Transformative Tales: Friendship, Vulnerability, and Wellness with Jack 'Stubby' Turner

This episode is brought to you by Swash Clothing and Sugar Life.

Welcome to the overly excited podcast hosted by Jack Watts and Dale

Sidebottom. Two friends with a passion for life, learning And all

things that get them jumping out of their seats.

Alrighty, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome back To the

overly excited podcast and Saudi, I

am extremely excited for today's episode because

not only is our guest one of the, Well, the sexiest

man that I know So sexy. Not only is he one of the most

talented human beings who has done a lot of sort of

self improvement, a lot of self help over recent years,

but he's also one of my great mates. And, I'm fortunate

enough to get to work with him every day. Oh. Over the last

few years, you know, he is, Yeah. The bond that

we've been able to create has been very special to me, and he's been kind

enough to give us an hour or 2 of his time. And now

2. Hold on. We find out.

I'm here until 2 AM. Well, I'd like to welcome

the great man, Stubby Jack Stubby Turner to the podcast.

Thanks for coming on, Stub. No. Thank you. I'm very Excited. I'm

nervous. A little bit sweaty, but, I can't wait

to chew the fat. We've all we've all had big days today. You're a bit

jet lagged, Soddy. Yeah. A little bit jet Boys, and, I've already

you were talking about sweating before starting when we started. You know when your

body's just saying to you, you, You need a rest. Yeah. You're done. And,

you look good. No. I think The bottom. Probably, glistening from all the,

looks like I've got olive oil on, but, no. I'm good and excited for this.

Zoe, thanks for coming to the dungeon, mate. This is, this is the

first, guest, and it hasn't just been Jacko and myself chewing the

fat in here, mate. So do you are you gonna ask Jack, or am I?

I wanna ask. Yeah. As we always start, unless I forget

it, Tony, which and then you remind me of it for the next 10 weeks

That I forgot to ask this question, but, Stubman, what gets you

overly excited in life? Well, I would, meant

keep it PG Yeah. Yeah. For the mention what I do in my bedroom. I

don't know. I don't wanna because, You

know, we need this to go to where. Yeah. That's right.

Well, probably, I love dancing. I love

wriggling my body.

Is that so that's, like, just anywhere you go. Yeah. And

because a lot of people, like, need a couple of beers or something to get

the code. Yeah. I need a few invite you guys to do. Just roll straight

in and go, let's do it. Atmosphere needs to be right. Yeah. You're

right. Yes. People there. You need to feel a Safe. Yeah. But if

you feel safe on a dance floor, that just gets the heart

popping. I remember a dance floor you and I once I think it had the

lighting up the floor and maybe a 161 sort of

number. Oh my god. And some of the moves That the blonde John Travolta

pulls out of John. They call me. The blonde John. Like, I

don't look flexible, but I can maneuver

this. He's swearing okay. Yeah. Fuck. Fuck.

Jack. He drops a lot. Yeah. I do. Dropping him a lot. Like too many.

I won't take the c word, but maybe an f. Yeah. Yeah. That's that's not

a problem. Right? You just want us to reach wide audience and see.

Yeah. And all these schools, kindergarten.

Spot on. Yes. So okay. So you love your dancing

stub. Well, I know what else you love is

your Your new dog, Jill. Oh my god. Tell us

about that. Jill Jill's gonna be Oh, no. Jill's

gonna be a bit upset, and you're gonna listen And, you know, your

new nephew, little Teddy, sell your family. Tell me about that.

Lot of, new people in my life, which I love.

I got Jill. Jill was actually a celebration for me. I want to

do a big life change after a big life change of

losing, Wait, which I'm sure we'll get on to. I've got

a few tips. Drinks, and we're going deep too. I

wanna cry. Let's go. I want This is emotional.

Down. I was just, like, flying up and about. Why

why we rub oil on you? Let's just do

it. Jill is honestly it's weird how

much you can love an animal. Like, I love it if you could marry an

animal Mhmm. And it's it's 2023. It be legal. Wow.

I love her so much. So got her in August.

Mhmm. And, also, my sister had a

baby. My nephew, Ted. So, yeah, a lot of new

people. That's great. And what, Also,

what I'm looking forward to delving into today, you know, I love you know, I

think from the outside, like, me and you are probably perceived as

these, you know, Happy go lucky, crazy sort of people

who, you know, everything's perfect and everything's great. But, I mean,

as as I've sort of opened up on the pod and and, You know,

nothing, you know, everyone's sort of going through their stuff, aren't they? And

that's what I've have loved so much about you and I and our relationship She

bought the last few years is actually getting deeper and known each other on

a different level to just, you know, that outside perspective, I

suppose. And as you mentioned, you know, you've you've lost a whole lot of

weight. Yes. It's pretty and I've said this to you

before personally, but It is very inspiring what

you've been able to do and how and just You inspire me.

You're the reason I lost 40 Kilos. But Forty kilos?

Yeah. Forty kilos. Wow. So that's no wonder you got Jill as a

celebration, mate. That's That was the celebration just to get a Canine

in my life. So did you like, what was this like, I wanna

talk about it, but what was the stage that you got to that you

Just decided, like, like, enough's enough or was there was there a moment

that that happened? There was a few moments. 1 I probably can't Touch on

just because well, he knows that one, but

probably 2 key moments.

It was Christmas coming out of COVID, and my mom was

like, woah. You look like a Christmas ham.

No. Like, I just context, Dovi's mom is the most beautiful She

I love it. With all my heart. She didn't mean it in a, like, a

bad way. No. Like, I'm sorry. To be, though. Like Yeah. We got a

photo, and she's just like, woah. You're buff. Buff. She used

the word bump. I'm like, come on, man. And it was more I

woke up Christmas Day, and I looked at myself in the mirror. I'm like,

woah. Mhmm. Because you as you like, I got chubby,

you know, it was gradual from, like, 22 to the age of

32 where you just you gradually put on

weight, and you don't realize how, like, much You

put on because you look at yourself every day. Mhmm. And then,

like, for some reason, it just hit me, and I was like, oh my god.

I'm like obese now. A 125 kilos. Yeah.

Wow. So was it like I try and try and empathize with

people. I've never Wade that much. No. You look hot as

hell. If I could have your body. Well, mate, by

the way, you're going. You're well and truly pass us. I don't know. David, I

wanna like, Did did it affect, like, aspects of your life as well?

Oh. Like, is it like, I know you're very busy. We talk I wanna talk

about your creative side because I, for 1, I've got nearly every shirt you're creating.

Absolutely love them. But Thank you. Like, did it affect

other areas of your life? Literally. Yeah. And I feel

The whole thing being creative, it's like I relied on that

so much to bring me joy and satisfaction that I forgot about

The health side. Yep. And I think in the Arty creative world, it's

not seen as cool or, like, This

might have been just in my head, but cool to exercise and be fit.

It's like, oh, you gotta be the trendy guy that parties all the time.

Yeah. But in terms of, like, what

affected me, I had to, like, go on a CPAP machine.

So at night, I was like, I put on a mask like I was Darth

Vader. I'm just you can laugh. It's fine. Like, I

like it, but it's embarrassing. But It was, and I

used to pour a little bit of tobacco in the filter and just

But literally, you just get that, lethargic

and just tired and, like, I feel during COVID, that's

when it really just because all I could do was just

stay inside, and I loved cooking, and I was dancing and

getting a bit high. Can I say that's high? Can do that. Yeah. Yeah. And

Now I don't smoke away because it wigged me out, but that's all I did

was just get high, cook food, eat. It's funny, like, how

you I guess those Stereotypes. Like, trying to trying to live

up to your stereotype of, you know, creative that lies to party

and that does this. It's like, I totally sort of

Sympathize with that and felt that too. Like, you know, I'm the

party guy and, like, you know, have a lot of fun, and it's like, It's

really hard to get away from that even when you want

to. But everyone else sees you as this, you know, that's who

you are. So when you change that or when you try to make it a

change in your life, it's fucking hard to keep

to stick at That literally When everyone sees you as something else, and that's what

I love. And I was I couldn't believe with you. It's like, I just remember

coming into work January. You were just like, I'm doing this. I'm not eating any

Fucking shit food. I'm not in any unhelp. I'm training. I'm gonna

run, and you just did it. And you stuck to it, and you didn't

waver. I think I feel, Like,

the 1st 2 weeks is always was the hardest.

Mhmm. But then just, like, I feel

trying to stick to it, like and just have certain things to keep you

accountable is what got me through, You know, doing

it and, like, just achieving certain goals and, like, being

on Strava, I love Yeah. Even getting a Fitbit.

And, like, Some people say don't treat it like, you

know, don't weigh yourself, but I sorta liked, you know,

even if I lost 800 grams. I was like, woah. Yeah. And

because I've never thought about losing weight, I was like, oh my god.

Yeah. Sick. It's funny how it's funny how people tell you what not

to do. Yeah. But there's no if there was one right answer,

there wouldn't be obese people. Yeah. But there's no right or wrong way to do

it. And I just think we've spoken about this a lot where I don't think

people understand what their words are actually doing. No. You know, like, You're trying

your best. You don't need to be told you're doing something wrong, but they're not

trying to be negative on me. Much. And that's a thing. Like, so

many people throughout, you know, 10 years of Gaining weight.

So many people give you advice on, like, you know, you're gonna do this and

that, but I truly think you can only do it

yourself. And, like, you gotta actually wanna do you wanna do.

That many times. Like, some of my mates, my mom and dad, and

everyone's like you know? But I when I woke

up Christmas day and looked at myself, I sort of knew. I'm like, okay. I'm

ready to take that leap. Yeah. And I don't think people realize

it's more I think food is seen as such a

comfort and, like, You just eat because

it makes you feel happy for that little glimmer, but you don't think about

the long term. And because I was already in creative, it's like,

I'm getting all my dopamine from that because I'm like, oh my god. No one

else can do the the stuff. And Yeah. But you don't

think about the long term. Hundred like, that short

term, like, satisfaction

is a problem such a problem in Society, isn't it? It's like

Yeah. Taking that little shortcut to get that food. It's in anything. It's

in anyone that people get that from. And but it never

lasts. No. Does it? When you're taking those shortcuts

or you're, you know, yeah, like

searching for happiness through Through fake little, you

know, gimmicks or whatever it might be, it's not lasting, is

it? It almost does damage it on the other end. It does. And normally, it's

because it's normally the easier option. Yeah. You know, what you did on Christmas day,

that's not the easy option. That's the hardest thing you'll ever do in your life,

Neil. Yeah. You know, like, actually own it. But once you own it, say I'm

gonna do something about it. The moment you say it, words are cheap unless you

put it into place. You know? Whereas, it's easy just to keep eating

because that's comfort, Literally, it comes naturally. Vicious cycle. It's

like Yep. You know, you look forward to doing that. And, like

like, COVID just Brought it on so much more because it's like,

okay. No one else is doing anything. Mhmm. I'm just gonna cook a mass

of man curry with 3 layers of Cheese. I mean,

a double quarter pound of meal with extra cheeseburger is fan off.

But How how did you what about, like, when you

got Started. I think that's what I like. Oh, as you

said, those 1st couple of weeks, I'd imagine that would be the hardest.

Like, I know I have, like, Imposter syndrome. When I have a

couple of weeks, like a few bad weeks, and then I try to go back

to the gym. Yeah. I'm like, oh, I'm not gonna be anywhere near what I

used to do or I'm not or they're gonna look at me and be like,

oh, he's unfit. Like, what's he been doing? Whereas if you've had a, you

know, 10 years of Oh god. And, like, that the difficulty is

Well, It was weird. Like, initially, I just

I didn't see it as a weight loss journey. It was more

like of a wellness Journey. Like, actually that? Treat. And I

think so many people think, oh, I gotta lose weight. Yeah. But it's more you

need to learn to, love yourself, Self, I think. Oh. That

was cool. Wasn't that? That can be that can be my clip. Good that. Learn

to love yourself. Taking notes to your next keynote. That is odd. Is. Well, you

gotta love the person to me. I know it's easy to do that. Didn't. Like,

I was I you know? It's so true because, like, if you just

look at it as a weight loss, You might have been doing all, like, great

things and and, you know, you might have put on some muscle and and lost

a bit of fat, but and you haven't lost that that number on the Scale,

but you're still doing everything right in your life to become a healthier, happier

person. But if you only see it as a weight loss is that's the only

thing. You don't All of a sudden, you're down in the dumps and it's sort

of, you know, rattling it. You're going with the scales, and it's a scales. For

some reason, you've had a bit of fluid or something. Yeah. All the good work

and you're feeling well, you've you're hinging it all on what that number says.

Yeah. And that's why I reckon people say and I used to when I was

used to be a PT, I'd tell people not to use scabs, how you Feel

and your look and impact. And that's why I love you saying wellness journey.

Yeah. Because people wanna lose weight. That will come when you go

on a journey, But it there's so much more like what you said. 100%.

Yeah. I feel just and, like, I think when I lost

the weight, which we can talk about later, but It felt weird because I felt

like I lost my whole identity. But during it, it was

such a positive experience of, like,

just, You know, treating my body better, like, getting in a

side bowl instead of a double bacon egg McMuffin.

Just becoming the local legend down at, Faulkner

Park. That's my park. You run there or I'll get you. Park So

isn't it? It's the most underappreciated park in Melbourne. Right in the middle of

Melbourne. And just the trees. Yeah. It's beautiful. Active wear. It's

crazy. What about, like, Your love of running.

Oh. So where did that did you always have that, like, growing

up? Or was that like, old I think from

16 to 18, I was quite fit, but I never started running

properly until I, like, wanted to lose weight. Mhmm. And that was the

hardest. I think that's what kept me going was at the start, I

couldn't even run a 100 meters. And then, like, a

month down the track, I was running 2 k's and then,

you know, this year, I'd completed my 1st marathon, which I can't believe.

But That's epic. He has some pretty impressive If time too, Soddy. Yeah. So

If you don't mind, we don't Oh, it's 5 minute 30 k is

what? Yeah. That's good going. Yeah. That's incredible. I want We're not smart enough

Dad, the time I've been in there, Yeah. I don't. I should really know. It's,

like, 2 yeah. 2 hours. Mate, you got under 3 hours? Under 2 at 1

hour and 57 minutes. No. No? Over 3

hours. Oh, yes. Fuck. I'm not you saying fault. I'm not

It 5 minute thirties would be what? Like, yeah, 33

hours 20. Yeah. That. Yeah. Sorry, guys. We need to cut that

out. But that's, you know We've still done a marathon. There's 2 other people in

here that Well, I mean, we did the half marathon. Yeah. And

Starvy, you know, I said to him, I'm just gonna I need to sort of

try to finish this thing. He said, I'll you know, we'll run together for the

1st 10 k's, and I got to 10 k's, and I was sort of starting

to tongue a little bit and stuff. He just said, alright. Are we gonna We're

gonna give it a crack now. I looked at him thinking, mate, I'm

going to I'm giving it everything I can. Now And in the

last eight In the last 8 k's, he put 8 minutes on me to beat

fellas. So there's a bit of there's a bit of a t

twelve modem. Yeah. It's, You know, I'm not like saying

that I'm like a fit god now. There's I still have a bit of a

gawk. Do you do you know what a gawk is?

I do now. Yeah. Oh. So there's I think I need to switch

up my routine a little. But in terms of

Running, you know, it is great fitness, but for

your mind, it's like moving meditation,

almost. You Focus on your breathing. I like to put on some nice disco

music, and that's what what kept me running was not so

much the Physical aspect, but more like it clears your mind,

and you can just all you have to do is focus on putting

each foot in front of the other one. It's like, And I love the

idea of reaching a destination. Yep. It's like you've accomplished

something for the day even if you do nothing. It's like I reached that

destination. I got to Table Rock. Is Table

Rock? Oh, Green Point or something. Or red. I was like, oh

my god. I've reached that place. Now I can go home and play with

myself. Yeah. Yeah. Which is the other great pastime that you love

doing? Yes. Yes. That's helped by Austin. Your goal vigorously.

So the double maraca shaker.

Oh, so once you started once you started,

like, getting fit and Starting to know the difference because, like,

at the start, it's hard, but you get big gains. Yeah. Was there was

there a stage there where, you know, you might've lost 10 kilos or something and,

Like, what's he was saying? Like, your body starts to change for the positive, but

you're not losing that weight. Yeah. Losing. Go through a few steps where, like, you're

like, I should be losing more, And then you play these demons in your head?

Oh, at the, like, 15, 20

k. Like, when I got under a100,

like, That took that was quick, and then it was, like, the

next 20 was, like, so much harder because you just had to

do different stuff, and then we'd start Swimming. That's when what he sort

of really came in and helped me. Yep. Because, like, you know, I was

just running, but Then we went to the gym, then we started swimming,

then we started making lava. It was great. You

gotta So I wonder why Avenue. See? I wonder why how you

Yeah. That's very handy, so there's a lot of group love. Oh, you

little ripper. Oh, yeah. The the Honeywell is okay. Yeah. Well, that's just for

fun. Oh, little ripper.

Oh. But that's what I've realized, and that's why even

running now, I just do it because I like the mental aspect, but

I've even realized now I've hit a bit of a low. Probably put on another

4, like you know, I'm not have not still not 40

kilos down, but I just I've sort of my mate, Sam

Holland, says you figured out the recipe. And he's like, you still can

treat yourself, but, like, you just gotta put in the work the next

Yeah. Because they're not the balance. Exactly. Like, once you get it

down, like, that balance of, like because you were so, you know,

for that 1st Yeah. 12 months, I was like, I'm not gonna drink, and

I'm not gonna eat for 18 hours. And then So you do it fasting. Would

you do, like, 16 6 and 8, 8, 8. More when I was

deep, I would only like it. I'd eat

sorta 2 meals at night, so I'd have. And I was doing HelloFresh,

and I loved HelloFresh because I could cook it, and I'd, you know,

put on some music in the kitchen. And And I'd have, like, a bowl of

cereal afterwards, but then I'd wait the whole day until

hello fresh time again. But Now, yeah, I'm sort of

It's nice to be able to have to be a bit more relaxed and be

able to, you know, have your fun and have a little night off here and

there, But still keep that routine going because if you're doing the

work yeah. 100%. And now I've realized you

can still have breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Just Make it,

nice stuff. Yeah. Like And what about, like, I

guess, you know, obviously, physically, you've changed

a lot, But, like, mentally as well in terms of, you

know, like, has it helped you, you know, I guess,

in how you're feeling Within your head and how you're feeling about yourself. And

Well, that's the weirdest thing. Like, when I lost

it, on the journey, I felt incredible, but then when

I reached my goal of 40, I had, like, this

our like, it was like a quarter life crisis where You've

been chunky, you know, for most of your teen years and growing up,

and then you lose the weight, and it's like I was just like, who the

hell am My luck and I used to rely on fat jokes

and all this stuff, and then I couldn't use them anymore. I'm like, who

the hell am I? Like So it was a real adjustment period

of, like, going I hate like, I was just down in the

dumps. And now, like, this year, it's more just Building on knowing,

you know, you still do that. Yeah. Yeah. You've been alive.

Exactly. I think that's where, you know, I always When I'm

out, I try and be the funny guy, and I like, when I was really

chunky, you know, stubby, I had, like, this

almost stubby persona where that was, like, my mask. And

now I've realized after losing the weight, it's like Jack Turner is

still okay. So that's what I've come to terms with this

year that it's okay to be yourself, and it's okay to not always

be funny and, You know, it'd be the life of the party

and Even though you still are, and it's probably but it's

just doing it in a different way or it's just but, you know, it's like

Accepting that, you know yeah. You're still exactly the same

person on, you know, who you are. But Yep.

That's don't have to, like, you know, put on a

performance as much. Like, it still can come naturally on being

funny and, You know? It was just but,

like, in saying losing the weight and people giving you compliments and,

like, oh, I've Felt incredible. Like, I felt like Did you

find Jason Statham. You got more air than Jason

Statham. Did did you find it hard Sometimes too, like, to sort of take those

compliments. 100%. Because my I hate, like,

getting compliments because I just Well, you

know, I sort of the way I I like don't put myself

down, but you Self deprecating. Definitely. Yeah. And that's where I was

like, Fuck. I can't rag on myself anymore. Yeah. I look like

Chris Griffin. So I

was like, oh, I I just gotta take this compliment, and I really

struggle with it. But, yeah, now it's just it

felt still felt incredible, but It's been a big adjustment

period and just trying to cop it on the chin and And what about,

motivation going forward? As you said, you sort of hit Yeah.

Well, now I've you know, like I said, you

know, I have put, you know, a few KGs back on, but I'm not

Chris Griffin anymore. But, I

and because I did the Mara, my next goal, and

this was inspired by Lewis Started who lives just 2 houses down, and we

wanna go look at his body. Your neighbor, which I I don't even

know. Sort of knew, but I I didn't even tell you to worry about it.

There you go. Yeah. No. You guys look very similar. He's a very fit man

too. Both handsome. Run rings around us. I like a compliment, so

thanks. Honestly, that olive oil is coming out,

and I'm gonna rub you down. The maracas. Let's

do a Maraca halftime.

No. The next goal, I wanna try and do a triathlon, and

now I've said it on the mind. Yes. I have to do it. You commit

to it. Well, I thought we were doing the Gold Coast No. But Yeah. No.

We still do that. Chuck that in there and then the Noosa try later this

year. Noosa try to copy Shubert. Yeah. Yeah. You did

very well with that. That's, now I'm interested. It's always I

think that's one of the biggest things you need to have if I don't know.

We have spoken about this before when you're training and you've got it's not no

purpose. Like, you love doing it. You know, it feels good, but you need a

goal or something bigger To keep that motivation going or

push a little bit harder or 100 and that's celebrating you're doing? Yeah.

Running now, like, I love it. I'll never stop, but, like,

I've Physically, yeah, like, I'll do it because I love it

mentally, but physically, I feel, you know, I need to switch it up to

lose a. That's the goal. That's the goal. That's the goal.

Lose the goal. Lose the goal. Do a trifle on to lose a gok. Yeah.

Well well well, it's just swimming. Don't know what a gok is. They can

summarize. Look. Let let's take your stomach, isn't it? It's just you saw it's a

gut over a a penis. Oh.

We're allowed to say penis. Yeah. And it's not that bad. Like, I won't show

the camera. Like, I still want girls to know that, you know, I'm looking sickly.

But, yeah, that's the goal. And, yeah, love

that. Love that. I I'm really I love that story,

but I also love talking to creatives because Yeah. I find

that like, I know when I'm in flow creating, like, games and Do you have

anything like that? Like, am I happiest? And sometimes I struggle with it. What I

wanna know is when you has has that changed?

Like, since You've changed as a person. Has your creativity

changed from, you know, like That's a good question. Yeah. And I think it's like

Because you've changed as a person, you know, so, obviously, the things you do to

get in flow and, like, the other way you find inspiration,

It's probably changed. You know? You Yeah. Instead of, you know, putting yourself down and

talking about other things, now you're putting yourself forward. And Yeah. You figured out you

don't need to put on a persona wherever you're going. Like, Liz Is is that

change, I suppose, in in your art? It's funny you start because

another life goal was to put on an exhibition, and that never

woulda happened like Me being a 125 kilos.

So I think it you're more motivated as a creative now and,

like, you can get more done because you're not tired at 6

PM and just, like, you know, fall asleep with a cheeseburger on

your face. But, Yeah. You're

just more motivated, and I do feel more creative and,

like, I think that's the best thing about squash. Like, Lee and

Wrangler, I loved it to bits. It was the best job, but,

obviously, there was, you know, a lot of pressure to perform and

Do you just wanted to impress all the time, but with squash, it's so good

that we got that wellness balance to where you can be

creative and get paid for it, but still focus on, you

know, going for a lunch run. And I think that's what's great

With us. What about try like, I guess, getting creative. I mean, I

don't have a creative bone in my body when it comes to drawing

artistic, You know, flare. Between your legs is quite

I've seen it do a few

Oh, that's really the that's really the that's really the quote of the

year. Yes. Oh, it is a creative penis.

We call it The Picasso penis.

I I think olive oil started coming in. It's starting to wash out walls.

There's olive oil Can I get my question out, please? I'm

sorry. Uh-uh. But what I've I guess what I have, you know,

what I've heard of and all the musicians back in A day, you you know,

getting on drugs and doing getting real creative. And and, like, for

you, I guess, as you said earlier, like, smoking a bit of weed or having

drinks at night Help, like, getting creative,

but now that's obviously come way

back. Yeah. Has that been hard? Is that but because you're more

alert and Sharp. Is it easier to be or or

was weird because, like like I said, food was always

a comfort. And then during, like, the weight loss

process, you know, I'd get high. It was always like you'd need

to rely on something or, like, to feel comfort. Mhmm.

But once you reach your goals, like, you don't you don't

really need those things if you love yourself.

And, like, I think it's this whole mistake that, oh, you know, if you get

high, you're real creative and stuff. But to be

honest, I just laughed and, like, You know? But I didn't really

feel like I needed to draw when I was high. I just wanted to sit

on the couch and watch the Simpsons and play with myself.

It's like back to that, like, stereotypes, I guess, that we all fall

into. It's like, oh, you can't go out and have a good night with your

mates if you're not getting Pissed or you can't do this if you're not, you

know, it's like if you're happy within yourself and who you

are and what you're doing, then you don't need any of those external Things

to It's, it's very easy to say that, though. But until

you are actually happy with the person you see in the mirror, And it's so

funny. Like, in all the talks I do and everything, I get people to express

gratitude to other people place and experiences. You know, I flip it around and get

them to do something, talk about Themselves, what they love about themselves, what they're

proud about, what their best traits are. And And people can't do it. No. So

many people is and, like, I'm So I would never

Yeah. You know, I don't wanna ever give myself a compliment. I've always

been a people pleaser, and it's, Yeah. Sort of You could say

was a wake up call to Yeah. It's okay to say that you're

not gonna sound cocky in front of all these people. It's

Yeah. It's a real and I think that's, like, you know, you're

good at never ever being cocky, but at least you, you know,

You're a strong man. It's good to learn from you. And it's good to

get people around you who pump you up. Oh, yeah. You

know? You can't do it by yourself. Let's get nude.

That's coming post. That's that's it. Once we get out of this now, I'm

also really keen to talk about squash because, More

so than ever, I haven't been on social media much, but I must admit, every

time I open it up, I thought I was just saying Jack over there It's

tough here. You're all over it too, which makes me happy. I feel like I

don't know these boys. And you must be spending an outrageous amount I'm

bloody advertising because you guys are everywhere. But more importantly,

like, how is your friendship, particularly just you 2, Changed. Like,

because I know when, you know, when you started, Jacko was still a rooster at

Port Adelaide. Yeah. He was just funding his cash. He had to funnel it through

somewhere to stop paying so much Facts. Yeah. But now now since he's

back on the tools and things like that is, it sounds like

you've got closer through Reaching. You know, like, And that's a

very unique thing because working with your mates, most

people, it doesn't work. But to be able to come in and say it's got

better, Yeah. That must be awesome. Honestly, like,

it's sort of like he's my psychologist in a way because, you

know, you've had your ups and downs and, You know, your

career, and you've been through quite a bit of shit and more the way that

you've handled yourself during those moments And, like, you're

relaying those things back to me, it's like life

changing. Mhmm. Wow. Yeah. That was it? But But

I'm serious, like and it's Yeah. You know, we've always been close mates,

but working together, you and I don't really reveal

The true me to many people, but, like, he

knows who I am inside and out, and he still loves me for it,

is great. That was really nice to hear. That was a lovely answer. It is.

I really want to hear. How do you like, was that nice to hear? Yeah.

It's so nice to hear because you sort of,

Stubby's that kind of person that everyone just is, you know, sort

of attracted to him and wants to be his friend and wants to be close

to him because he's so cool and he's got all Stuff that for me, I

guess, it's been so valuable. Him feeling

comfortable opening up to me and he and Learning about the

things in his life that maybe he's struggling with a bit more or that do

you know what I mean? Like, in those moments, those conversations that we had,

Like, they're the special ones to me. It's not like the going out and

putting this thing on Instagram and like, how good is squash going? And we're having

a, you know, whatever it is. It's like, Fuck. I'm like struggling

at the moment with this. Like, how do you, you know? And I

think, like, what I always sort of think is, like, vulnerability,

Promotes vulnerability. You know? So when, like, you show a bit of

vulnerability or if I give you a, you know, a story of something that I

went through, like, all of a sudden you feel or felt a lot more comfortable

with me knowing that I'm not gonna judge or I'm not gonna,

You know, I think that's what we all need, isn't it? And that's like stuff

like this is that's why it's so good because I think

guys, Yeah. Like, everyone says, they don't speak enough, and it's

cool to get that's what's the like, you'll have the best conversations

of your life if you actually And they mightn't come often,

but when you open yourself up and get raw with your

mates, that's when it's like, wow. We're close. Yeah.

I think in the right context as well too often and I think this is

changing, which is really good, but too often it'll be after 15 beers.

Yeah. Literally. Oh, mate. I'm battling right right. And you both do it's

so negative. Yeah. It's not productive one little bit,

And then in the morning, you've either forget or you'd think, oh, I shouldn't bring

that up. Yeah. Yeah. Whereas that's not the right place to do it. No. I

mean, I think it's Becoming more cold when guys are Yeah. You

know, you can open up. Yeah. And that's what I love, like, a podcast for

instance because you're not pissed. You're not out the Yeah. And, like, some of the

chats we've had, you know, it's just it cut it it almost gives

you that platform to, like do you know what I mean? Because if you are

out or whatever, and then you just try and jump into something serious or, you

know, we've all been there, and it's like, oh, I'm not ready for this or

I just wanna, You know, there's a time and a place for it, but, I

think it shows, like, real genuine care when Yeah. You know? And

you don't have to Push or pry and try to get something out of someone,

but it's just like to let them know that if you fit if you wanna

have a chat, I'm here, and I'd love to be that person for you or

whatever it might be, that can help, especially as you said,

like, men, especially, we try to Yeah. Put on this show that

we're invincible when when What's that mask that you're talking about?

The tears of a clown. Tears of a clown. And

I think being in a creative field, like, throughout My whole

life, I think in the creative sphere, you do speak

about your emotions a lot more, but I've more like

Dude's on the worksite, and I think it's not like

Nah. It's not really a thing. You know? Mhmm. That's where it's like, I

think I'm lucky to Work in an environment where you do work with a

lot of girls and, you know, creative dudes that are happy

to let their guard down. Where if I was like a plumber on a work

site, I'd just be cracking jokes and putting things in my

Like, I would have a hammer in my eye. I still do that at work.

I would have a hammer and a saw in my eye.

And that's the thing. You still can get deep in, but it

can still be good. It doesn't have to be all Doom and gloom.

Like, you still can have a good conversation without it getting,

you know That's such a good point. Do you think that's one thing? I know

we've spoken about the 40 kilos and you're feeling better, but do you think that's

been a byproduct of that as well? You know, like, what I would

never speak about Getting deeper. And, you know,

like, my whole life, I've had mental issues and stuff, but I've

always bottled it up Yeah. Like, since I was a teen, but this

Year is the only, you know, year where I've been sort of happy to

talk about that stuff and, you know, depression, anxiety, all that.

And it's good to, like, let people know that everyone goes through

that shit. That's don't you reckon, like, and this is

something I Constantly go through myself is like, when when

you feel like you're doing the right things in your own life,

It's a lot easier to, like, be honest with others. You're

not hiding. And whereas when you're fucking screwing around and you, You

know, I'm out too late or I'm partying too hard or I'm not it's

like that's when you that's when you're like, all the little white lies

Coming in and you're Bless you. Oh, no. I wasn't doing that. No. I got

to bed early that night or because you're actually ashamed of,

like, what you're doing and who you are. A 100 Shit.

You know? Isn't that interesting? Yeah. Like, when that's probably when you need the

help the most, but you're trying to, you know You're hiding things in your life

because you're embarrassed That's so weird. Shame is such a horrible thing. You know?

Like and only people that have gone through shame, they're the ones that feel

it, and it's not something they share with other people. Shame is in vulnerability.

Vulnerability is where you're actually practically sharing for the positive. Yeah.

Shame's Where you're holding something in because you don't want anyone

to know about it. And it's killing you. It's letting you up because only you

can go through it. Because as you said, You're putting on fake excuses

and lies and for so years and months. Mine was like putting, you know,

just endless jokes on. You're covering it up with jokes.

Yep. The tears of a clown thing is actually real. You know? It's

like you're always doing that, but, You know, when

you get home, it's like, fuck. I suck. Yeah. But,

and that's why I think when you're lost away, and you Was like, oh, I

can't rely on that strategy anymore,

which I I still do a lot. Yeah. But it's more just That wake

up call that, you know Mhmm. You it's okay to be

vulnerable and, you know, show your true self. Stop hiding behind

being stubby and Show Jack Turner because he's an okay

guy. Yeah. Just okay. We probably

wouldn't have said that a year ago. No. You know, like so, like, You you

can't make joint step. Like, that's a big step. You know? Yeah. To

acknowledge that you're okay and you're happy with the person you are. Yeah. And, like,

you're still a Fred's huge. And and, like, you're never gonna be the kind of

person that's like, I'm an incredible human being. Man. Like, you can let you can

let other people tell you that and be there for you with that. But

as you said, like, the steps that you've made is yeah. Is

it okay if I have a little yeah. What do you need? Or have I

just ruined it? Just a Okay. We

just had a quick little break. Sorry. I was thirsty, guys. I know that's not

professional, but No. My lips What chapter, man?

We're moving on. You're doing a lot of talking, so that's, we want you to

sound good. I wanna talk about nouns,

Saudi. Oh, my god. Because, obviously, I met Saudi

at the gym stuff, and then we got talking in The Bottom. Sidey

the bottom. You call you've scorned you the bottom. I like that. Front

penis. Do

you ever get called front peepers? Had a lot of nice stuff, even not front

peepers. Okay.

But Oh, that's a What I love is

people coming together, mates coming together. You never know what's gonna

come of it. We've just, you know, 2 So I go at the

gym at 5 in the morning yelling and screaming and kicking and having a

tantrum and whatnot. All of a sudden, we're doing a podcast together. You know?

We've Spoken to some incredible guests. Yeah. I've learned so much

just from this podcast and, you know, the the beauty

of coming in even A lot of the times I'm coming in after days

work, and you've been traveling, and we're all cooked even today. It's like we're tired,

and we've had You're good now. I know. We come in, and it's one of

the best. Oh, goodness. And Liberating. What can come of it.

Anyway, the 3 of us, we've act we're actually in a nice

little Knock. Knock. We are. We're we're working together. Yes.

So, Adi, tell us a little bit about nouns and how we've come on board.

And It was, through a mate. So back a couple of years

ago Into the old NFTs when they were, a really big thing. And

I noticed that. Yeah. Up there. Yeah. A little monkey.

Yeah. So myself and a mate, got one, and,

it's like a community where once you've got one, they

fund cool stuff to try and promote the brand, and they're pretty cool and things

like that. And, Anyway, I it was a real sorta a sorta similarity

between what they do and your brand because I always liked it. And it's

funny how You I've we just reached out and said, I've got an

idea for you. I can get some money. Mhmm. That was probably more we could

get some money and make something, but it's something cool and see what happens. And,

Isn't it funny what happens because of that? Yeah. You know? That's how they started.

Yeah. You know? And I I just think if anyone's listening that,

yes, You've got an idea. Just talk to someone about it. Yeah. A 100%. Because,

like, you never know. Like, in for example, like, yeah, we've got some shirts and

shorts coming out soon, which I'm really excited to be here. Very excited. What I

love about the NOUNDS NFTs is they're they're cool. Like,

the caricatures and stuff sorta Resembles, you know, not

in the same way, but what we do on sure to steal that

fun vibe. Yeah. That's why it was good, You know? Yeah. Synchronization.

Have actually landed, haven't they? Yes. I reckon they have. The shorts, though, they're

in production samples coming. I'm sorry. Is that gonna

get you in trouble? No. No. No. No. They'll be There's 800 shorts coming

next week. Permit. We like that. We like that. Your teas sent

to, We'll get you sent in. I like that, so people will look at

that. I think that's one thing. How's

When you started, like, squash, like, what can you remember what your

vision was? Or, like, do you remember because I know that there's

obviously you 2 and Walshy. Do you remember, like because it's a

really cool brand now, and it must be so I see people wearing it all

the time. And I bet you see it more than anything. It's like When you

buy a red car or something, everyone's got a red car. Yeah. But, no, but,

like, for something particularly that you have created, Sabby, because it's all your

creativity. Mhmm. You know? Like, it must Saying that though,

like, if I was to do a brand by myself, it probably

wouldn't it'd last 3 months. Yeah. But that's where it's like effort.

Yeah. It's a team effort. But But the actual creation is you. You know? It's

like Of course. It's to get that there. Everyone's gotta do something. Mhmm. But your

drawing is on so many people. And that's where lights It was a

big realization even, like, on Love Island. Mhmm. I

know you don't like that show, but it's it's my guilty He plays it

there. I'll try not to judge, but I think that's junk anyway. I am

judging. Sorry. I am judging. But, well, I I can't

believe, like and that's where it Sinks in, you know, you turn on channel

9 and, like, somebody's wearing a pattern that you've drawn. So,

oh, shit. Yeah. Wouldn't have been for long night. They don't care. They're close.

Oh, no. There was a full on squash feature recently where they the

guys were all making love and all I find it like we've had so

many, you know, like, pinch yourself moments. Don't you reckon? Like and

that's the thing. What we've spoken about it is He's like enjoying the journey

Yes. Because, like, I can you know, right now, like, things

are pretty tough and it's fucking tight and wet. You know? It's like

and But you look back at the journey and where we've come from and,

like, you know, I can remember our 1st sale. We were out for

dinner and we've The first time we went live on the website and someone

bought 1, and it was like, holy shit. Someone's actually bought out a pair of

our shorts, you know. Oh, then, like, the first time you see someone that

you don't know wearing it down the street, it's like Yeah. I can remember, like,

messaging you guys, like, I just walk out someone on? Did you stop

him? No. You just. Me. I hugged him or something. I was just not

sure. Oh, another bit.

Yeah. But like that Here's my dinner. Okay. Yeah. And,

like, appreciating, you know, where you've come from and where you've

gotten So, you know, like, it's so easy to get to get caught up

in like, oh, we need to be bigger and better and, you know, and and

obviously, like, you want to, you know, grow and And,

scale and all the rest of it. But but to enjoy the journey is sort

of the most important thing. I think we're pretty good at that in 100%.

And And coming back What I love is more like

there's a lot of brands out there, but they've got A lot of support

from different, you know, areas and a big team backing them,

but the fact that, like, 3 guys that, you know, grew up

together, sorta have done it, and we've got a

great team of other people that help us. Shout out to Jen, Jen, and Tash.

Yeah. But, yeah, it's more like 3 guys have, you

know, gone had a brand for 8 or so years. It's

kinda unheard of that it's You know, just through 3 people, it's

kinda cool. And look out what what's to come, hey? Oh, there's

a sims with Oh, baby.

So we we always like to always finish as well, Stuffy. We've,

like, a, you know, wrapping up, like and you've got a few things you can

be proud of, mate. Everyone does, but we probably spoken about more

than I don't know. The a lot of the other guests were spoken about sort

of their career or something they've done or they've won a flag or So you

know that, but you've done so many cool things in your creative

professional life Yeah. Which I'm sure you're very proud of. You've just mentioned there.

But also, probably the most important thing is that you've done something for

yourself. You know? And now you're looking at yourself and you're an okay guy. Yeah.

Oh, yes. I I I can imagine that's pretty cool, but what are you most

proud of from, you know, where you've come from,

or what you've been able to do. It's a very big question.

No. Proud of is more, I'm

proud of how I make people feel, I reckon. My

goal is to, you know, always make people feel welcome, and

I I know it's a weird thing to say. It can be creative and lose

all the weight, but, like, for example,

just on the the dog beach, I've got Jill,

And it's more like in the space of 2, 3 months,

I'll become friends with everyone on that dog beach, and they all know my name,

and I give every one of them the time of day, and I don't

think many people go to the effort to do that, but you

can make someone's day by just, you know, Putting in the effort and putting a

smile on their dial, and I think that's what I'm proud of. You know? I've

got an 80 year old I'm not sure if he's 80. Hope he doesn't listen

to this. I doubt he will. But his name's

Ian, and he's the nicest man and, like, you know, just making him

happy and Just people you wouldn't usually, you know,

make smile and you make them smile. That's what I'm proud of. That

is so good. And That's cool, mate. You as a person's stomach, and that can

come back to bite you sometimes because Oh, literally. You give too much of

myself, but You give so exactly. And if someone, you know,

not you're a very rare breed in how much you give yourself to

other people and Also, like, you're a sensitive soul. So

someone doesn't, you know, if someone's not the same as you and doesn't

give that love, it's hard for you to you do you know what I

mean? And that's the what I'm going through, you know, this year. It's

sorta it's okay. People don't give that back to

you. You know? It's not like all It doesn't say anything about you. It says

more about them if that's how they treat you, and that's how they treat other

people. But, Yeah. Now it's just like it's on them.

I'm a good man. Yeah. And Good. Upgrade from

okay to good. Well, See, I know this. I will be new just

I love myself. I love it. And

I'll tell you what, Ian, At the dog park, he will be getting aroused. He'll

be Yeah. Literally. Isn't it funny, though? Like and I just love thinking

of sliding door moments. If you hadn't have been on Christmas day, that realization To

lose the weight, to treat yourself with Jewel the Dog, you wouldn't be worried about

your mate, 80 year old Ian. It may not be 80 that you're gonna offend

at the dog park because you can't stop that. Machine Just in bed.

Mommy. We may never have

found our love for Star Wars. Literally. On I've always thought,

but you've you got me more into the, you know, the

prequels and Oh. And respecting that, which,

Oh my god. We won't get into that because it'll go for Actually, yeah. Another

10 hour. The next episode. Does David, do you, like, read the The

dragon for fairies. Oh, well, it's weird. He reads

it at lunch, and then he comes back in that Picasso

thing that he just I was like, go have a

cold shower. Is it the olive oil's there. Literally olive oil

just half an empty tube. And I haven't introduced Stuffy to

Pharah yet, but he'll get there, Pharah, after all.

Yeah. Stick to Star Wars for now, but we'll move on to the

fairy erotica. Maybe next year. So

funny. Oh, too good. Too good. Thank you, Stubby. Thanks so much for

coming on. You guys. That'd be Well done, And, mate, you should be, like

I know we, like, talk about it, but you should be really proud Thank you.

That you saw something you needed to do, and you you did something about

it. If that if people can listen to that and you inspire 1 person,

mate, that's epic. That's what we do this year. Yeah. Yeah. You know, that's what

we want. So well done, mate. No. And I wanna thank you guys for having

me on. It's been awesome. I felt real safe, and you guys gotta keep

doing what you're doing because, you know, Guys will listen to this,

and they'll open up to someone. And that's a lot of fun along the way,

so well done. Let's get it. Thanks, Dave.

Creators and Guests

Dale Sidebottom
Dale Sidebottom
Is the creator and founder of Jugar Life and Energetic Education. Two multidisciplinary business platforms that provide people with the tools to make play a focus of their everyday. Dale is a full-time 'play' consultant who taps into his 20+ years working in the education and health sectors to educate individuals, schools, sporting clubs and corporate organisations globally on the benefits 'adult play' can have on mental health and wellbeing. Dale is the author of All Work No Play, a TEDx speaker and podcast host. Dale has worked face-to-face with students, teachers, schools and corporations in over 20 countries worldwide.
Jack Watts
Jack Watts
Co - Host of The Overly Excited Podcast, owner of Skwosh Clothing.
Transformative Tales: Friendship, Vulnerability, and Wellness with Jack 'Stubby' Turner
Broadcast by