#29 Jack & Dale | Mastering Life: Skiing, Traveling, & Perseverance
This episode is brought to you by Swash Clothing and Sugar Life.
Welcome to the overly excited podcast hosted by Jack Watts and Dale
Sidebottom. 2 friends with a passion for life, learning and all
things that get them jumping out of their seats.
Alright, everyone. We have had a hiatus. It's been a week off. I tell you
what. Episode number 29, we are back. Excitement
is in the room. Hi. And the great man is back.
Welcome. Welcome, Jack Watts. How are you, my friend? I'm good,
Dale. Thank you. I'm very, very well. I'm a bit tired. Jet lag's
hitting me. You and I were at the gym at 5 AM this morning. You're
looking good too, mate. Yeah. There's nothing like an awesome fresh tan. A nice little
bronze up. And it's not a spray on. That's
you've earned that. This is legit. You got that. You paid for it. You went
there and you got it. This is the real deal. So no. Feeling feeling
good. Just feeling a bit tired tonight. But, you know, we find a way, don't
we? We do. And I must admit, I'm sitting here feeling it's
nice for me not to be jet lagged. I know the feeling. So thank you
for making the effort, because I know how hard it is. You do feel better
after it. I bet you will. I will touch base on that before. But,
episode number 29. I've got a couple of stats for you. Oh, you love a
stat. Yeah. I thought that's just a thing we do these days. People don't
like people like 29, they don't like 30. Oh. So when
a lot of people say how old you are, it's 29. 29.
Okay. And a little joke, and this is a stinker, by the way. Probably having
a good one. But, what did the number 29 keep?
Why did the number 9 I can't even say it. Why did the why
did number 29 keep checking the calendar? Because it
couldn't wait to leap ahead. It couldn't wait to
leap get any
worse than that. Shocking joke and I couldn't February 29th. Imagine being born on
February 29th. Oh, no. It'd be, when would you celebrate? On
28th, obviously? Well, or 1st March. Who knows? Well, well, you never
know. Take your time. Anyway, it can't get any worse than that. That was a
horrible joke, and I couldn't even deliver it. So and I'm not even the one
with jet lag. So, yeah, go talk to me,
mate. Mexico. It was
special. Oh, that's French.
No. It was a pretty special trip. Yeah. We, we did a couple of days
in in the states for for Did you go to the snow? Yeah. What?
Like, you said you're going to Mexico, and next minute I see you say you're
in the snow. Yeah. Doesn't snow in Mexico, surely. You're hitting the
slopes. No. No. We, we had planned, like, a couple of days
in in, the States, and we've gone to this big bear lake, and it was
meant we were going to go hiking and stuff. And
then we got there and this this ski season had sort of extended, and they
had a big dump a couple of weeks earlier. It was it was pure. And,
so, yeah, we just thought, fuck it. Let's go for a day on the slopes.
I'd never skied. Do you care if you you've never skied. I went once when
I was, like, 8 or something and, you know, fell off the side of a
mountain. My sister got cleaned up by a, a snowboarder,
broke her arm, and I fell off the mountain. Had to get picked up by
the skidoo or whatever. Dad was just taking us down black runs and
I was about 8 years old. So that's that's my skiing
experience. But, I must have meet Jacko. I haven't there hasn't been many
things that you're not good at. This was this was a battle.
It was a struggle. I mean, it's funny because I was thinking the same thing
that, you know. Yeah. I can assure you. Your confidence.
Oh, man. I was like, you know, because l I went with Ellen and she's
Swedish and she's got she's been, you know, on the slopes since since she was
2 years old. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, I'm thinking,
you know, check the skis on and, you know,
anyway, we got up there and and I I was running into
people like we were on the little the little practice sort of just a little
mountain like this. And I couldn't stop. I couldn't turn. I was
falling over. I couldn't even walk in the ski boots, let
alone, like, get out in the mountain. But, you know, end up
finding my feet and, you know, in true jay watts fashion,
just worked it out, worked hard on his craft, and by the end of the
day, I was, we should
what was it? It's like blue blue then green or green?
Green green black. Green blue. Then double black. So we're doing the greens, and then
I was like, fuck it. I'll find Give me a blue? Yeah. Give me a
blue. And we got up to this blue and I've just, like, I'm
just panicked and once you're up there, you're the only way you're down. It's a
lot harder to walk down, mate. And then I've come down and, like,
just eat and shit, like, bang over. Lost both skis,
poles everywhere. Had to, like, walk, trudge back up the mountain to get
my skis. And so, yeah, I'm definitely a green
run at the moment. Just finding my feet, but it was it was Do you
enjoyed it though? Yeah. Loved it. It's amazing, mate. It's a it's I reckon
it's it's my favorite thing to do in winter. Really? Oh, I love it. Yeah.
I've liked that all over the world. I absolutely love it. But I was
fortunate too that I and I'm Helps me three four nothing. Helps me
right next to the ground, but I when I fall, I pop up. You'd
be a good scout. You'd be I wouldn't mind seeing you. No. Well, I
think I'd be better than you from what I've heard. There's no doubt about that.
But I think it does help probably being a little bit smaller. You would I
would have loved to see you like big boy Yeah. Out of
control. Looking like a like a baby deer just like
Bambi just legs going everywhere. Oh, I've got some I've got some footage. Hold on.
I'll look forward to it. I'll give you just a look. This is me by
the end. I I thought you would have just been, you know I don't think
skiing is one of those things. You're natural? Well, you you are a
natural at everything I've ever seen you do. I think scheme's one of
those things all being in the snow, unless you do it from a young age.
It is very hard to pick up. Here we go. We've got Jacko.
For a while. Oh, you're going alright, mate. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's alright.
By the end, I'll pick up. You're not snow you're not snow plowing. That's where
you do pizza. Oh, okay. Fries. Pizza. Fries. Mate. Oh,
mate. That's a good effort in one day. Mate, by the end, I was like,
I didn't stack it on the list. Admit, you don't look very smooth. No. No.
I'm glad you got a helmet on. I'll be I'll be honest.
That's probably the most important thing you can do that one. Shit. Mate, that's good.
Yeah. It's good fun. And by by the end, I was addicted. I might, get
me to this like when we're going to Bulla, like No. Go to Queenstown. I
know. It's better to go over to Yeah. Like, go spend 4 days in
But to do a, you know, to do a easy I think Alan might have
a a house or some one of them's got a house up there. So Well,
that's, it's always nice when you got something to say. So, anyway, you went in
the snow. Close. I'm glad you shared that with me. Like, you jet lagged today
made me feel a bit better. I'm a full day. Feeling a bit better about
myself. Yeah. Yeah. No. It's good on you, mate. You should that's very
good for the person. Like No. It was good. It was pretty cool to see
her just So where where about Sweden? A place called Big Bear Lake. It's
it's crazy. We're we're in LA, which is, you know, hot weather and we're
gonna blow up. You drive an hour and a half and a half up to
this mountain and then it was just dumped everywhere
and just amazing. So, yeah, I had a really good sort of,
little day there. Then we drove down to San Diego and then flew to Mexico
and just had the house for 2 weeks, 10 days or
something. And it was just beautiful. Like stingray. You could
just see the stingrays out of our front, like, on our balcony just looking
at houses on the beach. How nice is that? Like, that's Yeah.
That people are happier when you can see water. Yeah. And there's a reason
why. Yeah. Is that life fat fast? It is. 100%. Yep. People live near the
beach. I think it's 10 or 20%. They're they're happier. Mhmm. And that's not just
people living on the beach. It's like Yeah. That'd be us. You know, we live
near the beach. We're very fortunate, but actually living on it Yeah. As
you're waking up to that every day. Oh, mate. This this sunrise You just look
at it. Phenomenal. Yeah. But no. It
was good. I mean, 1st international trip with the girl and, you know,
you find out a lot about each other. You do. And, Do you wanna go
any deeper? You are pretty good at, like, I don't I
don't bait you much. Someone always just tell me. I'm like, oh,
I didn't expect that to come out. I'm more than happy to talk talk about
her forever. She's a star. Oh, yeah. He was
smitten. And listeners, I must have been very smitten this morning.
I haven't seen the great man at the 5 o'clock class in a while. And
he was very happy of life and himself. And he told me about skiing, but
more importantly, how the trip went. Yeah. Because they're pretty brave. I'll be honest.
Yeah. Very brave move, what you did, I feel.
I agree. I'm all for it. Like, why wait? Yep. I agree. If you can't
travel with someone anytime, it's never gonna work. Exactly. Exactly. Most
people don't do that. Within 2 months. You're not most people though, Jacko. Within
2 months. Oh, I sort of I love, like, that she was up for it
too. You know, like, we've, you know, we're just sort of really getting started, and
it's like, alright. Let's go to Mexico and LA and fucking travel around
the world for 2 weeks. So it was, it was a risk and it
was but I think we were both, you know, we're both once you sort of
when you got an idea of someone, it's like, you know, we'll make it work.
But and look, granted, there was there was times where, you know, you're
stressed and you, you know, but it was, it's
really nice with her that we can sort of just communicate it and
talk about it. Oh, very powerful. And, you know, like, talk about
it like adults and not get too, like, emotional and,
you know, so it was it was it was beautiful. And then, you know, just
being able to jump on the slopes with her and then, you know, next minute,
like, when we first got in, she was like, let's go to the gym. Like,
I just love that so much, you know, like, being able to do that with
your partner. Like, usually it's me off on my own, you
know, having to go there and she wants to go and do something else or
whatever. Whereas, you know, pretty similar interests and,
you know, she stayed over the night. We got back. So if that says anything,
you know, we still wanted to see each other even when we got home
to after 2 weeks in each other's pockets. I think something's
something's going well. Oh, great, man. He's
glowing. It might be the 10, might be the jet
lag, might be the ability to ski after one day, but I think it's more
than that. Nice to see you, mate. Nice to see you. Ideas. I think,
and we've spoken about this before. I know you mentioned when you went, to
Europe with Will. Traveling is the most,
it it the biggest leveler on every level. Yeah. Like it
Yeah. It shows a true personality and traits
of just about anybody in any situation. Yeah. Because as you
said, you had great time, but there would have been stressful times. Yep. And that's
part of traveling. Yep. If you can navigate that, mate. Exactly. And
that's that's what I reckon is so good about it, isn't it? Like, it's pretty
easy in your comfortable home environment to put your best
self out there 20 47. Yeah. You know, but it's when you've had no
sleep, you've flown over 14 hours, you've got a delay,
you know, your flight's canceled. That's when you really see, you
know, like how does someone sort of act and treat other people
and, you know, those those sorts of things. And,
you know, when you've, yeah, it was just
it was just an awesome couple of weeks to really get to know each other
and, you know, and the fact that we're
we're still Going strong. Going strong, it's a pretty good sign. So That's
great. Yeah. It was, it was amazing. Swam with the whale
sharks. But did did was there a big whale or was that a whale shark?
It was a it was a whale shark. So they're the biggest fish in the
ocean. Yep. But we sweat yeah. They they can they can get up
to I think she said 20 no.
It couldn't be 20 meters. Nah. I think they can get up to like a
couple of bus like a couple of So we swam in the forest.
Animal like, she's an environmental scientist, like, did animal stuff. We went
to Galapagos Islands in South America Yeah. And I got a real big
lesson on animals. I was like, that's just swims in the water. I had no
idea. And she was telling me all about I remembered that. Yeah. But they're huge.
Yeah. Yeah. And just like friendly giants. So we swam with a 5 meter and
a 7 me 7 and a half meter Yep. Whale shark. And so and like
just They're harmless, aren't they? Harmless. Yeah. Just so friendly and
docile. They do swim pretty quick, so you gotta sort of go with them. But,
but, yeah, like, it was just one of the bucket list item for me. Like,
I just love, you know, any animal really. And and, they're
sort of like the the biggest fish in the ocean and they're friendly and it's
you see all the videos of people with them. So I was always on the
radar and then, it just we didn't really have it planned. And then the day
before it was like, it was gonna be a good day over there, no wind.
And we just sort of thought, you know, why not? Let's give it a crack.
So that was pretty special. Did some, paddle boarding or so?
Yep. Nice little pat like Yeah. Wake up 5 AM and the sunrise coming
out over the ocean. Yep. And, like, I just get out in the paddle board,
go for a bit. And there's these big rays just like
10 meters off the shore, fish flying around everywhere,
dolphins, like, yeah. It was pretty spectacular. And
then Alan just loves her food, so we just tacos and,
burritos and nachos and all the rest of it. So Any any
tashemi? They actually had some of it.
But we I hope you didn't spell it wrong. No. No. We we steer clear
of the tashemi. Shamia
car, everyone. That's how you get the dirt off.
Yeah. They do have I've never been to Mexico. But, they do
have amazing cuisine. Yeah. Like So good. Fresh. We eat it all the
time here. Yeah. Exactly. Be incredible there. Yep. Yeah. You just
and, like, just going down to like, we were pretty secluded. We're in this little
sort of beach town called Los Barillas, which is, like, you know, hour from any
big city, really. Just out on its own. So you just go down.
We'd find these little local, you know, restaurants, like, run by
families, and you just go in there. It's the best fresh stuff,
like yeah. Pretty pretty amazing.
So, you know, by the end, we were we were the locals there just
down in Los Barrillos, you know. You would've stood out, obviously.
Yeah. Be glad. Yeah. You don't really blend
in, mate. And I don't mind chatting to people either. I wouldn't never
know. Geez. I'm learning so much about you today. But
no. Highlight. Highlight, Jacko. Like, can you Highlight. I know it's really hard.
Yeah. Was there a moment when you I'm sure there was a few of these.
But like you said, each morning, the sunrise, you're on the beach. Yeah. Was there
one moment where you just, like, you had to pinch yourself because you like, in
the present just, like Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. It was, like, several of
those. Yeah. Several of those really, like even just, like, waking up and just
looking at Alan and just thinking, you know, how lucky we are and like, you
know, she's just sitting there. She's a night owl, so she sleeps like a little
could sleep for Australia. This woman like this out like a lot doesn't
wake up. Nothing. So, like, just seeing the opposite of you. The opposite of me.
I'm just up in the morning ready to go. And, like, she doesn't it's good,
though, because I come to the gym in the morning. She barely hears me, like,
whatever. Like Yeah. You know, when I come to the 5 AM, and she's just
out. Come back. She's asleep with the dog. But, yeah, a lot of
like just pinch yourself moments. I think like honestly the highlights for
me, it's like just the real little things like, you know, there
was this little, a side bowl,
local place there that we'd go to most, most morning sort of thing.
And we had a chess board and we just started we both just played chess
and that was like, you know, so much fun. Yeah. And then, you
know, just making a little cocktail at 5 after we
worked over there, in the 2nd week. So, you know, you get to,
like, 5 o'clock, mate. Oh, so you're you're on the tools over there? Yeah. Yeah.
Just a couple for 3 days. Yeah. She had to she had to work. So
I thought Oh, you might as well too. Match up.
And, yeah, just just those little things like sitting out the back reading a both
reading a book or, you know, she's doing a little Sudoku and, you know
Sudoku. Yeah. She's 1 to 9 loves it. Yeah. Oh, but I've
never been any good at those. Really? Nah. Nah. It's my
forte. Is Yeah. Although I did screw a couple up which I was a bit
disappointed. You know when you get in in your like, oh, I fucked it. Like,
it doesn't work. That far in. If something's happened, I'm done one. And you can't
go back to find it. Yeah. So I was pretty disappointed in myself.
You'll get over it, bro. Yeah. No. It was all it was it was all
a bit of a highlight. I mean, waterfalls, we went to this hot springs place
and it was just stunning, like, middle of nowhere and you go
exploring up and jump I jumped. We found this little sort of hidden
little, you know, waterhole and it was just us 2 and it was
pretty special. And I've jumped up on this rock and, Alan, I gotta
go back for oh, no. Don't don't kill yourself. Blah blah blah. She's, you know,
I'm a bit psycho. She's a bit more reserved. And I've
jumped in and then I've said, come on, jump in with me and give me
a hug, you know? And she comes in, she's giving me a hug, and then
she just starts screaming, like freaking out and jumps out. And,
she goes, what the hell is that? What the hell is that? And these 2
snakes, like big sea snakes, are just swimming the fastest. So is swimming
in this in this water hole with these big snakes. That
would do. I thought you meant your snake.
Oh, that's creeped me out, Jack. I freaking hate snakes. I
jumped back in with him. I went back and did the backy and
oh. But they're just like, you know, I've I hope they're harmless. I I assume
they're harmless, but Well, that must be Yeah. You
go to life. Yeah. Exactly. I love that kind of shit. Just exploring
and having fun and yeah. Back to reality
now. Back to reality now, mate. You'll get over your jet lag. I love that.
I think it's, and you remember those things.
Yeah. I remember, like, the first few trips we did,
and, it's I I think that's when you realize that you
can be with someone. Yeah. Like, you already there's
things you love about them, and and you get along well, and friends, and all
these things. But the true side of somebody comes out when it's just
both of you Yeah. Outside of both your comfort zones in a completely
different country Yeah. Where so many things are
hard. Yeah. It's so amazing, but so many things can go wrong and
Yep. Yes. It's so true. Like and and that's the thing, like, it was
funny with her. I think she sort of wanted it to be this the perf
you know, wanted everything to be perfect. And I was like, Ellen, we've, you know,
we're gonna have things that you're gonna have to have things that piss like, you
piss me off at times. I'm gonna piss you off definitely. Like, if you can
deal with me for 2 weeks without getting pissed off, you're superwoman. So, you know,
it's alright. It's fine. Like, I think and that was it was good
to sort of, have these like, we had just like let's see how the
highlight would probably just like conversations with her, like really getting deep and,
you know, breaking stuff down. Like what makes her tick
and what gets her angry or what gets her stressed and what and, you know,
what I need from a partner and what she needs from a partner and all
those things. Like, you really sort of delve into those because, you
know, whatever that might be, you know, things that,
that came up. But, you you
when you're traveling, you do really sort of see those things.
And and for us, you know, just to
be able to really be honest and just get them out there and speak about
them with each other because, you know, it was it was probably like
yeah. After the first few few days we were we went out on the first
night in LA. Then we went up to the mountain, had a big day skiing.
Then I had to drive 4 hours down to San Diego, and then we catch
another flight down. You know, it was pretty, like, nonstop and stressful.
And you're tired. And you're tired Yeah. Because you're flying over there and you cooked,
and then she's doing she's not you know, the little things, whatever
it might be, like, you know, comments on or,
like, say something that I said that, oh, that's wrong. And I'm like, no. That's
right. It's like, what? You don't trust me? Or you don't value my
opinion? Or you don't you know, these little things There aren't big things, there are
big things. There are big things. And it just becomes you know, if you if
you let it bottle up and you let it you know, but there was and
then we just sort of got there, got to Mexico, and we just had this
beautiful chat that night. Like, how you going? Like, you're alright? Like, how's
everything? I can tell you're feeling a bit stressed, and I can tell this is
happening. And, you know, what is it about that that makes you feel that way?
Like, why It's so good. You know? And it was yeah. It was really it
was really nice to, to sort of work through that and
then, you know, have just the most amazing couple of weeks. So But
that's what traveling allows you to do, to be in those situations that
brings out things Yep. That you wouldn't normally see. You wouldn't see it for the
next 12 months or whatever. It's just both of you. Yeah. You don't have a
fight, and I'm not talking to you or whatever. You're there by yourself. Yeah. And
you can really break it down. Yeah. What brought what triggered you there? Like it
I don't know. Like but then you see the best of sides, and I just
think traveling is the most gratifying thing on so many levels.
Particularly, you're in a beautiful place, but I bet you think how lucky we are
to come back here. Yeah. Like Yeah. And that just reminds you of that. Yep.
But also, yeah, what it allows you to do with the person you're with. And
I feel now, there's only very small amount of people I could actually
travel with Mhmm. Because I know what I
need. Yep. Yep. I I think that's you only get that by traveling
with people. Yep. Yep. Definitely. Definitely. Yeah. It's
an interesting one but It's good, mate. But yeah. Very good. Yeah.
Exciting. So but what about you? What's what's been happening in the last 2
weeks? This m c, master of ceremonies at your sister's wedding? The old,
emcee gig, mate. We're, we've spoken about this before. It's It's not
an it's not an easy gig. We get a few of these.
Oh, no. I must admit, I it's it's always nice when you get asked to
do it. It was my my sister, obviously. And so, yeah, I
was very happy to do it. But, yeah, I'm
probably at the stage where now I I don't really want to do it at
weddings. If if anyone's listening, they got a wedding coming up and going. Now people
are like, like, I find it hard to say no. Yeah. You just feel like
you're always working. Yeah. And it was a lot of fun. Like, don't get me
wrong. It was really nice to be part of it and,
yeah, and share, like, add to my sister's day Yeah. Which was really
good. Yeah. Actually, go a little bit. I don't know if this guy listens
or not, but, have you ever, like because I'm I'm a bit out there. You
know, I had everyone rocking. I I played this game. I started
with a game. So Timbo, who married my sister,
Hannah, he goes for Richmond. So I just googled it's called 123's
game. So I googled players at war number 1, 2, and 3 for Richmond. So
so Timbo's favorite player, Rory Hilton, Darren Gaspar, and
Duncan Callaway. A few people gotta laugh. Not many people know them. And then my
sister goes to Essendon, so I said Mark Harvey, Mark McCurray, and the fish, Paul
Salmon. They're their favorite player. And then I got into doing this game. Everyone heartened
it, like, went off. I knew it I knew it would. I was just a
bit nerve like, I just see my You never know for sure. Never. Oh, my
my sister's looking at me, like, what's he doing? And I'm like, no.
You know what? I believe in what I do. I know it'll work. Anyhow, I
did it. I had it rocking. And then I had a couple of gags, and
then the speech is coming, like, the best man Had me to
he's pretty happy with himself. Okay. He had a he had a go at
me. Yes. Oh, shit. You would've taken that
really well. No. But I normally Joe, like, have you is that
on Avenue? No. No. Me? What's in what way? Oh, I just
Like, when he gave the speech to everyone all Yeah. He got up and he
goes, oh, day. You're doing a great job. This is how it's done. You know?
Like like Oh. And he thought He was big dickin' going on. That's
exactly what Bree said. She goes, he was big dicking and he was big
dicking again. So you didn't just accept it. You
came back and I sat there moist talking and he was very cool. Yeah. Yeah.
But he was too confident and happy of himself. You know, I'm like, oh,
like, I can't I can't have this, Jack. So So you've
given him one back? No. It's been up and
did your mic drop on him and This is actually making me cringe sitting in
this so you've gone at him. No. Just What'd you give him? What'd you
give him? Well, he sorta
so I I really I I thoroughly thought about the
whole time he was talking. I'm like, should I do this? Or it was
very calculated. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, so Tim, who married my
sister, is bald and he's got a bit of a beard. Anyway, the guy I'm
not gonna say his name, but the guy that did it, he's looked identical. Like,
bald and a beard, and the other groomsmen had a heap of
hair, no beard. So I got up and I said, ah. I
didn't really know that, I really feel sorry for and I'm not gonna say
the guy with hair, but I really feel sorry for if you maybe had to
shave your head, grow the beard, and look like the groom, you could've got the
opportunity to stand up here and peacock like that. And then his name and then
his name rhymed with something else. And I did this little rhyme
and just mic dropped it, ever I lost it. But now I'm
saying it, I feel like a wanker man. I'm pretty
happy with myself all the time. You were stoked. You were stoked. And the best
thing is, Jaco, He couldn't do anything about it. He can't come back up and
have another go. You got the last laugh. Anyway, I felt I
I've thought about it a lot. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Did you go over afterwards?
Yeah. I I had a chat with him and that, but I could tell, like,
there was no tension. Well, sometimes, you know. Sometimes people need to
be pulled down and beat. He did. He did need to be pulled down. And
I had a lot of people come through tonight. Because he started it. He 100%.
Anyway, I was gonna yeah. I normally let those things go when I'm talking and
stuff, but I had a cup of beers. I was like, you know what? I
didn't appreciate that. I'm not getting paid to do this. I don't
need to be and he was doing it for a cheap laugh. Yeah. So I'm
like, I'm gonna get you here. I'm not gonna put you down. It's gonna articulate
in a way that makes you look silly. Yeah. I I think I did it
well. But anyway so I did the MC. That's
great. I love that shit. Fuck. I've done a couple where
I've said some jokes, and they just it, like, hasn't landed, and I've been
thinking about it for weeks. And, like like, I remember I can't remember
whose it was, but I remember you saying, I think it was Gorny's. Gorny's name.
Yeah. And I just and, like, everyone probably no one probably even give a
gave a fuck. No. No. But you remember own head. Yeah. And, you know, just
little gags about someone or Gorney was, like, taking over the captaincy or
something, and I made some joke. And it's just like for
from the for the rest of the night, I'm thinking, oh, that he hates me
now. Yes. And it's like, fuck. Like, I don't know. It's just
almost like and then from that I just play it safe now. Just play it
safe. But that's where, like and this is what I've said. It's not about you
as the emcee. Yeah. You wanna add to it. Yeah. But saying jokes
never work. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So that's what I thought I'd do a game. Yeah.
Yeah. And it's like, it actually works. Perfect. But that's what I do, I suppose.
But it's a very hard gig. I've spoken to a lot of people about it.
They've, like, do it as well. And Yeah. It's a very hard gig to
do it right. Some people are amazed. Like, I've had this fuck.
We just had this one. It was a it was a duo,
and his his name's Ben Simons. He's just just Two first
names? Yeah. Trustworthy? Trustworthy. Yeah. He he this man
is Simon.
But, but, yeah, just just nailed it. Just nailed
it. So funny and, like, you know, there's no
cheapies, like, not bringing anyone down, but just just hilarious.
I'm very well thought about. And I I don't think I have
that much time to prep I I don't prepare that much. I just sort of
jump into it where whereas I think the people that do it really well prepare
and put a lot of thought into it. Yeah. I I didn't look at
I think it comes because I do it for a job. You know, I talk
all the time. Mhmm. And you get a particularly some of the student sessions. I
get kids rip me and abuse me and Mhmm. Very good at
articulating ways. But I don't think an MC is about putting anyone
down. No. No. Anyway, I did. And
fair luck, buddy. Fair luck. Yeah. Well, I So, anyway, MC ing,
yeah. It's, it's a lovely thing to be able to offer. Yep. But
it's, it just You you you basically you're you're telling all your
mates, don't come to me. No. Well, most of my mates are married. I'll do
it I'll do it if my other sister wants to get married. Yeah. And if
she wants me to, she may not want
Yeah, Dale. You can just enjoy the night, don't you? Well, maybe throw some
pedals at you and be a flower boy. I said, alright. But, yeah.
No. It's nice to be part of it. Yeah. Definitely. But it's
it's a it's a very It is nice. They've they've trusted you
Yeah. To do it. With a, you know, responsibility for their day. Yeah. And I
didn't wanna stop it up. Because I had a lot of family there and and
things like that. Yeah. So, you think about that. But, anyway, that's about it. Brie
went away for work. So, you know, we've been talking about me going overseas
for work. Anyway, Brie went away for 3 nights. How did that go?
Oh. So real. So did you get a bit of
an idea of what she goes through? Yeah. And I knew what she's going through,
but I was like, oh, this is tough. Oh.
So she went away for 3 nights. You had the boys on your own for
3 nights. Yeah. And it was school holidays, so there was no kinder. Little
one was in daycare. Yep. But, oh.
Exhausting. Oh, relentless. Like, and then you could finally get them
down. You try and do some work. Like, you just don't have the
energy. Oh, nothing. I was broken. I took I took them both to the
gym because I was like, I wanna try and get a gym class. Yeah. So
I took them in. And there's he obviously, he's callers. Heaps of kids, like, all
there just on Ipads and doing their own thing and at my boys. I'm like,
I can't let them out of the pram because they're psychos. In the most nice
way, I love my boys, but A bit like that. Yeah. A bit like that.
And they have to put them in full too far in the tree. So I
had them in the pram, and just this talk time's going. So we've only been
there 5 minutes. Dad, get me out.
Dad. And I'm like and I'm like, I'm trying to ignore it to make they're
not my boys. And people are looking at it, they already knew it. And then
the little ones up the top, the big ones in the body starts kicking me
in the head. And then I'm like, so I
got about 30 minutes of a workout in. Must admit, I did a lot in
between because I saw them. They were just off their tits. So, anyway,
so yeah. That's that's about me, mate. That's that's interesting. It would have been
interesting, you know. Is that the first time you've had them on your own without
Bree? Yep. Both of them. Yeah. Would've been an interesting, I've had,
like, she's gone away for a night or something, but Yep. It's a lot
different when multiple days. Yeah. And, like, you know, she's not coming
back and, you know, you got 3 days. And and I mean, I guess, you
know, it might it would've sort of given you a bit of appreciation for
when you go away for the week and she's got them for the whole week
or Massive. 4 days and whatever and, you know, that's a big
reason why you made these changes early in the in the year. I did make
the changes, Jack. But then I'm like, oh, you're going away for work. No.
No. Must have been like Be the bigger man. Oh, no.
I I just had a very good meeting today. I have a big school in
Singapore. But no, that might be the
only one, Jacob. I know my reasoning is Singapore's only an 8 hour flight,
2 hours tired. I'm gonna get jet lag. I'll fly during the day. And Good
to see you. Well, you never know what happens here, I suppose.
But, I did get a bit of a glue. Now a couple of things all
to ring up, masters, today. Oh. Scotty. Oh. Oh. Would you have
you ever been? I've never been. Oh, it's bucket list stuff. It's,
it's a must do, but Do you know the best thing about it? Very hard
to get Really hard. Yeah. Do you know the best thing about it? You don't
like to take a phone in. You haven't been? I've never been. Oh, thank god.
If if you had been in the Masters before me, I would've been What it
why? Because I drive them so well for tea. Well, just because
I love golf. Oh, I love golf. Oh, I know. But no. So
the the thing I love I don't know no phones. You're not allowed to take
a phone. Can't run. Can't run. You still see people run,
though. Little waddle. They're probably Aussies. They can't even shoot. They wanna get their seat
in the right spot. Yeah. You watch everyone there, and
everyone is present. The only thing they're holding up are binoculars. Yeah. It's the
most there's no there's there's nothing that compares to
that. Yep. I agree. Like, that's amazing. No. It's so funny you say it. Like,
I had a bit of a fucking funk day today. Like, just I was
tired and I had a shitload to do. And 1st day, like, we're back at
work, but, you know, a lot to do at work. But I was just fucking
on my phone, like Instagram doing pointless shit
because I wanted to put off doing the other stuff. Delaying it. And I just
like even it's just like my the phone is such a big thing,
isn't it? And, like, even when we're away, like, Ellen's on her phone a lot.
So I was like into her, like, get off your phone. And then I come
back and, like, today I'm just on the on my phone. It was so bad.
And, so and I've I've, like, spoken to a few people who were there, who
went to the masters, actually, and they were, like, not having your phone. It's the
best. It's the best. It's liberating. And I've, you know, I've gone couple of weeks
off Instagram and stuff before and it's the best feeling. Why don't we
do it? Oh, God. But then you you just you think you're gonna miss out
and you're gonna, you know, you're gonna miss social things and
communication and all that. You don't you don't miss anything. I know. I've started, like,
when I go places, it does not take my phone. Yeah. And Bree's like, what
happens if I'm when I contact I'm like like, that someone will
contact you. Like, it doesn't matter. Mhmm. Like but that's what I love about the
masters. Yeah. Oh, that's hands down. All the tradition's amazing. The course
is ridiculous. I mean, Scotty's iron play as well is
pretty arousing. Oh, what about Bryson? I know people aren't
here, for golf, but made Bryson Shambo
made his own clubs. $10,000
or whatever, like, these irons. I just love how Hardy
tries to rip it. Right? The mad scientist. Yeah.
Yeah. He's oh, look. He's I I actually like him. A lot of he's
pretty, polarizing, but 100%. You either like him or you wouldn't. And I can
see how traditionalists would he'd grind their gears. Yeah.
A little bit. And he's a bit of a nerd. He just wants to but
I sort of see he just wants to fit in. He just wants to be
cool, but he's so not cool. He's so he's so He's so smart. Daggy.
Yeah. Just so smart. Yeah. He's smart. But, like, he's just an he's just a
nerd. But but I think he's sort of he was trying to be the cool
sort of different guy, but now he's really sort of owning who he is a
bit more. And I I just I sort of really enjoy him now.
Couldn't quite, you know, stay up there, but, Started
well. Yeah. Started really well the first couple of work first couple of days, but
then, had my little Swedish connection. So Alan,
obviously, big Swedish family. And Ludwig Orberg
Yes. Very good. He was, we were we were really rattling
him home and, you know, he was doing everything bloody well. I
mean, 1st major appearance. Oh, no. I'm glad that major he's ever played in. Just
Scottie was incredible. Like, he And Scotty's just too he's best player in the world.
Otherwise, he wins it. Like, you know, and even like that he just
had that shot on 11 where he pulled it into the water. That was the
first mistake he'd made the whole time. If he doesn't do that,
he's probably right there putting more pressure on Scottie since then. Scottie just doesn't,
like Yeah. It incredible. For people who haven't watched golf, like, just
Yeah. If you're ever gonna look at anything, the masters is by far it.
Yeah. In yeah. Amazing. And it really just
brings the best in the world to their knees. I think that's what I
appreciate about it. Yeah. Yeah. It's so so good. Like, those for
the day 2 and 3 when it was just windy and peak guys are just
dropping, like, best players in the world just shooting 7 over,
8 over, like, having meltdowns. Like, what did Justin Thomas do? He shot
7 over the last 4 or 5 holes or something Yeah. To miss the cut
by 1, like, just broke him. So And that
must be so hard. Yeah. That like Yeah. Because that's what that's why it's so
impressive for the people that win it. Mhmm. Rexam, back to back?
Rexam. Back to back? Wow. I haven't actually really stayed up
to date with them. No. I haven't either. I just saw that, they've been providing
soon doing one now, like 1. Are they? Yeah. Yep. So they've
gone from amateurs They've gone from to the championship to
now is it like league 3? No. They're in nothing.
They're only league 2, league 1. The next one is a championship, and then there's
premier. Really? Yeah. I'm pretty sure there's the 4
divisions. That's pretty cool. It's pretty epic. Mate, I was just From where they came
from. I love Ryan Reynolds. He's such a sick dog. And I saw him post
something like, never did I think I'd be crying over a game of
football in northern Wales. Yeah. But this, this is the ride of my life.
Like he literally says, this is the ride of my life. Like, and I just
love that story of like taking something and
growing it and giving it the chance to to blossom, you know,
like that. I'd I mean, fuck. Obviously, they've got the cash to be able
to do it with a with a soccer team. It's cost a little bit of
money. Yeah. But, like, for, you know, even just in your day to day
life, like, for me, I love that idea of, like, helping someone or
growing a plant or taking even, like, a skill, you know, like
skiing now. I just wanna go skiing and, like, get better because it's
like I can feel that I'm I'm through. Mate. I know. You look good in
that video. How much I how much better you can get, like, you know, just
improving and and growth. Well, you know anything. That repetition
Yep. You did it for a job. Yep. Yep. Exactly. I had a funny thought
today. I was like, I was speaking to an old man of mine who plays
bask NBL, basketball, and I was sort of saying, you know We wanna you
freaking you're gonna make it. Mate, I I this is literally what I said.
Mate, I said my toxic trait is thinking that I'd be able to go out
there and and do some damage. And he goes, mate, you should give it a
go. He goes, go down and and talk to your old old club. And then
I just had this weird thought, and I was like because obviously I'm fucking going
mad on my golf, and I I shot like a 76 at, Saint Andrews the
other day. Like, wow. So well, just hit the ball so well.
And then I was just thinking, oh, for the next however long in my life,
you know, I I wanted like, if you had unlimited money or
whatever and didn't have to work, I was like, what? I'd love to
just, like, commit golf 6 months. Golf would be
yours. Golf, basketball, even like,
you know, running like a a commit to a marathon. Right? And just
give it, like, do it like a professional. Yeah. So so do it
the, you know, the 3 sessions a day or the 2 sessions a day. Where
you're at at the moment, like golf, you're already
very good. Yeah. But golf would be surely that would be your
choice. Well Running I'm not saying I wanna do it all. Might break down. I
wanna do it all. I wanna do 6 months intervals. What of
everything? Yeah. Everything. Darts. Like, I wanna I wanna I wanna
become I've got a dart board out. It's just Extremely efficient at darts.
Pool we played a heap of pool in Mexico and, like, I'm pretty good at
pool. But then this guy came in and he won, like, a few tournaments around
the place and he comes in and he's he's better than me. And I'm just
like, I wanna get that good. Like, you know? So if I
train lose. Like, is it he can't just
lose. No. Hey, he's losing. I've I've never lost. I've just run out
of time.
It's like it's honestly, it's like yeah. It's an illness, but
I just, like, once I see something, like, even yeah. It's like
Jenga. Did you play Jenga? You wanna be the best at Jenga? Chess. Chess? I
wanna become the Queen's Gambit. Queen. I wanna I want to go
and take on someone in a competition at chess. Like, just
anything. Like, we played this Swedish card game Skoper.
Skoper? Skoper. And, I love card that's I love
cards. So good. It's my favorite thing to do. So good. You know do you
know how to play 500? Oh, you can 500 in me games, Jacko. Let's do
it. Mate, get me and you go. Me, you, Alan,
Breezer. Bray, mate. I'll be able to because you need 4 with 4.
Someone needs hook up the kids, mate. I do
really enjoy it. Alright. Let's do that. I love a good car game. Oh,
same. Oh, there you go. Maybe our girl
Kristen, Gibbo out there who was,
devastated that we missed our podcast last Friday. She was
messaging me on the Thursday saying I can't wait for tomorrow, and I said, yeah.
It was gonna be great. You didn't even And I left
That shows me your at. Mate, I was over in Mexico. I'm not I'm
not thinking about the pod too much. But, I sort of said, oh, yeah.
It'll be great. It'll be a good one. And he's throwing it 1 in the
pan. And she's missed me the next day
crying. Oh, no pod. No pod Friday.
Oh. So, maybe Kristen knows how to play cards and she can come
join us. But Oh, perfect.
Obviously, I do a little bit of the planning of the podcast.
But no. It's good fun. But, yeah, that's that's just a thought of mine. I've
I've got the marathon this October, and so I'm gonna give that a good red
hot crack. But then after that, you know, it might be an it might be
an NBL. I might just see how far I can go. Hey. Go for it.
Go and play go and play ball with, like, the, I don't know. Danny Nong
Stingray. No. No. Sandy Sabre. Go to Sabre's my my boy. Yeah. Heart and soul.
Where you at? Heart and soul. But where would I start? Like, are you
training with the under eighteens or do you train with the no. You go with
the straight of the men. To your thirties. That's true. You're not
you're not 29 anymore. Wait. No. You're all right. You go those 2. We're well
truly past 30. Stinking jokes they were.
There you go. There you go. Before we finish up, we've had a few shout
outs lately. I'd like to give a shout out, and he definitely won't be
listening. But, silly side bottom. Oh, yeah. He plays 314th
game this weekend, which passes Tony Shaw to be the
2nd highest game player at Collingwood. Behind Pendles? No
one will ever catch him. He'll get 400 this year. Pendles? Yep. Fuck.
Yeah. He's I think he's, like, in his 3 eighties. Yeah. It's
a Stilo Got a Stilo. 314. That's imp
that's crazy. That's madness. For those 2 to be currently playing and
obviously, are in those records. But, like, yes, a lot of
games of footage. Yep. Durable, in a good team, playing a
lot of finals. Yeah. Yeah. Pretty amazing. We've had him on the
pod. How good was that? We have. We have.
Did did I give a shout out to Big Woz from the gym? You did.
I did. Yeah. He did. He did. I saw him this morning to him and
said, Jacko's pretty happy with your wizardry. Oh, he sorted out my
sonox. I'm that happy. It's so good now. I can just bang, log on
to Spotify, get on the TV, get the bass going.
Oh, it's And that's what your neighbor thinks, mister joining in support of seriously. Yeah.
Fuck. You son offs. You sort of
Bad luck. Anyway, thanks, Woz. You're a legend. Oh, good morning,
Woz. Oh, well, there you go. Episode number 29. Beautiful. Another
great one in the books, and, it's good to be back. We do have a
very exciting guest next week. Would you would you like to,
join her? Of course, guest. Well, hopefully it comes through.
No. No. She's she's on. Oh, yeah. She's on. This woman, I admire this
woman. She she tackles a, you know, at all this at this stage
in her career, a male dominated sort of media landscape. She's on
the racing. She does the footy. She does a lot of sort of media stuff.
And she just I love her sense of humor.
She fucking cops shit from all these wanker fucking dudes who
think they know everything about sport, and she gives
it back to him 2 fold. And she's knowledgeable. She's a gun.
So we've got Georgie Parker coming on the the pod next
week. Oh, very good. Obviously Very good hockey player. Aussie hockey player
was was described as a player of her generation.
Really? In one article that I read, actually, she sent it to me. She said
she said you gotta put you gotta play these other ones. I'm not coming on.
So the player of her generation and, you know, she's just
she's a fucking legend. So I'm very keen to have a good chat to her
and, get into it. Well, there you go. Ladies and gentlemen, we're
back. We're far away. Jacko's in the country. It's jet lag. He's
feeling much better than me. He's like, I wanna go
skiing. Yeah. Well, have a lovely week everybody. Jacko, brilliant to
have you back, mate. Thanks, Sarty. Alright. I'll see you at 5 AM tomorrow. Yep.
I'm I'm in again. Oh, you will save me. Cardio, I'll look out.
Okay. I'll see you then. See you, mate.
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