#34 Jack & Dale | Wellness & Connection: The impact of boredom, quiet time, and human interactions

This episode is brought to you by Swash Clothing and Sugar Life.

Welcome to the overly excited podcast hosted by Jack Watts and Dale

Sidebottom. 2 friends with a passion for life, learning and all

things that get them jumping out of their seats.

34. Alright. We're on. Go. We are back.

Okay. Episode 34. You sure

about that? Now well, I have to double check with you, but Troy Luff.

Troy Luff. If anyone on this listening to this remembers

Troy Luff, we are doing something wrong or right. I don't know.

Oh, so episode 34. Now, Dale, it's called the overly

excited podcast. Yes. But it's late on a Tuesday night

here. I don't think you or I have either of us are overly

excited to be doing this, but we're getting it done for the

listeners. We are. Because we love our listeners. We love what

we're we're doing. We know the thing is it was interesting for me. I was

like, coming home, I was like, fuck. And now here we go again. Like and

you were to say, you're like, I've got sick kids and then a dinner popped

up tomorrow when we're meant to have it. So I messaged you like, man, I

can't do it tomorrow. And you're like, look, we could do it today. But, you

know, anyway, we get it done. And I was just thinking on on

the way over here, I was thinking, you know what? Every single time I

come and I do it, I feel fucking better walking out the door. Yes. So

and we've already had a beautiful little chat before the pod. I'm already on

the way up. Yes. So here we are. I mean, howdy's. And we did

have a very nice chat. I think that's, that's very underrated

where you probably don't have that time with anyone. But

because we know we're doing the podcast, we check-in. Yeah.

You probably we get something that we're not getting anywhere else. Yeah. And it's probably

a bit of a lesson to, you know, actively seek that in other relationships

and But that's the thing, mate. Like, how often you do that with a male

friend that's, like, intentional? Like, you don't. You don't. And

that's that's funny. Like, even, you know, I talk a lot about Mitchie on the

pod and and, you know, the since we

we made the decision to lock into a

Saturday morning every week, you know, the

reason that it's it's, you know, our relationships completely changed and

for the better, because as you say, we're making what we

have the intention when we're you know, it's both

sacrificing a you have Saturday morning and, you know, Friday night, you

like it. But because that's something that I love so much,

it's not a sacrifice. You're sort of looking forward to it. Yeah. And it's

changed. Yeah. It's like because you, you really give you

ourselves that time to delve a bit deeper

into not just, hey, hey, hey, go on. Yeah. Yeah. You

know, it's like we're there, we are there to discuss the deeper

things and we're there to actually get to know what's going on in your life

and what my life and you know, on a deeper level, which as you

say, we don't do that very often these days, do we? We don't in like

what you're doing as well. Running is the same as walking with someone else or

in the car. Mhmm. You're not directly looking at that person, so it's not threatening.

Mhmm. So there's a lot of evidence around, like, going on a walk

with someone, like, because you can talk, so you'll get the benefits of moving your

body Yep. And you're not directly looking at that person, so you sort of feel

safe. Yep. Because because we know if you feel safe, then it's a lot better.

But, obviously, because you're not randomly just catching our Mitchie anytime,

you you bypassing those, oh, how's work, how's it going? Like, all

that just junk. Yep. You're getting way deeper because you get that

regular thing each week, and you got something to check-in with. And it's all

I guess, like, also, if you're catching up with 4 of your mates or

something for a dinner, that's probably not the time to do it, is it?

So it does have to be set. Yep. And, you

know, you've got to make it. It's it's an interesting one, and probably a lot

of people would feel uncomfortable doing that and organizing, like, okay, we're gonna

get into the finest things in life and Well, we probably, like, unless you're

running you wouldn't do that, unless you're doing the podcast we wouldn't have done what

we just did. So I don't know if that's finding something that you do

with somebody else which allows the thing you need probably more than

anything to take place. Yep. Because you're there for a different

reason, but because you're there, I don't know. It's

very odd. I'd never thought about it like that. I I know the regular

ketchup or things. But I was very honest. Before, like, normally, yes, spill your

guts after you've had 10 beers. Yeah. That's definitely not the place to do it.

And I don't think with 3 or more is the way to do

it either, because, like, one on one is so much more

powerful, I feel. Yeah. I agree. I agree. And, yes,

it's, well, brings me to my first little point, actually.

I guess on a similar sort of theme, but, you know, I've

been going down to the the old wild soul wellness down in Mordellic

for the last couple of weeks. And, and I just I I just

love it so much. Like, it's it's

and what I've found is when I'm at home and

I've listened to something, some podcast recently and it was about,

it was about depression and it was best. And, and

this lady was saying like one of the huge symptoms

of depression is people who think about

their problems and talk about their problems so much.

Yeah. And it's like, I find it's it's a bit jarring because it's like we're

sort of, you know, encouraging people to talk about their issues and sort things

out. But take action too. But take action. And and it's not

I guess it's not constant. It's like yeah.

Make time to get out what you need to get out and sort it out

and then try to take action. But I think obviously, you know,

yeah, a lot of people out there, it's like rumination. They go over the same

thing over and over again. And I've just found

like and for me, when I get when I'm

lonely or at home on my own, that's when that sort of

stuff can happen. And it creeps in, you know, it's not severe in any way,

but, like, that's that's when I can get a bit antsy on, oh, what am

I do? Oh, what am I doing with my life? And should I be doing

more? And should I have more friends? And should I be checking it

or whatever? And I've just found like in

the sort of last month or 2, like having this, this place to go

to when, you know, it's 2 minute, 5 minutes around the

corner from my house and you're going to a place

to connect with other human beings, not

at the pub, not with this, not with you, go in there

to go in the sauna and get in the ice bath and do a plunge

and put the Norma tech boots on. And there's always people

there, like minded people who you can connect with. And for me, someone

like me, that's something that gives me so much energy and, you

know, gratification and, you know, joy,

really. Yeah. So to have like

this space of like open connection

open for people, I think it's just like it's made me think so much

about it myself and like, I'd love to create some sort of, you

know, something similar even with almost like more of a,

more of an appetite for, like, people to just be there and hang

out. Because at the moment, it's like a yoga studio and ice baths and

stuff. And you gotta book in, and it's all scheduled. Okay. So, like,

there's because obviously you can't have 50 people rock up for the ice bars, like

Correct. You're not going top to tail with someone you don't know. Oh, what was

that? Oh, that's my fault. Oh,

Jack. Nice to really meet you. That's real connection.

But I know what you're saying, and I totally get what you mean. You

can't just have 50 people rocking up because then it would ruin that experience. Yeah.

Yeah. But there's something about it for me of just, like, being

able to rock up Mhmm. When when you need to. Like,

and that's what in my mind that's I was, you know, obviously been talking

to you about. I'd love to open something in that space or be in that

area. You know, if you could earn a living, running

a studio or a wellness center like that, that's helping human beings.

It's bringing like minded people through the place every day. You know,

that'd be a dream of mine. Yeah. Do you think, do you think

I'm just talking out loud. Do you think some people go there for the other

reason as well not to make connections and go

there for probably some I'm putting my my parent hat on here.

Yep. Yep. Yep. Like I love Quiet time. I love people. I love people,

but there's nothing more I enjoy at the moment than just just sitting by

myself, like, or driving in a car with no music on, like, or

going for a walk. Like, you know, I don't take my phone nearly anywhere

anymore Yeah. Because I don't wanna be contactable. I just wanna be, like,

present wherever I am. Yeah. So I I would probably go there and love to

talk to people, but I could imagine it'd be other people that are listening in

it. I'm sure if they were parents or whatever, they just want a bit of

time with no distractions or I don't know. That's actually such a good point.

Like, there's there's there's probably a shitload of people that are like, can

this guy shut the fuck? He keeps talking to me in his

eyes, but I just wanna sit here on my own. Oh, I'd rather put his

toe there. No. But I could But

and that's yeah. Like, you could have certain areas, could you have Exactly. You could

have certain areas where if you wanna check I I don't know. I don't think

it should be like this. This is the way the world is. Like, you get

an Uber now and say, do you wanna talk or don't wanna talk? I'm like,

like, you must be in a pretty bad space if you wanna click I don't

wanna talk. Because most Uber drivers I get in, people that are

very educated, that have amazing back

stories. You know, like, hey, that's an Uber or when you get your hair cut

and you go to places now where they don't chat to you. Mhmm. So I

I sort of I sort of hope people have got some sort of awareness that,

you know, if if you're not really replying with too much, it's like, okay.

That's time to cut the cover. They don't. Yeah. I would I think a lot

of the time too, exactly what you're saying is even if I didn't wanna speak

to anybody, but I went to your place or whatever it was, and

I did speak to somebody, that human connection, even though I didn't want it, I

needed it. Yeah. Yeah. And it's that's the number one commodity

we can have. The loneliness is an all time high, and it's only gonna get

higher because people don't think they need it. Yeah. And hard and

it's awkward sometimes. Yeah. But that's when you really do need it. So, you

know I think, like, I think, you know, I was probably talking all

around in circles there, but basically somewhere to

go for human connection that doesn't involve going to the

pub Yeah. And drinks and drugs and alcohol. You know, it's like

that that was sort of like the yeah, for

me. And I think it's becoming more prevalent in the younger age

group. Massively. They're so much more aware than we are. Yep. Yep. Like,

they you you look at them like completely different

world than what we grew up in. Mhmm. You know, I think they're aware now

of what technology can offer and what it that what

it does offer if you use it the wrong way. Yeah. So that's

where yeah. You've only got to look at how many bars there are that are

non alcoholic bars now. Imagine 10 years ago saying, I'm gonna

release a non alcoholic beer or gin. You'd be like, why?

Now, that's, I think last year was nearly one of the biggest booming markets,

non alcoholic wine. Yep. Like it's because people are more

aware, and as busy in things we get, people are gonna

want more ways to be less busy, more

mindful. Like Yeah. I I spoke with you this the other day, people go, oh,

how can I be mindful? I was like, clear your mind. Just

take like, leave your phone. Like, the the number one thing you can do

throughout the day, over the weekend, give yourself a couple hour break. Yeah. Just leave

your phone, go somewhere. No one needs you. No one needs to be able to

contact you. Back in the day, no one could anyway. I know. I gotta ring

the house phone. I remember when you, I don't know, I'm sure my age, you've

had a girlfriend, you had to ring the home phone, no parents can answer. Like,

it's, you know, like, you've got no other way to contact someone. You can't message

them. If you wanted to go see someone, you have to knock on their door

and, oh, is is Adam there? Like, you'd have to have that conversation.

Like, just that's the biggest thing I've found

amazing, just leaving my phone. Helping you. Yeah. Don't take

it. Yeah. Because then when we get bored,

like, you don't allow yourself to be bored with a phone because you just grab

it. Yeah. And you fill your head with so much information, so much stimulation.

Yeah. And but I think that's the beauty of going to a wellness

spot like you're saying or the gym or whatever. Don't take your phone in there.

Well, you don't have time to, you So it gives you that break, and you

also get all the other benefits. Yep. With with

that, would you because I think it's like you know, ice

baths, saunas, the boots are, whatever it is is

great. Could there be a section there for, I don't know, like

board games or, like, could they offer things like that? That's

exactly what I was thinking because this place doesn't. This way, it is

very like you go in, you've got some structure. Yeah. Structure. You got your

contrast therapy to the left. You got your yoga and reformer out

the back to be grooms, and then you got your sort of Norma Tech boots

and infrared sauna to the to the right. And that's like,

that's what I was thinking is like a space, like a community

space. Now you talk, you know, like that's what that's

what because at the moment, I mean, I just do it anyway

because I'm a, you know, a bit of a weird guy. So I just rock

up and I hope that there's something open. But at the moment, like if,

you know, for other people, they wouldn't do that. They would have something booked

in. Whereas I want somewhere where people, when they're, when they're feeling

that loneliness, when they're feeling that disconnection, they

can just come to this place and it's, you know, and they know

that there's going to be help. There's going to be people not help, but just,

just people in connection. Like, I just think that's such a, you know, when

you when you're feeling like, what am I doing? You know, I should be

doing more and I should be doing this. Not going go to this

place. Bang. You're either gonna speak to someone. You're

gonna have to do have an ice bath. You're gonna do something that's good for

your body, and I guarantee you, you'll leave feeling 10 times better. You

know? So it's like a instead of a self

sabotaging experience, you turn it around and turn it into a

positive experience. Exactly. And and and a lot of time people know what they need

to do, but it's not always a fun option. Mhmm. It's easier to keep self

sabotaging or get the ice cream or get get a beer or or whatever or

Yeah. Get their phone and scroll Yeah. Prepare themselves. Yes. So the moment

that I suppose they they know they're somewhere safe Yep. It's probably

like alcohol's anonymous. You know, like, they know they've got like

minded individuals and they go and they're gonna get that support there. Exactly. I

think it's nearly getting that way with, you know,

devices and, you know, comparison and self harm

and judgment around how we portray, like, portray ourselves

Yeah. Because we're not doing enough, or we're not as much as this, or something

didn't go right. Yep. And it's as simple as going and, you know, having

a conversation with someone and Yeah. Realizing that, you know, it's not all bad

and it's, you know, like, yeah.

So it's I don't know. Something to think about. Well, I like it, baby. It's,

obviously something that, I'm very passionate about as well, you know,

like, I think going back to basics, playing cards. Mhmm. You know, like,

we we spoke about 500 a a while back now. It's amazing

what happens when you're away and you play, like,

ukre or 500. You're like, why don't we do this more often? Yeah. Yeah. But

you don't. No. Like, it's incredible how good I got cards

or a board game. Because you're in that environment that allows

it, and you're out there and you got nothing else to do. So okay. But

when we're in our busy lives and we find everyone always find something to

do and something to oh, no. I can't because this Yeah. You've always got an

excuse. You've always got an excuse. Yeah. And that's what I mean. I just think,

like you're saying, going back to basics. Like what I've been saying, don't take your

device, strip it back. Yep. Yeah. Yeah. Big time. No

distractions. When you don't have distractions, that's when cool stuff happens.

Yep. Oh, that's like all the creatives and stuff talk about that, don't they? Like,

the creative, you know, like, go and lock themselves out in a forest or out

in a work, whatever, and that's when it all comes. And, I mean, I wouldn't

have a fucking clue about any of that. Like, I know when I'm creating

some play based activity or whatever, it would normally be walking the dog with nothing

in my ears, whatever, and I'll be like, shit. That's good. So then I'll

run home with the dog to write it down. Yeah. People go,

why don't you take your phone to take notes and that? No. I just need

I run home. And I feel like, hey, because you allow that

creativity to take place. Creativity can't take place if your mind

is full. Yeah. Yeah. And that takes boredom to get to that stage.

Yeah. Like, it's a flow in effect. I spoke if you spoke to stubby about

it, it'd be exactly the same. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly.

Oh, also, remiss of me not to mention this earlier

in the podcast. Might lead with this one, Jack. How did I not

lie? Now we've spoken about, you know, not

many people get to 10 episodes. Not many

people get to 20 episodes. I think it's 2% get to 20. Woah.

We've we've crossed the 30 mark. That's got a there's basically no

one gets to 30 episodes, but I'll tell you what's even more rare,

Soddy. Getting your own producer Oh,

there it is. For your podcast. Yes. And we are very

very fortunate to have Kristen Gibo Gibson. On your

Gibo. Thanks, Gibo. She's come on board. She's gonna help us out.

She's sorting shit out already. She's a go getter, isn't she? She just gets

shit done. She's already got about 14,000 guests signed up for

us. Good are they? And already got locked in for a meeting

to plan things out and get us on the straight and narrow and sort things

out instead of this fly by the pets

that we've done for 34 episodes. Well, you say get us on the straight and

narrow, but I'm guessing it'll be down the pump this this meeting, and

we'll see how we go. I'm sorry. Together, it's a bit dangerous. A bit of

structure. But, no, we're very excited. So,

Kristen, thank you very much. I can't wait

to to be able to say, yeah, just send all your, ideas and questions

through to Kristen. She can sort it out. Exactly. Right. But, that that's

happening in the next few weeks. She's up up in

Alice Springs. Yeah. Northern Territory. Yeah. I'm gonna try and link her up with a

guest of ours. Actually, big Maxie gone. She's staying up for the the d's

footy game. Oh. So we're gonna try and get her some tickets for,

for that one. I'm sure I'm sure if anyone can sort them out, Jacko.

It's a football loving human like yourself. That's right. Well, he's Maxie. He should be

able to get the job done, hopefully. What what

what about your weekend? It was an incredible weekend of sport. It was.

You're not a huge golf. You're not gonna be watching the golf. I was watching

the golf. Really? Love golf. Oh, shit. Yeah. Yeah. And that

got up. Mate. I was hoping Bryson would. How good is

Bryson, his little transition from Aaron loves him now. Loves him. Oh,

no. He's he's I love when he threw the ball on 9th to

that kid and that guy stole it and he went in with the club. Really?

Have you seen that? Oh, I was like, woah. Was that on day 3? It's

like Yeah. No. It's like yeah. It might have been day 3 or day 4.

Yeah. But I did enjoy the golf. I tell you what I've been loving in

sport. Mhmm. I know we've spoken about women's sport before, but,

Caitlin Clark, for those for those who are not

across a lot of sport, like, obviously, women's basketball, and she lit it

up for Iowa in college basketball and had the most ever views

ever. Obviously, she's been drafted number 1 now to Indiana

and selling out stadiums. Mhmm. So like 30, 40,000. Whereas

previously, they were getting 3 or 4,000. And their wages are

still atrocious. If you if you compare them to what the men are

earning, before this season, they're flying just domestic flights. Now they

got private chartered airplanes. Really? I'm just like because I saw she's

earning like $350 or something.

Oh, yes. Even that might be a a few years on, even

though she she signed big contracts, you know, and Gatorade and things like that. But

it's a I just think it's incredible for someone hurt so

young, the pressure that she is carrying,

and the way she is handling herself, it's incredible.

She's sick not not single handedly, but

she's I I don't know what your thoughts are, but I find it

I've I've watched a lot of it. Like, I watch the highlights, because I'm so

fascinated Yeah. How one person, like, number 1 draft

pick, like, you had a lot of pressure on you. Imagine what the pressure is

on her to because she's lifted the sport Yeah. Yeah. That needed it.

Yeah. Exactly. Taking it out into and what I always think is what

is it about her that's done that? Why is it you know, because

she's definitely got that swagger. She's got a bit of, like,

like, I don't wanna say the word, but she's got a bit of grunt about

it. You know, grunt. And and, yeah,

she's like it's almost like similar to, like, Anthony Edwards

at the moment. He's got that, like, arrogance in a way, but

it's like they can back it up. She backs it up.

Yeah. Well, she's I think she's only played 2 games and, like, they've gone

after it. Like, the teams I think she's been smashed. She's been I think she's

she's lost her first four. Yeah. I know. But she's, like, she's sort

of averaging 20. Like, you know, like Exactly. It'll take her a

little bit time to get used to it. Yeah. So Yeah. I I saw this

other thing and it was, some sponsor sponsored this

team. I think it's the Vegas team. They're aces. Yeah. So I'm all over

it now. All over it. But but, like, we're gonna give each of you

players, like, 12 players, a $100,000, and the girls

were losing it. Yep. And it's like, a bloke got fined a 100

one of the males got fined a 100,000 for doing something to the

rest. That's how bad it is. Exactly. That's where I just could not

understand. I guess, you know, the argument is is the rep what

revenue are they bringing in? I've got no doubt. But for a a country of

400,000,000 people Yeah. Should be a lot closer. Oh, I just

yeah. I was I was baffled, to be honest. You know, like, what they're

earning. Like, cricketers around the world earning double, like women's cricketers

earning nearly double what these basketballers, and crickets like

nowhere near as I suppose as it is in India, but I don't know, I

just, yeah I think once, and because they all share what they earn

and things like that, I just can't imagine how

you would feel being a female playing,

knowing How frustrating. Like particularly like you're saying, like someone, a male

did something silly and and got fined more than probably what most of them earn

in 3 or 4 years. Yeah. And it's nothing to him. I know. He's

totally laugh about doing it again. Yeah. Yep. Yep. No.

That's right. What other sport? What other sport? The bombers, mate, I'm pretty excited.

Your dons are up and flying on. I've never said this at all. Is the

lid off? No. No. But I mean, I must I

I have not enjoyed watching I I I not a crazy supporter. I

just like watching a good game of footy. Yeah. And I have not really enjoyed

watching Essendon for a long time because I I don't I haven't

enjoyed the way they play. Yeah. I think they're all over the place,

their structure, and they're defensive and they're sloppy. Whereas it's not like

that now. So I thoroughly enjoy watching you, and, yeah, it's always nice when

your team's going a little bit better. Exciting. Like, does it give you, you know,

something to look forward to on the weekend to sort of plan a little bit

around it? Or Not really. I'm I'm not that great. Like Yeah.

I'd yeah. I don't think I I know we're talking about

before, I don't really plan much, it's just day by day. I feel like

cliche when you're bloody draft in number 1 I'm taking it one day at a

time. I'm taking it week by. I'm taking it day by day at the moment.

I'm just hoping the kids are in bed when I get in. I can take

3 deep breaths and go to bed myself. And I also had some sick

kids just during the week, you know. Life's good, man.

They say with kids, Jack, that it's good to get them sick early. I'm like,

hurry up, is it? Get it out of the way. Well, I don't know when

that Their immune system. Well, I think my kids must just have a shocking immune

system. But anyway, no. I think everyone's like that. So, what about you? What

sport over the weekend? Well, my my the love of my

life. The f ones. Yes. So it was an incredible

race. It's it's finally so Max is basically after the

2021 title, Dominated. Which was the best top, you

know, him and Lewis going out at week week in week out

level coming down the on the last race, you know, it was

one of the best. And that was sort of one of the first years where

I was riding to it, watching every qualifying. Is that when,

the drive to survive sort of started? No. Drive to survive

was probably, like, 4 years, 5 years before.

I started a while before that. Yeah. But, and so I got

into it with that. But then that was the year. Obviously, my friend

went to Mercedes and, you know, it was just

like I was obsessed. I was I stayed

up every Saturday night to watch qualifying every Sunday night to watch the

race. Yeah. Every single one because I had to watch it live And, you know,

it's just the most amazing battle and the the

drama. Like, I'd watch all the interviews. That's the thing. Like, I've watched

the interviews from before qualifying because they're talking to the

team principles and the, you know, the drivers, they get such good

access and it's a, it's a soap opera. Like it's unbelievable. Yeah.

So anyway, they got that done and then there was a

change in regulations and basically red bull have just

absolutely owned it since then. And so it's actually been

sort of boring, really. Like there's never been

anyone that's even a chance to beat Red Bull,

if, you know, if they have a semi decent weekend.

Whereas in recent weeks,

so Lando Norris won last week. He won Miami and he got

lucky with a safety car, but the McLarens are actually fucking

quick. The jut it's basically level part. And then

this week, again, like Max was struggling all qualify,

all practice comes to qualifying, and he's the best in the business. He

puts it on poll, but it was the both the McLarens were within a

tenth of max. And he got this cheeky little

toe in behind Nico Hulkenberg, gave him a tow down the back straight.

So he actually wasn't the quickest car. He's just the best. He was just the

best. Yep. And then it got to the race and it was

look. It was actually a pretty boring race the whole time because Max got out

in front Lando behind him. Charlotte Claire was in 3rd

and Sainz was in 4th and Piastri but couldn't get past him anyway.

So so it's all pretty standard until the last 10 laps of the

race. And Lando was about 6 seconds, I think, or 7 seconds

behind Max, and he's just started. He had to pace on him,

and Max was starting to lose his tires. Anyway, they've

basically crossed the line together pretty much at the end of the race. He's caught

up 7 seconds. He probably needed another 3 or 4 or 5 laps,

but but it's just exciting because you sort of feel

like everyone else is caught up. Red Bull are probably looking

towards 2026, you know?

And finally, we're going to see some, you know, some pretty close racing

between McLaren, Red Bull and Ferrari. So anyway, that's

my that was my highlight of the weekend. Lando nearly get that done. We

got Monaco coming up, I think. Oh, well, that's a great track. It's the

crown jewel. Isn't it? Yes. So, yeah. I'm hoping.

And Piastri, our Aussie. Yeah. Young dominated. He

was act he actually qualified 2nd fastest. He beat Lando.

He was, you know, 0.04 behind,

Max, but he got a, a grid

placement penalty or something. Still going very well. So hopefully I mean, who

knows? He could win a race pretty soon too. Well, it sounds very similar to,

obviously, when your team's not going well, like, yeah, or it's just

blowouts. Yeah. Like, I think Yeah. As as long as there's a good competition You

want competition. Yeah. I want competition, and that's that's what you can ask for. Now

talking about things we watch on TV, Jacko, find a retractment.

Yeah. And I think in our last episode, you're going to

watch number 4 of the baby reindeer. Still

makes me a bit uneasy talking about it. You just sort of

sat back in your chair and got the shivers. I don't know. What's your

view on that show? Like, so talk to

me. I completely understand where you're coming from.

I understand the ickiness and the awkwardness of, you know,

watching a, you know, a guy basically get groomed

groomed and abused and, like, right. Yeah.

I, you know, as it was yeah. It was very

difficult to watch. And that's, it's funny. I was watching it with Alan, and we

we got to the end of it. And it was sort of like, I guess,

like, it's it wasn't an enjoyable watch. Like No. And I feel like

people who who, you know I wanna enjoy what I watch. Yeah. I felt

uncomfortable and it made me feel like, yuck. Yeah. I'm like, why are we

why are you doing that? I I get that, but I also think it was

done in, like, such a way. It was it was really well

put together Oh, yes. In a way of, like, showing the

true like, these human emotions and these human tendencies

that are so wrong and it's so easy to see Back

to? From the outside. Like yeah. And he ends up going back to

him. Oh, no. And it's like because he's so traumatized

by a whole lot of other shit that's happening in his life and so he's

just desperate for a bit of attention. Anyone that gave it to him. Anyone

gives him the slightest amount of and then he does all that stuff. But

then that desire for love or, you

know, and affection outweighs the

trauma or Yeah. Of getting abused. And so,

you know, I thought it was it was very thought provoking. And I

I think, yeah, it it it certainly wasn't an enjoyable watch, but it

was well done. In such a way that it makes conversations occur Yeah.

And it would make people aware. Like Yeah. I honestly think I look

back at those, like, 7 episodes. 3 episodes were fine. 3 episodes

in were fine. The 4th episode, the one, went for double the

time. Mhmm. Like it was just so well planned. Mhmm.

Yep. I guess so obviously all I think

movies are good, but TV shows these days, duck, and any good TV

show over years is so well planned. The reason is

it hooks you in. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's just it's just

interesting. Like, everyone watching it in the beginning, oh, so good. It's

so good. And it's like yeah. I think

obviously those first few episodes, it it yeah. It's a bit funny and

it's a bit like, oh, yeah. That's crazy girl. Remember, you guys, we're gonna watch

this dark comedy. I'm like, after episode 4, I'm like, oh.

Yeah. There's not much comedy going on here. Yeah. I need to call that a

dark comedy. And, like, yeah. Yeah.

Anyway. Anyway. Baby Raydeer. Have you have you watched anything else

recently? What have I watched? Couple of,

there's a new movie on Netflix called Duck Duck Goose cartoon. Duck Duck

Goose. Oh, just a kid kid's movie. Yeah. It's Louie. There's been a few new

ones for those. Sean the sheep. Sean the sheep. It's Sean

the sheep. He loves that one. Anyway, what what have you got for

us? Because my head viewing's not enjoyable. I got, you know, hoaxed

into bloody bridged and have you seen bridges? I know what it is. Yes.

It's, you know, and the girl just loves it. And I

Is it based on the royals in a way? It's it's a period drama.

So it's based on those 2 boys. I tried to watch it a while back

when it started and not It's basically like the queen chooses,

like, these whoever, whichever girl, young

girl is the, you know, most appealing to the

track. It's just so weird. And but the girls

love it. The girls love it. And it's I've said it to Ellen. I was

like, I find it so interesting that, like, you

know, and it's not like one way or the other, but like a lot of

women, it's like you fight so hard to not have that sort of

image or It's like the bachelor. Yeah. That's for me.

But then then you like you love this whole

it. You're getting basically women getting just top I don't know.

Maybe I didn't watch it, close enough. But, you know, it's

basically about who which girl can, like, they just want to

get married and choose so they can, you know, as soon as they can.

And I guess there's a bit of love and there's a bit of care

involved. Yeah, it was a tough watch. I felt

I fell asleep, so I wouldn't suggest that one.

I, I finished. I got my nerd on and watched

Halo. That was good. Halo? Halo was good. See, I'm not really into

the sort of is that like Marvel sort of stuff? Yeah.

Like the game, you know, master chief, blah blah blah. But the one that was

have we spoken about fallout? No. I remember you say, oh,

is that some movies in it? No. It's a it's a game. It's a game.

But then they've turned it into TV series. It was Jonah Nolan. So Christopher

Nolan's brother directed it and it is

so epic. Like, oh, that's, that's the best one I've watched

in a long, long time. If you're into sort of, you know, it's, it's

like they do it in such a way. It's pretty gory, but it's in a

fun hat, like, funny sort of way. It's it's done really well,

and it's got a great storyline. There's plenty of, you know, they finish it

really well. So, yep, that's the one I'd suggest for

this. Well, there you go. A couple of recommendations. Have you, are you reading any

books? No. The books are gone. I've been so slack. It's I've

actually had, you know, did my calf a couple of weeks ago and I've

been, it's just been a bit of a tough couple of weeks. Like feel like

when you've, when you're injured, it's easy to

sort of sort of, fall off the bandwagon a little bit. And then

so then, you know, you're like reading and and all these little things that

I love doing when I'm sharp and feeling good. They're sort of

the first things that fall off because you're sort of just grinding through.

Even like my diet, because I'm not as active and

I find like when when I'm working really hard and I'm in a

rhythm, it I make it makes it so much easier to eat well and

to So do you prepare all your meals? No. No. You

don't cook? Like, eat dinner? Yeah. So Ellen's an an

incredible cook, so she'll cook, you know. I'll sort of say, alright. What

do we want tonight? I'll go get it and she'll Cook it. Put it together

and To shame me? A bit of to shame me. But,

but I was actually I'm interested to to, like, yeah, like,

your diet and it also it all just goes hand in hand, I reckon. A

100%. Because when I'm being a piece like, you know, out partying

or whatever, and then you've hungover, and then you don't go to the gym,

you it's like, okay. I need something to feel good about

myself. So I'll eat the magnum ego and I'll eat the tim tams. Oh,

delicious. Delicious. Magna ego. Slowly start to get back

on track, then you slowly cut them out and then it takes a little while

and, you know, and so The biggest thing I think with that is it

comes down to dehydration. I feel a lot of times when you are

not looking after yourself, you're not consuming enough water. And then

because you're sort of a bit dehydrated, you're craving something,

and it's normally something sweet. Yep. So my biggest thing is if I'm not feeling

good or I'm a bit hungover or, like, something's not right,

I just scull heaps of water. Yep. Yep. Just flushes you out, and then

it gets you back on track. Back on track. People always think it's diet.

Sleep, oh, mate. Sleep. We I was just talking about a million times, they're like,

shut up and sleep. I'm like, give me some more. Give me some

more. Sorry. No. But like, you made sleep and hydration. I

feel if they're right, then your diet's no. That goes hand in hand.

Yeah. I think people underestimate how important fluid intake is,

and they don't drink enough. Even if people probably think they are drinking enough, they're

probably not. Yep. Particularly if you, you know, you're having

sort of things that dehydrate you like coffee and, you know, tea is not as

bad, but, yeah, the What do what do you what do you,

in terms of, like, diet and eating? Do you have a pretty scheduled

routine? Or yeah? Yep. So I'll normally have, like,

oats for my first breakfast, and then I'll have, smashed

avocado for second one. And then I'll normally have

my first full meal at about 10. So will you eat before your 5

AM? No. No. So I come home and Come home. Yep, I have oats, then

I'll drink drink a bit of water, have a cup a coffee or 2, I

don't mind a coffee, Jake. Then I'll yeah. I'll have some avocado on

toast with a bit of goat's cheese. Yep. Then I have my first full meal

at about 10, my next one at about 1, then I

have maybe another meal at 3, and then I eat dinner.

Yeah. Mate, see this is so interesting

because, like You're probably not eating enough. You're a very active person. I would. What

do you eat? Well, I wouldn't eat until I try not to eat until

sort of midday. Okay. And then, you know There's

a lot of proof on fasting. Yeah. And I find I've I've found that has

really has been very beneficial in terms of, I

mean, keeping the fat off for one thing. How's the clarity in your

head? I try that, and I I I because you lack

of food and carbs and things, I'm scattered all over the place. Yeah. Yeah.

No. I I think you get used I think a coffee really helps. Yeah. So

if I have a coffee at about, you know, 8 in the morning, then I'm

fine till 12. If I don't, it gets to about 10 and I'm

starving. Yeah. And it's on your mind, and you're thinking That's the worst part. I

bet if you're busy, it wouldn't be. No. True. So if you did, like, a

5 or 6 AM gym class, you would need till lunch. Yep.

Wow. Yeah. Try to get through. Unless I'm really hungry and I'd have, like, a,

you know, bacon egg roll or something. Yep. But, yeah. This is

fascinating because there's no right or wrong way to do

it. Mhmm. I guess it's just And no one should listen to yours or listen

to me. You've gotta figure out what works for you. Figure out what works. Yeah.

But also, I think it's good to try different things and see what does work.

Because when I was playing footy, I was, you know, eating 6

eggs and whatever before training, and then straight after, you're eating another meal and

another just eating as much as you can. Yeah. But that's because you had to

put on weight. A little bit. That's what they wanted you to do. I know.

But then once you did do that, was it always Still.

Really? Oh, the whole time. Because I I'd lose weight if I didn't.

I'd just go to I'd lose weight. I suppose you're training so hard and the

games are particularly And that's where it's been interesting

finishing playing footy because you just, I just realize how

little I have to eat to maintain my weight. Like I just,

yeah, like that's why I find it interesting that you can have 2 brekkies

and a lunch and another lunch and a dinner. Well, and maybe another meal in

between that too. Yeah. Because I I find that helps my

recovery. Yeah. Like, if I'm training every day, like, if I don't eat

enough, I get really sore. Yeah. I don't know if that's because I'm older, but

if people, like, listen to what I ate, there's a lot, but it's all good

food. Good stuff. And that I think that's the key. You can if you if

you're eating good stuff, you can basically Like,

as much as of it as you want. Well, if you look at calories and

things like that of what you get in a in a a cooked meal or

a good meal compared to some form of takeaway or something Yep.

Takeaways are triple or whatever. Yep. You know, like the the content and quality you're

getting. Yep. Is it I find it a bit difficult to

find good produce and stuff, you know, like Yeah. Well, I get a lot of

I I get meals. Yeah. Like, and then for years, I used to get them

delivered every week. Now I just get them from, like, Woolies or Coles or

whatever. Yeah. Those I hate them up meals. Do you think that the

quality is as good in them? Or No. No way. I don't. Yeah. Not a

chance, but I don't have the time. No.

Like, in hats off for people. I I I used to do this for years.

I used to do hated it. Every Sunday and Wednesday, I'd

cook up 18 meals, and I'd eat the same thing all week. Yep. And people

would be like, how are you eating that? I'm like, my analysis, you're

like such a wanker. It's like when I said,

I've got a pool.

Oh, so many things that I was like, what do you put in your car,

Jack? You don't roll in one day, you don't put some

Pepsi in it one day, you don't put some oil in it next, you don't

put petrol in it. I got water. Oh, let's get some Kool Aid cordial.

You put petrol in your car because it's a it's an engine that goes. I

was like, well, my body's the same. I put in my the same thing. Oh,

I love that you can convince yourself of anything if you tell yourself enough. You

just just eat it. You might be like but then I got to a stage

where I didn't enjoy food Yeah. Because I just eat the same

thing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. But I was doing I was very I

was working way too much. So if I didn't eat that amount

that regularly You'd get and I couldn't I couldn't buy food to

replicate that. Like, weird. So I know people are working a

lot and things like I mean, the whole chicken and rice for the body builders

and that. Like, it's the same thing with broccoli and that seems to work, doesn't

it? Yeah. I know. But do you know how yuck that is and how dry

the chicken gets? Mhmm. I did that for a while and then I was going

through that many chutneys and sauces because I couldn't eat the chicken. It was that

dry. So then you're like, oh, it's delicious chutney. That's

probably got 50 grams of sugar in it. But,

woah. How good am I eating my rice and chicken and half eating a

chutney a day.

This is the thing, like you may eat all the right things, but then if

you're not always preparing themself, you don't know what's in those sauces. Yeah.

Yeah. Oh, why does that taste so good? It's got mayonnaise on it. Mayonnaise

is an egg. It's sugar. Yeah. You know? Yeah. Like it so Yeah. I

don't know. It's funny, like, it's one thing, like, I wish, you know,

I totally get those, you know, the people who are earning 1,000,000 and 1,000,000 of

dollars to just get someone to do that. Or can you imagine if you had

every meal cooked with the best produce, like

because it's like, you know, we love trying to better ourselves and trying to, you

know, so, like, sleep, food, you know, hydration. It's like they're

the cruis and and fitness. Yeah. It's like, that is what

it's all about, but I fall down so often on

diet and food. What we put in because of convenience, because of

time, because of desire to eat shit. Oh, and and not being

prepared, like Yeah. You know, and it's it's always Sunday for

not feeling good or you had a busy Sunday, then you're probably not ready for

the week and it just flows on. Yeah. Imagine waking up Monday

morning and having someone cook for you. Just bang. Oh. Omelette.

Western omelette. Oh. Oh, well, that's definitely a long way off from where

I'm sitting at the moment, Jack.

Well, now I'm hungry, so I'm gonna go home to bed. It's been a

pleasure. I'm looking forward to the coming weeks. I think we're gonna have some pretty

cool guests. I don't think I know. Thanks to our brilliant

producers. You both are poor. Looking forward

to that. Yeah. Anything else? No. Well done

for getting the episode right, and we don't have any spoilers. We don't know who

our guest is for next week. That's right. We got it. We got ahead for

1 week, did we? We're back. Yeah. And then we're back. We thought we were

going well. They were like, we're back on the ground. Again. We're back on the

ground. If anyone's listening and you there's someone you know that'd be a good guest.

Like, we don't we don't just have to have famous people. That's right. I've

actually I was speaking to a few friends about this actually,

and it's sort of an interesting one because I think the people who

listen to the podcast for you and I, they love us

speaking. Yes. Because they're getting to know us. But the people who probably don't know

us, may They're not gonna listen to that. They might enjoy Yeah. Someone

else. Your guests that they know. They know the guests. Yep.

That's why I think having the balance. Yeah. I think you didn't have the balance,

but I also love interviewing people just doing cool things

or overcome things. Yep. You don't have to have a big name or platform.

I've I also spoke to Mitchie boy, and I said, we're gonna get you on

the pod. And he said, yep. I'll do it. So Beauty? That'd be a good

one. I reckon I enjoy that. Pretty personal. Yeah. You know, good to see what

he thinks of me. That's fine. Get the real truth. I mean,

I've been telling you this relationship going beautifully. I want to sit back at

this. He goes, oh, still hating me. No. God, I'm fine.

Far out. I might just take a seat. I I feel like episode 4 of

bait right near you. I get a bit awkward.

Sweats start going down. My fingers are twitching. Anyway, no. That would be a

good one. That would be a good one. Well, listen, Troy Laff. Get around him.

If you didn't know him, fantastic footballer. Sydney Swan 34.

Jacko, well done, mate. You run the show today. Well played. Dominated. See you,

everyone. See you, guys.

Creators and Guests

Dale Sidebottom
Dale Sidebottom
Is the creator and founder of Jugar Life and Energetic Education. Two multidisciplinary business platforms that provide people with the tools to make play a focus of their everyday. Dale is a full-time 'play' consultant who taps into his 20+ years working in the education and health sectors to educate individuals, schools, sporting clubs and corporate organisations globally on the benefits 'adult play' can have on mental health and wellbeing. Dale is the author of All Work No Play, a TEDx speaker and podcast host. Dale has worked face-to-face with students, teachers, schools and corporations in over 20 countries worldwide.
Jack Watts
Jack Watts
Co - Host of The Overly Excited Podcast, owner of Skwosh Clothing.
#34 Jack & Dale | Wellness & Connection: The impact of boredom, quiet time, and human interactions
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