Jack & Dale | The year that was & we started a PODCAST!!!

This episode is brought to you by Swash Clothing and Sugar Life.

Welcome to the overly excited podcast hosted by Jack Watts and Dale

Sidebottom. Two friends with a passion for life, learning And all

things that get them jumping out of their seats.

Alrighty, everybody. I tell you what, I'm just very excited

that I get to introduce 1 because, the great man,

Jack o Watts, He's really just coming to his own. He has

found his feet. It's like he's come to the g, the basketball

court, Squash clothing, 1,000,000 ads on Facebook. It doesn't matter

where he is. Taking his shirt off and flexing. Park Wahlberg,

doesn't matter who you are. I'm just excited that I get to

introduce a podcast once every now and then. Jacko,

what's he what's? How are you, great man? I'm very good, mate. I did

send you a little message about half an hour ago because I get home at

about 6:30, and I come around here at about 5 past 7.

Yep. And that half an hour when you've had a long day at

work, you've had a bit of a shit one. You've

Got in that gym, you've smashed it, you pumped it, but then you get home

and all you wanna do is sit sit on the couch. I gave you a

little message and I just said, What are you? How are you

feeling, Dale? Do you wanna get knocked this one over tonight or tomorrow?

And I wasn't having it, mate.

I was looking for the soft ear, and you just went bang. Get round.

We'll see you soon. I see it, mate. The cricket's coming. I Scott on the

front foot, and there was no chance I was leaving it for a freaking

terminology. And it's a good little lesson because you get it done. You can

always Feel better Correct. Which we'd be hanging over our heads tomorrow,

and I'm sure we're gonna have a a rip and chat as we always do,

and I'll leave here feeling better for it. You will, mate. You will. Now This

is you asked how many episodes we've done before. This is episode number 20. We've

got a stat for you, Jacko. So 20. Yes.

Out of all podcast, 90% of podcast don't make 3 episodes.

1% don't make 20 or more. Now I

think this is really Important because your whole

life, you've been number 1. There was Clive Waterhouse, and then there was

Jack Watts, The number 1 drop in. You know? That's just how

you roll in the 1% club. That's exactly right. Do you watch that

show, by the way? Have you watched that, with Jim Jefferies, the

1% club where they do questions, and you have to think

about it. And it's really you'd be good at it. You're very, like Interesting.

Like Like, you know, like, puzzles and riddles and,

you know, and then then they follow in different things. Anyway, took completely off topic.

I'd love that. One thing I do wanna talk about before we get into this,

because this is gonna be a yearly wrap. 20 episodes.

Who would have thought? Yeah. And I think it's been an amazing journey, and I

wanna reflect on that with you and talk about it. But more importantly, I

wanna talk about How impressed I've been with your new line of clothing, mate.

Now we don't promote what we do much,

but I must admit, I and as I said last week at Stubby, I've always

been a fan of your clothing, and I wear a lot of it. But your

new cut of shirts, I've got 1 on right now. You got the basic t

right there. The basic, and, They are fantastic.

Great fitting shirt. I think you've done a wonderful job there because they

do they do sort of look classy, they're casual as well, and I

think that's a really hard thing to master. And they fit really well. I've

got a little stumpy jockey body that, I could be

riding at the 5th at Randwick or I could be, in the garden as

a gnome. You know? Like, it doesn't, a lot of things don't fit me that

well, but, Squash has done really well. So I just want to give a shout

out, and, if people are thinking about Christmas

presents, not only shorts brilliant, and I know they've been

your go to, but I would nearly say, I think your shirts have

overtaken them with, the cut and the quality of them,

because you can't wreck them. They are that good of quality. They're

durable. They are amazing. Alright. So, I

wanna give that a shout out. And also, I wanna give myself a

little shout out, mate. It'll pump me tires up here. Been building an app

for a year and a half, All about

daily well-being. So all about the book ends of the day. So I'm really big

on starting your day with 3 positive journal questions and finishing your

day. And our app that have been building for a year and a half, it's

taking that long because I wasn't happy with it and I wanted to be perfect.

It's all gamerized. It's got everything you need. Journal

morning. Join journal evening. It's got a kindness challenge throughout the day, a

play based challenge, and something to inspire you. And That's for

every day. Every day. And the whole idea is sorted. Whole idea is it

takes 15 minutes, 20 minutes max. And these are little

things that you can do for yourself, but then you can do for other people.

It's just a great way to stay accountable, and the key with it is it's

fun. And I think that really goes coincide with what we both

do. If something isn't fun Mhmm. You're not going to do it. You know? And

your brand is fun. My brand is fun. Yeah. So you

can go and check that out. It's Sugar Life, which is just spelt j

instead of an s for sugar. It is free on Itunes. Android

version, like, many things Jacko is coming.

My god. Who uses an Android? I know, but a lot of people do. Oh,

well, not ones. Well, I've been doing a lot of talks lately and, as I'm

talking to finish it off, he'll go, where is it? I'll go, have you gone

to Andrew? And I'm like, oh, I didn't think people had those. Anyway,

it's calming, and it's been baining my existence. But, anyway,

enough about me, mate. There's a little bit of a plug and a little bit

of a wrap up. Yearly wrap up. How have you found things,

mate? Where are you at? Well, we've we've all just had our Spotify wrapped.

Have you? Oh. Did you get on board with that? I did, bro. I didn't,

mate. We happy with it? That's the biggest thing on social media for

that that weekend. It was so funny because in the office, you know, it's like,

Oh, you can't post your Spotify rap because that's not cool

anymore. Why? Oh, because all the cool kids don't post it anymore

because it used to be cool, But now it's uncle. But they're all, what, like,

stubby in the office. He's a big, you know, big musician. And what an and

what an episode last night. If you haven't if you haven't listened to episode 19

With Jack Savvy Turner, treat earbuds. It's a wellness

journey, not a weight loss journey. That's that was my take out of that one.

Well, I just really liked, and to be honest, I was listening to it With

my old man on the way to coal, like, I was doing a workshop. And

when he started calling me the bottom and then front penis but When he

brought out the old creative around the Picasso penis.

I have never lost it. I would That was probably

oh. The way he comes up with nicknames is just the bottom. He

rolled in. I've only met him once or twice, and he goes, bottom.

I see, like, Bruce McEvaney rolling in. Anyway, so I keep going.

Sidetracked. So we got a Spotify wrapped. I was happy with mine,

but Let's go podcast yearly wrap.

Jeez. What a journey. It has been a journey. It's so funny, like, looking

back in it now, isn't it? Like, Where we started, we had a

little rough trough. We had a little, we're gonna kick stick at

it, and we're gonna do it. And I was We probably weren't really being honest

with each other and telling each other how we really feel, and we were just

going along with it. And it started to get to us, and then we found

our groove, didn't we? It, you know, I just

look back at all the things. I mean, the reason I wanted to

do it was, Like, selfishly to learn and speak to

people and learn from these incredible human beings.

And I definitely did that, but I think One of the things I found

that I got out of it the most was our chats, you know,

just coming in here and just us hadn't just going at it. And

And because it's it's sort of like

for me, it it came down to, like, consciously going through

your day or your week Or what you're going through in life, like,

you know, we sort of all assume that, yeah. Yeah. I'm having a tough time

or, oh, I'm doing this. But If you don't if you don't actually consciously

try to deal with it or handle it or speak about it or speak about

it with someone, you know, nothing really happens or you don't really Process

it. And that's, you know, for me, like, speaking to my psych, that's a

big, you know, a big part of that is going through it and

actually just putting it all out there. And it's like writing

down, you know, what's that stat? It's you're 95% more likely to retain

your information if you write it down or something like that. I feel like it's

similar with, you know, speaking about your issues. So Do you find

though, yes, talking to a Sykes great, but

it's normally you just talking and, like, it's a different it's a

different conversation. Whereas, you know, like, whereas

We would talk about things and it would open up. And I think the best

thing one thing I'm really proud about is we would we wouldn't shy

away from something. You know? And we would say exactly how we're

feeling. Mhmm. If that was good or bad. Mhmm. You know? And probably more often

than not, it's all bad. But we're all good.

We're all good. We're good. Okay? Do you like, I I've spoke

to Sykes a lot. Mhmm. And, normally, You're

reflecting on things, and it sounds so good. But I I don't know because we're

going back and forth, and we're sharing experiences that similar, but we're at different

stages of life. I I don't know. Mhmm. I found it different. I think it's

yeah. Everyone's different, aren't they? And I've got a great psych, and I've got a

good relationship with her. And it's and It took me a

long time to find someone who I was comfortable with and who you can talk

about anything with and that kind of thing. But, yeah, our our

conversations were very different to that of of, you know, speaking to a site, but

it was a similar sort of thing. But I'll probably yeah. I'm getting a different

perspective because you're you're very different to her. And,

But, yeah, it was, it was great. I think, like I mean, the special things

for me is just, like, the messages and the The way it's made me

it's helped me connect with, you know, like, my sister, for instance,

loves it and messages me, and we don't talk all that often these

days. And Is that always sorry. I oh, I that's one thing I do

interrupt you a lot, but I'm intrigued. Like, has that always been the way, or,

like, is it just grown as you get older and life takes over? It's just

life. She's got 2 young kids. Yeah. I understand where she's at. And she said

she actually messaged me the other day just because she just finally because she got

to that mess, That episode where we were speaking about,

you know, you having kids, may not having kids, the relationship when you're best

friends with someone and you Yeah. Grow up, and then someone one of them has

kids, and And she's found that that it's, you know, it's been really tough for

her and some of her friends who haven't had kids yet. And so and

just, You know, those sorts of things. And Mitchie, my cousin, my best mate, who

I've, you know, it's created conversation with. And Carly, you know, my

beautiful cousin over in Adelaide who to every episode and

and just supports me and loves me and shows that

support and, you know, how how special that is. And I'd

Just did I probably wasn't expecting that to come from something like this.

So, yeah, it's pretty special. I and I had a

couple of notes as well, and, one of them what

very similar is what I'm proud of of what we've been able to achieve, and

probably, I've got Two parts to that. The first one is exactly what you

mentioned. It's been really nice to hear from people

that you've crossed in your life or you've had an impact with, but

you don't see anymore. And you don't realize, you know, how many

people that is when you've, you know, gone to school, you're gone to university,

You've traveled, played sport, you've done work to different places.

You've impacted a lot of connections, and you don't see them all

the time. But what I've found is this has been a way

for them to contact me again

because of the messaging and what we've done. Yep. And for that, that's been

really nice. But more importantly, I've been more blown away

with What we've probably been out of create or what we've given

people permission to be able to do to message us when they don't know

us. Mhmm. You know, some of the messages have been So nice. Mhmm.

And like James Greenfield, one of the guests said, really open, you know, and

honest. And, may not Yeah. I don't know. I I've

read those, and that For me, I just

yeah. I've never experienced that before. Like, I get that after I've done a talk,

but that's because I've been in a room with them and,

like, they've seen me. Whereas, like, I don't know. I I don't know if that's

impacted you, but it's really Made me feel really good about what we're

doing. Yeah. Yeah. I think just hearing, you know, from a person

who doesn't have any idea, you know, doesn't know us really from a bar of

soap Yeah. For them to feel comfortable enough That's the one.

To to to message out and reach and reach out to us

And be really you know, it's vulnerable. It's a bit of a, you know, buzzword.

But but to be, you know, quite open and honest about their

struggles or what They're going through simply because they've they can

relate to what we've spoken about or we've given them that platform to feel

comfortable, You know, like, we're not gonna judge you. We're not we're here for

you because we're all going through the same shit. You know? I

think that's it's, You know, in life, it's like you just

we all try to, you know, be

these perfect people and have this perfect life. And

we all we've got our shit together, and we're all trying to play this game

of like, oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine. It's like, Hey. No. We're all

And it's not as if we're absolutely screwed and went down in the

dumps and we're you know, I think that's another thing. Yeah. We've probably touched on

a lot of the things that we battle with, but that's a good way of

improving, I think, and and self awareness and being able

to Acknowledge that and work through it so that you are better off

in the long term. You know? Yeah. So for people to

feel comfortable and and, You know, first,

I think especially 2 males, you know, having these sorts of chats, which,

that's a message I've got a a fair bit. It's it's just I think I

think That's the one that's hit home, but I still I I still think

about this. What's and the word that comes to mind is courage.

Now people said it's courageous what you're both doing. And I

it's not that I've deflected that, but, I don't know. I think

when you find someone that I we just Get each other. We get

along. You know? Like, we don't do much together, but when

I don't know. When we connect here, it's it it just happens. Yeah.

But I think courage is when you do something

that you haven't done before, and I think that's what a lot of the messages

have been when people reach out. Mhmm. That takes courage. You're welcome.

Don't know. I and I don't understand how it works, but

I'd find it magic that we've been able to create that

space to allow courage to take place? Mhmm. I don't know. Well, I

certainly wasn't super comfortable early, you know. It was one day, mate. It

was a bit daunting and, you know, so And

then for us to stick at it and, you know, that's sort of

it's, a bit of commitment and a bit of you know? But,

Yeah. The the things that have come from it have been pretty special.

And, you know, I just I love thinking back and looking

back at our guests and our little chats and what we All the little

bits that stay with you, you know, Eddie Perfect and Play the

piano. Playing the piano pretty cool on that. Dancing in his epic

little Brunswick, you know, Trendy. Well, he's making us

a coffee beforehand with his cool beanie on, his

beautiful dog, and, You know, the You were a bit

excited. Oh, so pumped.

You know, just Just some really special you know, James Greenfield talk,

like, full on shit that he's gone through in his life and

that perspective and that, you know,

Stubby coming on last week and sort of bearing his soul. That was

really my favorite, to be honest, mate. Do you know why? Because I didn't

know much about him. Mhmm. And I think that's somewhat sometimes good.

And I know, like, some of the guests we've had, and you haven't known that

much about either. And it sort of made me feel a little bit anxious because

I'm I'm so I'm a control freak, but I like to be well

averse of where I'm going and what's happening. Yeah. But I wasn't, and I

think just because I was wasn't I was so jet lagged and I I was

and, John, what, by just being there and allowing myself to be

okay with that Mhmm. I think that I I love the chat, but more

importantly, that I got over that fear that I had to have everything in

place. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You can be there and Sort of I've seen you do

it. I've seen you do it and do it so well, and I've sort of

been a bit envious to that because you're so natural and just relax with

that. I that's not me, but

that I don't know. It it it showed me a different side of myself and

then how wonderful that episode was. Yep. Yep. Yeah. Definitely.

Because you are you do have everything planned, and you're very particular

with, you know and and I guess, yeah, the majority of

the, the guests were, you know, people that you've spoken to

before. Mhmm. So you probably have a pretty good idea of,

You know, some key points that you wanna get to. Yeah. Whereas that

one, it was probably it was, you know And I loved it. And I that's

I must have been I sat back. And my last point of what I'm proud

of, I judged you from day

1 because I just assumed You'd be fine. Mhmm.

And, like, I've apologized about that before,

but I now you are. Mhmm. And it's only taking 20

episodes. And to see you episode 19 last week with Stubby,

I know he's one of your best mates, but the way you just ran the

show, controlled it, the questions. Surely,

you are like, I was that for me, yes, I was just sitting back.

Mhmm. I didn't have I didn't have to do anything. I was like, this is

a connection. This is A partnership because you just

ran it, and you're so good at it. But I assume you'd be like that

from the start because of the person I saw, and that's where I shouldn't. You

should never assume. Yeah. Yeah. But you would. You would that for me,

that was that was your making, mate. Like, it that was for me you stepping

out. I'm here. I'm reading the It's 20 episodes listening to you because

It was 19. 19 episodes listening to you just go whack, whack,

whack, whack, whack. Just Bringing it up, tying it all in

beautifully, and you bring it back to the point that we started with.

So it's been a lot of learning. Stubby did actually he

did mention his his beautiful mother, Jane. She won't mind me saying this, but

she got a bit emotional listening to it. And Really? Yeah. I think she loves,

you know, Hearing her boys, he's, you know, some beads

boy, tough and tumble, you know, loves of he's one of the boys, but when

you know, I think she really appreciates hearing him open up a bit

and get a bit sensitive and show that sensitive side. So she she

really loved it, which was which was beautiful to hear, and that's the kind of

stuff. You know, it's pretty special. It is. And, but I mean, like,

it was nice for you. Because sometimes, like, I've never interviewed one of

my best mates. You know? Like, I haven't done that. You know? Like,

I I don't know how I'd go with that as much or it

was Flow like that did for you, and I think that just shows the

connection you both had. Yeah. It was really special just to I was I was

sort of like a bystander sitting here, Watching it and just

taking on board, and I didn't realize you lost 40 kilos. That's bloody

impressive. Mhmm. That's mental. That's the thing. Like, the journey

that he's gone on. Yeah. I think because I've been such a big part of

it. Not a big part of what he's done, but just being there for the

whole thing. You know? Like, I was We were in the office, in

January, you know, 2 when we came back to work, and he said bang. And

he was, you know, a 125 kilos, whatever. And he said, I'm

not eating anything shit. I'm not drinking until this happens. I'm not

doing this, and I'm gonna start running. And and I've seen I saw that

whole progression. And, like, it wasn't just the weight either. It was so

much more than that, you know, and that's what I hope came through in the

part. But that's definitely what did, like, And that was

Just like me. Listening back. Like, I I never listened back to my

other podcast because I I don't like but

when it's it's both of us, and I listen back, and I try and take

things from it. And the underlying message that I didn't get in the

the room on the night when we did it, but it was it

wasn't the weight loss journey. It was the transformation. Yeah. Yeah. And then

the well I cannot the way he articulated it Mhmm. I I

get sick of people saying they wanna lose weight. I I get that, and I

understand that, but The weight's a byproduct of the wellness journey you go

on. Yeah. And that was epic. I loved it. Beautiful Kristen

Gibson. She messaged me actually tonight Saying she was just listening to the

Stubby podcast, and she was saying exactly the same thing. And it was she

was feeling, you know, feeling a bit down and feeling a bit sluggish, and it

was So good for her to even hear, you know, that's that

wellness journey rather than a weight loss or this or that. It's, you know, just

get do the right things. It's like, I think what, Cole and Shannon,

like, spoke about too. Like, get back to basics. Mhmm. It's not like don't

think about the end result. It's like when if you're struggling or if you're a

bit lost, Get the basics right. Wake up, do

some exercise, eat good food, get really good sleep, and

the rest will take care itself, you know. But we all true in that. But

we don't it's So simple, but we we all when we're in that sort

of stressed out mindset, you just you think to the long

game. And, okay, what can I do straight away to change? Like, there's

no magic pill, is there? But it's easy to do that, but it's also easy

not to. Yeah. And no one will do it for you. I'll just come back

to that all the time. Yeah. And the way Shane called, like, they

say that? Yeah. I was like, yeah. That is so true. Yeah. And you know

when you do it, you know, when you do little things right, Hey. They add

up. And I'm not doing them at the moment. No. It's a silly season. It's

got me by the balls. But it's alright. We'll get through

to Christmas, and then we locked back in in January. I'll tell you what.

You are the biggest yo yo. Well, I must admit,

when I was, 32, rolling around, I wasn't a

rooster like yourself, but I was 32, and, I was yoyoing.

You go enjoy life. You do, mate. I think I've got a much Better handle

on it these days than I did 3 years ago, and, you know,

hopefully, it's, on the wall that's put pressure on yourself, though, mate. Now

Highlights. Do you have we probably mentioned 1 there, but, do

you have, like, a a highlight that For for like,

as an individual or something you've taken away,

I can I can start if you wanna think about it? Yeah. I think

probably a couple. Like, I think really, like,

the big highlight for me was, like, Carly, You know, my

cousin who I just love so much and, you know, she lived with me when

she came to Melbourne, and then I went over to Adelaide and she lives lives

in Adelaide and, It just

yeah. The being able to communicate with

her pretty much weekly Because of the podcast. Yeah.

Which which I you know, doesn't happen otherwise, and that's fine. You don't

have to communicate with everyone weekly, but But just to to have that

sort of in the tank with us, and then she ended up doing,

sober October with us during that Time and and, her

husband Dave did the same thing, and then he smashed it. Me and Carly had

a couple of little, you know, Cheeky's disco is all over it. Do you

call him disco? Who? Gonna call Dave. Disco Dave. Yeah. All days of

disco. He's like mister sort of Consistent, you know, like,

diligent. Yeah. Alright. This guy. Well done. But he smashed it, and me

and Carly are messaging each other about a couple of wine. You know? Yeah.

But, but, you know, just like I think that's, like,

such a big and, you know, my sister as well just just

reconnecting, you know, like, having that, like

And on one hand, it's like, you know, it shouldn't take this to bring

that up. But you crap don't think like that. Exactly. That's it does it does

take something like that. Yeah. Because as you said, life Yep.

Oh, I don't know. That's right. Tonight. Yep. You wanted to go to sleep.

You're wrecked. Yep. Like, we all got something. Yeah. Couldn't agree more.

And I think that's something I've realized too. And and, you

know, being such a people pleaser, it's like Sometimes I

do look into that, and I go, oh, is it me? Am I doing not

not doing enough? And it's like, no. You don't have to be like, life gets

tough, and we're getting older, and things are popping up, and everyone's having Kids or

family or works getting more pre you know, it's just enjoy the

time you do have with people. And when you do see them, you

know, and you haven't seen them 6 months, so you haven't it's not

oh, yeah. We should. Why don't we? No. I'm here now, and

let's enjoy the time we've got, you know. Yeah. I

had a box party recently, and this same thing sort of came up. It was

a bunch of old mates that we, you know, used to be best mates and

but, You know, you can barely see each other anymore. One's living in Bendigo, and

one's living in Brunswick, and one's in but you get together for that day,

and it's the best day ever. And nothing's changed, and you love

each other just the same. And that's okay, you know, not not

to get disheartened by, Well, focus on the

positives. Yeah. You know, that it was a good day. Not that you don't do

it every weekend. Because if you did it every weekend, it wouldn't be a great

day all the time. Yeah. Yeah. I just That's just not plausible either. So

No one could do that. No. That's really nice, mate. All,

my highlight, As I've written down, was

sharing the experience with someone else. I and

it's made me contemplate and reflect on Everything I

do in all of my aspects of work because a lot of

it is just me doing it by myself. Mhmm. And it's made me

think about It's not as fun, and it's only so long you

can sort of do that for. And I think the big thing is not

sharing Moments with someone else. Like, when you do things

by yourself and you have amazing achievements or whatever,

you just sorta you go, yeah. Cool. And But you you don't

celebrate it with anyone. It's still like traveling by yourself. I know some people love

it, but it's not the same. You're not sharing that experience

with anyone else. And so that's I think for me, personally, like,

when we've done some of particularly the interviews, you know, and we're like,

wow. That was unbelievable. Yeah. Yeah. I started home together, and we're just

You know, like, particularly, like, the Eddie Perfect one and with, Kristen as

well. It just, We're like, that was awesome. Yeah.

Yeah. We'd have seen Eddie Perkins. Yeah. Shamewalk is, like, on

offspring. I was like, what is happening? Make me coffee, play

piano. Like, I don't know. And then you share that experience with someone

else. Yep. And I know, like, you work with your mates and and you get

to do that and You share the highs and lows, but I think that's one

thing I've really enjoyed that, yeah, you can you can have

great experiences, and you can do it with someone else. Yep.

And we've still got the Christmas party to come. We do. The overly excited

podcast Christmas party. Look out. We don't know what it'll be

yet, but, It won't be recorded, but

it'll be it'll probably be a highlight of the year, mate.

Stubby's coming along, everyone. So if you wanna meet Stubby Stubby's coming along,

definitely. Out. Yeah. So, yeah, I think that that for me

is, been really nice, mate. And not only that, that

I think the foundation is set. And it's

not that I'm not proud of what we've done, but I'm probably really excited

for what we're going to do. Yeah. I think one of the biggest things in

life, you've gotta have a proof of concept, and you've gotta Figure out chemistry,

and I think early days, particularly, like, when we, like, interviewed Steelo and,

like, I know we did a couple on Zoom and things like that. It was

a little bit jittery, and we didn't know how I was gonna do. And then

we went to a stage where we're just taking in terms of asking questions, but

now there's no flow, no rhythm, or whatever, It just works. Mhmm.

Not for me. He's like, oh, proof of concept. We've got it.

We're both confident now to Go anywhere.

Do with anyone, and I think that that's pretty cool.

Yeah. Bring it on. Look out. We're gonna have this little sit down, a little,

planning session. Are we gonna head out into the country, have a little lock

the phones away for 4 days, little planning session? I don't think I could get

4 days, Jacob. I might get 4 hours. You've got a few weeks over the

next I know. I know. I've been away a little bit, Not

for planning, but for working. But, Who does that? Richard Branson? Or

A lot of people do it. Bill Gates or something does that week of, Bill

Gates Does it, I think, every couple of months. He goes and does a week

where he just reads books and turns his phone off. Yeah. I don't know if

he does anymore. Surely not. Obviously, broke up his

missus and, Gave her a couple of 1,000,000,000. Yeah.

Worried about his mosquitoes. I'm sure he's doing some great things, but he's

probably not hibernating in the woods for a week by himself with a great novel

of David Goggins. Anyway Probably not. Probably not. Now I want to go

through and give the listeners a little bit of feedback. I'm I'm getting

those, like, the stats, man. But I've got a couple of stats up my sleeve,

Jacob. A good stat. Oh, no. You did. So I've got the, Top 5

episodes of, download. So we'll see people who

listened. What I would say is before I go

through these, Listeners out there, if you have

loved what we've done, that's great, and we really appreciate

it. But what we'd probably appreciate more is Thinking back to the

episode that you love the most, the one that probably had the biggest impact. And

I I suppose that doesn't have to be one of the guests. That could have

been just Jacko and myself Ripping it here in the dungeon talking

about pharaoh and, different things that we've done. Dragons and

fairies. Yes. That could have been one of those or where we just get a

little bit deep. But What we would love I I know it'd

be amazing if you could think about somebody that may

not know about the podcast. And, obviously, this is the last

one for the year. So, share that with them in the next couple of weeks

and just say, maybe have a listen to this. And, yeah, that that's

probably Our one wish. You don't have to worry about doing 5 star

reviews or anything like that. We we just want this to reach more people. And

more importantly, It's always better when you can recommend it

to somebody because you know that person, and you can always articulate why

you think It would be particularly good for them in

their current situation or where they're at or what they might need.

So I think that'd be really nice. So, anyway, the top 5 episodes, and, I'm

gonna give an honorable mention here to Stubby because this episode is very new,

but it's blowing up, Jacko. Blowing up up the ladder.

Alright. So, Stavy, I'm very sorry, but, you didn't make been out for a

week, Stavy. So You didn't make it, but you're very close. So,

episode number In the top 5, number 5

coming in, we'll go 5 to 1. Mhmm. Obviously, 1 being number 1,

was Shauna and Cole. Oh, good on you, ladies.

Very good very good chat. 2 women elevating, taking

over, and we've got their book. It's just behind you, Alice.

We both got one, which is really nice. Don't always do

things yet, books, but, or presents. Stubby

She ran ran into Shanna down in Hampton, I believe. She did message me about

that. She she said I ran into it the other day. So

Oh, what a Oh, it is a small world, particularly when you live in Melbourne.

You think it's a big place, but it's definitely not, particularly when you listen to

the Overlooks Live podcast. We are a tribe, a family, a connected unit

group. Anyway, alright. Number 4 was, your first

ever interview, Jacko. It was when you, Interviewed

myself. Oh. So you took it on. Yes. You

got on there. It's number, so the episode with me was, Number

4. That was the 3rd episode we did. So, 3rd yeah. 3rd episode we

did. Yep. So very, very recent, but not.

Episode number 3 was, the interview I did

for you. I think that's pretty cool. I think, What that sort of

shows, I feel, is that people have listened to what we've done

and probably more inclined to think wanna hear a little bit of our own backstory.

So it sort of validates the way we started and what we did. Yeah. It

gives them, like, a bit of a understanding of who we are and where, you

know, where we've come from and why we see the world we do the way

we do, and I can sort of understand that. I like to get a bit

of a background check on, you know, any podcasts So I'm

listening to. Mhmm. Yeah. So sense. I like that a lot. Episode

number 2. The top 2. Top 2. Eddie

Perfect. Eddie. Chris and Gibson. Yes.

Yes. What a what a that We were buzzing after

that. We were in it. They must admit to drive from, Payside to

Brunswick. It I was like flying to Sydney.

It was a fair journey. It was a long way. But we still

managed to have time to have lunch afterwards together. Me and you and Kristen

Just, revel in the joy of, meeting the great man. He's

perfect. It was very nice. And, the number 1

episode for 2023

is Tasmania's favorite son,

the wizard, the wiehmermy.

Oh. I was actually with Howie

on set. They know. We just turned back the clock a little bit. The boys.

Oh, I love that one, and I recommend there's one of the things I

get a lot, Jacko, is whenever I do a talk. Mhmm. So The first

thing, what do you reckon they say? They say my name. Are you related to

steel? Like, hands down. Like, it just because

Collinwood people just love it. Yeah. Like, and I'm fine with

that. No worries. Not a problem at all. I don't take that personally. They don't

care about me. They just care about SteelEye. Not a problem.

And I always recommend, I said, SteelEye is a great episode,

but I say listen to Jezza's because I was So

proud and impressed of the way he spoke. Mhmm. Not

only from the year he's had about The

horrific injuries he's had about the club,

about the mentality, about fly and everything. But Yeah. How he spoke

about his family. I was yeah. I obviously

know him pretty well. You know him a lot better, but I I just

had so much admiration, and I Was just sitting there

going, wow. Yep. It was such a magical

chat. To show that emotion on a public stage, you

know, like, it's It takes as you spoke about earlier, like, I think

courage is the word, you know, to to speak about how we really

felt during those times and, You know, considering retirement and

then plays in a draining Wags. Yeah. You know, however, like,

the The ups and downs and the roller coaster playing footy and then

getting injured, and then he's feeling worthless for his for his wife and his kid.

And, You know, like, imagine just those the the

roller coaster of emotions that he that he went through In one season.

For him to Voice that, I guess, to us means a lot. Like, it's easy

to keep that all in, especially as a, you know, playing footy and in

a Masculine sort of environment and oh, no. But

I think it's a credit to the club and what they've because, you know, I

know Howie from back in the day, he definitely wouldn't have been Done that.

Speaking like that. Yep. You know, his 1st couple of years at the days, there's

no way it would be, you know, laughing at anyone saying that or whatever it

is. Whereas, you know, it's just how far he's come in his

life and his career and, you know So did you know did

you, I know who that side

that had sort of come through in a way. Like Yeah. Yeah. Maturity or, like

No. Just just that because I Something that I didn't think it would

turn out like that, but I didn't expect it to be so good. Mhmm.

Did you were you the the same, or you knew that? I think I, Like,

we how and I've you know, what have we known each other now for 10,

12 years, and and we've been pretty tight. So, you know, we've had We've had

plenty of our moments, and and I've sort of managed to,

I think, get that side of him probably a fair bit.

You know, he's he's a rat bag. He's a little rascal. Like, back in the

day, early days, it was, you know,

Like, same sort of thing. It it was certainly when

I first started my career, and that's when Harry got to the days. It was

you know, none of that really was kosher. You know? It was It was all

about being tough and being the being the bloke and, you

know, blah blah blah. So I think just for Howie, like,

it's probably and for, you know, everyone really. And this this is the

beauty of when I think you get put in an environment that makes you feel

comfortable being shown who you are. All of a sudden,

incredible things can happen and and, and obviously, just

growing up in life and, you know, having a family, I'm sure, would change a

lot of things. And, but, yeah, for him for him to do that on

a podcast, I think it was pretty it was very you know, I was

pretty thankful that he he felt comfortable with us and trusted us That

and, you know, glad that it was that hit hit the top of the charts.

Yeah. Well, it did. And, I yeah. I loved it. I I was

blown away. And from what I know of him and his

time and his attention and the quality of person he was, it really

summed him up as a person, I felt. Like, He did himself justice

Yeah. For the person I think we see and the attention he

gives everyone, his energy. Mhmm. That podcast

was him. Yeah. You know, you I I've had people on before that you chat

with and they're faking it, you know, and after they give me nothing, they

just yep. See you. Yeah. And you're like, alright. Roto. Cool.

You're putting on a a fake show there, whereas he's not.

Yeah. Which I loved. What about season 2?

Have we got anyone in mind? I think I think well, big Maxie gone.

He's been a bit jealous You know, if we've spoken to a few others before

him, so he's been he's been knocking on the door. If there's anyone

out there, if you if If you're listening and, I don't

know. I've had photos with you and a few other people,

and literally, I'm not even Rick to scale the jockey

compared imagine Maxie going on up. I'm gonna have to get on

his shoulders. Yeah. Anyway, So you've been, has you been knocking on the door? Just

gets a bit touchy about those things, Maxie. You know? He want he always wants

to be first. So we'll, we'll reach out to

Maxie next season, but we're shooting for the stars next season.

Yeah. We're shooting for the stars. So if anyone out there has,

You know, a a good idea or a good suggestion that they think

someone, you know, even if it they think it may be slightly out of

reach, I can get these fingers anywhere I take them.

Maybe not unless I can reach a lot

of people through, communication, and

So Oh, you pulled up. That was okay.

So let us know, and, I'm excited because that's a little

challenge. Let's go big. Let's go someone who we thought, you know, might be

impossible, but, We'll get after it. It'll be good fun. I

like that. I like that. And, everyone have a

wonderful Christmas and New Year. We don't know when we back, But I'd say it'll

be mid January. Obviously, this time of year is very

busy, and, I think that's been one of the things I've been most proud of.

Every week since you got back from Europe, we've been able to do an

episode. Yep. And that is, like, hard with 2

schedules and then finding other people's Schedules. Mhmm.

And sometimes it's been a stretch. We've done some very late nights and things like

that, which but now we've done it. Yeah. You know, and it just shows you

can do it. And that feeling of of completing something and

sticking at it, you know, it would have been so easy to throw it in

the towel. But Like tonight, I suppose it would have been easy not to do

it. Exactly. It would've been. Seriously, that how good do

you feel after that? You're opening it out. You take that through.

With anything in life, it's get it done, and you feel better for It is.

As always now, listeners, thank you so much. We wouldn't be doing this, and

we probably wouldn't have the same passion or energy each week if we

weren't getting The downloads, the feedback, the lovely comments

Yeah. The messages. There's no doubt about that. Without without seeing

that, I don't think we would yeah. That The passion and

just what it gives us. Yeah. You know, I think it's pretty clear from

what how we've spoken today. What you guys give

us, on the other end of it is is, you know, is why we do

it. So keep it coming, and we look forward to giving you plenty more

great episodes. Oh, stop it. Keep getting excited, everyone.

Let's go.

Creators and Guests

Dale Sidebottom
Dale Sidebottom
Is the creator and founder of Jugar Life and Energetic Education. Two multidisciplinary business platforms that provide people with the tools to make play a focus of their everyday. Dale is a full-time 'play' consultant who taps into his 20+ years working in the education and health sectors to educate individuals, schools, sporting clubs and corporate organisations globally on the benefits 'adult play' can have on mental health and wellbeing. Dale is the author of All Work No Play, a TEDx speaker and podcast host. Dale has worked face-to-face with students, teachers, schools and corporations in over 20 countries worldwide.
Jack Watts
Jack Watts
Co - Host of The Overly Excited Podcast, owner of Skwosh Clothing.
Jack & Dale | The year that was & we started a PODCAST!!!
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