#38 Jack & Dale | Life, Laughs, and Lessons: A Year of Overly Excited Conversations
This episode is brought to you by Swash Clothing and Sugar Life.
Welcome to the overly excited podcast hosted by Jack Watts and Dale
Sidebottom. 2 friends with a passion for life, learning and all
things that get them jumping out of their
seats. Alright, everyone. This is episode number 38 of the overly exciting
podcast. Joined by our producer, the 1 and a Chris
Gibson, Jack Watson. What? My name is Dale Sowell.
This is our 1 year anniversary. Now before we start, episode
number 38. Dale Morris has a football reference for you, Jacko. Dale
Morris. Dale Morris. But in Western Bulldog? Yes. Correct. Very good. Got that one.
Also, a couple of stats over the last year. Obviously, 38
episodes. Not a bad thing considering Jackie went overseas. I've
had 2 international trips we've done on and off. Nice.
Listen to in over 50 countries now, which is, Really?
Which is pretty impressive. Don't know how many download per country, but
I got that stat the other day. That's pretty good. That's pretty good. But
anyway, congratulations. 1 year anniversary. I know. Congrats, boys.
Well done. Whoo. Overly excited. I'm guessing not many get there,
Dale. I did not. I don't know who that stat
Did you When you see stats for you. I thought surely you got a
stat for how many podcast for 1 year. For 12
months. It would not be many because not many get to 9, was it?
That's enough. 10. I reckon. We remember that stat most times
about how could we go on. You got any stats, Watsy? You got any stats
from the weekend? Mhmm. Good with the stats. How many stats? Shipping data.
From this weekend, big stat that I had was how many
meals I had. Right.
Started with a 12 quarter Friday night at Addaca. Woah. How
do you surely, by the 8th, you're like,
shit. I've had enough. No. Well, you know you know, these There's not much. Yeah.
That's right. These fancy restaurants bottle cap. You get the little bottle cap
per per thing. But it was pretty special. I've been meaning to go there for
a long time. And one of my good mates, messaged me
Friday Friday lunchtime, actually, and he said, let's I'm
taking you out for dinner. Let's go out. And,
we somehow got a booking at Attica, and it was, it lived
up to the expectations. I wasn't, yeah.
I, the 12 course with the matching wines probably,
sent me a little bit. And So you you drove there and then I did
drive there. Left the car there. Left the car there,
and then, yeah, had to scramble around Saturday morning and,
did you go for a run with me? Did you get a run with Mitchie?
No. The run did not happen set day morning. Match it up to No.
Top line matching 12 videos. Cap sort of. No. No.
No. That I'll I'll let him know at, I don't know, about 4 o'clock
when I was heading home. So, 4 o'clock?
Yeah. AM. AM. Yep. Okay. But, but then, another
weekend after that, it got pretty good and played
golf, played my committee round at Peninsula Kingswood. Committee round.
What? So if you go play with a committee member I'll see you signing up
there. Sign up there. Yeah. Sign up there. There you go. Sorry. How did you
hit him? Hit him like dog shit. Very, very nice course. I
still Got it. Was a good one. So I probably won't go
again, but it was very nice experience. Yep. Yep. But that was pretty much that
was pretty much me, really. That was pretty much the weekend. Yeah. Nice work. So
how do you feel boys after a year of the podcast? Happy first birthday.
Yes. Thank you, Bo. Thank you. I'm really excited. Yeah.
Wow. 12 months. I mean, that's that's a pretty good
effort really. Isn't it? Great effort. Considering we've, you know, what have we done? 38
apps. So we've missed a couple of weeks here and there, but, you know, pretty
consistent for for 12 months. It's a yeah. It's a good effort. It's unreal.
And it feels like it's sort of coming together. It feels like we're starting to
get a bit of a groove and, getting, you know, some good people
on and a good mix and, bit more structure. I'd
say having our number one producer in town. Number 1 in
Australia. Has added a lot of class to
Wow. A bit of a scrappy Yeah. Yeah. How do you polish your food?
Well, you bring Gimbal along, I suppose. But Stop it. No. We had things
going nicely, but they were a bit of a scrap. You know, each week,
we'll sorta tread in water, I'd say. Now I
think it's a great mix to get and butterflying. And I think
as the listeners have said, they love listening to when it's just you
2. And when I I I followed you right from the
beginning Mhmm. Episode by it was about, like, 9 minutes or something. Yeah.
It was a long 9 minutes for Jack. Yeah.
And, gee, like, honestly, every Friday, as you'd see, I'd message you guys
and be like, when's it coming out? When's it coming out? I'm like, oh, it's
not here this week. Thursday night, wake up. Yep. There's a
new ep. And now look at you producing the podcast. Oh, loving it. And
look look, I mean, our last couple of, guests have been thanks to you, Gibo.
Yeah. And, they've been outstanding. I have been like looking looking back at
them, you know, Tony Mott, that was just one of the
I mean Would you call it an interview? I
sat there and listened. There is nothing. Jack had a couple of battles with you.
There's nothing more awkward than when you yeah,
stop and you both just get going? Oh, man. Yeah. He loves
a chat. He does all of it. Awesome stories. I'd love to have
I'd love to have it. So many more that you didn't fit into the the
podcast. Well, we finished the chat, then he can and we said, alright. Thanks, Tony.
We've gotta go. And then he told us another 10 stories for 20 minutes. Low,
mate. We could've just kept being recording. Yeah. We missed the Elton one. We missed
the Missed his Queen one, the dwarf. I was like, wow. That was a pretty
good story. Anyway, don't steal his material because that's, when he does
talks. Yeah. That's his finishing one. So go and listen to him talk, and you'll
get that one. And how good's Tim Richardson? Oh, the MP. What
do you mean? What is on next week, which is very exciting. I have oh,
he his one hasn't come out. No. So he We
spoke about this, Jack. Okay. Sorry. No. That's okay. It was
funny. I was actually just driving down, you know, what it is it Beach Road
down there? Is it Beach Road? On the Beach Road? Like, well, I don't know.
There's that that side and that The Station Street. Station Street. Station Street.
Okay. Well, obviously you long? Yeah.
Well, I was just driving down that road, and I saw
MP, Tim Richardson, the little thing. He's got a little office there. Oh,
yeah. Yeah. In Chelsea. Knock maybe in a
sale. You should totally knock. A knock. Remember,
Nick knocking? Yeah. It was Nick knocking. What a great time that was. Yeah. Uh-uh.
Does anyone else not be able to feel their hands? Yes. It's actually oh my
gosh. Dale. Now oh, yeah. We we probably should let the listeners know. This is
true. Please let me know. Me. I can't wear my hands up. Love
I'm like I've got my defib in the car. I still
can't feel my fingers. Nurse Kristen, is that okay? Or Honestly,
I can't help you, mate.
So we've, we we've all just did a 3 minute ice bath just before
it. First ever. Yeah. First ever. First ever. First ever. First
ever. Lot of firsts this year, I reckon. Yes. We're gonna do
some first evers Yep. That's out of the comfort zone. So you're
if you could see Dale's fingers now, it's quite concerning. They
actually look dead. No. They actually do. Wicked gorgeous. Look at
you move them. Maybe you should keep
how do you feel, Dale, after your ice bath? Well, no. It was it
was very cold. Obviously. Yeah. I don't know
if I, like, love it or feel great or You're not a huge
fan of it, mate. No. I'm really yeah. Like, I don't real I don't like
cold water. Yeah. So, like, I don't like swimming in the beach. Be interesting to
see later today and, you know, how you feel I'll I'll let you know. Sense
of achievement. Well, yeah. I just there's no chance,
Dale. Dale's gonna be that I'm never doing that again. Oh. That's a crock of
shit. We got Chris in here who lives and and swears by
Oh, I know. And that and I'm not dissing it. I just I just didn't
get out of there and go, woah. How good is this? Mhmm. Yep. But
there's other things I do that I feel good. Totally. And it's
everyone's got their thing. We we were just speaking to you and your beautiful partner,
Breeza, before. And she said when you're up in Noosa, you wouldn't even get in
the water because it's cold. Too cold in Noosa. I'm pretty seriously,
in summer Bree doesn't even wanna go in the pool because it's fine. We're just
leaving it at 30 degrees. Yeah. Wow. So that's That's too
warm. Well, nice for a mat. Yeah. So you get even a nice bath
with You're a you're a gym gym guy? Gym junkie. I'm a nice
girl. Yep. You're a nice girl. I'm a very nice girl.
I get my cape on the ice line. I'm like, okay.
But 12 months, Let's I mean, let's look back. Reflect. Let's
look back. Moment of reflection. A little reflection. What what were some of our
highlights? Yeah. I would say just starting it. For me, it
was really cool. But then also, when you we got some of those
messages from, like, multiple people that we
didn't either of us didn't know, and people felt comfortable enough to
message us and say, you know, certain chats we've had about, you
know, being open or vulnerable or whatever it was. Yeah. It was really
reassuring to hear 2 guys doing that. Yeah. And that for me
was like, wow. This is that's when I realized this is something
that is really powerful. Mhmm. But, also, I think it's been really powerful personally
Mhmm. Just to come in and and chat and have no agenda, and I've
enjoyed that aspect of it. I've also loved having all the guests on.
But to be able to allow people to reach out and feel comfortable enough to
say the impact we're having by doing what we're doing when we're just talking.
Yep. That for me was I haven't had that in other areas that I've
done similar things before. Yep. So that's sort of mine. The pod has
it's like a, you know, no filter. You know, you can
just speak as you are, and it's it's a
very easy listen. It's funny. And you guys do such a great
job of just being open and honest. We try and be funny. I don't know.
But I don't know if it always is. It's funny. We think we're funny. I
don't know how many other people don't. I think best thing about podcast
is that you put it out there and you don't know. Wow. And you probably
don't listen to all your episodes, do you? No. I'll listen I'll listen to some
of the interviews Yep. Just to get all over and remember what it
was and hear how we went and things like that. But, no. I don't
really I don't really like listening. Well, I've listened to from Every single one. That's
all I get to produce. Does it got better? Oh, it's
gotten well, I just think from start from
right from the get go, it's been unreal. And I literally every
Friday, I've, like the first thing when I wake up. And I think there was
one week where There's a couple of weeks a couple of weeks where it didn't
come out. And I was like, oh my god. You did the old Houdini. It
was flaky. Oh. Fakey. And then we're, uh-oh. That's why we need a producer.
Shit. We didn't have one that week. And on that note, I've we're very
honored and overly excited to be a part of this. Because now
it's just a good excuse to catch up. Exactly. I think that's for
me, you know, when talking about highlights and what it's all
about, you know, like, we're obviously we're not
making a lot of money off it. And, Yeah. Actually, I needed to talk to
you guys about I think you got a lot of Jesus. Yeah. Dale,
I'll leave that one with you. Yeah. Come on. But, you know, and it but
that's almost why I've loved it so much is because it's for fun. We're
doing it because we enjoy it. We enjoy each other's company. And
for me, like what I've found is, you know, what I found
incredible was like almost it's like, you know, going and seeing my
sock. It's like beforehand, like, oh, I could think of a
1000000 other things I want to do. You know, you've had a long day at
work. I just want to sit on the couch and whatever. But every
single time that I leave this shed,
the dungeon, the dungeon, I'm feeling better and I feel, you know,
like I've, I find it's been interesting
when you set something in the calendar and you, you know,
basically all we're doing is really talking about the shit that's going on in our
lives and trying to work out whether that whether we're handling it
well and how can we handle things better and what we do to make ourselves
feel better and what we do that makes our sales feel shit. But if you
don't, like I find in life, if you just keep cruising through and you don't
actually address those things, you can just sort of float, can't you? Whereas this sort
of gave me like a, you know, an anchor where it's
like, like a purpose in an aspect. Exactly. Yeah. I agree. And
also you'd be very surprised at how many people you're helping. Mhmm.
Just, you know, like for the the first few episodes of
the podcast, it became, almost like a bit of a lifeline for
me. That was my my anchor in my week where I
look forward to Yeah. You know, the episode coming out.
Yeah. Definitely. And and then that's the other aspect of me was like
reconnecting, connecting with, you know, few people that,
are really important to me in my life, but I hadn't really, you
know, whether, you know, life goes by and, and, and you can sort
of, you know, not speak to someone for a while or
whatever it might be, but you know, Mitchie boy and Carly,
my beautiful cousin over in Adelaide and my sister and you know, these sorts of
people. And then obviously you give, I like you, you know, every Friday would be
messaging and you know, that kind of,
connection was, was something that was, pretty special that
came out of it for me. So on that note, I wanna ask
you guys a couple of questions. Go for it.
Woo hoo. So you start first, Jack. So you tell you're on
just have a bite of your cookie. You go for it, mate. Breezey. Baked us
some cookies for the first birthday. Yeah. No. Thank you, Breeze. Yeah. Birthday cookies.
Excited. Yes. So, Jack, what qualities
in Dale do you admire? Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.
Jesus. We haven't got this deep
I love this. I love this. Not for a 2. Birthday. Alright. What do
I admire about Dale? I admire
his his get up and go. His ability to
to get shit done, bring people with him, always
with energy, with excitement.
I think, like, yeah, obviously without you, like, none of this would have happened
because you've been the driving force. You're, you know, and you
control a lot of it. You keep us on track. You're the one doing the
homework. You're the one, you know, you're you're the one paying for a
lot of this stuff. And so, yeah,
for me, you know, that's been a big thing. I also admire
your willingness to to open up, you know, I
think you're a shit boy country boy.
You know, traditionally stereotypically, I'd say country boys are pretty
and I think you've got that a bit of that in you too. Oh, certain
aspects I'd say. Yeah. Yep. But your ability
to, like self reflect, and
like our chats that we had early, early on where, you know, you've done a
lot of work on yourself and, and, you know, your
willingness to to give that to, you know, the public.
I I really admire that too because I didn't know whether that was gonna come.
I didn't know. I thought you might have had a bit of a shield up
and, you know, so, yeah, they're
probably the things that I've loved the most. Keep blushing there, dad. Oh, yeah. That's,
I don't know if it's because the blood's coming back to some some of my
Shirt. Remember those? That's insane. Yeah. I don't know if they're
real or not. But anyway Okay. That made me blush a little bit and got
3 of my fingers back. Yeah. There you go. 5 of them are still
white. So Dale That was very nice. I can check. Qualities in
Jack do you admire? I don't reckon I've ever met
anyone who is just so fun
and easy going and always up and about. It doesn't matter, like,
what's going on in your life. And I know we because we always have chats
beforehand and things. And, you know, in the last year, you've had a lot of
different ups and downs in particularly business and certain aspects of your
life. Uncertainty, I'd say. Mhmm. But it doesn't it doesn't change the
person you are. And I think that's an amazing quality that you
don't allow outside factors to control the way you show up or the way
you treat people. And you've always got so much energy for everyone else.
I thought I was up and about, mate. You are you trumped
me. I have moods. I go up and down, but you are just consistent.
And then I also really admire how this was
pushing you so far out your comfort zone. Like and when we started, and I
could see how uncomfortable you were, but you you you still did it. No.
No. But you you still did it. And there was only one way, like, we
could've planned how many guests we would've got and whatever. But you did it. You
got in there. And after I remember you saying you're still nervous, but after
about 4 or 5 episodes, you just rock in. You have no
questions. And I'm like, you would just ask the most amazing, like, and you
still do. You roll in and go, right, Who we got today? And you don't
and I'm like, how like, just your confidence in your own
ability. I I just admire that so much. And
you're just so good at this. And I know, hopefully, you're starting to
realize that now. I saw it from the first episode where you interviewed me.
I'm like, woah. That's your first time ever really interview anyone. And you just
absolutely nailed it for an hour. That is a long time. And I just think
you've grown and grown throughout that. But more importantly, I think we really
complement each other in our different personalities. Like,
I'm very organized. You're you don't need to be organized because it's
sorta you're just so naturally good at things when you believe in it. Mhmm. And
now you do I can see naturally good at things when you believe in it.
Mhmm. And now you do I can see that you believe in how good you
are at this. So that, for me, has been, probably, the thing I've loved seeing
from you. Mhmm. That you don't let anything else the thing I've
loved seeing from you, that you don't let anything
else affect you. You just come in and you do do what you do.
And I don't know if that's been conditioning from, like, probably been
an athlete that a lot of outside factors are going on, and you just come
and get it done. But, yeah, mate. Your energy, your personality, the way
you treat people is second to none. And, yeah, I really
admire that. And you've been able to translate that into podcasting.
Even when you don't know anyone, you don't need to know them. You just listen
and figure out so quickly. So you're like, your emotional intelligence
of other people is off the charts. I'm just like it
it blows me away every time. I've done all this research, and I went,
no. I didn't even ask this question. I'm like, for fuck's sake. That wasn't on
Wikipedia. Yeah. I was like, hey. How's
it come up with that? Like Now what is this blushing? No. But that's
literally anyway, oh, I'm only missing one color. I've
been flushing each other. I've totally warmed in. But pressure. No. That's
mate, that's a skill set that is just so unique. Couldn't agree more
with what you both said about each other. Mhmm. And I suppose
it goes with, you know, like happiness happiness is a state of
mind. You know, definitely
there's factors in life that there's always
gonna be factors that are gonna bring you down, bring you up, bring you sideways,
but positive, you know, if you've got a positive mind
and it's a choice. Happiness is a choice. There's things you can
do for it. Yep. And what you focus on, where you put your energy. But
I also think being around the right people. Definitely. And that
for me, the the constant of this once a week Yeah. We didn't and we
I think we reflect on this about 20 episodes. We didn't actually realize
what we're doing for each other by just doing it. So true. And I
think, yeah, that took a like, we didn't even need to know that, but then
we did. And we're, woah. Yeah. Yep. Yeah. So on that note, we'll bring it
down a little notch. That was very nice. That was a lovely question. That was
a good good start. Great question. Thank you. So we'll go back to
you, Jack. Who do you talk to when you're not
feeling great? Could be text message. I know you don't love talking on the
phone. Yeah. Yeah. Who who do you reach out
to? Or do you reach out If I'm not feeling great, I'd
it wouldn't be it wouldn't be texts. Like I'd be,
in in person type of thing. So, you
know, in recent times, like, it would be my girlfriend,
if I'm having a shit week or whatever it might be, like
I'd, I'd speak to Alan and, you know, we'd have a, have a nice dinner,
go for a walk with the dogs and, you know, she's let me just get
things out. And you know, the
support that's, I guess that's where you
when I'm feeling shit, I guess probably similar to everyone. Like you just want a
bit of someone in your corner, you know, and that's like that's a great base
to a relationship to Jack massively. Yeah. Like that's,
so, you know, she she supports me with anything like that. You know, the other
person in recent times like Mitchie has been, it's
been amazing probably, you know, for how 9 months or
so that we've been doing this running stuff 6 months. It's,
he's been, yeah, just like
that every Sunday morning. It's, it's,
you know, you're getting out everything that you want to get out that's been
either troubling you or that you're happy with or you're proud of or, you know,
big decisions that I've had to make or you know, whether it was the business
stuff that's been, you know, up and down all year or,
you know, sort of we started when I was just sort of starting to see
Ellen. So, like, Mitchie was my, you know, my
sort of sounding board. Everything to do with her, which was which was
pretty awesome. Yeah. Probably
probably those 2. And then obviously having this, having my psych,
that's probably that that probably Yeah. Psych's really important, isn't it? Had a lot of
counseling over the years and, you know, if ever I need it, that's my
first point of call. And I wish more people would be open to it,
because I know it's kind of can be really scary, but It's a bit taboo
for a lot of people, I think. But I think it's honestly It's just like
honestly, it's it's just shouldn't be at all because it's, like, my talking to someone.
It's literally the same as this. Like, I'm not joking. Like With no judgement too.
Right? Exactly. And they don't know who you're talking about. So that makes
it even sort of less, I guess there's no
there's no opinion there already. So it's they're so, what's that
word like, matter of fact, it's like, they're
not, they don't have an opinion on the people you're talking about. They don't know
who they are. So they're just listening to you and taking what you're saying in.
Yep. And then providing whatever they need to provide. So I find too, like,
couples counseling and marriage counseling. My husband and I have done a lot of that
over the journey. And I think, you know, again, a lot of people think,
oh, no. If we do marriage counseling, it means we've got problems. But it's the
best thing we ever did for our marriage. Yep. That's like, who doesn't have problems?
Like, seriously. Everyone does. And if you don't have someone to talk to, you need
And then if you wanna ignore them and, like, act as if they don't exist
and it's just doesn't work very well. You know? No. We don't have problems, so
we don't have to do that. It's like, whatever. You're going home. Communication, right? Key.
Right. Catch you. Yeah. Because I think it's Keanu Reeves that if someone thinks
1+1 is 5, I'm like, quit on you. Catch you never. Yeah. Catch you never.
I love that. I don't think you said catch you never. I added that for
you. Yeah. I love that. That's what I think. Cool. Catch you never. See you.
So the second part of that question then, Jack, is how do you get yourself
out of a funk when you are in a funk? This is, I mean, this
is the real good shit, isn't it? Yep. I saw it. How do I get
producers in here? It's some well,
I guess it I find you have to give yourself
time first. Like Love that. Like Sit with it. Yeah.
Like sit with it. And like, if you're feeling super shit, like
you can't just, like, click your fingers and I don't know. For me, personally
No. No one can know. Yeah. No. If only you could. Right? Well, that's Yeah.
Exactly. Then you'd never be in it because you'd be need to feel that sorry.
I'm interrupting you. You do need to feel it. Yeah. You need to feel it.
And also you need to get back to a place where you've like,
I could easily say, look, go to the gym, go down for a swim, blah,
blah, blah. Cause that's what I do when I'm, you know, but
I've been I've had a lot of times where, like, I need a day or
2 of sitting on the couch and doing fuck all and
eating chocolate and, you know That's really important to to sit with your
feelings, to move through it. Yeah.
Yeah. So so, like, I mean, I guess a lot of that comes down to,
like, I've probably, you know, whether it's you you hung over or
whatever. Like, that's a lot of the time. If I've pushed that a
bit hard, then that that's when I'm feeling shit for a couple of days.
So, you know, first of all, probably avoid that. We're all we're all guilty of
that. Yeah. I came into the pod today going, had too many heavy
beers at the footy club last night. Yep. Yep. Still went from a 6 AM
dip though because I know that it gets me out of the car. Oh, yeah.
It was an ice bath. Fuck.
He he got all my fingers back out. Yeah. Back baby. Yeah. Their ting was
like crazy. That's that's why. That's because you're overly excited, mate. No.
No. Just very cold
What are the other little fingernail? The inverted turtle.
But yeah. But then, I mean, from that point, once once I get to that
point of, like, you know, I I can get out of the house and whatnot,
I'd go get down the beach, get in the ocean,
take the dogs out for a walk, go for a swim, eat good food, go
to the gym. Yeah. That's how I sort of do it. That's awesome. It's pretty
simple. Like, for me, it's once I get to that point and I
start, you know, getting back doing doing some fitness and Yeah. That's when
I get back on track. Real key point there too is I remember,
because over the journey, I've had some epic highs and lows and that's my little
tattoo, you don't get a rainbow without rain. I remember probably
of recent times, maybe 6 months ago, I had a good
probably 4 week block where I felt down and out and
just no rhyme or reason. I think, you know, I
suffer with depression, anxiety, always probably will. And I remember
people going, oh, you know, maybe you need to go higher on your anti
depressants. Maybe you need to go back to your psych. Maybe you need to
and then my friend Amy Salisbury from what he said,
you know, I was like, oh, you know, I just feel like I'm gonna be
like this forever. And she said, maybe you just need to just ride it out
and just and almost from that moment Yeah. I was
like, oh, the relief of not having to figure out what I need to
do to figure out. Was taken away. Pressure was taken away.
Yep. Because we don't always need to figure things out. No. Like, sometimes we just
need to allow it, and that come back to being present. Like Absolutely. Trying to
fix everything. Like, not everything's meant to be fixed. No. Things take time
to do that. But we we we like to fix
things. We Not around the house. Don't do something about it.
8th grade on the tools. Not bad on a
shovel. It's so true though. Is that like we, as especially as probably
males, like we love if there's a problem, like, we'll do this. If they're
if you're feeling this way, well, why did you do it? Like, why don't you
go and do this? And that'll help. But so many, you know, so often
it's like, you just need to be there and listen to them and
support and, you know, give them a bit of time. And
and as you said, yes. Is a massive. Yeah. And I know I'm guilty of,
you know, talking over people, and I think we all are.
Have you listened back to a couple of our guest interviews? Yeah. Moment, Permanenteorgy Park,
and it was, like, 3 3 Jack Russells trying to just talk over
each other. Yep. And if you listen to Tony Mott, I sat back for Jack.
Jack was so excited. Yeah. I constantly remind myself to
shut up, Kristen, and listen. Yeah. Yep. You know? And you're you're never gonna,
learn anything by talking, are you? No. You're not. So coming back
to you, Dale. Yep. Who do you talk to when
you're not feeling great? We've got my, lovely wife, Brie, who baked the
cookies that, wouldn't get me on ice. But she. So you're
lucky to have her, and, obviously, having a couple of young boys,
yeah, lost pretty pretty hectic and pretty full on. So
probably I think we're getting better at it now, but talking about, you know, when
we're one of us is struggling or struggling a little bit. Also got a
couple of really good mates that are in similar situations with young kids,
and I think that's what I find now. A lot of issues I feel I
have is just because I've sort of lost my identity as a person.
Yeah. And you just don't get a break. And it's the same thing every day.
And I've really struggled with that. Yep. I was speaking to Bree the other day.
Like, really, it sort of lost the person I was, but
now I'm trying to figure it out that that's the person I am, like Yep.
And that's what's really important is talking to mates who are in similar situations.
Yeah. And I know Brie does the same with her friends. And yeah. And I
think that's the hardest thing, like, when you do have young kids or whatever
that the women are putting the mother's groups and their friends, and
they're better at talking. Whereas, you know, we we don't have that. And I'm sort
of glad because I hope these people don't listen. But I went to a couple
of catch ups, and I didn't I'm glad I wasn't in a group with those
people because I wouldn't whereas, you know, I've got friends in the same situation. And
That's good. I think having kids allows you to have conversations
that you may not have before. Got one really good mate, Spudder, who I
talk to a lot about just everything and always have. He's on my best
mate. Got a a mentor, Brad, who catch
up and, yeah, we talk a bit a lot about business, but we probably talk
more about our life. And, yeah, yeah, he's really helped me. He's the one that
wrote the kids book with and we have coming out. So, yeah, I've got a
number of different people that I'm very fortunate. Yeah. And I think the more people
you can have, the better. And like, don't you think when you share
your struggles and then all of a sudden you speak to someone who's going through
something the same thing, you're like shit. It's not just me. Yeah. It's not
just me. But when you've that's when it gets like, that's when it turns into
trouble, I reckon, is when you just sort of think that it's you're
you're alone with it. And no one else knows what you're talking about. And you
beat yourself up. You beat yourself up. You beat yourself up. Yeah.
You know, and then as soon as you sort of share it, with
those the speech share guys, a trouble shared is a trouble halved.
Yeah. Correct. It's so true. Like And even Tim Richardson, you
know, as I'm sure, will come out in the podcast.
Yep. He's he's very open and honest about his struggles with anxiety
and, and I think well, all 3 of us in this room are pretty open
about, you know, mental health issues over the
journey. Yeah. 100%. Yeah. You can't be up all the time. No. You can't. And
I think that's where the the issues I've had in my life I've struggled
with are Things a lot of other people may not have, like,
starting a a very unique business that not many people get or
understand. And can be very lonely as you say. So lonely. You know? And and
that's having a network of people in the same sort of
industry that have really helped me, and that's where Brad's come into it. But, also,
yeah, the biggest thing for me is kids. Like and nobody
could have prepared me for what it was like. Like, yes, I'm so grateful, and
I love it, but it's the hardest thing. Hardest journey. And it
it's Definitely. It's just relentless. Like, you just don't get that
break. You know, if you are sick or you are a little bit down, it
it doesn't matter. Yeah. And I think for me, having other mates going through
the same thing and, you know, being able to talk to them and share and
understand. Yeah. But And your boys are very young. 3 and 1, if
they're 3. And 1. Yeah. See, I'm here to tell you, I'm living proof that
it does get easier. I've got nearly 17
and 14 year old a long way off that keyboard. Yeah. But it gets easier.
It gets easier. Yeah. Yeah. No. I do appreciate it. Steady. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. And I think you just it gets easier, but you
also get used to it, I suppose. Completely. You know?
And yeah. And so And, you know, small kids, small problems. Big kids,
bigger problems. Mhmm. Yep. You know? It all comes with its
challenges and, also, you know Is
it sort of like I mean, I've got no idea, but is it It's
not one day though. Yeah. Is it, like, scary that that
it's forever? You know, like it's, like this is your life now? No. Yeah.
Oh, it's just it's just a really weird feeling. Side bottom? Yeah. This is your
life. Where's Mike Munro? Where's where's your mind?
Bring that big gray book in mind. Let's go. It
no. It's just don't know. It's just a different thing. Like, it's just constant.
Like, and I suppose because you don't really do much. You know, it's you sort
of get repetitive day in day out. Yeah. Bit of groundhog day. Right?
Massively. Yeah. And then if other areas of your life aren't going that well. And
when you're not sleeping Yeah. Sleep is a massive thing. It's just
that relentless only snap and then Yeah. You know,
like it just has it just doesn't stop. Yeah. There's no even room for it.
Circuit breaker. Like, you just don't have that circuit breaker. And it's no it's not
anyone else's like, they you can't get in laws or my parents
or someone to take them. Like, that's not their job. That's our job. Mhmm. And
that's probably been the hardest thing just to find ways to, like,
stay recharged and stay on when you're not. Yep. And then
you've gotta then you've gotta try and figure out, oh, I'm all happy and get
up and talk to 300 people about their mental health and being happy. And I'm
like, ah. I guess it's interesting. Like, you're just a hypocrite. Like,
not a hypocrite, but, I mean, you wear all these masks and Yeah. You just
gotta sort of get on with it. Or what do we like, we just spoke
about, you know, when I'm feeling shit, I just need sometimes I just need to
take a few days. I'm just sitting there going,
oh. You don't get to take you know, you don't get to have a a
time off. So But that's that's what I've signed up for. Do you know what
I mean? And but but saying that, it's still okay as well
that I'm struggling with it. Mhmm. Yep. And I don't know. I really am. Like,
I think that's good that you're honest about it. 100% I am. And And it
is. These these years, you know, babies yeah. Babies are hard.
Newborns are hard. But 2 I had you know, I've obviously got 2
boys. And toddlers, boys when they're little, they are nonstop.
Back to little you Too little mateys. He's
the tree. Alright. But these are Dale, I'll I'm here to tell you
that these are the hardest times, and it does get easier. Yeah. And I can
see I reckon I can see a little twinkle in Jack's eye. I reckon he'll
be a great dad one day. Wee. Oh, hold on. Hold on.
One day, I think. One day. Yeah. One day. So you're a spring chicken, mate.
You got plenty of use in You are. Plenty of use. To worry about that.
But, no, I think that's, I think that's one thing that, you know,
females are very good at talking about. Be I acknowledge it the other
day to pray. I said, yeah. I'm she goes, I know you're struggling. I go
Yeah. I've really been struggling. Like struggling. Mhmm. You know? And that's it's
once I've sort of admitted that, it's been like, last week, it starts to
feel a bit better. Yeah. Because it's fucking hard, isn't it? Yes.
Because when you carry things without the virus And people can say, look, bring you.
You're not an idiot. Yeah. And I'm acting like it's okay. And then I snap
it. Good that you can actually, you know, have that open
communication. Because communication's a key to anything. Right? And to say to your wife,
I'm fucking struggling here. Yeah. Communicate is a key to anything. Yeah. You know? Totally.
Yep. Yep. So on that, Dale Mhmm. How do you get
yourself out of a funks? Well, as I said,
talking about it, but then taking action. Yeah. And I know
there's just things that are not negotiable for me. It doesn't like, the gym for
me is that's it's probably like ice bath or the
ocean. Do you mean, like, that's what you gotta do? Yeah. For me, getting out
of something, it's about doing things for myself and being consistent. Because the
mornings, my alarm goes on 4:30, and I'm not in a good place. It's
the last thing I wanna do is get up, but that's when I get up
no matter what. Yeah. And as I said, I've been struggling probably the last couple
of months. And I looked at my phone the other day, and I've been I
have not missed a day at the gym in the last 40 days. Unreal. And
that's because very proud of. Yeah. I I am proud of it, but it's
I just think if you start not doing those things for yourself, it
starts reflecting in all areas. If you slowly start
just, oh, I'll be right or snooze or I won't do it for me, I
need to do that in the morning because then I know, bang, I could do
that. I can do other things. I can show up. So I think
that's really important for me. Doing something for myself first thing in the
morning. That doesn't matter what it is. Not negotiable. Yeah.
And because I've been able to do that, I think it's allowed me to have
more clarity, and I'm I'm a lot more I could I could figure things out.
Whereas if I wasn't doing that, there's no more You're a bit better
dad, a better husband? Yeah. And I think it's allowed me to
reflect and see that I'm not going that well in other areas of my life
Yep. And sort of talk about it and seek other things. Mhmm. Yeah. But
without that, I don't think I would've yeah. That would've happened. Mhmm.
Yeah. That makes sense. Yeah. It's like the hard if you don't go through the
hard stuff, you don't get a rainbow without rain, do you? I do like that
one, Giro. It's very good. I think as you said too, that
you give yourself as soon as you give yourself an inch, we take
a mile now. It's like, so, know, you've got some certain,
you know, I'm exactly the same with, you know, whatever it might be,
drinking, partying, you know,
eating food, all that kind of stuff. Like as soon as I sort of dropped
the ball a little bit, it's like, okay, well, I've done that now. Now I
can go a bit further. Now I can go further. So that having
that structure and the consistency Like, consistency in, like, just one
thing. Let's just have one thing to yourself. Like,
if if you're not doing that Yeah. Then just you're not winning
anything. Yeah. Whereas, like, I at least know of one something in the
morning Yeah. That Completely. Whatever else happens, at least I've got that. Yeah.
And I can always remind myself, but you're good enough to do that. Yep. You
can do this. Or I don't know. These are little battles you have with yourself.
Just like how you speak to yourself. Isn't it like the fact that you get
up every morning, you can you can speak to yourself in a
positive way. Whereas if you didn't and you
missed a few, then when the little depth creep in,
instead of going, nah, you did that. Like, you're a good, you know, mate, look
at yourself. You did really well instead of that. You're all and you
miss that and you and you're struggling here and Yep. And then then
it can just go. Whereas when you lock something in yeah. That's what I found.
My 6 AM dips and my mortisee dippers are just non
negotiable now. Yeah. So Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 AM no matter what.
Yeah. This morning, it was the last thing I felt like doing. Look, we don't
know if it matches. Like drag your
sorry ass down there and you're never gonna regret it. Like, you're never gonna
regret going to the gym. Yeah. You're never gonna regret, you know,
speaking to that person Yeah. To help you get out of your funk. And you're
never gonna regret a nice bath, are you, dad? No. Now that I'm gonna
feel my fingers again. But I think that's yeah. If anyone is
going through something, like, you just need to do something for yourself,
a small day. Doesn't matter what it is. No. That's no. People always say, where
are you gonna start? I always say, get up 10 minutes early and just walk
around the block. Just go for a walk, unless you've done something for you. Don't
take your phone. Out of the house. Go for a 10 minute walk. Yep. And
that's really important in this. You know, ice baths aren't for everyone. Cold water.
Mhmm. But something that that gets you up and about and overly excited.
Yeah. Yeah. Something for yourself. And I think something that you enjoy
because then you're gonna be more likely doing it. You have to enjoy. Well, that's
why I walk. I feel it's easy because it's a small win that anybody
well, most people can do. Yep. Yep. You know? Whereas getting up and
to go into a gym class, some people may not be able to afford it
or they may not have a gym, or they're bored, they may not be able
to go to the gym. But most people can go for a walk. And that's
That's right. I think just starting small. Like, don't see Yeah. Start. Definitely. New Year's
resolution. How many people break it by February? Totally. Because it's too hard, and they
go too hard on themselves. Yep. And then they miss one day or something, and
they the way they speak to themselves is horrible. Yeah. I don't know exactly what
he's mentioned there. And to me, often, you know, I'm hard on myself. I think
I should you know, I need to do more exercise, more walking.
But I'll often choose a cold water dip at the bay opposed to going for
a walk before work or whatever because I think, okay, what's actually
gonna make me feel the best for me for the day? What do I love
most? Mhmm. And it's getting in the cold water. Yep. That's that's that's what we
just said. I couldn't agree more. Yep. Find what what warms
you or fucking freezes you. And if that floats
your boat, good on you. So on that note, Jacko Yes?
Gibo? Yes, Jacko. What's ish?
What does your favorite day look like? Oh, shoot.
My favorite day. Okay. My favorite day Let's
set the scene here. Oh, look. It'd be it'd
be waking up with Alan. I probably well,
I'd go to the gym, so I'd get to a 6 AM body fit
class. I'd come back, Ellen and I, I'd get her out of
bed, take the dogs down to the general store. She loves her
coffee. So grab a coffee, go for a walk around the block, walk the
dogs. And then, you know, I mean a normal day we're off, off
to work. And then,
you know, post work would usually like she loves a bit of core
plus pilates. So go into a hot mat Pilates, sweat it
out, go to the supermarket together, buy dinner, come home, cook
it and then jump on the couch, watch a little
episode of how's your brain baby reindeer.
Sorry. Once again, I actually like it.
Oh. That's not good enough. That would be my ideal day.
So I I can hear a bit of the big l word in there. What's
he? There's a lot of love there. Oh, what's A bit teddy bear.
Good is that? When I say when I asked you, what does
your favorite day look like? You know, most people or you think, you know,
you'd think of bells and whistles and, you know,
best golf day or, you know, but it was literally Maybe. Maybe. That that Jack
says shoot. You work with golf a lot. So Yeah. But what I mean is
your your favorite day looks like it just a normal
everyday. So you're living your best life. Yeah.
Yeah. I mean, it's very lucky at the moment. Things might
be about to change, but, but yeah. Present, big
boy. Yeah. That's right. Yeah. There's a bit going on at the moment.
But, but, yeah, I think I just appreciate
I think that's it's so important to appreciate the little things and the simple things
like, you know, yeah. The coffee in the morning and, and to
be, and just, I don't know, just be grateful for like
the life that I've got. Because
yeah, I mean, look, obviously we have our ups and downs and we, you
know, sometimes we're at each other and blah, blah, blah. But,
and life, you know, work doesn't go great or this doesn't go great or, you
know, but, overall it's a pretty bloody
good life that I get to live and And I think that's the key, isn't
it? It's none of us are promised tomorrow. Mhmm. For all we know,
this is well, I don't wanna bring in them all, but but, you know Yeah.
I forget to buy car. I'm gonna walk out of here. So I suppose all
in court. I'll leave it at court. It's so pretty safe. Phew. Your kids' courts
are good. But, that was nice jacket. Yeah. Really nice.
So, Dale, what's your favorite day look like? Very similar. Like,
I very important to get up and go to the gym in the morning. So,
normally, it'd be a Sunday, this would be,
where Brie I might go in the morning and Brie might go afterwards.
Then we get both the boys and we walk down to the beach, grab a
coffee. We're at this spot. We just sit and they wanna go out in the
sand, they do and I just not big fan of the beach. So I don't
mind looking at it, but I'll be off especially that cold water. Bad. I really
like sand. So mortiseedippers
is your worst nightmare. Oh, it's not. I keep trying to get me there, and
I'm like, oh. It's not gonna happen. I don't really like sand. I don't like
cold water. Do what you enjoy if it's not you I do love the beach.
I love looking at it. It makes like, it's nice. Yep. But that's the
only thing to me. No. It's not. Because normally then in summer too, it's too
hot. It's a lot too cold. Like, it
anyway, Yep. That's not just just how it is. That's why you got the big
pool out the back. Got the pool. But, yeah. And then obviously
come home, and then when the boys sleep, so I I don't know. Just sort
of chilling out. He might go for a ride with him or I don't know.
Just getting outside. Yeah. That's particularly Especially with boys.
Particularly, that's been the biggest thing is just just being
outside. Yep. Yeah. Because you get sick of yeah. You
get sick of your 4 walls pretty quickly. Yep. And yeah.
So anything to start in the morning, do something nice, spend a bit of
time together. Yeah. Very fortunate. Love that about
you boys is that your favorite day is, you know, it's
not nothing, out of the ordinary. It's not, you know,
wanting huge Don't get me wrong, Gibo. If you you offer me a private
jet down to bamboozle and, you know, maybe a weekend down there
playing golf, I'm not gonna say no. That's not true. We'll save that for the
end of your party. Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. Christmas
party weekend. Yeah. Do we have an end of financial year party? Sure. I
think so. Sure. Well It's 2 weeks old. I think probably. I
guess today we've made so much money this point in time. Today's
a good a day as any. I think it's tax order for me. Did you
put those cans in the ice bath, Dale? I did. We got them. We got
a cup. Not in here. It's getting quite warm. It's here my hand to take
Before I ask the last question I've got on my little list, I do wanna
say, you know, it's I feel absolutely honored and
stoked to be asked to be a part of this and help produce
with you guys because 2 of the biggest legends I've ever met.
Givar. That's true. Now I'm lucky.
No. But you just you're very real, honest
people, and what the podcast has brought to
my life and what you guys have brought to my life,
is unreal. And, you know, you should be so proud of yourselves
to, you know, 2 guys with a passion for life.
What gets them Learning. All things are getting done for now. Blessings.
That's what we're gonna say. That's how we're saying laugh. It's all we're welcome to
the podcast. What episode are we up to, Jacko? He doesn't know. But
it is. You should be so proud of yourselves because, you
know, yeah. Thank you, Chris. I'm such a legend. And we
and look, I mean, since the day I met you, we're
all a bit of weird. We're all a bit of wonderful. We've all got that
little bit of, you know, we're a bit left to center and I think that's
why we mix so well and, and,
and I think also, like, I love the fact that we're all,
we're, we're open to new
and wonderful things. Do you know what I mean? Like, that's what I think I
love about all of us. It's like, there's no judgment or there's
no sort of, you know, hesitancy to try
things or just no lack of support, you know, and that's,
and, you know, especially with you, like you're just the most
loyal, supportive, Always go above
instead of 6 bags of ice, bring 8. But, like
As soon as jump into things, I was very hesitant today. But besides that
Exactly. But it's just it's it's really not it's it's lovely to
know that you've got, that you've got my back. I know you've got my back
no matter what, you know. No matter what. Yeah. And we've only known each other
what? You and I maybe, just over a year, 18 months
tops. Met because at, Mates?
Mates. I was like, what's he? Can I get a photo for the family?
And what she would've paid the best friend here? History.
Sat down and had a drink and realized, you know, I've said to you a
few times, I feel like we're like twins 10 years apart separated at
birth. Yeah. It's a bit like that, isn't it? Yeah. But But now
it's a it's a good thing we got going. And, to get you on on
board is, you know, I think we're the lucky ones, I always say. 100%
kiwo. That's exactly you so much for, for all the work you've already
done. And, looking forward seeing what we can produce. Yep. And as
you say, trying new things, I reckon moving forward, you know, I
reckon before your next episode, just the 2 of you, I wanna set you a
challenge. Mhmm. Alright, mate. Maybe,
set the scene outside Mordy Alec Yep. Outside the
Woolies there down the steps. Maybe give out a few free hugs. Free hugs. Free
hugs. We could get a little sign saying free hugs. You know I'm a free
you know I'm a hugger. So you're a hugger. Bring it on. Let's do it.
Yep. I reckon give out some free hugs and just see where that see where
that takes us. Yep. Get a bit more, a bit
more active on the socials. Yes. That's what we're gonna do. Totally.
Yep. Trying to do that. We'll be doing that. Been one of the hardest things.
We're both, I think both of us have tried to take a step
back from social pisses. Here I come. There's been much
happening. Yeah. It's funny because it's like I I know personally,
like, fucking Instagram for me is just like We're talking about you always answer the
messages in Instagram chat. Sorry about that, Gibbo. You
know? But I think I I do have messy. That. I I text them as
a group on Instagram, and then I do a group message
on text message, and then it's just to chat. You know
the time. Right? 1 PM. 1:30 today, Jack.
Where'd that half an hour go? I don't know where I don't know how that
happened. You just make numbers up and go over. Are not too bad, but
No. You're alright. But it is interesting, like, Instagram, like, I've just
basically tried to get off it because it's just a life sucker for me. Like,
I don't I'd It's a leech. It's a leech. It really is. But
then, you know, with stuff like this, like, I'd love to get more involved
and, you know, blah blah blah. And I think the thing is when people see
on socials, like, whether, you know, Dale having his first ice bath, getting out
of your comfort zone, giving a few free hugs in Morty Mhmm. You know, you
have no idea the impact that those little videos and things have on people and
think, fuck. That's cool. Yeah. I suppose it is a positive video.
Exactly. And that's the thing. Yeah. And and it's
the the issue is, like, yeah, I'll I'll jump on for that and I'll yeah,
that's positive. We're positive. And then 2 hours later. You're still
on the You you guilty of it. I know. You're like, I'm
very guilty of that. That guy's killing him. I'm like, oh, no. What's the what's
the there's a meme, that my I sent to my
husband. There's no one else I'd rather lie in bed next to and scroll on
my phone with. Well, I think we're all busy now. Yeah.
It's life we live. So I'm gonna ask you one more question.
Mhmm. We'll stay with you there, Watsy, and we'll go back to you, Dale. Mhmm.
How do you wanna be remembered? Oh, how
do I wanna be remembered? I just want to be remembered
as someone who was who was happy, who brought energy
and and was great to be around, treated
people really well with respect and love and care.
And like, I think, yeah, I think if I can, you know,
be remembered as someone who, you know, went
out of his way to to love and care and make people feel
better about themselves, then that's all I can really ask
for, to be honest. So And I can say firsthand that that's who
who you are, and you will be remembered for that. Keep keep
being you. Oh, keep being me. Yep. That's it. Love that.
Exciting? I'd say mine's very like, it's not just cliche, but I'd say
it's very similar, that I wanna leave the place
better than what when I came into it. Yep. And I wanna make people feel
special. I wanna make people have fun. I mean, that's sort of
the mission I'm on, particularly work wise, is I wanna
allow a space for people to have fun again because I think
even before COVID, you know, our lives are so serious, and we'd forgotten how
to do it. But then, you know, a couple of years of lockdowns, particularly Melbourne,
people have sort of lost that joy, that spark. And something they don't
know how to, but rediscovering that inner child and just allowing that
space to have fun. So for me, I wanna try and bring that into all
areas of my life. And probably the most important thing is get better at being
a dad and and be a good dad. And I think that's the biggest challenge
I'm going through at the moment. But overall, I just wanted to remember to
someone that always was up and about had fun.
And, yeah, yeah. I think that is a bet, like, to have fun. Even
me just now, I'm just thinking, like, personally, I
would love, like, I think I'd do an okay job at that, but I could
be so much better because we take life so seriously
serious and, and, and, and like So short. And it's just
all work and this and that and so,
like, no one's gonna remember you, you know? No. Like, we're
all gonna be done in 50 years, like, you're dead, you're finished. Like,
nothing and and it's as simple as that. Like,
why why am I worrying about, you know, the fact that I haven't
bloody finished my homework or the fact the fact that I haven't done this or
So true. Go and enjoy your life. Be present. Mhmm. Coming back to
being present, isn't it? Don't Don't buy green bananas because you can't eat them. I
I love that. I buy green bananas. Don't buy something or do something that
you can't do right now. Yeah. Stop putting things off. Yep. And I
guess, just do it now. Because as you said, you don't know
what's going on tomorrow. No. Yep. And if you have a ice pass, you
probably won't have many more days. No. You'll have more
days. I just have to get in there. This is nice. I feel so
good at the moment. I'm a fuck.
I'll tell you what. I feel I feel 30 years younger now. So
here's a stat for you. Here's a stat. Oh, it's stat. You guys, how old
are you? Oh, I'm 33. I'm 39. Okay. You're a bit
older. So let's go with Jack. 33. I'm nearly
43. So 10 years your senior. But the funny thing is with
all the ice bars, I'm gonna live 10 years longer than you. Well,
I've I've also heard that if you, cuddle
someone at night Yes. And then I'm gonna
live longer than you because I'm I tell you what, I think I've got the
biggest stat. If you listen to the overly excited podcast and you share it with
your friends, you're fucking
immortal. Oh, I love that. Oh, it's a beautiful way to finish it.
That great stat to have. Birthday, boys. You
should be very proud of yourselves, and I'm so stoked to jump on this
journey with you. I love those questions, Givar. Keep them coming. It
was good to sort of it's funny because when it's just you and I, we
don't delve into No. I'm gonna get that team. No. It was nice. Things,
but that was Yeah. I thoroughly enjoyed that. That was beautiful. So And I have
to say, I was pretty nervous coming in, Mate, you put it in the pod
today. You know, I was a bit quiet at the start there. I was looking
around. Produce them at the most. Produce them at the end. That's you.
Well, everyone, thank you very much. Great episode. Happy Friday. Happy
there's fucking Friday. Tomorrow's Friday. Have
fun. If you end, see you later.
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