#27 Jack & Dale | The Transformative Power of Open Communication and Self-Accountability

This episode is brought to you by Swash Clothing and Sugar Life.

Welcome to the overly excited podcast hosted by Jack Watts and Dale

Sidebottom. 2 friends with a passion for life, learning And all

things that get them jumping out of their seats.

Alright, everyone. It is episode number 27 of the overly excited

podcast. My name is Dale Sibonham, and I'm joined by the one and

only the Melbourne, the Port Adelaide superstar, the squash,

absolute entrepreneur, the NBA, the guy that rolls into

the gym with the most energy I've ever seen. And I tell you what, one

of the best basketballers around in Bayside. Oh,

yeah. Australia. No. It's Watsy.

Great to be here. Happy Friday, everyone. I am overly

excited right now. I wanna book you right now, Dan. I'll tell you what. You

are looking good over there. I'm excited. Been a big

week. Been a massive week. What a guest we had last week,

on the pod. That was a big one. With a big Maxie gone, he's a

he's just a beautiful man. He really is. He really is. He's

thoughtful. He's humble. He's ugly, but he's

pretty good, and we love him. We love him here on the overly exciting podcast.

It'd be another nice one to get back. Now before we get into Maxi and

what you've been doing, I like a stat, Jacko. First one's a little bit sad.

Number 27, obviously, that's what we're up to today. So it's this celebrity

sorta, you know, like Kurt Cobain, Jimmy Hendrix. Number

27 club. Yeah. Janis Joplin. Is he playing during that?

You reckon he was. Yeah. So that's sort of the sad one. And

so what I'm gonna try and pronounce now is sort of like my It's a

shame. But no, I'm a big believer in just

giving it a go and believing this, and I'll get it wrong. So sports, anomaly?

Anomaly? Anomaly. Yeah. Triple L when

they do the idiot follow Billy Brown. There's a lot of words I can't say.

He would be great. Yeah. Okay. So anyway Anomaly or anomaly?

Anomaly? Anomaly. Anomaly. Anomaly. Anomaly. Okay.

Thank you. Well, there we go. Tashimi, happy days. Okay. So sports anomaly

in baseball Yes. A perfect game occurs when a pitch up allows

no opposition player to reach base during the entire game, which

lasts 27 outs. Wow. Wow. So this is

an anomaly if you're a baseball fan. Obviously, we do have a

few listeners in America. We're listening to over 40 countries now, Jacko.

By about 1 person each. Yeah. Probably. They probably downloaded the,

woah, they're not for us. Now,

let's get on to Maxie, mate, because I know he's

one of your good friends. And I was really excited because you, like, you

know who this person is, but you don't know who he is. And I

just the way he welcomed me personally into his house and just

I sort of pinched myself a couple of times when I was sitting across from

you 2 just talking about footy trips and, yeah, like,

going in, how's how's good is this front row seat? Like, such

a good bloke. We got gift packs by Lululemon. That was pretty scary. I was

nearly gonna stay. I was like, I don't wanna leave this place. Yeah. Getting the

sword. The room that we're here the room in this, like, wine cigar

room. Oh, anyway, how did you find it? Did

because do you ever I haven't really interviewed any of my close mates

before. Yeah. How did how'd you enjoy it? No. It was

great. I mean, it's interesting with Gorny because, obviously, you

know, I've been finished now. I've been away from Melbourne for

from the club since 2017 or something like that. I

think that was my last 7 years. 7 years ago. So so it's

really hard to, you know, stay in touch.

And, you know, I'm not great in terms of on the phone. How are

you, Maxie, like, every week. I don't talk to anyone on the phone. I don't

talk to my best mates on the phone. I don't talk to my family. Ring

people? No. Really? No. Never. Never. Never. It's like my

I don't know what it is. Do you not like doing it? Or I I

just I don't know. I'm I'm a I'm a text I I I ring you

if you talk to me and not get into me. And I'm gonna text you.

I know why. See, I much prefer just to jump on the

phone and ring. Yeah. I don't know. I'm just like, if you if I don't

have anything to say, like, people love to just have a chat or whatever. Like,

no. It's not really my I don't know. Now you should at once again,

you should never judge. Yeah. Because I think if anyone's got something to say, it's

always you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. People would think that I'd be on the phone


Those boys, like, they on the phone call, like and I just never pick like,

they're always on the phone talking, but, yeah, it's just not for me. So Fair

enough. Anyway, yeah. So with

Gorny, like, you know, we don't it's not as if we're best mates these

days or we talk all the time, but we've been through so much that I

knew that, you know, and every time we catch up and, you know, it's once

every 6 months or whatever, and and we have a dinner with trainers or

we have a something an event or something. You know? It's it's just the same

friendship. You know? Yeah. But and, you know, I don't take it

personally that I can't see him, and I'm sure he doesn't give a fuck that

he can't see me. He's got better things to do. But, I don't know

that. But it's just it you know, it's nice to know that you

that, you know, nothing's ever gonna change with your friendship. And,

yes, you might drift apart. And I'm sure when

as I said on the pod, like, when he finishes, I'm sure we'll become a

lot closer again because and I've really found that with a lot of a lot

of the boys. When you finish playing footy, a lot of the guys, when you're

when you're all done, it's like a little community that you come back. Place. Yeah.

Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think one thing I loved about that, Jacko, was

I could tell the respect that you both have for each other. Mhmm. Like, and

you both sort of said things about it, and that was really nice. You know,

like, we've spoken about, obviously, just good to talk

about when you're having struggles, but it's also good to talk about things when going

well and things you love about yourself. It's also really nice to see 2 mates,

you know, like, predominantly when you started. Like, it yeah. It's a

male dominated industry. It was sort of like a I'm sure when you started,

you know, like, it was a like, you talk about footy camps and that army

thing There was old school. Yeah. Old school. That's a great way of putting us

trying to to shame me it, you know. Like, couldn't get there. It

was an anomaly. So so back to where we're

going. You want tasheme the anemone? The anemone. Oh, the

idiot falls covered. No. What I'm saying was it was yeah. Just

that's what I really love, like, when you're both Yeah. Acknowledging each

other. Yeah. Like, because of your life and what you've gone through, but more importantly,

how much you mean to each other when you may not see each other much

all the time. Yep. Yeah. Definitely. And and it's it's really nice to see

him, you know, because it was interesting what he said. Like, when he was

when I was sort of you know, I was young and I was getting given

games, and then I've played had a few a year or 2 where I was

okay. He wasn't really killing it by that

stage. And then I reckon it was probably my last year

or where he started to get a few games, and then all of a sudden,

bang, he's become, you know, best player in the comp. Well, he'll nearly be he'll

go down as one of the best rock men of all time. That's right. Well,

that's pretty crazy. But it's funny because we when I was there, we were

it wasn't like that. You know, we had Mark Jaymar and Steph Martin and these

guys rocking in front of Gorney, and then they were trying to do the 2

rucks. And, you know, so it was, when I was actually at the

club, we're at very different stages. And then it's

nice for me for him to sort of, you know, now that he's he's a

premiership captain, he's a star of the comp. He still he's

still got that respect and a bit of, you know and he he

can give me the time of day. You know, it's not as if he's too

big for his boots and No. No. You know, which was really nice. So,

but, yeah, I thought it was a great episode. I would love to delve deeper

into his family life and his, you know, his kids and

but, for another time. I think, the the story I

loved at the end and we always you know, what are you most proud of?

I loved how he said that he couldn't get a game. He was the worst

player in the list. Mhmm. And to come now and be the captain

of the premiership that the club had been chasing for so long

Yeah. Like, you know, that's just belief in yourself and

Yeah. What a what a awesome story. Yeah. Like, the best That's what

he's got is just belief and Oh, he must. Like a

dogged determination. Do you know what I mean? Like and, you know, I think I

mentioned it, but, like, just the amount of times where we're, you know, on

our holidays and we're overseas and, you know, we go

out. We're all on the Pearson. I get home at 4 o'clock, and he's probably

home just before me. But he's up at 8 o'clock, and I'm in bed, and

he's going for his run, and he's doing his weights. And he's he was

so particular. I think he had all those injuries early

on, which, you know, it sort of taught

him how to work super hard and how important his body was. And,

so he was just, you know, him and Trent is, you know, they'd

take me along for the trip, and we we we had pretty we had pretty

different I think that though, like, one of those

things, like, where you're naturally gifted, like, and and you are, and you

weren't injured at the start, and then, like, everything goes well. When it doesn't go

well, you try and do everything you can so you

get glimpses when it is going well. Yeah. Yeah. And I suppose that's ingrained in

you. Not not saying you're not a hard trainer or anything, but, like, that's probably

why Yeah. You know, that he's like, on the worst player in the least at

the moment. Yeah. If I don't do this every day Yeah. Then

I won't be doing this. I'll be back at where did you say he worked

at Domino's? Domino's stealing money out of the tilde. Pay

for his pay for his bets down at the tap when he was 14.

Anyway, I love that. Yeah. No. It was it was a really nice episode. Hopefully,

you all enjoyed it. So how's your week been, Jack? Are you, you've

been clocking up some k's big boy? Week. Big week. Yeah. It's

been a ripping week. You know, off the piss

and just feeling good. 4 weeks, went for a

big 25 k a Saturday morning. So Wow. It's pretty

pretty solid considering I hate running, and I you know, when I was playing

footy and I finished, I said I'll never ever run. I'll just get in the

gym and punch weights and but, you know, yeah,

this little Saturday morning with Mitchie boy, my

cousin, it's, it's sort of turned

my view on running around. It's like I actually enjoy it now. Do you think

that's because you're sharing experience with someone that you don't get to catch up

with. Yeah. I had this chat with Stubby today. Stubby, in

at squash, and he, you know, runs 3, 4 times a week, and he needs

it for himself for his mental health. Yep. Like, if he does if he's injured

or if he can't, he he hates it and whatever. For me, I'm like, shit.

If if Mitchie wasn't there, would I be running?

I don't know. Probably I don't reckon you would be. I don't think I'd be

doing it. I don't think you would be doing it. No. Exactly.

So that that was an interesting sort of thought. I'm like, shit. Well but,

well, I guess we'll see. We'll see because, you know, it'll it'll, go on for

as long as it can, and then we'll, obviously, I'll either fall in love with

it or I won't or whatever. But, at this stage,

going beautifully. So It's probably nice that, balance.

Mhmm. You know, like, you go to the gym during the week, you do other

things in the week, and you run? Yep. Yeah. It's not all all Mate, you're

not found, like, I've, yeah, with the running and then I'm, like, playing

basketball tonight. Yep. And then, you know, going

to, core plus. So hot mat Pilates, hot mat

screen. Yeah. So doing probably 2 or 3. We are

for for people that can't see this setup where we hide,

it's a great little studio. Beautiful. But there's a lot of lights in there, and

it gets very hot. Mhmm. We had demon sweaters. Shocking. I

couldn't get anything worse. Yeah. Like, how much do you Mate,

it's embarrassing. Like That would be my biggest fear. No.

But you I don't care. I'm working hard. I know. But that's that's why I

love you. Like, you don't care. And I actually wouldn't care either, but I don't

know if I could actually enjoy it. I get too hot. No. It does get

hot and stuffy, but the only time I feel bad because you you're in this

I'm in this room and I I'm there's 30 women and probably

me and a couple of the other boys, and and, the

girls just smash it. And I don't know what it is. They don't

sweat. Never. Like, they don't sweat. Never. And I'm sitting there, and

and it gets pretty active at times, but you're on these mats, like, a meter

apart from each other. So I'm dripping. And if I've got to do any sort

of movement That's it's fling off. Falling off. Yep.

And that's the only time I feel a bit bad because, like, you know, if

I'm in there with the girl or, you know, I don't mind if she gets

cops a bit, but but if it's a random in front of me that doesn't

know who I am and I'm just going It's pretty rank. It's pretty rank.

I mean, look, my sweat's made of gold, but No. You know? Jeez.

But but it's, but, yeah, I do feel bad occasionally.

And I've I've had the old the old, like, sort of look behind just at

me and I'm, oh, sorry, darling. You know, I'm can't help that, but,

but I love it because it's like you can mix it in with your weights

training because it's a different strength. You're using different

muscles. It's a lot of core work, a lot of legs and,

like, not as heavy, obviously, but you're just doing a lot of body weight stuff.

And in in this hot room, it's like a 45 minute sauna but doing

an active sauna. So it's so it's good. I can, I

can speak for that? So, like, you know, BodyFit, if they ever wanna

sponsor us, we, we do talk about them a lot. Yeah. I keep throwing out

these lines for, sponsorship if anyone is taking

that. Cricket. Cricket. No. It's like this anomaly.

Anyway, so, you know, you can go to any of these queues. So when last

year, one of the times I was in Singapore, I thought, you know, what I've

got morning off, I'll go into a session there. Humidity's like 95%.

The trainers were, like, just sort of following me and watching me.

I thought they thought there was something wrong. Like, the sweat,

like, it was it was literally, like, just a a wave

was following me. Yeah. It was it was That's a sign of a of a

healthy human, mate. If you can if you can that's your body doing the right

thing. No. But, like, they actually were worried, I think, about me. No. Yeah.

And that's when you're like, woah. No. No. Anyway, I agree. People say

if you sweat a lot, you're healthy. I'm like Yeah. Yeah. Heck, if you sweat

a lot, it's uncomfortable. No. No. No. I love it. I love it. If your

sweater, good on you. That's amazing. I'm sweaty, man. Enjoy it. Oh, that's good,

mate. I I think like what you just said there, we talk about all these

different things in life. It's a balance. Life's a balance. And so is your

training. Yeah. You know, like, you've gotta find something works for you, but that's why

I know you've got so many different things going on. They're all exciting. Yeah. And

it's fun. It's it, like, makes it enjoyable, you know. And you're doing it with

all different groups too. Like, I meet all different people, you know. Down at

BFT, you got a whole group. I'm actually going to play golf with a guy

called Braden who's, you know, a new friend of mine down at the

BFT. Bang. We talk about golf all the

time. I'm doing this charity day tomorrow for,

the RCD Foundation, and they had a spare spot. What's the

RCD? Connor Connor doors his run. You do? Yeah.

Run for Connor. Basically for kids with brain

cancer. That's sort of basically what

they they try to do and and raise funds to research that. And

there's a big day at Victoria, and I'm bringing him along, you know? So it's

like and he's so pumped and I can't wait or we, you know, it's

just like another it's sort of adds to

the gym experience when you can meet new people and make new friends. And

and, and I love, like, taking it out of the gym. Yeah. Do you know

what I mean? Because it's one thing to have a good chat in the gym

and, you know, blah blah blah. But Well, I think, look at us sitting

right here. Exactly. Oh, you just gotta I don't know. I think when you allow

those conversations take place and you never know Yeah. What will

happen. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's magic. Love that. Now I

wanna share, like, been thinking,

like, lately, you know, like, we're speaking about feeling good at different things.

I reread a little bit of the book I released a couple of years ago

about and I started with there are 3 proven ways to improve your

mood straight away, scientifically backed. Music,

exercise, and laughter. So in the last week, I've tried to

like, I already do most of these in a certain way, but I've tried to

add a another layer or another, like, habit stacking. You know, James

Clear, have you have you read that book? No. No. Habit stacking. It's,

atomic habits. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, so things you're already doing,

where you can just add something else to it to make it better. Yep. So,

like, you're already laughing. We well, we laugh on here. You exercise a lot. I

exercise a lot. Yeah. We both enjoy music. Yep.

You've been enjoying country music. You the other day Plenty.

Plenty of it. Zach Brian. Something in the eye

ring. Oh, I love it.

So I thought I'm gonna tell you, like, what I've added on for each

layer or habit stacking. James, the Good book anyway. If you're into that sorta

self help sorta thing like that. So, Reese, I

don't know. Jackie walked through my shed to come into the office. Got,

like, a big cargo bike. So I was on a I was on a Bucks

party, last year. I didn't know anyone. Like, I'm just on a friend and

so got around, met everyone, and struck out this conversation with and

got to know this guy really well anyway. We're at the races, and we run

the quadty. Oh. So I end up taking home your 4 k cash in my

wallet. Jeez. And, it was it was a good quadty. And I'm, like, you know

what? I wanna get one of those cargo bikes. You ever seen one of them?

They're like a bike where it's got this huge bucket at the front and you

can fit sort of like 4 kids in it? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I

think you rode that around in my pocket. Yeah. I did. Yeah.

I did, I dropped a couple of things off, a couple of books for the

people that want them. And yeah. So anyway, I've

been I've been riding that to pick the boys up and drop them off at

kinder and daycare. Anyway, a couple of days ago, it was very hot,

Jack. And, Brie Bree goes, what are you doing? I got the bike out.

And it's about an hour and a bit round trip. Took snacks,

took everything. Long day at day care. Boys both got sunburned. It

was a bit bouncy. They both cut their lips. So they both come

home from daycare and kinder crying, sunburnt, and

had blood dripping down their chin. So I've added another

layer of fear. And what? You're gonna take them on an hour bike ride?

No. I just I did it, and I won't do it again. But you know,

I tried to add something on, and what didn't work that well.

Well, you're trying. I try and I thought it'd be a really good thing and

it just it just didn't work. Just didn't quite. Nah. Didn't tell you what

happened. Actually it was fun going there but coming home was always

yep. Testing times. Oh, just Jeez. I sort of wanted to leave the

bike with them in and walk away. I didn't

know. Boys. Being on listening, the boys are safe and sound and fed, and

we're all good. But, yeah, testing times. Laughter, I think just

yeah. You try and had more laughter, and, I did a

gig last week at, Southern Golf Course. Oh, yes. I saw that

actually. And, for Monash Health, very nice. So there's supposed to be

90 people in the room, Jack. And that's something about to start. Just

people kept rolling in, rolling in, rolling in. I'm like, there's no

seats. End up being a 135. There wasn't

seats anywhere. People everywhere in body anyway. It was rocking. Like, the

joint, way over capacity. Mhmm. And the laughter and fun. And now I just

thought, how lucky am I that I get to laugh in those days? And I

suppose it got me looked pretty anxious because I planned you plan for

certain things when 45 extra people come into this function room.

Room anyway, went really well. And got a little message from, Jez the

wiz here. He must have been playing golf there. And

he he's like, what's all this noise going on? And he come through

and looked in the door, and he goes, oh, he sent me a message. He

goes, I was gonna come and say hi, but you were

Eyes on. I said, we is he coming anytime you want, mate? I'll stop

you. And he goes, oh, mate. You oh, it's no way. I thought he was

number 2 episode of 2023 for the boys. Oh, I'll tell you what, he was

he was not He was right up there. He wasn't coming in. And, anyway, the

last one's music. So I know, like, I like Spotify. Mostly, we

got Spotify or something. Yeah. I used to DJ back in the day, as I

told you. We got all so many vinyls set up in our lounge room, and

I'd never play them. So I'm like, no. We're gonna the boys, we're gonna play

the vinyls and just being going back some classics, like INXS,

crowded house. Yeah. Fat Boy Sims went out of dark punk on.

Wow. Went back to, like, just the old

school stuff. Put flaunted on TV rock. Wow. Like,

and it was like quarter past 7 in the morning, Breeze, like, what are you

doing? And I was like, I tell you what. There's

Woo. There's something about vinyls playing on it, and

you just have to let it play. You can't change it. You can't skip

to the next one. You can't get bored. You just let the whole album

play and I fucking love it because I've I've got the same set up at

my place. I know you do. And we all go on we all just go

to Spotify because it's easy or hey, Google Play This. Best song.

Exactly. Sometimes you don't need bangers. You gotta go to the journey.

Yes. You gotta see the whole journey. Yes. So, yeah.

I'm all I'm all aboard the vinyl train. I've got this, one of my mates

told me to get this at Discogs, and it you you sort

of, record every, every vinyl that you've got in

this app. Gives you, like, a whole thing of, you know, every every vinyl

you've got, how much your collection's worth. Wow. Your friend

you can follow your friends and what they've got and all the rest of it.

So it's pretty cool. And that's got me motivated to try and buy some more

vinyls. I might have to go through yours in the in the layout. I've got

a few in here too and a few out there. If you might need one

there. I think, that's one of the things we find,

like, it, once you buy it, you end up

buying more and you forget to play it. Yeah. Yeah. So you just sort of

slide through and you find 1 and I've still got plenty that are un

unopened. Are they? Yeah. Really? Yeah. Just buy them, put them in there. Is

that because you wanna add to value of your portfolio? Not really. Just

haven't got to them yet. Too busy playing Taylor Swift and Oh,

t swizzle, the Swifties. I'm actually I bought Hozier tickets last night. Did

you? Hozier is coming out in November this year. So How do you like,

I'm like, I'm fascinated because I wouldn't have a clue. Mhmm. Is there,

like, ways you stay up to date with like, because if you wanna go to

the footy or cricket or, obviously, like sport, I know

what the draw is. Yeah. How do you like, where's it where do you see

these stuff? Well, I guess you follow a lot of these people on Instagram and

stuff. Okay. Yep. So you you sort of your favorite ones you see when they're

touring and whatnot. But then, like, even without that, it's like Spotify have this

thing of shows near you, like, shows coming up,

which you can just look at. And then also, like, I'm on the, you know,

on the email list with Ticketmaster and the forum and rod labor and

all that. So I get all those. So so that's where you, you know, that's

where you're getting early, mate. You've, been saying that, I showed my

age last night of getting these hosier tickets because I

just typed in Google hosier because I knew that knew the tickets were coming out

that day. First top one, bang, just went into it, bought, you

know, 4 tickets for $1100 or something. You didn't get

hacked. Well Not the Well Oh, no. I've accidentally Oh, shit.

I've gone on, and then I've then I've spoken to my housemate because I'm taking

my housemates with me. And I've said, oh, yeah. We're going. And she goes, oh,

we're you know, what that what night and what not. And I said, oh, Wednesday,

13th or something. And she goes on the Ticketmaster website.

And on the Hosey website, there's no Wednesday the 3rd 8

show. So I'm going, fuck. What's happened here?

And she's gone, it doesn't exist. I've just paid $1100.

Maybe you've got a private show. Mate, Oh, yeah. Exactly. Just us for with

Hosea. But it's and it's this website called ticket merchant.

So supposedly, they buy them and then they resell them or

something and but, thankfully, we've done some research.

It looks like there's another show getting added, and I've already bought

tickets to it somehow. So so let's cross our

fingers. Oh, well, I'll bet you a bit No. I'm still pretty

nervous. I'm still really nervous. Like, who knows? We could be positioned in

all all different corners of the place. But, you know It's,

you gotta be in it to win I've realized now that you booked

through. I did the same thing, me and my mate best mate, Spudal,

said, look, when Adelaide test, when it was the 1st day in either one Mhmm.

I said all sort of South Durham. So I booked these tickets on this

random cheap website. We rocked up to Melbourne airport, ready to go. We had all

our accommodation. We had tickets for 3 days on there,

like, yep, ready to go. You you're not in the system.

And, like, oh, and so And you bought plane tickets? Yeah. Yes. Yep. Bought plane

tickets out of Adelaide. So I'm there. Yep. We got these tickets. And

I, like, get real angry. Like, so here I'm

yelling. Like, bro. And I don't even have tickets. I didn't have

I I've got the wrong one. It's on you, but you've you've I've got catfish,

like, literally for these tickets to something like web jet or something

that just literally took my money and didn't buy them. Yeah. And so we're

sitting at the airport just like And and we've never I've never in my

lot I've never forgotten that. And don't worry, mate, Spuds never forgot. He

always reminds me, he goes, oh, love one day to go and see that what

that combination was like, what the seats are like that we paid for.

But literally, like You gotta be careful, please. Learn from, I suppose,

those moments. So yours might pay out. It may

not. It look. What did you learn from your experience? Well So I always

click on number 1. Well, they've sent me they've sent me a a follow-up email.

So it looks look. It looks a little bit legit, so I think I think

we should be alright. But but, yeah, it's probably just to

either get someone else to do it, or take a bit

more care. So we'll see how we

go. Oh, I like that. I like that. But before we move on

Yes. I do have a big shout out. Now this woman

this woman listens every week. She's been an

incredible support of mine for my entire life. Even

when I was a little ratbag at 10 years old, you know, looking up

bloody porn on a on a on a on a home

Internet, and she got a $200 bill come come through. Dial

up. It was literally. Oh, dear. There's about

13 of us boys all having a sleepover, and I'm on the computer trying

to orchestrate the thing. But she's just

one of the most beautiful women. She's like a second mom to me, really. She

sort of helped raise us, and she was the one that we all looked up

to and the cool mom and, and you know the Schubert boys.

Do you? You know Brenton and Will. They're down at BFT, but it's it's their

mom, Marie. Happy 60th. Marie. We love you, darling.

Know. Well, looking forward to celebrating at the 60th.

I think that's this coming weekend, and then your birthday's the following week. But,

yeah. Love you, and thanks for all your support. Marie, I'll I'll second

that. Will's been reminding me for a couple of weeks. I'm

glad Dacho got in there. So

60th, what a better way to, give a shout out. Yeah.

Reno. Whoo. Be 60th, you superstar. Now,

Jacko, did you have something you wanted to finish finish off

with? Because One of the I think, man, and I'm still I love this so

much, you know, like, we get a lot of messages saying

that your vulnerability to, you know, 30 year

old males sharing stories and taking action,

doing things about it, like, but just making it aware

that other people go through it, like, and people actually acknowledge and letting us know.

But it blows me away. Like, because we're just having a chat helping each other

out. Yep. But it's resonating with people Yep. Which I love.

And I think that's the best thing. Like, when someone listens to what we have

to say, and they they can resonate to to something in

their own life. Yep. And that this is sort of what's happened here. Alana, my

beautiful friend Alana, that we spoke about 2 weeks ago on the pod,

The beautiful message she sent me, you know, just after

listening to us talk, and she gave me a FaceTime today, actually.

And we're talking and she said, I just love you. I love your pod so

much. And I and I said, oh, we're doing another one tonight. And she said,

oh, is it the one where you and Dale just talk? Because they're my favorite.

Are they? They're my favorite. She loves nice to know, though. Yeah. Yeah. She loves

when it's just you and I and but she sent me a big thing. She

she wanted to talk about it all, and I said, look. Oh, this is a

good talking point for the pod tonight. So she sent me a few things,

and, you know, she basically just said, Dale, you

fucking nailed it the other day when you said these talks are great,

but only great if you take action. And

so she was sort of saying she's, you

know, looked at her own life and and what she's going through. And am I

taking action? She asked herself, have I been taking action? You know?

And it was really, you know, it's like it was I think it

created something for her. It gave her sort of something to look at

and and, you know, she's been through a lot in her life. And she sort

of said she's lived. She got to a point a couple of years ago where

she said, You know what? I'm gonna be me. I'm gonna be who I

am. And know, I won't

go into it all on the pod. But, you know, she went through a lot,

and she sort of lived by this one quote, which I just thought I'd read

out for the listeners. She said Candace Parker, the

GOAT WNBA player. She actually helped her put this one together. But,

here we go. How did I get past what I was

going through? Sometimes you don't have to tell

your story. Time will. I think we've all had that

moment where we feel like we have to tell our side of the story.

And you know what? You don't have to. Just do what's right.

Be kind. Be a good person. Work hard. Give energy and the

world and universe will give it back to you. You don't have to shout from

the rooftops your side of the story or who you are or

what you're trying to do. Let time tell. And I

thought that was pretty awesome because, you know, I think we

do or certainly put me personally, I feel this

need a lot of the time to try to, I

guess, explain

myself, for a lot of my actions

or, you know, try to be vocal

about what I'm doing to try and be better. And and it's, you

know, is that really coming from the right place where you feel like you're

having to, you know, what are your what's your reasoning for that? Are

you doing it are you doing it for you though? Exactly. I think that's I

think that's the biggest thing you like, that and I love

I love everything about that. It it's beautiful. But

are you doing the things for yourself? Because unless you do

things for yourself, you can't do anything for anyone else. And that's exactly what

she's saying. Yeah. I know. And that's so that's why I resonated so much with

it. Mhmm. Because it's so true. Yeah. But it well, it's

so hard to get that. There's also a balance too in in terms

of, like, I think also it's it's really beneficial for me

having these chats and talking about it and putting it out there. And it

almost like that sense of accountability of saying, alright, I'm gonna

do this. So there's I think there's a difference between being vocal

about trying to be better Yep. And having

this resentment of worrying about what people think about you,

and so that's why you're having to say this and that, and I'm doing this.

No. I'm not going out and doing that. I'm doing, you know, I think it's

it's really beneficial to get it out when you want when when it's on your

terms. Yeah. Correct. Not for other people. And that's sort of what

Lance is pretty much saying, and and that's what she's lived by for her last

couple of years. And on on the FaceTime today, she said it transformed who

she is and her life and her partner can tell and her part and everyone

around her can tell that it's helped her Yeah. Immensely. So Imagine if

you I think, like, teenage years are so I

guess, so hard. Yeah. You know, like, imagine if you could have that

realization in your teens. Yeah. I think it's one of those things that you've

gotta live through it and you've gotta get through it.

Yeah. And then you finally realize that the only person

you need to love is the person who's in the mirror. And once you do

that, then everything else takes care of itself. And in in saying

that, I think it's, in my opinion, it's a constant journey.

Oh, always. You're never done. You're never done. And, like, as much as we

think we're we're doing well now, and we are, and it's great, but there's so

much more to learn. And we're gonna learn more things, and we're gonna make more

mistakes, and we're gonna learn from them. And, you know, it's like,

it's that, you know, as long it's that constant journey of trying to be

the best version of yourself as cliche as that sounds. No. It's not that.

It's it's not like, it's definitely not. Mhmm. Because

no one no one's like, each day throws up different things.

Yeah. So each day is an opportunity to learn, grow, and take

action. Yeah. Like, and that's how you gotta look at it. If, like, if

you if you had a really good day, tomorrow might be a really bad day.

Yeah. Next day might be a good day. Like, it who knows? Yeah. And I

think the the older you get and the, you know, you you just you get

a better understanding for what works for you. Yep. And

even, you know, it's hard to get out of bad habits, and it takes

years years years, and we're still not perfect. We're still doing a lot of things

that, you know, and, but I guess you just

sort of realize what's important to you the older you get and what makes you

tick and what, you know, what you value a bit

more. What? It it narrows? Mhmm. Do you mean, like, when you're young,

there's so many aspects of your life going on or so many people you try

and connect with and impress or look after or different things. I

think the older you get, you realize your time is

more valuable. Yeah. Because you're busy, you don't have as much free time as

you used to have. Yeah. So you become more precious with it. Yep. That's

how that's how I look at it anyway because it's like, yeah, The time I

do get to do anything now is very scarce. Mhmm. So if I'm

wasting that on something that isn't the utmost importance

to me at the moment, then it's just it it it can't

work. Yep. Yep. No. Well, thanks for that, Lance.

Yeah. That was that was lovely. I I love that quote. Yeah. Yeah. It's

I think she just I think that's hers, to be honest. I think she just

came up with it. I'm pretty sure, but Put her name to it. Yeah. Lot

of lot of good quotes out there. And also the other one that's been absolutely

just inspiring me lately is Jackie, the our coach,

Jack from down at, BFT. Vinci. He's,

he he listens to every pod. He messages me the most beautiful

things, and I said, we've got to get you on the pod. And he said,

oh, mate. I wouldn't have anything. You wouldn't want to hear. I said, mate, you

got more to say than anyone and you would come across and you'd

be more caring and thoughtful and, you know, it's not about your

profile or whatever. We just wanna have a chat. So So true. And do you

know one thing I really appreciate it? Every time he comes up, yeah, he

messages me too. Lovely things about every episode. But every

time he comes up, every time in the gym, he likes you like a really

thoughtful question. That's exactly right. And You can tell that it

yeah. It's it's it's so genuine. Yeah. It's so genuine.

His interest and his care and his thought and he's listened to it and it's

he's he's obviously getting something out of it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You know, which is

so nice. You'd have to to be able to, like Yeah. I suppose write and

articulate what he's done. But yeah. I agree. I think, the pair

of listening, He

obviously is listening, and like, I'm sure he does it to other people

as well. Yeah. Like, but the questions you ask somebody

really can transform a conversation instead

of just being like, how was your day? Good. How's your weekend? Good. Like,

rubbish question, rubbish response. Yeah. The moment you, like, change the narrative

and go a little bit deeper. Mhmm. And I feel I've always said this to

Bray. I said, every time Jack comes over, he's got a really,

like, in-depth, really nice question about my life. Mhmm. And

what that means is he cares. And it's not just about me or

you, it's about everyone. And that's the sign of a good person. Yeah.

So, yes. That's a really lovely shout out. Lovely, Jackie. I really like

really appreciate that. And I think that's nice, you know, you should acknowledge people when

they do. They they are generally really lovely

people. Yep. Yep. It's like what we, you know, we say how much it means

to us getting a little comment from, you know, but we don't know

we don't sort of do it enough. So I think let's, you know, I I

love sort of doing that stuff and and, you know, calling someone out and

telling them how much they mean to us. And so I think we'll we'll continue

to do that on the pod. We will. You've done 2 lovely call

outs today. I had a couple of good stats. So we're,

anomaly anomalies. There is a stream before you.

I still yeah. I tell you what, that makes me laugh. It's, it

was so bad. I love that you have a crack, man. Yeah. You don't have

a crack. You do have to have a crack. But, no, I appreciate that. And

and if there are people out there listening, like we say, and like, because we

we come in here, we have a chat, and normally the conversation goes

on like, it just takes care of itself. Like, we don't, like,

we really don't normally have anything set up, but the times that we

have had, you know, people want different situations or questions

or, on the instances in their life that they're going through that maybe,

like, we could discuss or maybe speak from firsthand experiences.

Yeah. That like, please, you know, reach out to one of us or, go

into our Instagram and just send us a message because that's what

we want. Like, and that then when we get those, we know that what

we're talking about or we're hitting some sort of cord with

people. Yeah. We love engaging with with you guys. So if you want

us to talk about anything, let us know. Big week this week, Grand Prix.

Grand Prix. Oh. Oh. I'll be in the paddock set day, mate. I'll be

riding amongst it. Toto Toto Wolf under 1 arm, arm,

Georgie Russell under the other. Let's go, Mercedes. Oh, and

and just a shout out for both of us, we are couple of Ares lads,

couple of days apart, isn't it? That's right. It's out there. It's funny, Emma. It's,

by the time this recording goes out, we would've both had

another trip around the sun. They don't mean as much

anymore, Jacko. Yeah. It's I'm starting to get to that stage where you

sort of just try and get through them as quick as possible. I'm, plucking grades

out of here. I got it. Next year's the, 40.

So 40? Yeah. So I'm old,

Jacko. Love that. Where are we going, Vegas? No. I'm gonna go to Bali, I

think. Okay. Now you're gonna book couple of weeks in Bali. I love it. Book

a villa. I might just have 1 week for fam like, the family to come

over and 1 week for friends. Beautiful. Save a spare room for me. To do

a couple episodes over the day. Anyway

Alright. I gotta go have 30 plain b boy. Get another black eye,

mate. You rolled in, like I've I've I've been

adjusted the last 2 weeks, so these reps are out. They're out to get

me, honestly. Anyway, we'll move on. Be nice, mate. Be kind.

Yeah. Be nice. Be empathetic. You don't know what's going on in their life. Exactly.

That's a great message. Thank you. That's alright,

buddy. Good idea, legends.

Creators and Guests

Dale Sidebottom
Dale Sidebottom
Is the creator and founder of Jugar Life and Energetic Education. Two multidisciplinary business platforms that provide people with the tools to make play a focus of their everyday. Dale is a full-time 'play' consultant who taps into his 20+ years working in the education and health sectors to educate individuals, schools, sporting clubs and corporate organisations globally on the benefits 'adult play' can have on mental health and wellbeing. Dale is the author of All Work No Play, a TEDx speaker and podcast host. Dale has worked face-to-face with students, teachers, schools and corporations in over 20 countries worldwide.
Jack Watts
Jack Watts
Co - Host of The Overly Excited Podcast, owner of Skwosh Clothing.
#27 Jack & Dale | The Transformative Power of Open Communication and Self-Accountability
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