the education and health sectors to educate individuals, schools, sporting clubs and corporate organisations globally on the benefits 'adult play' can have on mental health and wellbeing. Dale is the author of All Work No Play, a TEDx speaker and podcast host. Dale has worked face-to-face with students, teachers, schools and corporations in over 20 countries worldwide.
Jack Watts
Jack Watts
Co - Host of The Overly Excited Podcast, owner of Skwosh Clothing.
#40 Jack & Dale | Embracing Change: Refreshing Conversations on The Overly Excited Podcast
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