#36 Jack & Dale | Exciting Choices: Flight vs. Dinner, Donkey vs. Giraffe, and Marathon Musings

This episode is brought to you by Swash Clothing and Sugar Life.

Welcome to the overly excited podcast hosted by Jack Watts and Dale

Sidebottom. 2 friends with a passion for life, learning and all

things that get them jumping out of their seats.

Alright, everyone. We're back. We're in the dungeon, in the shed. It's episode number

36, Jacko. Got any stats for me for 36, mate?

6, Aaron Davy. Aaron Davy? Dane Swan? If we keep going down that

path. I actually tried to get a stat for you, but it's pretty average Lego.

It's a really common theme in Lego because the biggest the most

common block is a rectangle, and it's got, they call it 3

by 6, so they call it 36. Let's go. Is that right? That's a

crap story and I know how to kick off it. Lego is massive. I love

Lego. Very creative. I used to be into Lego but then,

yeah. That's why I got a bit older. Nothing. And then obviously the big Lego

TV show came out and it's gone bananas, hasn't it? So It has.

How do I do anyway, mate? I'm good. Get get Lego ahead, you reckon? The

other thing I should get Lego out, maybe a couple of Star Wars, you know,

the x wing line. Have you ever, like, actually so my son I don't know

if you've seen the movie up. So it's on Disney. Love it. Anyway,

like, obsessed. He want an up house for his birthday cake.

I'm like, I can't make that. So I bought the 650

piece thing of Lego. Took me 4 nights. Really? Mate,

he wants to touch it all the time. Eddie's that high up. I'm like, you

know, mate, no one's touching that. That's like That took really proud of that. Took

me 4 nights. Oh, my god. 4 nights and a lot of beers, so I

got it done. Because I've seen I went there's like a Lego store in

one of the airports. I can't remember where it was, but I went some real

big ones, like, in in Dubai. I think I was like, what? There's

like it there's like it it they're like over $1,000.

These these things, like, $6,000, $5,000 to

buy this Lego set. So Yeah. People have,

like, rooms. And this is my thing. Like, you make it, but

then you don't touch it. Yeah. I could sorta I I I guess it's art.

I understand that and but I think the whole idea of Lego is

now we just look at it, like, if you touch it. Be a cool sense

of achievement, wouldn't it? Like, building something that It was. Yeah. Yeah.

But the hard thing is now my son wants to play with this up

pie as he calls it. And his dad does. I'm like, if you're good, you

could touch it. And I try and tell

him, he's only 3. I'm like, man, this took me a long time. As if

he cares. I hope he rips it down one day. He will. I hope. Because

he's a ball in order. So Prey's looking at me like, he doesn't understand and

he doesn't care. Yeah. And I'm trying to tell him how good I am when

making Lego. Yeah. That's good. Anyway, right, how's things?

You've been a little bit, bit bit under the weather.

Yeah. Bit average this week. And then

when I finally got over the calf complaint. So the

calf is feeling good finally. So I'm thinking, okay, this would be my first

basketball game back in 4 weeks, I reckon. At

4 out. Yeah. 4 out. So I think couple of

forfeits. But, but yeah.

So and haven't really run or done much at all. So and

it was okay. And then. Yeah. So I went for a little run. When was

that? Maybe Saturday. And then and it got

through it. So it felt okay. And then came

back, played, played ball Tuesday, but been under the weather feeling sick,

been a bit shitty, went out there, fuck my back,

the back, the back, the back, gone bangs spasmod on me.

We only had 5 players. We we're not getting the win, mind you. So we

started to see a steady out there. Started down 10, you

know, had to come back from 10 down because when you don't have a score,

you get penalized 10 points. Oh, so

we were up against it and we'd lost our last 4 or whatever. So

we needed a win coming into finals. The boys heroic. We

just knuckled down. We the the defense really dialed up.

But yeah. So did the back and then sort of stayed out there for probably

a bit too long. And so it's been a bit of an average week. But

as I said to you, as I came in here, today is the first day

where I feel somewhat energetic, I guess you

could say a bit of life in the face. So which is nice. And,

yeah, I'm heading down to Werribee after this to watch Ellen. She's in one of

her biggest horse events this this year. So going down there, the

salvo to watch her. You are turning into a horsey. Horsey. Been watching

like Saddle Club and Yeah. Well, not not yet. Saddle Club.

Ride Like A Girl. That's one of the have you watched that? No. Ride Like

A Girl. Yeah. It's sad. Oh, is it Michelle Payne? Yeah. Oh, I think Great

book for the movies. Yeah. Yeah. Really good. Yep. Terez Palmer, Australian in

it. It's, Sam Neill. Really Sam Neill. Yeah. Real

really good movie. Sam Neill was Jurassic Park? Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. I

think we're claiming as Aussie, but he's his Kiwi. Kiwi. Yeah. Yeah. Any good Kiwi's

come over. Crowded house. Yeah. You know your Russell Crowe.

Yeah. Oh, that's exciting, mate. Yeah. So that'll

be good. And then, fuck, what do we got this weekend? What with long weekend?

I've got nothing really. I'm actually do you know what I'm doing? What are you

doing? If you're in, the Bayside area from 10:30

to 12:30, pop down to Bunnings, Keysborough. I'll be on the

barbecue On the barbie. Snacks. Myself and,

his mate, Porter will be, Saturday morning? Saturday morning, 10:30

to 12:30. We'll be, yeah, cooking the snags

and for the the local kinder. Good on you, mate. They've done,

you know when you're, like, you're part of a new community and, like because we've

been away a lot of work and so they've done all these, like, working bees

and, like, man, I'm not gonna be much help at a working bee. What I'm

gonna do, like, encourage people. Like, I can't get on the get on

the wheelbarrow. Anyway, so I haven't done anything and,

neither is my mate. He's a trading mind. He could probably could do a lot

more at the working days. So he messaged me and said let's, they got a

barbecue. I was like, ah, yeah. So anyway, that's, I might have

to come down. Come down. I'll put a little bit extra onion there.

A little overly exciting special. What do I need from Bunnings? Bunnings is a great

place. Great store, mate. You can, just walk around there. I've been going there a

bit lately because I've been doing a bit of stuff out the back, and, it's

a great store, but it's so hard to find things. Yeah. Even I don't know

your own personal Well attendance there. Sort of like ask them and they go that

lane and then you get there and you're like, so then you go back to

them. I'm like, oh, I'm really sorry. They go halfway down.

So then you go and try and look, you come back. You're like, can you

do you mind just showing me? Not quite like the woolies where you just where's

the oh, yeah. Thank you. You can find it whereas I'll go looking for screws.

There's 5 rows of screws in there. Like Yeah. Anyway Especially if we got

no idea about your idea about the screw. And if you get the wrong ones,

you gotta go back. And anyway, so that's, that's what I'm,

up to Saturday, mate, which would which would be nice to give back. That'd be

nice. Yeah. You feel good after that? I will probably be completely covered in

oil. So I thought about that. Gotta wear some older clothes. Get

your apron on. I'll have an apron on. I would've thought. When's

HiRox? HiRox? This is a great question. I think it's in 2 weeks. 2

weeks? 2 or 3 weeks. I actually, did the

full Hi Rocks a couple of weeks ago. You told me.

There's a reason I don't need to be doing that at 39 years old, Jack.

I literally came home and was on the couch for 5

hours. Shaking. Oh, I actually was. And Brie's

looking at me like, why'd you do that? I'm like, you know, when you

just start something, I was like, oh, I'm doing it. I might as well go

hard. You know, I'm like, I was laying on the couch. I'm like, why did

I do that? Like How'd the running go for you? Because you're not a huge

runner. That was probably my downfall. What I was doing is doing

about play 4 and a half minute case, and that's probably going a little bit

too quick for where I'm at at the moment. Yep. Considering, yeah, I I

don't run. I haven't really run since I played 40, which is a long time

ago now. So but I guess I really like it as a challenge

because there's elements that will be hard for a lot of people, but then they'll

like certain things. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So it's sort of your little specialty in there

somewhere Yeah. Yeah. Which is you can feel good about. But yeah. And

that's the thing. I suppose doing it I'm doing it with Bryce, so I don't

need to do all the reps, which I didn't mind doing all the reps. Wouldn't

mind doing half the running. Yeah. But, yeah. I think anyway, I'll

be I'm just excited to do something like you, you know, with Mitchie and doing

your marathon. Yep. I think it's yeah. The the training

and the whole thing behind it, having something coming

up that's a little bit daunting. Yep. Yep. Definitely. Yeah. So, yeah, it's a couple

of weeks away, man, I think. I got the, email for the Melbourne Mirror 18

weeks away. Oh. It's sneaking up. It's sneaking up. But,

shit, I've had 4 weeks off no no running, so I better get back into

it. You still gotta be there. I was at 4 and a half months. Yeah.

We got a bit of time. So are you are you gonna start following, like,

no. Because they do, like, 12 week training plans and stuff, don't they?

Yeah. I think they do. But Remember when you said you wanna become a professional

marathon runner? No. I didn't. No. I did

not. I never said it. Business. I reckon I said,

you seriously said you're gonna play NBL. I wanna give

6 months or something. Well, you've got 4 and a half months to give to

your marathon. Yeah. And you could become pro. Well, I could never.

My my aerobic capacity

mixed with my 6 foot 4 93 kilo

frame would not allow me to become. But you

could train like it. What? You could try and do it? You could train like

a professional marathon runner trains. Like, obviously, not the miles and stuff, but

do Yeah. I reckon if you lost You know what I mean? Like, if you

did that and you lost a bit of weight, you're gonna be leaner. No. You

don't reckon you'd be got long legs. No. Like, if you did iRocks, you'd

only have to take half the steps forward. Yeah. But then it comes to the

squats. That's the problem with squats. Yeah. But that's a little bit It comes to

the squats, and it takes me 4 times as long. Because I'm

going 7 times the distance.

You bend down 1 inch and your your arse is touching the ground.

Sometimes I don't even need to bend down the ass that low.

Oh, that's a beautiful thing with all different body sizes, isn't it? And you can

probably tell Jack and myself isn't the 1st time we've spoken about this. It's

literally so funny. Like, the constant debate at,

like, whenever we were training, it was like, you know, say the

small dudes, like power to weight ratio, power to

weight, but then we'd argue, like, we're, we're moving the bar 10 times

further. So what does that mean? Like, that's obviously a lot harder.

You I've never got an answer. No. 33 years. No. I don't actually know. I

don't think there is an answer, and I think it comes back to us saying

before that people excel at different things for different reasons. So I I

don't know why, and I don't think people know, but they know the things they

really like doing. Yeah. So I'm interested when you when you are feeling sick

because I've been feeling sick as well. I think, rest for me

was the ways to get over it. But for anyone out there

listening with kids, obviously, that doesn't happen anymore.

So you end up just being like the cranberries lingering

because little song reference there.

You just don't get better. But, you know, obviously where you're

at, what do you what do you do to recover? Well, I'm

certainly fortunate that I do get the chance to rest, which is nice.

I think for me, it's like sleep is the most important thing. So, like, I

just try to get to bed early and sleep. And then

I'll also just give myself, like in the mornings, I'm feeling really

sick. Like I won't get up at 6 or whatever. I'll stay in bed till

8. And I find that has a big difference in

saying that then as you sort of I find like if when I get into

that effect, though. Yeah. Like it sort of runs on for a bit further and

then, and then I'm staying in bed, like, until as

8 or 9 o'clock and then it's cold and it's cold. And then, and then

as, even though as I'm starting to feel better, it's like then it's hard to

get back up going when I'm.

But I think it's probably in the long run, it's probably worth it.

What I struggle with is like when I'm sick and I'm sitting at home,

you know, and you're watching TV or something, like, I eat shit.

Yeah. Because I'm not not feeling good. So I'm like, oh, what if it make

me feel good? A block of chocolate. That always makes you feel good.

Always. And you can't just have one row. I don't understand that. Do I?

I just have 4 blocks. And then put it away. Hell.

Come on. You put it away and you're gonna get it again. You put it

away and you're gonna get it at least get your steps up. Yeah.

Exactly. But that's my that's my issue is, like, when I'm at

home, if I'm not like out doing things and,

and like in that routine of like, then I can just, I can just

eat and I'll just eat shit. And so that

probably doesn't help getting better. But, but, you know, rest is

key. Yeah. I'm a big believer, and I don't think this is

right in routine. So I've been sick for a while now, like, on

and off. I just keep bringing things home from daycare or kinder. I'll still get

up at 4:30 and go to the gym. And sorry if anyone's listening,

and and I've made you sick. Mhmm. But you just sort of get on with

it. Mhmm. And Breeze the opposite, like, she'll sleep. Neither of

us are getting better, so I don't think there's a right or wrong answer. But

I just yeah. What you just said about that routine. Yeah. Oh, I

don't know. I you don't feel like getting up at and when you're feeling rough,

it's horrible. But I don't know. At least I've done something for the

day I mean, it's just it'll just depend

on how bad you are. Because if Oh, from if you go if you go

and do your thing and then you come home and you sleep for 5 hours

No. Yeah. Yeah. You don't you just don't sleep. You just come home, walk around

like a zombie and drink 8 coffees and go, and then you do

it again. I don't know if that's the best way to get that. And you

make Lego at night.

So that's so what else on the weekend, Saudi? It's a long weekend? Yeah. Long

weekend. So we've been, planning. My mate,

lives in Geelong, and they just sort of moved about 10 minutes out and got

a bit of land. So him and his, wife

with a couple of young kids been planning to go and see them about 3

or 4 times. Yep. Each time one of the kids is sick and well, one

of their kids are sick, so it just doesn't happen. Yep. Anyway, I think we're

just at the right I looked at. It might be a chance to might be

a chance. Yeah. So that'll be nice. Just, I hope to get the bonfire

going and Yeah. Get that country lad back out in me a little bit and,

go there just for the night and then he then breeze away for work for

3 nights. I was like, oh. Here we go. I'm one out again.

I buckled out. So I'll tell you what, Jack. I've got a big meeting this

afternoon with a, international school in Thailand. Woah. Because I

put a travel ban on myself. I'm like,

you might change that up. Like, wow. There's been a few

trips going on lately, but not for me. We gotta level up this. I was

like, well, no. I think, yeah. It's a good opportunity,

Jacko. Thailand is good. Yeah. Thailand is, yeah,

NIST. It's one of the biggest international schools in the world right in the heart

of I've done a lot of work in Bangkok and Thailand, and a lot of

being on the outskirts, and it's a bit not much going on. Yeah. Whereas I

I went there last year and, oh, mate, like, this school, incredible.

Yeah. You know, multiple swimming pools. I could it's just Got it

all. Different world. So, anyway, that's exciting. But, you, mate, what about you?

Going horse horse riding today watching on the camera?

No. It'll be yeah. On the camera. On the camera. She, she I think she's

had her first couple events this this morning, so she's already missed me on the

camera there. So I'll have to bring my a guy in the suburb.

But other than that, pretty chilled. Yeah. Real relax. I think just coming off

as, as I said, coming off a bit of a rough week, you just wanna

sort of get, get healthy and get fit and feel good. So I've had

I had, like, I think we had a game of golf planned down at the

national on that might be Monday morning, which should

be good. You won't go to the footy?

No. No. I was about to ask you about your bombers, aren't they? They're flying,

aren't they? We are, mate. Sitting second. Yeah. 2nd on the ladder. Not getting ahead

of ourselves. I must admit, I'm I'm not a crazy supporter. Like, I I

enjoy it. I'd rather watch just a good game. Yeah. But I must admit, I'm

actually enjoying watching the bombers play Yeah. Because they play good footy.

So, yeah, that's it's exciting. They play Carlton on

Sunday night, which, Oh, that'll be big. Big game. Sunday

night with the game. With the holiday the next day. Yeah. I think that well,

I think it's already a seller, the g 95. Fuck. Because both sides

made horrendous for years. And now they're Horrendous since, you know,

the 2000s where they're both good, and it's been a long time coming. I felt

a little bit guilty for our amazing producer.

Kristen managed to get her a couple of tickets out in Alice Springs last

week for a beloved demon. She was ready to go and

watch big Maxie gone and the boys. Melbourne turn up? I didn't

actually I I was watching it doing a little work at the back of my

brother-in-law is Melbourne, and he said turn it off. They got that. Turn it off.

Nearly lost by a 100 points. Jeez. Turn it off. I was like, mate, just

just get down. Turn it off. I was like You know when supporters are

saying turn it off, I've had enough. Oh. I think that debate though, like, so

that's obviously Melbourne home game. They sell it to go up to

Alice Springs. You you losing by nearly a

100, like, where's the debate of would it be different in the g?

On the g. Yeah. You know, because freeman or do they play better in

the heat? Because obviously, it's 20 degrees every day in,

Fremantle and Perth. Yep. Oh, I don't know. I just always see I

understand clubs need to do it, but I don't know. A club like

Melbourne, do they need to be selling those games off? Like, surely,

they're financially going alright. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I remember when back

in our day, we were selling games left, right, so Did you buy any of

the genie? China, Darwin, Ella Strings,

wherever we could get a bit of government pay. But,

but, yeah, I I get what you're saying. There's there's probably, it'll be

insane that it is great for the game, isn't it? Growing and going to a

different location. Totally agree. Awesome. You know, I

used to love those games, but, you know, I understand that's probably.

Yeah. You're not at home. You know that you're sleeping in your own

bed. You're away, You you know, neutral venue rather

than any advantage. So And I and I think that's the thing. Like, it doesn't

matter what profession you're doing when you're away from home. You never

sleep well. It doesn't matter what what I well, I I'm not that good of

a sleeper, like, if it's not my own bed. Yeah. So when you're

away from work, it footy, you you have an average sleep. It

definitely would play an effect. Yeah. Have an effect for sure. And, like,

you do you have to have an extra long bed? Because you're big. No. I'm

gonna be shorter. Why we used to get looked after pretty well, which is awesome.

You get that big king. I see. I used to enjoy going to going away

games and just nestling into the hotel room. I used to sleep like

a baby. That used to be my Oh,

straight out. Yeah. Go to the buffet beforehand,

load up on good food, and then out of the

go. Now last week, we also had, Amy on

Corti. Yes. Incredible lady. She's

amazing. I I just love the selflessness

of, you know, what she's done with the dippers. Obviously,

it was for her benefit as well, but, the way she's created

community Yeah. You know, and so many people commented on the podcast

because what a legend she has been to be able to create that space for

people that not that all lost, but, you know, that he accepts

anybody. I I thought that was really nice. Yeah. I think I think we're

all lost in some way personally. Like,

you know, I think I don't think anyone's really got it all together and figured

it all out. And so to create an

environment where you can come down and feel welcome

and warm and loved and a part of something, I

think anyone would would put their hand up and say, yeah, I want that, you

know? So for the dippers to have found that and for Amy to have run

it and, and, you know, I guess put a lot of time and effort

into organizing it, good on her. And she's just she's just

one of the great she's so great to talk to. And even, you know, after

the pod when we're out there and she's just energetic, she's magnetic

energy. She's so positive and, you know,

great person to be around. So there's no it's sort of no wonder that it's

been a huge success and looking forward to see soul. Mhmm. That's

right. The the saunas. Now, Jack, I've got something for you today. You mean? I

need, I've got 6 questions for you. Okay. I need

these are would you rather, and I need to know why you would. Okay? So

would you rather lose the ability to read or speak?

I'd rather lose the ability to read. I think

I'd wanna be able to still communicate with people. What about thisal

or Say that again. Thisal? Is it

thisal? What about your dragon lady or the dungeons?

Yes. I'd be upset, but I couldn't And I'm a get it. My

Did I get it close? Akhtar? No. There was a thiesel or something,

wasn't it? A thiesel. Mate, I swear there's one. You

are you're off with the fares. But yeah,

obviously it's not a great, you don't want to lose the ability to

read, but I think just being able to speak Mhmm.

It's, you know, insane that you could. Yeah. But yeah. That wouldn't worry me

very much because I can't read very well anyway.

Number 2, would you rather be covered in fur or scales? Oh.

I'd rather be kind of covered in scales. Obviously, I wanna be a dragon.

That's, that's getting me pretty close.

Yeah. Fur or scales. I think

I'd rather be a scaly little thing. Like, fur I don't I don't like being

hot. I'm running hot already. Yeah. So scales for

me. Can't be the same, mate. I feel hot, and I don't even have fur

on. Would you rather always be 10 minutes

late or 20 minutes early? 20 minutes early all the time. That's not even a

question. I can't like, being late is,

like, gives me anxiety. Yeah. If so with

anything, I'm I'm always sort of I always organize it to be at

least a bit earlier. I think, Yeah. I

totally agree. Even I get anxious if I'm 20 I I like getting

somewhere to see my car because I know I'm there. Yeah. That's weird. Yeah.

No. It's good. Mhmm. I like that. Way to be. Would you rather

have all green light traffic lights in your life or never stand in the

line again? Oh,

wow. I would oh my

goodness. It's a good one. That one is a good

one. Cause if, I guess if you look at it in terms of total

time saved in your life, the car's going to be much better.

But then you think airports and you think any, any sort

of, concert tickets that you or any

you can just walk straight to the front. Yeah.

Oh, I feel like I'm a good enough driver as it is that I can

manipulate. You know, I don't get many reasons. I

mean, that's right. I don't look for it. But if I wasn't 64, I'd be

in I'd be taking that next Mercedes seat. If 1

so we'll go with lines. We'll go with not not because I hate

standing up to I hate standing up and doing nothing. What?

Because people look because you're tall. No. Just standing, you know, sore

back and not moving and Mate, you're in trouble. You're not even

40 yet. And yet your body's breaking down. No shit.

No shit. So I gotta get this marathon out of the way. Before

I walk in, I would take green lights every day of the

week because there's, I don't stand any lines around my house, and that's all I

do at the moment, Jacko. Haven't really left for a while. And the

old express at Coles these days, happy days. Would you rather have unlimited

international first class tickets, or never have to pay a restaurant bill

again? Oh, fuck. I'd

say unlimited international first class because you

use it when you're. Oh, you'd use it like nothing else. I'd

be. Yeah, exactly. You'd be going left, right and center and

restaurants like the, you know, one first class

ticket over to LA, you're looking at $25 or something. So much

it is? Something like that. I'd say so. Wow. And, mate, flying's got so much

more expensive. Mhmm. Like, even just to fly, we got to go

to Sydney for a day. It was like $600 return Yeah. For a

day Yeah. To Sydney. Crazy. Oh. Is, okay, is the

restaurant are you shouting the bill for everyone that you've just had dinner with? Oh,

it doesn't say that on my question. Mhmm. So Well, so you take all

just because if if you just go on yours, then obviously, I'm going the 1st

class flight. Yeah. But if you could fly if you could share the whole

bill To the people you're with. Exactly. You take 12 to I make

people everywhere. You'd be followed around. You'd have a You just have the best

restaurants around the world just booked every night. Oh, sorry. We're busy, Jack. Oh,

sorry. Fully booked. Oh, Jack's here. Sorry. We're booked. Jump back on your

first class plane. Yeah. I think I think I'd go first class because

it's because then you could see the world. Yeah. Yeah. A bit of a novelty.

And last one, probably, probably sums up probably both of us

a little bit here, Jacko. Choosing between 2 hot wires I'm going

with. Would you rather would you rather only mode of

transport being a donkey or a giraffe?

A donkey or a giraffe? I'd love to be to use

a giraffe as transport. Wow. That'd be so cool. Is it on the head or

on their back? No. No. On the back. Give him a little hug around the

neck. Feed their big long tongues as it you know, when they get

hungry, you go, man. Rub their back here. Just give him a little

scratch. I'm a horsey now. So You are a horsey. So the

giraffe's close to that. Yeah. I'd go a giraffe, but

are they a bit more unpredictable? Maybe giraffes. And I don't see many people riding

them. No. I don't think I'd really wanna ride a donkey either. No. He's a

I'd poor donkey, you know, I'd heard it. Big boy.

You could probably open it out because your feet would be on the ground with

it. Like, oh, that donkey's got 6 legs. Exactly.

Oh, Jacko, there you go. Very important question that we, always need to get

to. Well, mate, you enjoy Werribee. Werribee.

Come on. Go, Alan. Let's go. Let's go, Alan. Get into it.

Get your jumps going. And, as I said, if you're in the area

on Saturday morning, 10:30, come, support

the Bunnings sausage sizzle. I might come down. Easy. I might come down and buy

an indoor plant. Indoor plant? Mhmm. There you go. You never have

too many. Don't be feeling my lovely plastic ones in here. They look great.

No. I think someone's knocked one of them, but, yeah, same better days. But,

happy Friday, everybody. Friday. Enjoy your weekend. We got we got a very special guest

next week. Oh, yes. We do. We haven't recorded it yet either. So Yeah. Can

we say who it is? Yes. You can. Go for it. Tony Mott. Tony

Mott. Tony Mott. Thanks to Kristen for organizing this one. Superstar producer.

Photographer, producer, and all the rest of it. So bring it

on. It'll be a a good one, I think. It will be. I reckon you

have some really good stories about, obviously, all the

famous rock stars that he's filmed and taken photography of over the

years. Yep. Yep. We'll delve deep. We'll get some good stories out of you,

everyone. That's what we do here. Alright. Get excited

because we

Creators and Guests

Dale Sidebottom
Dale Sidebottom
Is the creator and founder of Jugar Life and Energetic Education. Two multidisciplinary business platforms that provide people with the tools to make play a focus of their everyday. Dale is a full-time 'play' consultant who taps into his 20+ years working in the education and health sectors to educate individuals, schools, sporting clubs and corporate organisations globally on the benefits 'adult play' can have on mental health and wellbeing. Dale is the author of All Work No Play, a TEDx speaker and podcast host. Dale has worked face-to-face with students, teachers, schools and corporations in over 20 countries worldwide.
Jack Watts
Jack Watts
Co - Host of The Overly Excited Podcast, owner of Skwosh Clothing.
#36 Jack & Dale | Exciting Choices: Flight vs. Dinner, Donkey vs. Giraffe, and Marathon Musings
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