#21 Jack & Dale | Let's kick 2024 off with a BANG!
This episode is brought to you by Swash Clothing and Sugar Life.
Welcome to the overly excited podcast hosted by Jack Watts and Dale
Sidebottom. Two friends with a passion for life, learning And all
things that get them jumping out of their seats.
Ho ho ho. Episode 21 of the overly
excited podcast. I've missed you, Dale. I'll tell you what. It's
been a couple of months. We've, we've been off airways. We've been enjoying ourselves,
enjoying the Christmas break like I'm sure Everyone has been, hopefully,
but, we were just having a little chat. It's good to be back. I missed
you. I missed this routine. I missed our little,
therapy session every week, and, Yeah. I'm I'm very happy
to be back and looking forward to a a big 2024.
So, Dale, I'll start with you. What gets you
overly excited for 2024? Oh, Jacko.
Firstly, like you just said, I think routine is one of
the things that, it's nice to break it every now and then, but then
when you get back into it, like, I've been really excited to sit
back down and, Like, just what we did there for 10 minutes beforehand where,
you know, we have a chat about things in our life and what's going on.
And sometimes they come out in the pod camp, sometimes they don't. But, Are
you just I don't know. When you intentionally do that because life gets so busy
that you don't always see people or, you know, you see the people you live
with or the people you work with. But yeah. I don't know. That I
I really when I was we're just doing that, they made it made me realize
how important that part The our connection is. Mhmm.
Yeah. Definitely. I think set setting that intention, you know, actually sitting
down for an hour. When do you do I don't do that for the rest
of the week. You're just sitting down for an hour and discussing what
what's going on in your life? What are you enjoying? What are you struggling with?
You know, who's getting around you? What do you need? Yeah. You know, I'd you
know, it's, it's rare. So, yeah, it's good to be back. It is. So, yeah,
I don't even I don't even do that with my wife. Like, I I don't
do that with anyone. And it may be when you reflect on it and you
talk about it like that, you don't even think about that. Mhmm. Anyway so,
yes, I'm very excited about that. But, What gets me excited?
I'm I love summer. Love the weather.
For me personally, Family life's been busy. It's
good. I've been trying to stay healthy. So
I've been exercising, which has been really good, mate. But, But more importantly over the
last 2 months, I've realized well, not just realized, but,
my business was called Sugar Life, which no one understood. So it's
a really shit business. You know, when people can't pronounce it, they don't know what
it is. So, I've been working with my mentor, my coach, and a few other
people. And, So in the last 3 months, put a lot of work in
and built, like, a collaborative brand called the school of play .co,
and everything will go under that. And just since doing that, That's what
like, I use play to help all people. But just since
clarifying and making it simplistic and it's it's Just
freed a lot of things up for me because inside, they'd been eating me up
for a long time. I hadn't known what to do. I knew I knew it
didn't work. Yeah. So, yeah, I've put in probably didn't have the biggest
break that I would have wanted because most nights when I put the kids down,
I'd come in exactly where we are and I'd tap away and do my thing.
But, Yeah. Probably very excited about that.
Like yourself, you know, when you invest so much time in building something,
And it did just never felt exactly right. And and, yeah,
it does, mate. So yeah. You still you you have that emotional attachment
to it because you've put in so much effort to go. And then
but it and it resonates with you, and you sort of got it. But then,
mate, it just didn't quite get, You know, across line with everyone else. Yeah. But
because it's like you're trying to hold onto it, and you've spent years trying to
sell it to everyone. Yep. It's really hard to let go and and move on
and and start a, You know, something not a fresh, not a new because
it's it's the same stuff, but just a different sort of rebranding,
I guess, which is exciting. It's just, I I
knew I needed to do it, but then, actually, how do you go about it,
and what do you do? And, anyway, I've done it, and it's been, like,
not a weight off my shoulders, but I just I'm sort of proud, and
I'm happy to say what I do. Like, my business name now is, previously, I
wouldn't use the name. I just say what I do and Yep. Yeah. It's
funny. Names should not define who you are, but they
also have a big play when people don't understand what they mean.
Yes. So I thought, you know, like, what's Uber mean? All these names.
I thought I'll do something like that, but I'm a 1 man band. Uber's here
all over the world. So don't get ahead of yourself, Darwin. Anyway, so
that's got me excited, mate. So I'm, Yeah. I'm pretty I'm pretty pumped
for what's in the pipeline for that. And, Yeah. The
opportunities that have opened up because people understand it now.
And, Yeah. I think a lot of people were just booking me or going
just using because of me, because of the business, but now it's got a
bit of the clarity and, things like that. So Simplifying it a
bit for the customer and the consumer Yeah. He's, he's key, isn't
it? When yeah. When you own it, you don't really understand it, mate, how's anyone
else going to? So, mate, that's me. What
about you, buddy? What gets you excited, like Jeez. On the edge of your
seat, mate? Like look. I think we all know what gets me
pretty excited. Fairy porn and musicals
and, my mates and,
But, no. I've got That was 5
minutes in, and you dropped fairy porn. Well, I've nearly
finished the entire series, so we're getting there, People, but, because there's a new
book. I remember you saying, was it November or so? That's another so that's,
yeah. So, The 4th wing, the 2nd one of that's come out, but I was
already reading ACOTAR, which is a 5 book series. So I I
needed to finish that one before I can read that one. So I'm up to
the 5th one of that Nearly there, mate. You sound like my old business, mate.
Very confusing. Very confusing. Exactly.
No. But what what gets me excited? I was having a good think about this,
and I remember Talking about it, you know, last year on the pod, having
things to look forward to. So I've put a couple of
things sort of, You know, just in the pipelines this year, which is
which have really got me excited. So I booked in the Melbourne full
marathon. Have you? In October. So that's logged in. Yeah.
So so me and Mitchie, my cousin, who we've spoken about Yep. Him and
I have been going for runs Every Saturday morning and getting after it,
and, and that's just been, you know Slowly slowly building? Yeah. Yeah.
So Yeah. It's funny. Like, obviously, when I started, it's like
Playing footy, you're running at 4 minute k pace. And if you're doing if you're
not, you know, then you're slow. You don't have a coach yelling at you anymore,
mate. Exactly. Which I need to realize. So and I mean, why I
could only run for about 2 minutes back then because I was cool.
But, Mitch and I, we just get out there. It's like our catch up.
You know? It's so good. It's beautiful. Obviously, you know, we spoke he had he's
got the young kid. His life's busy. You know, it's been
harder for us to catch up, and this Saturday morning run has just been
incredible, you know. And so we're sitting at, you know, 6 minute k pace, but
We go for an hour and a half. Wow. And, you know, it's just a
beautiful way to catch up. So that's exciting. So that's a that's a good
thing, to have an, Like, an activity
based Yeah. Thing where you're doing it with someone else. Yep. I think sometimes
I don't know. I'd look at people when they train for a marathon or an
Ironman or something that could I I feel it's a very lonely isolated
thing, but because you've made it intentional to do it with Mitchie
Yeah. That's really nice, mate. Yeah. Yeah. I bet it feels great. Yeah. Well, I
mean, I'm certainly not trying to, break any records for this marathon. So
connecting and doing something together, but, you know, probably your friendship
Needed. Yep. Yep. Yep. Definitely. All done. So that's that's got me
excited. What else? I've gotta Doing a
hoping to do a little, sort of collaboration, fitness
retreat over in Bali with with, PE retreats.
So, yeah, that'd that'd be great if that
comes to fruition. That's sort of end of August, I believe. So I've got a
couple of mates who are super keen on that too. And then we were thinking
of going that into Kokoda, start of September. Wow. So
we've, I've I've had a look at that. Carly, my cousin over in
Adelaide, who we spoke about. Yeah. She's been on the hiking
trail, so, I've put it out to her and she's keen. So, you
know, it's something that, So it's probably come from this pod, really, like, reconnecting.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And, you know, then when I sort of came up with
Kokoda, I thought, you know, she'd be a great one to ask. So Mate, I
love that. And you'll, you'll see those photos behind me there.
FHL retreats. I owned a company with a few mates. I used to
run Yearly health and fitness retreats. And it's you think
you're going over there for the fitness side of things, but when you spend a
week with The same people. It's amazing what
actually it's not just I it's hard to explain, but what you
figure out about yourself and the different things. Yep. And, Like,
everyone's there for the same reason. Yep. You know, like, yeah, you have a few
beers at night and things like that, but you train 3 times a day. You
eat healthy. You know, you focus on yourself. Yep. Such
a such a positive thing because how often do you get really fit and go
on holiday, exercise for the 1st 2 days? And the last 5,
You don't and you come back feeling, you know, worse than what you did.
Whereas every time I'd run around these retreats, it's just
such a beautiful thing, and You'd see the impact that you had on other people,
so you are perfect for that, mate. I I really that's that's
the ultimate I think that's your calling in life. Yeah. Yeah. That's It's not a
bad place, Bali, either. Exactly. Exactly. It'll be good fun.
I mean, yeah, that's as you said, I mean, I'm I'm excited that I've I've
managed Survived silly season. Yeah. We had a nice little
go at We had a Christmas party? We had a nice little overly excited Christmas
party, which lasted Probably a bit longer for me than it did for you. But,
I was just couldn't believe, like, we're going to go to the cricket, like, the
boxing day test, which I was really excited about. And then you're like, oh, how
about we play 18 holes of golf before that, and we don't get
karts and we walk? I was I thoroughly enjoyed it.
My golfing was nowhere near good enough to play at Peninsula Kingswood. I
must admit, it was a very enjoyable experience seeing such
a beautiful course. But, yeah, it was a big day, mate. It must've been I
was pretty, took it out of me for a while. Yep. But as far as
the Christmas party, we packed a lot into it. It it was good fun.
Excited. We did get very we probably got overly excited. We
probably lived up to our name, and the both of us got a little
bit overly excited. We did, mate. That's okay. You need of those days.
But, yeah, I guess for me, from from that point, it was pretty, you know,
it was pretty full on over Chrissy and just A lot of drinking and events
and partying and then, you know, I probably had I've had about 5
weddings and couple of music festivals. And so it's been a
big sort of month and a half, 2 months. You're going through that stage of
weddings, aren't you? Yeah. Like, where Yeah. But in this no no offense,
but, like, you have so many that, Like, they blend into 1? Yeah.
Well, I've got 4 in the last 6 weeks.
So, so They're amazing. Yeah. And once you're there, You can't The best.
You can't help yourself. Whereas now I'm a dinosaur, mate, and I've got a I
got 1 I got a couple coming up in the next couple of months, and
I'll tell you what, I am so excited. Yep. Because I don't
get to go to them anymore. But when I was, like, you know, your age,
and you had, like, multiples back to back, They're like
they're still exciting, but it's like, you know, I really look
forward to them now. Like, I really look forward to our Christmas party. Yeah. Because,
mate, you know, you don't go out. Yeah. You know? So Whereas when it's every
week and it's like, it's almost like shit. I'd where's the break coming? So that
that's almost like, you know, I've went It's a laneway on Saturday, and that was
sort of my my last hurrah even though I've got Taylor Swift this Saturday
night. Now that is a big ticket item. Have you
heard of, have you heard about what we're thinking of dressing up? I don't have
it. I I heard what well, I've not heard. I saw what you wore to,
Harry Styles. Oh, yes. Can you give us a bit of an idea what you're
thinking? Well, my mate, Davies, who's, he's Dave. He
Managed to, get the tickets and he and Very good golfer as
well. Hit the ball very nicely. Hits it pure.
He You know, he's a big Taylor fan. Is he? Big Taylor fan.
Taste swizzle. And we thought, okay. Let's try
and go as Travis Kelsey and And Taylor.
And, obviously, me being the blonde, and probably, you
know, Not not too afraid to cross dress and and dress
up as in in girls clothing. I'll put my hand up to dress up as
Taylor Swift, and Give me the sequin dress and the blonde wig
and bit of red lippy, and, I'll jump under the arm under Travis's
arm and So you're gonna wear a dress. Well, If anyone's out there and they've
got a dress That would fit you. That would fit exactly. A big
rig. Yeah. Yeah. So I need we're gonna need I love that. I
think that is brilliant. So it'll be Talking about, like, not bringing
attention to yourself, your 6 foot, whatever. People know who you are. You
know I like to dress is Taylor Swift. You know I like to just fly
under the radar, Dale. You know, that's why.
You are very good, though. And I must admit, like, going out of you a
few now and things like that. People you are tall. They do see.
They know who you are. You are very I've always respected that and noticed that
you are very good With your time and the energy you give people, you
don't brush your mouth or things like that. So I think, like, I've always admired
that. Now you're gonna try the next level as Taylor Swift. Well, I
sort of almost almost think the blonde wig, the the makeup, and the red
lippy. I I think I'll get away with it. No one will have a clue
who I Now we go, wow. Who is that big
woman? We'll see
how that goes, but But, yeah, happy to sort of be
through the, the crazy period. And and as you said, I mean,
like yeah. I I sort of I can go with the flow, and I'm I'm
I'm pretty, easy going and stuff, but at some point, I do need my
routine as well. Yeah. And I've just been really
lacking that over the you know, probably since Chrissy.
You know, I haven't really got to the gym in the at the 6 AM
is that that I love, and I haven't you know, it hasn't been consistent. And,
So, yeah, really looking forward to, you know, getting back on
the bandwagon and feeling good and and getting a bit of routine and
consistent sleep. And Yep. Do you need that do you need that
break, though? Like, do you, like, do you think you need Yeah. That
time to realize you need it and reset?
I need a bit of a break, but, for two and a half months probably
is pushing the envelope a touch. And, you know, I
guess I probably My break to compared to other people's breaks,
it's probably still just pushing the boundaries. So,
yeah. Keen to keen to get back into it and, you
know, feel healthy and get back to my best and feel
sharp. Yeah. You know? Just feel Sharp again. In all aspects of life. Exactly.
I think that's that's where that routine I can I feel the same
way over, you know, Christmas? You have a break. You stop doing the
things you normally do. Probably drink too much, eat too much, all these different
things, and which is great because then you get that out of your system,
And then you're like, oh, I need to get back to what I was doing.
Yeah. And that's where I think particularly, like, a morning routine. Mhmm.
Like, that it is so important because I hate you saying you
win the morning, win the day. Yeah. But it's so true. Like, it just sets
you up. Yep. And and it's hard to keep that grind going
247. Like, that's what I find is is, like, yeah, you do need
that break as you said. Obviously, yeah, it's good if you can sort of
try and keep it in check, but But you need it. I need it definitely
because because we do go pretty hard when we're when we're locked in.
Yeah. And, you know, it's sort of a bit of all or nothing, but,
But, you know, it's hard to to be giving it 100%
every single day, getting up at 5 AM every single day,
Training, going to work, coming home, you know, to to
consistently do that for, you know, 12 months of the year is really
tough. So So, yeah, it's it's been a beautiful little time and
but, I'm ready to jump back into it. It's it's, you know, it's almost like,
You need to sort of miss something to realize how much you appreciate it. 100%.
It's probably similar to relationships and you don't really realize
what you got until it's gone. You know? Oh, that's we we are getting
deep, are we? Yeah. We were. Well, I must admit, I did I was driving.
I went and picked the boys up They care that I was bloody hot. You
know, Breeze, like, go get the boys. It's hot. Bring them over for a swim.
And I was driving past the oval in Ederfell, and it would have been
mid mid thirties. And I'm like, surely,
no one's out there. And I see this big,
tan rooster. So you haven't let yourself go. You're out there
running? No. I'm getting it. Literally running. I'm like, what is he doing?
And We are sweat demons, but particularly when it's 35
degrees, you're glistening. Glistening. And like you just go on and got,
Cobram and State. Oh. Bit of oil. Bit of oil.
Bit of oil. Bubbling, mate. You're listening. I'll tell
you what, I just punched out a quiet eight k's. So that was,
that's probably why I was glistening. That's that's impressive.
That was the Friday because I was in the laneway, so I didn't I wasn't
gonna be able to do the run with Mitchie. Yep. Yep. That was
a like a that was your way of saying I'm still here. Yeah. That was
my way of earning earning a a good day the next day. So,
Now it's feeling that's and that's the thing. It's sort of like, you know, I've
I've still kept it up pretty well, like, training and feeling,
You know, staying fit, but, probably just burning the candle at both
ends at the moment. So so it'd be nice. The end the end is new,
mate. I think that's, When you've got that, cutoff date, you
know you know, you can sorta set things back in place and get things
going. So looking forward to the
year, I was doing a little bit of Googling, think about how
do you do this? Like, maybe like a couple of headlines that Oh.
That we could sort of say now. And At the end of the year, you
could come back and see, you know, if they them off? Yeah. See if they
come through. And they don't have to be, like, Outrageous thing that we think we're
just thinking of or things we might think might
happen. Okay. So, man, I haven't I haven't given, I haven't
Giving you any warning by the way. Whereas I've, I've come up with a couple
stuff. You had a little you had a little thing. This is really unfair because
normally we we don't do this sort of stuff, but I was like, I can't
just think I can't just roll that out and have 2 of us trying to
think of a headline. Yeah. So Do you want me to do you want me
to kick us off? I love you too, Jacko. Alright. Don't
steal. I actually told you one of mine Alright. Before, so you can't say. Well,
it's not quite the same, but it's maybe a long same life.
But you had a good think about it, so I can I can steal one
of them? No. No. I would like to.
I think at some stage in 2024, The
overly excited podcast is gonna somehow bring
in some sort of revenue. I'm just saying it could
be anything. It could be a A little bit of merch. Oh. It could be,
you know, obviously, we got just 2 someone in the
clothing line? Look. I may Honeymoon clothing team.
I may know someone that can get this happening. So Yes.
A little bit of merch. What do we what would we like? Tees. I'd
like a tee. Maybe socks. Socks. I'm a big sock person.
Caps. We've just got some new caps coming. Nice little sort of Like the cap
you can wear. Dad But the dad sort of yeah. Yep.
So that's Oh, maybe we could do a little line Because the
thing I think our headline is that, people get overly
excited in person. Oh. So we
do some live events. Oh, Yes. So imagine,
live events. Is Australia ready? Is Australia ready for it?
We'd have to probably do them in Hey, sir. Is it? People have friends and
family. Oh, it's actually Is anyone else listening?
Let us know. I'll call mom. She'll be out there. We are listened to in
over, like, 30 countries, by the way. I was actually gonna say I was
very surprised that and, you
know, I'm thinking we've got maybe 4 or 5 listening, you
know, like but the amount of of people that I had, you know,
when it as it got to Chrissy and then through January as we of hadn't
done one for, you know, a month or 2 Yeah. That was saying, when's it
coming back? You know? It was it was beautiful. Yeah. It was, thank you
for those people. Yeah. It was really nice to hear that, you know, it's
not just a bit of, you know, well, for some people. I'm sure some people
can't fucking stand our voices. No. But but some people
actually, you know, get a bit out of it and enjoy it. And, and, you
know, we're missing it too, which Which, you know, sort of surprised me if
I'm being honest. Yeah. Yeah. But, yeah. It's nice. So, It
makes you feel, Like, when you had to, like, hey. We like
like, you sort of had to backpedal. Like, we're coming because, like, I didn't
expect that to happen. Mhmm. But I Then you sit back
and you're like, that was really nice. Yeah. That was really nice for people to,
you know, ask a question. Yep. Yeah. I'd yeah. I I really
enjoyed that. Yeah. And we're back this Friday, I think. So it's so it's
where we are. We are. So well, that's, couple of headlines. Do you have,
do have any other things you can think of off top of your head? Anything
else. Oh, good. Are you gonna make, like, a
return to footy or anything like that? No. Absolutely not, but that
it's a good point. The the picking sushi
rolls, my Tuesday night men's a grade basketball team down at,
The king club there to go back to back to
back to back. The 4 peat, Dale. We are going for
the 4 peat. We've lost our 1st 2 games. I got ejected
in round 1. Message that. A Dennis did. Dennis
Rodman style. Oh, mate. This This referee I mean, I I
love all the Come on. Come on. Jacko. Oh, where's the find?
I love injected again maybe keep going. All
referees, but this particular night, they had it out for me.
And, and we got a bit of a a So lacking. So it was,
it's sometimes you need that after winning 3 now. Yeah.
Yep. So we've come back. We won last night. We had a good win.
The boys are on so back to back to back to back. Nice. That's another
headline. I mean, I like that. I like that. Calling it early. Yep.
To to go with your Having something to look forward to for the year
is, this thing called High Rocks. I don't know. You know, I'm I'm sure you
know what it is, but for people out there, it's still like a Fitness sort
of challenging where you do activities and running, and I wasn't
ever interested in just doing it by myself. I wanted to do it with my
wife, Brie. So instead of buying like an iron or a fry pan
for a birthday, I bought her a high rock sticker. So we're we're doing it
as a couple. And, nice little present for you, but also a present for me
there, Dan. I was like, oh, I'll have to. I did get us some other
support for runners too. That she didn't like,
by the way. Oh. Yeah. Anyways, so that's color or? She didn't like the color,
but I wear sort of outrageous. You do. Yeah. She likes black. Yeah. Like,
I just thought I'd I've got these limited edition Nike, like these Pegasus
LA ones that were really hard to get. Like, I I put a lot of
effort into getting them. But you got what you wanted and not all of that.
I'm like, woah. Are they meat? And she's like, woah.
They're not what I wanted. And I'm like, But they're limited
edition. Like, I had to like, I you can't tell them. She wants to go
under the radar now. She's not like us. I know. But I said, look at
them, Brie. Like, And I I've figured out now, like, I know what to get
her all the time. Yeah. Like, just she told me what to get to. Yeah.
But I was like, nah. She'll love me. She'll love me. Anyway, I'm just Trying
to get it aware of my notion. She doesn't like it.
I'm like, oh, I really like to deal with that one. But anyway so we've
got this like you and Mitchie. Yep. Very similar, I suppose, that when you have
kids, like Yep. Mate, we you you just sort of get to the end of
the day and you're done. You might say, how was your day? And Yeah. Oh,
and then you start again and it goes. So This gives you something
to talk about. Something that how's the training going? How are we going? You know?
Yeah. Something something else Other than the kids and work, really. And
So, like, so, like, you and Mitchie on Saturday mornings every most Sundays
now, I'll set up, like, the outdoor sort of gym here and Yeah. And do
sort of like a workout together and So good. Yeah. So it's,
yeah, that, like, exactly when you were saying that, I was thinking the same thing
that, You do need something like that. And HiRox is right up
your alley too. Hey. I just heard about the running jack o. What is
eight 8 k. Yeah. So you do like a kilometre, and then you
might do like a, a kilometre on the skier. Then you
run another kilometre, then you might do a 100 burpees. Then You run a kilometer,
and you might do a sled pull or something. Yeah. The thing is in couples
1 and, like, I said to Sabre, it's I couldn't care what time we run.
Very similar to what you're saying with you and Mitchie of the marathon. Yep. So
I wanna be out just doing something together. Yep. And my big thing is,
I don't really do anything anymore. I Well, I talk a lot,
and that's all I do. But as far as things I used to in my
life, particularly having 2 young boys, they don't see Me is
anything. Well, I don't do anything. Yep. And I'm trying to think, like, I need
I wanna show them that I'm not just this person that Is that home? Like
Yep. I wanna show them that you can do things. Yep. And that's where like,
you're playing basketball. You're still doing something, whereas I literally don't All the
sports I supply. I don't play any of them. Yeah. So yeah. Well, I'm sure
it gets a lot harder with 2 kids. It does, but But you'd wanna just
wanna make an effort and try just just to try and incorporate something
because, you know, they're they're the best times of your life, you know, growing up,
playing footy, playing cricket, whatever, you know, and
and a lot of people sort of just surrender to to the fact that, oh,
that's done once you have kids, and and it's understand well, Look. I
can't understand. But it is. And I like, I there's no right or wrong way
to do it, but, yeah, I just I'm very intentional with that. And I see
my mates, particularly, Still in that live in the country. You know, like,
they've still they still play each year, and that's just what they do.
Whereas, like, I haven't done that. And, Yeah. So finding things
now that not only I can share with Brie, but also show,
you know, that I the boys that we can do this. And probably one of
the things was Over the Christmas period, we went down, the
Murray. Like, and that's obviously, I grew up near there and Breeze family have got
a caravan there. So We went skiing out in the Murray, and, like, I can't
get up in a single anymore, Jack, because can't, like, I can't get out of
the water. Really? But, nah, I wouldn't even bother trying. Anyway, I'm not bad in
the whiteboard. Okay. No. I don't even think I'd get out. Anyway, I'm gonna, like,
I'm gonna have the whiteboard. No worries. And I got up, and I saw my
oldest son just he's 3 And just, like, he lit up. You know?
Like and it was that was cool. Yeah. And he lit up so much, so
then Bree goes, oh, I'll have a go. And then she's out there too. And,
you know, so Little things like that. Yeah. So that's for me, probably
yeah. It's good to have things for myself to look forward to, but probably being
a role model Yeah. To people now that I'm responsible for.
Well, I I mean, I just can remember back in my, you know,
early childhood, you idolize your parents, don't you? You just look at
them and you go, They are the best people on the planet, whatever they
do. Yep. And so, you know, for you to
to sort of Seek some things out to say, alright. No. I wanna show I
wanna show the kids that I can you know, I'm more than just a, you
know, a guy who can talk on the Yeah. At a on a on a
stage Yeah. Yeah. Podcast. You know, clean up around the house and go to the
gym. Not bad at wiping a bum at the moment either, by the way. Yes.
As I arrived rolled in. I was rolling out with a nice burglar.
Wasn't dinner, by the way. So now I think, it doesn't
matter where you are in your life. Like, we're both we're at different stages,
but We both just mentioned that we've got things locked in,
like, that are good for our health, that are helping us connect with people, that
give us a purpose and something to train towards and connects us. Yep. Like, I
just yeah. It's very important. It's so important. Because
it it it's a it I know personally, it keeps me from
feeling lost And feeling worthless and feeling like helpless.
And because when when I've got nothing on and if I'm partying a
bit and then I'm feeling like a piece of shit during the week And
then, you know, you've got nothing really to look forward to, and then you know
you're not as fit as what you can be. And, you know, and then going
back to the gym's Fucking hard because everyone's looking at you going, oh, what's
what's happening to him? You know? They don't look at you like that. That's in
your head, mate. I tell you, the amount of messages I've got from the fucking
Anyway Right. Yeah. Keep going,
anyway. Get up and down. But it's just this, you know, this and
look. As we spoke yeah. I'm sure they're not saying that, but it's in your
own head because, you know, you're feeling a bit shy. It almost
shameful. Well, you've telling yourself a narrative. No one else is telling you that
story. Mhmm. But you that's what you end up telling yourself. Yeah. Yeah. We're our
worst enemies in that aspect. Yep. But to have it yeah.
Having something, you know, to look forward
to, bit of structure. Yeah.
You know, it it gives you purpose. Like, it gives me is you know, having
kids give you a purpose. I'm sure saving for a house might give you a
purpose. Like, Having something like this to work towards gives me purpose,
gives me it it makes me put down the 15th piece of
chocolate that I'm about to eat, And, instead, I'll only have 13. Yeah.
Good. You know? Because I'm like, no. Always an uneven number. Oh.
Can you do that, like, to TV? Like, I've gotta be evens. Oh, really?
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like, always even channel. Oh, not channels. The
volume. Oh, okay. Okay. If I need to watch 91. I was gonna
say Yeah. But 90 is obviously HD.
No. Just volume. Like, I can't. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No.
I'm not too I'm not too actually, on the new smart TV, it doesn't even
have the number for us. It's just up or down. Oh, cool. Really
showing, what you got rolling on there, Jacko. You got the old
Sonos Sonos? Sonos? Sonos. Isn't that a soundbar?
Yeah. It's a big Sam, and then I got the era 3,000 at the back,
and I actually don't know how to use it. So I I've spent That
sound impressive. I Spent a bomb on this thing, and I've tried to set it
up. And I've now it's just the 1 soundbar. There's 3 of them that don't
work, and I I've had it for about a year. If anyone is a pro
at Sonos, Please tell them. I've got 1 you can see
1 right there? So, like, whenever I do a keynote or something, like, I've
and please keep doing these people, but They pay me a good amount to do
it, but then they always give you a a present. Yeah. But I always find
it baffling. Hang on. Bring home all these yeah. I've got a saw. As a
present for yeah. How good is that? Hey. And they but so I'm getting there
paid, and I bring home saunas. I didn't realize for saunas that You can't just
Bluetooth through it. You actually have to have their app. Their app. You set it
all up and yeah. So I didn't I didn't really like that, To be honest
Yeah. It's hard for them all. Very difficult for them to check-in a lot of
people. Like, the Bluetooth connect Yeah. And play through Spotify. But when you
got The problem with that is they've got 7 things, you know, all around
the house. Yeah. You can connect them all. Connect them all. Anyway, I need to
do 7 more keynotes because, Anyway, I've only got one of them, and it's not
very big, but I can yeah. I found that really
It was I suppose they take over the market because you've you have to have
that connect them all. Yeah. Yeah. Very smart. Yep. Yep. Anyway,
where were we? I don't know. Oh, sorry. I lost I lost I thought, you
don't know how to use your fixed fencing. So I will give them one, And
I don't use it. So anyone knows how to, please let us know. We sort
of just wanna sponsor our podcast. We're always, looking for ways To,
do so. Now before we wrap up today Yep. We
have some really exciting guests coming up next week. We've got Doc who
Great story. I know we've, I've spoken you a little
bit about it, and I grew up with him in Shepparton. But, yeah, around, like,
mental well-being, and He shares his story about, you know, being
extremely anxious and things like that. Yeah. It's pretty exciting for that.
It's always great. You know, You've got these great guests that
you bring on that have sort of lived through the experience. And you
you were sort of telling me a little bit about doc's story, but Just how
he's actually lived through it and, you know, got to the
deep depths of sort of anxiety and struggling to get out of the house
Yeah. You know, to to hear that sort of perspective,
and he's worked his way through it now. You know? He's,
works in the space helping a lot of, know, so many people,
you know, get through what he what he was managed to get through. It's it's
pretty special, so I can't wait for that one. Yeah. Live the experience. I think,
there's a lot of people out there telling you what to do. That's
great. But when someone could tell you a story and what they've done, That's when
it really resonates. Yep. And that they're the sort of people I gravitate to.
So excited for that one. Now today is
Valentine's Day. Oh. I didn't even know, Jack. Now just I didn't even
know, and this just shows you how I'm going in life.
No idea. When you say we do it a bit earlier, I'm like, oh, no
worries, mate. What was that? He goes, oh, it's Valentine's Day. I'm like, oh,
cool. So For the listeners out there, my
Valentine's Day is, I'm gonna go inside now and
quickly put the kids to bed. I'll come outside, edit this up, Publish it because
I gotta go to, Adelaide in the morning, and then I'm off to Kenya
in the next couple of days. So for me, my Valentine's Day, I've lived
it through 1 text message for you doing this a little bit earlier. That's as
close as I am getting to it. But I'll tell you what, my heart's zinging
because we're back doing the podcast. That's jiggle. Come
on. But that's not giving me anything. So you're the
one that wanted to do a little bit earlier. Can you Give us a glimpse
into Oh, no. Very early days. Very. Yeah. But
what what does what does I'll call you on the spot again.
Stuff. Yeah. I wanna I actually wanna know because you didn't tell me. Look. I'm
sure she doesn't listen to this podcast. So She might not get it. Sure she
doesn't, actually. So That's You don't even give a name away or anything. You just
Okay. Yeah. Just a little look. I've been,
look. It's it's just it's a beautiful thing. It's a
beautiful thing when you when you actually like someone and you,
you know, You're, you know, you the butterflies are there,
and you're thinking about them. And, you know, I'm trying to just not
annoy her too much, you know, day to day. Like, I'm a bit of a
psycho, you know, on the text and blah blah blah. What are you up to?
And all what you know, ready to go where she's just you know, she's got
important things to do in life, you know. Like, like, you know what to
say, but not texting? Yeah. Not texting. Exactly. Okay. That's good you
got the butterflies, but more inclined to hear about What have you got planned? No.
Just very low. We haven't stopped off at, the 711.
Someone roses out the front. Have you, like
stop at 711. They were down at we're down at Bloom City just on
Thomas Street there just in Bentley, you know, get the real deal. Oh, there you
go. Another You shout out? No. No. I look very low key. We're
just gonna maybe have a little walk down the beach and Oh, god. Some
dinner and Watch Love on the Spectrum. That's probably about it.
Dang. Keep it simple. Love on the Spectrum. Doesn't that make you feel
good Just about everything. Yeah. You can watch that, and
it just changes. Yep. It's it's
funny. Like, honestly, when we started sort of hanging out,
I just started watch I just watched this season, and I almost just used it
as, like because, you know, I get nervous and, Like, fuck. We'll we'll
everyone is Yeah. Exactly. Good, though. Yeah. If it didn't mean you'd be a
psycho. Yeah. Yeah. Of course. Of course. But, like But it was just
watching that show and just seeing these these humans just,
like, speak their minds and Say exactly what they feel and
exactly who that like, this is me. Yeah. Yeah. Like, this is me. I'm not
playing games. I'm not hot trying to hide anything. That's, You know, I usually
go in and try and be mister perfect and show you know, and don't show
them all the crazy shit about me and whereas this one, it was just
like, you know what? I've just been watching, you know, Michael
Yeah. And and just going I know Michael. Big Michael
and and Tanner and, you know, all my boys, and they're
just absolutely slain it just being themselves. Yeah.
And I sort of just took that into this, and it was it was sort
of just so refreshing, you know, like, actually just so anyway, that's
enough about that. Moving on. Anyway
Oh, no. I think that's great. Mhmm. Isn't it funny when you watch
something and it Gives you that sort of permission Yeah. To say, well, I'm
gonna do that too. Yeah. Like, when we I don't know why we don't do
that at the start. We sell a A false security or a false
painting of False dream. The the who we are. And then as it goes on,
that the worst comes out. And You're like, if I just had to be
honest at the start Yeah. Because everyone no one's perfect. Yeah. No one can be
that sorta individual that you sell yourself to be or your Tinder
profile back in the day. It's all fake. It's funny. Yeah. So oh,
anyway, there you go. I did put you on the side. That's okay. And I'll
tell you what, I did thoroughly enjoy. You
are a very cool car collector, and I've got you there.
You went red. Shit. I don't know what no one listens to this.
Oh god. She's gonna fucking hear this and go.
We've seen each other 3 times. Date 3, and
he's fucking talking about me on the podcast. What a nutcase.
You did, ticked out very nice, and it showed, that you're very excited
about Yeah. What's happening. So I think that's all about it. But for me,
personally, That's what I needed for Valentine's Day. That's got me going,
mate. Thank you, buddy. I'm glad I provided that for you. Yeah. And
Pharoah gets you going. That is Watching you squirm there and
then fire out. What's he arguing? You didn't mention
that. So
anyway Come on. Let's wrap this thing up. Where are You gotta get down to
page, mate. At home. Alright. Alright. So alright. Episode 21, Jacko.
As a pleasure. Outstanding. Well done, great man. I look forward to many more. And
listeners, thank you as always for your feedback. And
question is when we're gonna start again. It, yeah. It's been really nice.
Yep. Bring it on. Looking forward to 2024.
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