#32 Jack & Dale | Sharp Clothing & Playful Astronauts: Inspiring Stories from The Overly Excited Podcast

This episode is brought to you by Swash Clothing and Sugar Life.

Welcome to the overly excited podcast hosted by Jack Watts and Dale

Sidebottom. 2 friends with a passion for life, learning and all

things that get them jumping out of their seats.

Alrighty, everyone. Tell you what. Done a bit of prep today. Wow.

This episode It's not often we do prep, Cydie. So when you told me you're

you're ready for me tonight. I'm excited, mate. It's episode number 32. And like back

in the day, Carmelone, I'm bringing the mail, baby. 32? I thought it was I

thought Tony was 30. Oh, Jacko. So Tony's

that would you don't want to anticipation. Oh, no. Start

around. Oh. That's like it's mother's day coming up. Me telling Bray what

she's getting before she Oh, no. I've just stepped right in

there. Even more good intros. Fucked

it. So you so you had planned that with tonne. You told me to say

33 with tonne. Oh. That's how far ahead you're thinking.

Wow. I didn't think you had that in you, but

I'm glad I've impressed you there. That's okay. Episode 32. Yeah. So listen,

Next week, we've got Tony on. Sorry.

Oh. I'm sweating with my what is this guy doing?

So next week, we got Tony on. That'll be a good one. That'll be I

can't wait for that interview. That's gonna be a great interview. I reckon it's

I reckon it's gonna be a real good one.

Alright. So Thank you, sir. 32.

We're ready to rock and roll. Now listen, that is the most

shambolic start we've had. And we've had some

horrors, I reckon. But I've thoroughly enjoyed your innocence,

Sam. You actually just had no idea your face went but then your face

went blank, and you're like, oh, no. We're giving the listeners

the real deal. We don't fake shit over here. We tell you how

it is. Oh, no. We tell you that we feel we

record ahead of time and then we fake it and then we bring it out.

We actually let you know, so I'm happy about it. And not often do I

prepare and I shouldn't have because the whole preparation of what's gonna do. That's fine.

Anyway, all good. Now before we start, I just wanna, have an apology.

I recommended a TV show on Netflix, a couple of weeks

ago called baby reindeer. Now it's nearly the have you watched it? I just started,

man. We're we're about 5 episodes in. Episode 4? So I

recommended it after 3 episodes, which was fine.

I still like it. Did did you like it? I Was that when she when

When he, like, got he was getting groomed and he was getting, like, have

you with that guy. Have you you seen that? Martha and the

No. Not the the guy, the director, the I don't wanna give it away for

people. No. No. I haven't seen it. No. Okay. Anyway, you might have watched 3

episodes like I did when I recommended it. I'm retracting my recommendation

because episode 4 made me sick. I know things like this going in the

world, but oh. Okay. Yeah. I've I've really

struggled watching it. So I actually think I've got that episode tonight after

this. I can't wait for a little message because once this is done, I'll probably

go to bed. But you'll probably come in into the gym in the morning, go,

what What? Was that? Fuck. Okay. I'm excited for that. I bet you

know what? Since recommending it, I don't know if it's just the people

listening to the podcast, Jack. But it's gonna be numb it's not the most

views feature on Netflix. It had 0

viewers up until last week. Baby what? It had

not been watched. And then you recommended it on the overly excited

podcast. And it has blown up number 1 worldwide. And I'm retracting it.

Anyway, so good luck enjoying that. I hope I haven't, like, freaked

anyone out. Now, Jake, how do you polish a turd?

Can it be done? Can it even be done? Talk to us about what was

happening today because, very enjoyable.

Philist is out there. New range of clothing has dropped. Squash. Amazing.

Let's talk about it because I'm actually in last year's jumper. I'm feeling a

bit inadequate. Yep. Yep. Yep. You're looking very, very nice. Thank you, mate.

I'm wearing the, squash ski resort. It's a slippery slope.

Was this inspired by your new love affair with skiing?

Wow. This actually, this came first. Squash came

first. Squash always comes first. I love my squash

boys. But now we've got the big winter range coming out.

And and look. We've made a lot of shit over the years. I'm not gonna

lie. There's been a lot of garbage that I'd never ever wear, but this

Lot of good stuff too, though. Like A lot of good stuff. Thoroughly, thoroughly good

quality. But this range is, you know, it's really sort

of hitting my my little sweet spot. I think

it'll it'll fucking go really well and and we're pumped with it.

You know, Stubby's had a sort of freedom creative license.

We've got, you know, we got the outrageous stuff for the people

that want to make a big statement. And then we got the sort of classy,

you know, subtle navies and charcoals and, the

sweats are amazing. Great fit. Then we got the polar fleeces, which

there's, this Miami nice polar fleece, which is my favorite. It's

this bright poppy orange sort of polar fleece. Suits your personality.

Yeah. Exactly. I think I'd lock one of those too. Thanks, Jecko. I'll get you

a couple of Thank you, Ben. Appreciate that. What mediums? Medium or large? Don't know.

So you know when you sort of in between? I might need to try a

couple on, mate. Oh, well, I've got a lot here, so you can try some

of this. Thanks for that, listeners. The perks of doing a podcast on the dress

as well and create some? Because that is very nice. I do like that. Thanks,

mate. But, but, yes, we we were in the office today. You know, it's

all about this content, and it's all about getting user generated

content, engagement online. And you love it.

And look, you don't have to ask me twice to get my kid off, do

you? You voluntarily do it. And, no. And I

play the I play the oh, they're making me do this. They're forcing me

little You did roll in and say that tonight. Little do they

know I've just done the 20,000 push ups. The biceps just to get a

nice pump up. And do you need me to take the shirt off today, boys?

Yep. Let's go. Keep the trail. Keep the jocks on. Well, yeah. So I had

the little boy jocks on today, which, you know,

that's sort of a rarity. I usually wear the brakes, but just had the little

boys on. And, you know, I thought a real man owns

this. Yeah. Correct. And, so out there I go in the little

boy jokes. Ellen messaged me and said, jeez.

Some pretty good help. She said some pretty hot stuff. I was getting a bit

flustered watching this the squash website. I said you can have you can have

that anytime you want. You're lucky to

but, but now it was pretty funny. It was pretty funny. Yeah.

How to polish a turd. For listeners that don't know what I'm

talking about, where can you explain the video you did with Stubby? Yeah.

Also been a guest on the show. I can't remember off top of my head,

but very funny man. Yeah. Very funny man. The content you created today, the video

was brilliant. Yeah. It was well. It was pretty much off the top of the

top of the noggin, to be honest. You know, I'll actually claim

that I've come up with that little slogan to start with. Can you polish a

turd? And then I'm pretty sure. That was just today, this

morning. And then, so, you know, I'm

sitting there just in my jocks and Stubby's Stubby's obviously the cool one. So

he knows how to dress. He's the one that we all wanna look like.

And, he just sort of I asked him if he can polish a turd like

me and make me look nice. And he takes us through, you know,

how you can style all of our winter, apparel and and make

it look somewhat cool on a daggy person like me. I

don't think you're daggy, but very funny. And I think,

particularly, you know, when you're in the clothing industry, you know, your online

presence is very important. People's attention span these days

is so so slim. You know, content used to be able to

create. It doesn't matter what platform. You've got a fraction of a second

now to capture. And I think that's where you and your jocks and stuff

in there. I already had 3 people send it to me, and then and Brie

was like, well, look at these. I'm like, what are you talking about? Like, because

I don't really go through that stuff. But I watched it. I enjoyed it. They

did a great job. Yeah. I think once you yeah. That's that's the trouble.

And that's where it can sort of you you tread this fine line of, like,

cringe. Mhmm. If you don't pull it off, it's fucking horrendous.

And and, you know, but Are you having fun though? Exactly. And that's that's

all it's about. I reckon that's it. That's what we make, you know, we make

sure that that, you know, we do keep it fun and we fucking

laugh at ourselves and, you know, I'm I'm looking forward to the

outtakes video that comes out because, fucking hell, there's some good

good content. How long did that take to do? Like, a minute

about a minute. Yeah. Yeah. So it's about a minute and 20. I think the

the end of the final product. Yep. I

reckon it would have taken, you know, from start to finish,

you know, somewhere in the half an hour to an hour. Oh, Jesus. It's pretty

good. Like, we we're not like, we haven't planned anything. You know? So

that's where, like, the the big accounts that have got people

working on, you know, social media full time, they've organized and thought up

these things. Yeah. I know. But it's not authentic. No. I think that that's

where, like, one take. Yeah. I'm always if I can't get in one take, if

I make a mistake, then that's who I am. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Then, like That's

what we we find. Be like that. We find, you know, people relate

more to to the mistakes and to the fuck ups and to the who we

are as, you know, you actually get our our own personalities

coming across like that. It's not polished as well. Pardon the

pun. Pardon the pun. Oh, you have planted all of you.

But, yeah. It is good fun. That's what we love about it. Love it. So

if I want to go and buy some squash clothes, which who wouldn't

Yep. Wearing one of the shirts now as well. It's amazing how many squash clothes

I do have. If you are our number one, Anne, that's it. Do buy me

because I like supporting my friends. But, like, you are very generous as well. Where

could people that wanna buy some go? Yep. So www.squash,

s k w o s h, dotcom.au.

That's the website. Or you can go onto my profile, Instagram

profile. I think I've got the link there or, or squash club,

on Instagram as well. They can, yeah, jump on there, and it'll

take you straight to the website, and you get all the new goodies. You get

the new goodies. And I must have been I love the video. Not quite as

much as the Albert Park sign. Oh. The

things I've done for this business, I tell you what. Still really They were my

favorite. We might have to get a little overly excited podcast

discount. Chuck in overly excited

into the, into your basket and, we'll get you Friday to

sort that out. Okay. Alright. There you go. We'll get, what what's

what's acceptable? 20's not much. 30's

a lot. I'd go 20. 20. Yeah. 24 hour overly

excited. If you're overly excited, listening along one of our

long term hard listeners that we love. Jacko's on the phone right

now. I'm putting it in. In the promo code, type in overly

excited. One word Yep. Lowercase. Lowercase. And you will

get 20% off anything on there. Particularly, treat yourself to some of

the new range, and feel free to share that code. I love

how Jack just made that up on the spot and, 20. I think 20 is

a nice number. Okay? Yep. 20 is nice. That while she won't hate me for

20, if I say 30 or Well, I'll tell you what, if all the

baby reindeer listeners come in and then if you listen, Netflix, I

tell you what, they are just blowing up because of ass. Now go and

check those out. I love that. What else, mate? What else has been

happening? What else has been happening? Jeez. Big

week. Busy week. Yeah. Last week, it was

just nonstop. Hurt my car for my Saturday morning run with

Mitchie. Fucking hell. I'm getting old. And it's funny how,

like, once you, you know, then I missed basketball last night because I can't play

because the calf and body fit. I can't do my skipping or the running.

It's it's, it does sort of hamper you a fair bit. I've been

going down to a wellness center just in Mordialli. So,

it's called Wild Soul Wellness. Just like it's interesting, you know, you

can you can do the cold therapy in the in the ocean

or whatever it is, but it's a bit like BFT. It's almost like

I think I prefer the community aspect of

it more than I do the actual, you know, like, it's not

like I could go and do the body fit sessions at any gym or at

my house or but it's the fact of going down there

and the people and that and And it's down, mate. Yeah. I've said that

multiple times. Yep. So this wellness center, you know, it's just it's got the

sauna. I got a sauna in my bloody garage, but I go to this one

because there's people there. You interact. You talk. Like minded

people. Mhmm. People who are in, you know, in similar spots to you

and And they value value their health,

which is so important. Yep. So That's your number one thing. Like, you should

be doesn't have to go to a gym or a wellness, but you find

something that makes you feel good. Makes you feel good. Yeah. And that's it. And

that's it. So, yeah, I've been, I've been smashing

that lately, which has been, enjoyable.

What else? Mother's day coming up. Mother's day coming up. Very, very excited for

that. I to, go out and play golf with, with the

doll's mother in the morning. Yes. And then off to my my beautiful

mother's house for a nice little dinner with the with the whole fam and

my sister and her two little ones. And so that'll be a nice

Sunday, Arvo, I'd say. Other than that, life's good, mate.

Good. Life's good. Yeah. Trying to trying to focus on a bit more sleep.

Sort of wearing my my boot band and, you know, I'm probably averaging sort of

5 to 5 and a half hours, which just isn't quite

enough for the life that I'm trying to live at the moment. That's not enough

for anyone, man. Like, if you you watch Matthew Walker's

TED Talk? No. I've seen it. I've listened to a few of these pods. Yeah.

Sleep and things like that. Yeah. That's definitely not enough. I'd be around

over 7, isn't it? You'd meant to. Yeah. Yep. Yeah. I think

I can I'll probably, like, on the lower end of what I need, but

it'd be nice to sort of over 6 and a half minimum would be

would be ideal, I think, for me. So trying to focus on that a

little bit. And,

yeah, it's about it. Nice, mate. What about you? What's been happening?

That's exciting news. Got, kids booked the deal that I've,

signed with Publishers. So Wow. That's been going for a couple of years. It's called

the playful astronaut. How good. So the astronaut's a little

kid that starts off on earth and visits each planet. And each planet has got

a unique skill that teaches it something like kindness or resilience

or empathy. And each and then once they leave each

planet, they get a part of their space suit. So for families, instead

of saying to someone, their kid, are you being grateful? Then you go, are you

wearing a space helmet grill? So each has got something for him. By the

end, they've got 7, sorry, 9 different life skills and they visit 9 different

planets. And so part of that too is I want we wanted to make

it a little bit different. So in the sort of last page, you open it

up and there's QR codes for each of the planet in the life skill. And

you scan that, and then we've got a lesson that families can do

as a family. And we've got one that adults can do so in the workplace.

But then I've created a play based game for each of

the life skills. For each of the Yeah. So particularly if,

you know, somebody's, you know, they might be going through a bit of conflict

or they might be a little bit low in confidence. Yeah. Alright. Then

there's specific things that the kid can do, the adult can do, but

also the family will relate back to the book. That's right. Yeah. So it's

been something been working on with my mentor and friend, Brad, for

We've both been doing it together for nearly two and a half years now. So,

it's good we got the release date end of October. So, yeah, it's

starting to work with, the editing team and, the,

yeah, the brand the design of the book and the flow and How

exciting. Yeah. So that's pretty that's pretty exciting. Have, you know, like,

specific actions because I'm sure I mean, I don't know this because I'm not a

parent, but I'm sure you have moments, you know, where there's certain

areas where you you're just noticing you a kid might be lacking for a

couple of weeks. Okay. Maybe it's confidence. Maybe

it's, you know, whatever it is, manners. Yeah. Maybe

it's, so to have, you know and I know personally when I was a

kid, space, planets, that was my favorite Correct.

Subject. Yep. You know, it just absolutely kept my

attention where not a lot of other things do. And

so and collecting our little part of the space and all. It up.

Give it to you. Oh. And I think that's the best thing about it. Like,

you don't need to label it, you know, gratitude. Mhmm. It's your space, like, your

visor. Yep. You know? Or for empathy, it's your space boots.

Yep. You know, if you're confident, it's your jet pack. Yep. You know? So you

don't have to label, but but it's something you can relate it back to. Yep.

So I think that language is really important. And also, be relatable. Kids love

space. You can learn about space. Yep. But it's something you can do as a

whole family. Mhmm. Whereas I say, if you walked into our house now, there'd be

probably a 120, a 150 kids books everywhere, which are brilliant.

I love reading them, but sort of once you read them, that's it. Yeah. And

I know that's what they're meant for, but, yeah, we wanted to sort of create

it so it's the the, like, the cornerstone of something bigger. Yep.

Don't know how that'll go. I haven't seen anyone else try and do this. But

Oh, it's exciting. And, you know, just I mean, I'm

just spitballing here, but I've got a feeling that potentially in

episode 33, that's that's about to happen, but we

haven't recorded yet. I've got a feeling that the great

Tony Armstrong, the great creator himself, he may have

even come up with a child's book himself too. So you 2 have

something in common there. Well, potentially, I'm not sure if

he's gonna talk about this book, The Wizard, up in the mountain

that, you know, I'm I'm not sure, but just potentially listeners, you

might hear something like that. You might. You might. So

so that's, it's exciting for me, mate. Another thing I wanted to

before I I'd like to talk about Georgie Parker's episode last week as well because

a lot of fun. One thing I've got, like, at the

moment, there's a lot of year 12 camps coming up. So

this is the time of year where schools take away year 12 for 3 or

4 days, and they do a lot of planning and brainstorming and sort

of getting them set for, you know, your final exams. I

go on a lot of these and I'll work with them and essentially, you know,

like, give them a good experience, teach them how to regulate stress and

anxiety and things. But I sort of do it in a fun way so they

don't realize. They're not labeling it. I wanna get your perspective here.

What what do you what would your number one bit of advice be? And probably

for listeners, you could think about this as well and let us know. But if

you were speaking the year twelves from, you know, everything you've gone through and things

like that, what would you say would be the most important thing for them?

Oh, jeez. That's tough. Oh, no. I told you I did some practice. You've done

really well. I I guess, like, what helped me was,

you know, I I think perspective, trying to

understand and it's hard when you're in year 12. It's like anything when you're in

In it. When you're in it. Yeah. It's really hard. But just trying to

trying to, you know, I guess, portray to them that

their wealth and and their well-being and who they are

and their value is not, you know,

directly correlated to how good they do at school. Yeah. And I think score.

Their score, that one number. You know, you are so much more than

that. That's not to say, you know, don't give it everything

you've got and be and take pride in, you know, trying to get a

really good score and trying to learn. And but I think that's probably the main,

like, just, you know, enjoy the learning, enjoy the

learning part, enjoy, you know, gaining knowledge on certain

topics and, you know, that's probably what I would

say. And and and, I mean, we

we probably heard it. I heard it a 1000000 times back when I was in

year 12, They're the best days of your life. I like, I have

fun. Don't, you know, it's I guess it's easy to say is

there something a bit more tangible or usable, but, mate, that's my message.

Yeah. It's like, have fun. Enjoy it. You know, you're only there

once. But how do you sort of get that through to them? Because they probably

hear that all the time. And I'm sure they do, but I think, it's great

advice because I totally agree. I think too often, we

we know what we wanna get. We wanna get these scores, so you wish away

your days. Mhmm. You know, like, my big thing is just find ways to enjoy

each day. Yep. It's not gonna be good. And I use this in year 11,

year 12, I I had glandular fever both years because I put so much pressure

on myself, and I didn't enjoy it. Mhmm. You know, and so my whole thing

is, like what you just said, have fun. And I think hard when you're

in it, though. Yeah. And, I I mean, I look at my life and

everything that I have excelled at and done really well

at, I'm enjoying everything. And the more I enjoy it,

the better I get at it. Because the more I wanna do it, the more

I put into it, the more because when you're enjoying something, you're

loving it. It's not a chore. It's not, you know, playing

basketball when I was a kid, I would sit out the back from the day

minute I got home at 4 4 o'clock from school, and I'll just shoot

hoops until dinner at 7:30. And then I'd get dad to come out for

another hour. And then, you know, oh, no. I don't wanna go to bed, but

alright. I gotta go inside. You know? Because you just love it, and you you're

pretending that you're Michael Jordan, and it's 3, 2, 1,

2, 2 game winner. Come on. So, you know, if you can

enjoy something I mean, the hard thing is when, you know, if you're not enjoying

it, if you're not enjoying the study, and I didn't. So

I I found studying very difficult. Like, because Most

people do, like, I not many people love it. No.

Especially at that age. Like, maybe if it's a bit more

meaningful to you. But Yeah. I know. But you're just sort of doing it because,

you know, a lot if you're on a good score, a lot of time you're

doing it because, you know, it gets you a high rated score. And

that's where it is hard because you have to put the hours in. Yep. But

then you also need to have things that you love as well to counteract that.

Yeah. And I think that's exactly like anything in life, that you've gotta have

things that you look forward to or that you get that joy out of. Yeah.

And then you're like, okay. But I don't I'm not gonna love everything. Mhmm. I

have to work hard to do this, and then I can get time or I've

got money. I've got things to be able to do, things I do love. The

only way I could ever sit down and study was to put something on the

end of it. So Mhmm. To say, like, this is the only way I would

sit down, and I could only ever go for half an hour. Yep. Half

an hour tops to an hour. You know? I was to

say, alright, at 4 o'clock, I'm

gonna go around to my mate's place, and we're gonna, you know, play Xbox or

whatever. So it's 3 o'clock now. I can work I can I'll give it

half an hour, and then I'll get ready and I'll go. Yep. That was the

only way I could do it when I knew I had something that I was

gonna enjoy to go to. So But also, I think

shorter is the way is better than longer. Just because

spending all day doing something doesn't mean you're that proactive. Mhmm. I'm a big

believer in only working a couple hours a day because when I do work, I

work really well. Yeah. And then it gives me time to do other things. Yep.

And there's so much evidence now around, like, a 4 day working week, and

so many companies are trialing it. Why? Because it's proven.

Yep. Work harder. Yep. When you're there. And you're more yeah.

Exactly. Like Reward. Get rewards there. I think we all know, like,

anyone that's done a 9 to 5, you all know that it gets

to 3:30, and I'm shutting off. I've got nothing left going on up there

upstairs. And, you know, you get in at 9 o'clock, and you do 2 hours

of absolute firework. Mhmm. And then you go and you think, okay. I'm a

bit hungry. Alright. Coffee. Alright. Lunch. You know? And you sort of

start to waver a little bit and you go and have your break. You come

back, you might have another hour in you, and then it's It's not maintenance. I

reckon you've only got 3 hours in. 3 or 4. Yeah. Yeah. That's

good. Some people obviously are different. Yeah. But and you work at different

times. But, yeah, I think that's that's good advice. Yep. And I think that can

be related to any aspect. And I think that comes back to last

week's guest, Georgie Parker. Georgie. Loved her energy.

She's super sweet. Energy and her honesty. She's unbelievable. I've had a few

few people say, wow. That's like listening to 3 people with ADHD just

talk to each other. I was like, wow. Yeah. Didn't really

think about the That came across. You saw that sort of well That's pretty much

so. There's a bit going on.

Yeah. I never thought we'd find someone who could absolutely overpower you

and I with ease. And what is happening? She did

it easily. And, yeah, she's extremely capable, isn't

she? And, you know, I just love I love

her her sort of no fuss attitude. You know,

she's she knows what she's doing. She's confident. She's well,

educated. So she knows she's confident in what

she has to say, you know, and that's what I love about her. And, you

know, she toes that line of being cheeky. And,

and that's, you know, that's sort of exactly the kind of person that I love.

You know? Like, so, yeah, was pretty awesome

having her on and hearing her insight and hearing her a sort of, you

know, journey through life and sport and then also, you

know, into the media and professional life and, yeah.

What a what a superstar. Yeah. I just found it so interesting that you

can be the best in the world at what you do, but still struggle to

get into mainstream media. Mhmm. I think that's where, like, I I

love watching hockey and some probably more like games that are at the

Olympics and things like that. Because you don't see it so often, they're

still training as hard, but they don't probably get the exposure.

Yeah. So then, you know, he's played over a 100 caps for the

hockey roos, which is unbelievable. Yep. Commonwealth

games, Olympic, sorry, didn't win the Olympics. Sorry, Georgi. But,

so at the world champs or something? Yeah. Like, and all these different things. And

then, you know, because it's not you don't just have that platform to

go straight into afterwards because, you know, you train 4 years for

2 weeks or, you know, the Commonwealth games every 2 years and the Olympics

every 2 years. But, wow. Like, it just makes you think,

like, I don't know. You do a pre you did a pre season every year,

then you get to play a full season. Yeah. Exposure, as good as that

exposure is. Like in you've spoken multiple times about it being

negative exposure, but it's also can be positive. Absolutely. It's helped me.

Now you've got all these doors open. Because even though you didn't have the

best experience all the time, people still saw you. Yeah. And that's

because you were on TV. You're in the mainstream media. You weren't

just watching the Olympics every 4 years, and you got to watch

maybe a couple of their games if you're lucky at prime time. You know,

so I just find that Yeah. Isn't it, like and I know you don't always

choose the sport. Sometimes the sport chooses you. But I think as well,

what I find interesting with that is, like, the the, you know, the

what they're earning. Like, they're training just as hard. If

not, you know, she she said, like, she did a pre season with Collingwood,

and she said the pressure and the the nonstop,

you know, whole year round stress

and training that you go through with hockey because it's a world sport Yeah.

With so much more than footy, you get your 12 weeks off from

bloody October to, you know, September to whenever well, for me,

August, June, off until you know?

And then you and then you train for a little bit, and then you get

another few weeks off over to Christie, and then you train for a bit, and

then you're playing games. You know, so they're training just as

hard, if not harder, but they're getting no reward. It's sort sort of

like the, you know, like Netballers, for instance, in in Australia.

Like, they train, you know, these women are having to almost,

work full time jobs away from being an elite athlete

because they're not getting rewarded financially. It's it's, you know

And then the best of the best. Yeah. Like in I I I

really struggle with that. And I just think it's so unfair, and I

completely get where she's coming from because, like But I guess then the

argument is the sport is not generating the revenue. So

what can you do about that? Well, you can't do anything about it. And this

is always going to be the debate. Mhmm. You know, and that's where that It's

hard, isn't it? It it is so hard, and there's no right or wrong answer.

And it just I don't know. You just and she was happy, I suppose, at

the time and still what she did. And I think that's what it's gonna come

back to. You can't if you're comparing what someone else is doing,

you're gonna lose that love of what you're doing. Yeah. Even though it's probably

it's not fair, but that's the reality of the world we live in. And maybe

that's almost like, you know, silver lining is

no one's really doing playing hockey for the money or, you know, I'm sure the

world absolute best, whatever. But but, you know, if

the the money in the isn't quite, it's not life

changing cash. They're doing it because they love it. Yeah. They're doing it

for the love of the game and because they've, you know,

which is, you know, all you can really hope for anyone is to be doing

what they love. And and, you know, obviously, if she got to travel the

world and she got great friendships out of it and,

Still smart though, like, because she was studying while she was doing it. Yeah.

You know, and that's where you were studying as well, but probably not as

important. Mhmm. Do you know what I mean? Like, good that you did it and

followed through, but, like, they're essentially and this is I found

this, like, thinking and reflecting on it. You know, like, they straight

out playing all around the world. Once they finish that, they sort of left

with not much. Yeah. And you've gotta start your life when all your

friends have started living it in their twenties and started building on that.

Yep. And that's Big time. You know, so there's so many things I

feel particularly in female sport that they have to sacrifice to

be able to do it, but then they don't get the long term re the

reward. Yeah. And that that's the thing that I, like, I

think is unfair. Yeah. But, again, then we've got the debate. Where do you go

with that? You know? Sorry. Yeah. You Well, then everyone argues, oh, the

standard's not as good because and they're they're not getting as they're not getting

any rewards. So why would people be putting in their heart and souls to to

try get to that level and, you know But this is where you can you

can never compare. You know, I really don't like it when people compare

AFL or cricket or netball or any sport because we're

genetically made up differently. The games are different. Mhmm. And they're

both different in ways of skills, all aspects of it.

Mhmm. But unfortunately, we wanna compare everything. Yeah.

Yeah. So I found her honesty really refreshing. Yep.

And it was just nice that, you know, she's cruising through and still

she's living a really good life. She's happy and, you know, she's finding

a way to do it in a as she still said, a very male dominated

industry, particularly in, you know, mainstream AFL. Yep.

And doing a great job at sticking it right after some some losers

there, which I love from her. She

didn't hold back, which I thought was brilliant. She's the best. And talking

about that, I went a bit of a yarn eventy. I went a Oh. Event

remember yarn event? Yana Vent? Yana Vent. No.

So she was like a old school news reporter, like, with Sandra

Salif. Anyway, Yana, vent. I'm gonna vent you. You're gonna vent. So

this is a real privileged place to be in.

So I've got a pool To have a pool these days

now I'm gonna sound like the biggest wanker with what I'm gonna say if I

haven't already. No. I've already sat My pool's only at

20 7 degrees. No. No. It's not at 29. No. So

to have a pool and this is great. Like, I'm all 4. You have

to have, like, a license to have a pool and you have to because of

safety reasons, which is fine. Not a problem. I'm all for that. So I have

to pay the council yearly to have a pool

that I don't get anything for that. But then today, I had to have 2

guys come around and give my pool an inspection. And so I had

to pay they they were here for 8 minutes. Oh, you you you

pool's in really good nick, your fence, isn't it? I said, you reckon? A couple

of young kids who what do you reckon I'm just gonna that it's not gonna

shut? Like, seriously had to pay for that. Pay

$250 for these people to

come in and give my pool and inspection, then then they give me a certificate.

Then I've gotta upload this certificate through the council, who then check it

that I have to pay for it. Every 4 years, I have to get them

back to do a pool inspection, but then the council

checks that pool is just like

I was really polite because these 2 people have come around. I don't I didn't

mention that. It's not their fault and they've got a great business because

they're going they're gonna need it. Minutes and saying, yep, you're good. Look.

Good on you, those lovely people. Well done. I was just so pissed

off. Why do I have to pay the council to have a pool when they

don't even come and check it? Mhmm. Oh, it just made me

think, like, what is this world we're living in? Yes.

Like, that is just a cash grab if I've

ever seen one. It's common sense is flying out the window these

days, isn't it? You need license for everything. Yeah. And I started picking up Nathan.

I won't get a license to play golf because my drive is that horrendous and

it's dangerous. It's dangerous. 100% that's slow. The poor

cars in the car park up the first. Oh. And the highway

when you're playing with your buzz. But I was just like, that is anyway, that

got me quite angry. So I'm pretty pretty good these days about

thinking about the rationale behind it, but I couldn't see this. Mhmm. And I

was so pissed off when I was here for 7 minutes. What did you what

did you how did you handle it? What did you do afterwards? Did you, you

know, did you see this did you give them any piece of your mind while

No. Definitely. No. Definitely not. That

was so lovely. They still haven't given me the certificate. I paid them and, you

know, I still need that too. So I remember if you don't get it into

the council, they might get fined. What is this going on?

Anyway, anger, that's my Yana Vint for those out

there. Now we've got a really good guest coming up next

week. Jack Peck, this is on number 33. Oh, yes

we do. I was like, who's next? I I don't think we've got the

next yes we do. We've got a ripping guess.

And look, I just think that this is gonna be one of the great episodes.

I've just got a feeling in my waters. You know, I

just think that he might have us around on a Friday afternoon, and,

and we'll have a great chat out of this beautiful house in in

Brunswick. The one and only Tony Armstrong,

good friend of mine. He is taking the world by storm at the

moment. Grabbing pulls by the horn. He really is. He he had a great

AFL career, played at 3 different clubs, I believe.

He's just one of the most magnetic energetic

human beings that I've ever met. Can can bloody

party with the best of them and too? Like, there's no doubt about that

one, but, he's just honestly, yeah. We're very

thankful that he's he's come on the show, and he's accepted our invitation,

and really looking forward to delving a bit deeper into his life.

Yeah. You know, the the dual logies, That's a bit of a

party trick that pulls out. Did you get the the logis out? You see? It'll

snap the logis. People did that everybody sat night on,

mate. They are they are literally out in

the dining room table. You're hanging out with him. I loved,

his story because, you know, similar to yourself, like, the

AFL, I suppose, dream,

like, didn't fill out how you probably thought it would. Yeah. And

and neither did his. You know? I don't think he played 35 games for 3

different clubs. But then I loved his story

of what he had to do, the different jobs he did, and the

things he just chipped away at

to get where he is now. Like, you see him on ABC. You see him,

you know, winning the Logies. You see him doing his podcast, releasing

kids books, doing all these Yeah. Like, really high profile

things. Yep. But he didn't just get those. That's right. And I

that's I just loved his story, his journey, and the way he spoke

about it. Yep. Everyone's exactly. It's so easy just to see him now and

go, oh, yeah. He's just got that or he's it's like it's all

about that grind and the journey and the hard times,

and nothing comes easy as we spoke about. And not you know,

anyone at the top of their game didn't just fall on their feet and

arrive there. It took hours years of

dedication, hard work, perseverance, getting

smashed, getting knocked down, continually getting back

up and fighting for what you love and what you believe in. So, yeah,

I think, I think the listeners are gonna enjoy that one. Oh, I know.

I reckon we've recorded a joke.

Well, there goes the last bit of planning on Linda.

But I'll tell you what, Karl Malone, Utah Jazz back in the day, Johnny Stockton,

number 12, would've given the assist. The mailman. The mailman delivered.

Thank you very much, Jacko. Well done, mate. Well done. Good on tonight.

Creators and Guests

Dale Sidebottom
Dale Sidebottom
Is the creator and founder of Jugar Life and Energetic Education. Two multidisciplinary business platforms that provide people with the tools to make play a focus of their everyday. Dale is a full-time 'play' consultant who taps into his 20+ years working in the education and health sectors to educate individuals, schools, sporting clubs and corporate organisations globally on the benefits 'adult play' can have on mental health and wellbeing. Dale is the author of All Work No Play, a TEDx speaker and podcast host. Dale has worked face-to-face with students, teachers, schools and corporations in over 20 countries worldwide.
Jack Watts
Jack Watts
Co - Host of The Overly Excited Podcast, owner of Skwosh Clothing.
#32 Jack & Dale | Sharp Clothing & Playful Astronauts: Inspiring Stories from The Overly Excited Podcast
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