Jack & Dale | The Power of Kindness and the Admirable Qualities of Keanu Reeves

This episode is brought to you by Swash Clothing and Sugar Life.

Welcome to the overly excited podcast hosted by Jack Watts and Dale

Sidebottom. Two friends with a passion for life, learning And all

things that get them jumping out of their seats.

And we're back on the overly excited

podcast. Jack, what's here with Dale side bottom?

How's your week been, Saudi? How how are we traveling? What's he going really well,

mate? Actually, I've, Little story for you. Like, I've

been following a tough lie. I told you, like, I've got, just a 1 year

old and a 2a half year old. And Some reason, my two and a half

year, apparently, they pick 1 parent that they like more. You know, for the last,

probably, 2, 3 months, he just screams at me. No, daddy.

No, daddy. Like, anytime I come near him, I keep trying all these

different things, and my work is I make people feel happy. I'm like a

young kid, But I am the grumpiest, worst person ever at

home now because I've had enough. So, anyway, I had a really good day today.

Real creative. When I'm creative and in flow, mate, I'm on. So I'm like, I'm

gonna do something different. So I walked in the house, and we got, like, a

soundbar and always put music on. And normally, listen to, like, Fleetwood Mac or

Oasis or something. A bit slower. Tonight, I put Fisher playlist on on

Spotify and just cranked it. I was on. We're dancing.

Had a really good night. Changed his mood. Didn't move around. So what I realized

is he likes a bit of upbeat tone, a bit of 128 beats per

minute. Sounds like his dad. He just wants to break it down. So,

mate, I'm yeah. I was Just, you know, when you have a little wind? Yeah.

Fire a little wind tonight. Like, it'll just no no one else celebrating or whatever.

It's just personal. So, yep. That's It made me really happy,

mate. That's good. Yeah. I that's interesting because I hear that a fair bit

from people who who who have kids that, You know, it's basically mum

mum mum mum mum. Like, that would be hard as a as a dad, you

know. And, like, I I know when I go to pick up my niece and

nephew or whatever and, You know, early days, they don't know who you are, and

they they're scared of you. And as soon as you go and they cry, and

they you know? I Couldn't imagine if if that's, you know, your own

kids sort of thing, but it's pretty common, isn't it? It is, mate. Like, in

literally like, I'll go away for a week, Work or whatever. I come back. I

bought presents. I'm really excited. And I walk in the door, and he

sees me. He goes, no. No. I'm like,

oh, man. Like Why don't you break my heart? Oh, it's

literally. So, anyway, I'm like, I am the adult here, and I've just

been Fighting and firing back, and we're having these arguments of a nearly 3

year old, like, grow up, Dale. So, anyway, I'd really, you had a

good evening tonight, mate. About you? Now, you've

got through October sobs. Sober October.

Sorry. I got that wrong. Just about. Yeah. We may have

had a couple of maybe 1 or 2 days here or there where we just

enjoyed ourselves a little bit. But, Yeah. I

spoke to everyone that I was doing it with about it, and we're all sort

of on the same page. I think it's, you know, overall,

it's A pretty drastic change from where I was, and and it's been an

incredible month. You know? Nice. And that's, and I was talking

before. Sleep's one of the biggest things in the

world. It's the most important thing. It doesn't do you know what I mean? You

can have a bad diet. You don't train. You can Do so

many of them. It's too much screen time, whatever. But if you're not sleeping

Yeah. Every aspect of your life just slowly disintegrates. And I know I

didn't realize, but you struggle to sleep, and you're getting up at weird hours

and probably thinking about dragons and stuff at at 2 AM, wondering about

your fairy. So, Mate, your sleep is back.

You're back. Yeah. Yeah. Feeling really good. It's it's interesting, like, the

last, you know, as we spoke, I think last week on the pod that I

haven't been down to body fit as much. I've signed up in

another gym, and and I'm still going down in a lot of mornings,

but I've just given myself sort of that opportunity or

that option if I'm really tired

one, You know, coming into 1 night or I've had a big day at

work and then my body's pretty cooked and just been giving myself the option

to get into bed, set the alarm for 7:30 instead of, you know,

435. Yep. And, and sleep through. And it's

just, yeah, I've I've found that I've been a lot more Sort

of calm and alert during the day, and I'm not hitting

big crashes. And, and, yeah, just just

feeling quite Settled. Mhmm. You know,

it's funny how we can get into our own heads. Like, you gotta get to

the gym every day or then it's a failure sort of thing or Or I'm

being soft or I'm not working hard enough. You know? I should be in

there. Whereas sometimes it's it's good to sit back and just

Take it a little bit easier and and let your body heal and get back

to a place where you feel like you got plenty of energy and you're ready

to go. And That's sort of what I feel like I've done the last sort

of 2 weeks since it's, yeah, it's been really good. And I don't know

whether it's because of that That all of a sudden now I am sleeping, you

know, 1st sort of couple of times, like, sleeping all the way through the

night, you know. So how long, like, how long Have you not

been sleeping through the night for? Because that's like

to someone, like, in your situation You don't have people

waking you up, you know, kids or anything. Like, are you just getting ready for

what's to come maybe in the future? Yeah. Like, I mean, because, like, You

don't wanna I know. Make the most of it, but, like, how long has that

been going on? Yeah. I thought, oh, it's not like

a I think I think I just, like, Haven't been,

you know, sort of going to bed late and then having really

early starts. It's sort of like you just get into that routine of,

like, get, you know, sleep in sort of 5 to 6 hours. Not

enough. It's not enough. But then when I tried to, You know, like,

I can remember when I had that real weird time where I was waking up.

I was trying to go to bed early, so I'd go to bed at 8:30.

I'd be waking up at 11:30, 12, like, wide awake, and it was,

like, just doing my head in. So, So then you sort of

revert back to going to bed late because at least waking up. At least you're

getting to the to the time that you need to wake up. And I was

sort of like, shit. Like, what is going on here? Like, is this gonna be

a regular thing? Because it didn't It sort of came up probably over the last

6 months really. Like, Gradually. Like, and before

you know it, you're just like, I'm gonna be late. Yeah. Like, I'm tired.

I'm getting up and it's weird. Yeah. Yeah. I think, like, I don't

know. Maybe, like, obviously, the gym, Like, I sort of

settled into that 5 AM class for a while, and then I was I was

sort of just, like, pretty strict on that. And

so I reckon that sort of screwed me, like, some days where I was just

absolutely cooked. You needed to listen, but you weren't. Listen, and I'm still getting up

at 4. So then you might have a nap during the day or Whatever it

was, but, but, yeah, it's, it feels

good. Hopefully hopefully, it keeps going and and I keep, you

know, feeling fresh and, What's it,

what's it feel like to give yourself permission to set your

alarm later? Because like a lot of things I spoke with Sposyn about, we've

spoken about, mate. Like, you can do whatever you want. No one's making it

up at that time. Yeah. We think we have to do these things, but Actually

allowing yourself the permission to do that. How's that felt? Well, it's funny, like, the

first few times, it felt like You're failing? You're failing.

Like, I'm doing the wrong thing. Like Like, just because I'm, you know, I'm

sleeping in and I'm, like and I'm still, you know, I'm going to work and

It sounds so silly when we say it, isn't it? But what goes in your

head? It's crazy. The stories you sort of, like,

tell yourself. But

yeah. So so, I don't know. It's

it's funny how I literally felt like I

was, you know, I shouldn't be doing this and I should and But I think

then once I started seeing good results, like, once I started feeling

really good and fresh and sharp, Then I was

like, oh, okay. It's actually doing me good. Like, it's actually helping me rather

than hindering me. And if I need to, I can go to the gym at

lunchtime at work or, You know, blah blah blah.

So it's, yeah, I found just a bit more of a balance sort of look

at things has been helping last couple of weeks. We'll see how that goes for

the next little period. Well, we can only, like we talk about, mate, live in

the present. And at the moment, You got here

early. You're on. I come in flustered. Ready to rock

and roll. Isn't it funny just how

Certain days or weeks just rolls the reverse. Yeah. Like, you just

Yeah. I think that's life. That's why you enjoy it when you're feeling

good. Yep. That's life, and everyone goes through up through

ups and downs. It's not a a constant, you know, happy

ride, and it's I find that interesting for, like, people

who, you know, whether it's a job or whatever, like, that

are preaching, You know, I I guess we're doing

something similar, but we're also sort of being pretty honest about our down

downfalls and our things that let us down and what we struggle with. But, like,

you know, for people that are just always on. Mhmm. Like, I I

feel like, fuck. Like, if I was preaching, like, You gotta

be super help. Like, if it was, you know, a year ago. This that's sort

of like what I do. Yeah. Like, like, I do I do

share, Like, stories where, like, you know, my downs and ups and how

I've got there, but, essentially and I try and say that I'm

not perfect. Yeah. But the message I'm bringing across is things that you

need to do. And I know I need to do it, but I don't always

do it myself. Yep. Yeah. Yeah. And I I'm honest with that, but, yeah, I

do preach these things. And then I guess for you, like, you'd have as you

as you say, you have your good weeks and your bad weeks. Mhmm. So on

your good weeks, like, I'm sure it'd be probably easy getting out there and going,

yeah. Let's go. Like, come on everyone. Let's But then when

it's you're having a shit week, you still gotta get out there and put that

same smile on and that same energy. You know, that's that would be really

tough. It's the same as you back in the day playing footy. Yeah. Like, a

lot of people that like, you know, it's a performance. So We were

talking Eddie Perfect. He performs. You performed on a

footy field. So jazz last week. You know? It's exactly the same as When

I get up into a keynote or workshop or whatever, I'm putting on a

performance. Yeah. A lot of people are in the same boat. Yeah. You know? Like

a nurse, a teacher. Know. It's like your like, that it Doesn't matter how you

feel. You still have to put that mask on. Yeah. And everyone does it

differently, but I think it feels so much nicer When you

actually oh, I'm like, I'm ready to go today. Mhmm. And I know those days,

and I'm like, I am on. Yeah. And you just feel it better.

Yeah. And yeah. Because we're our own worst enemy and judge and

critic, and that no one else could probably tell Yeah. Because we're so good at

just doing what we do and put that mask on. But I tell you what,

it's nice when you, walk in a ladder arena and you're on. You know? You

got the excited arena. That's it. Now with that, Jacko,

Last week, you introduced your good mate, Jess, and you stuffed

up the stuff, mate. We always start by asking

someone. What gets you excited? I think you just got a little

bit too excited to kinda I was very excited to be

back with my good mate, Jessa Howe. Look. You can

either look at it as a stuff up, Soddy, or you

can look at the incredible save that I brought late in the piece.

And, you know, I gave him the opportunity to just settle

in and really open up for our listeners. After an hour and 10 minutes.

I want our listeners To get the raw Jeremy Howe

experience, the Collingwood premiership hero who's fought back

from incredible sort of, Controversy

and stress with these injuries and all the rest of it. So I just gave

him a bit of time to settle. I just gave him some time.

I know you love to start. You you this is one of your things. We

don't just start with the with the, you know, hey. How you going? But that's

how I startle. Hey, mate.

I'm, all for it. You study if you want. I just really enjoyed that,

you sort of forgot. And then you, must have, like, had an Light bulb

moment is like, shit. I didn't ask a question that we

get our guest to do because it's called the Overlook Side podcast and

You backtrack pretty quick. But, anyway, it, you come back, and I think that was

probably, the bit I like most. No. So I

know Jess well as well. Not as well as you, but, I know him quite

well. I didn't, realize how much he

valued, Like, giving and things like that. And I know we're both similar,

and I really enjoyed him sharing that and talking about it. That was

for me, that was probably my Highlight. So to be honest, if you had AXA

at the start, probably got the same response. Goal.

I would've I'm gonna start with that myself because I wanted to just rip you.

I felt that. Oh, no. Oh, no. But, no. I did enjoy,

yeah. I really enjoyed that. And, I think he Yeah. Just

the whole episode for me was really nice and particularly to

hear, yeah, his year. Because as far as football goes,

There's so many highs and lows in that, but

yeah. And I I'm sure you felt the same. I know I felt the same

when, Yeah. Even Steelo and few other boys won the flag because

you you're invested. You know them. Yeah. And, you know, you're a friend. You're

mates. Yeah. It's a it's a really nice feeling. And then To hear them share

about it, what it actually means to them and their family. Yep. And I loved

how it was different for both of them, and and they both have different views

on footy and life and, You know, like, here in Steelo, just that's my

everything. I wanna play till I'm a 100, and I'll just whereas Howie is a

bit more you know, footy is not everything and, you know,

last more important than if, you know, I was going through the injury and it

was like, fuck footy. Like, I'm done. You know, I'm over this. It's not worth

going through this pain just to play footy. And so to

sort of hear those differing views, but, you know and then that's the

that's the challenge I reckon for coaches is to understand that everyone's different.

Like, Ideally, you know, you could just talk footy footy footy, and he loves

it. And whereas how he might need to get away a little bit more and,

you know, to hear that The pies, that's sort of what they offer to their

players. They're given that opportunity to get away if they if they need to and,

you know, if that's how you Fill your cup as they say. Mhmm. What gives

you energy? Yeah. I found that very, very

interesting. I think, That perspective on what's

really important. And it's like, you know, you hear a lot of people. I was

the same. You have to go through a really bad experience to

realize what really matters. Mhmm. You know? And that's, like, still hasn't had and

a lot of players haven't had near what Jess had, you know, with his infections

of his arm and things like that. Yep. So that's where that that

real, you know, different perspective comes on what's important.

Yeah. Whereas when you don't have that, yeah, you can get caught up in Your

job, profession, family, whatever it is because you don't have

anything else to think about. But when everything else is jeopardized,

Then it really makes everything a lot clearer and that clarity comes.

Mhmm. And I think that's like, he he mentioned that, you know, like,

Particularly with Carly. I like his wife. You know, that everything well, he hasn't been

the best because he's so fixated on footy and da da da da. Yep. And

now it's Just about his family and Yeah. I don't know. I thought I liked

it. Yep. Yep. Not not not the injury. Like No. But I I found it

really interesting. Affected him and what what really hurt him. Even when he's

saying, like, he felt that little bit of shame of Carlia seeing

him struggling and That was sad. That was sad. And it was like,

But, like, for him to be that honest and tell us, you know, like because

he is such a proud, you know, man, and he tries he's got everything

under control. He's got a bit And he's good at everything he has. Yeah.

He is very good at everything. Like and that's everyone

probably Sees, all the marks he takes and everything like that. You see me in

a golf ball. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway I had another

interesting chat actually last week that I'd love to talk about. Love. Yeah. Go for

Remember I spoke about my cousin, Mitchie, who I sort

of, you know, fucked up with a few times. Yeah. We actually had a

really good catch up on Saturday, and, it was the 1st time

we'd sort of hang out with he didn't have his kid there with him

For, you know, probably 2 years, two and a half years since, you

know, Kayla was pregnant, and then I've had the kid and, you know, it's sort

of the first time in Probably over 2 years, we've sat down, had a good

chat, and, it was really

interesting because, You know, the I guess

what I'm trying like, this message is, like, it's

amazing what we the stories we tell ourselves

that either other people are thinking about us or we think about ourselves

or you know? So I just felt like I'd let him down that many

times, and he was fucking done with me. And, You know, like, we're

at such different times of our lives where, you know, he's

always my best friend forever, you know?

But, like, yeah, we have drifted apart and our lives are completely

different. And I sort of felt like, oh, he's just

over it with me. And it was so

interesting, and I sort of you know, we brought it up, and it was like,

fuck. I've just feel like we're you know? That you'd hate me

these days. Like, you don't really want anything to do with me. And he was

like, I feel like you fucking hate me. And, you know, you're the one

like, All I wanna do is see you and hang out with you, but then,

you know, you go out and you fucking get pissed or whatever, and you bail

on a on something that we'd organize. What am I meant to think? And I

was like, Abs like, that makes a complete sense. But

then, I guess, I sort of felt like, you know, well, I was the

one organizing a lot of that stuff and Being the one putting in the effort

to get it started, and where's that coming from from your point of view? And

he's you know, it was, yeah. It was just such

a And and the weight that, like, sort of came off my

shoulders being able to have this conversation

and just Get out everything that we were thinking rather

than keeping it to ourselves Yeah. And bottling it all up.

You know, it was just one of the and maybe that's the reason why I'm

feeling so

weight off my shoulders to feel like The person, you know, that

I love the most in this world is still there in my corner.

You know? So yeah. Yeah. What,

How did it, like, how did it initiate? Like, did you

dance around the subject a little bit? Like or did you Yeah. I think It

wasn't like, just bring it back to a week because we had you know, I

don't wanna bring this up all the time, but, you know, we'll we'll pretty on

it. We just started and we Spoke. Yeah. Whereas, I think it's different when

you've got a lifelong friend, and it like, you're

both sorted on egg Yeah. Yeah. Well, we initially, it was sort of

there was a few people there. So sort of 4 of us, Mitchie and his

partner, Keelan, and a good mate of ours, Shuba. And then we had,

Dela as well, another mate. So but though it's we sort of

yeah. We were dancing around it there. No. We were just Good to catch up

and, like, let's just relax. And it's Keelan and Mitch's first time without

Henry for a while. So, you know, having a few beers. And,

And then once they sort of left

and then it was sort of it was just me, Mitch, and Keelan. And then

we sort of started talking about it a bit. And then Keelan went

home to the kid, and that was when we really sort of got into it.

Nice. And it was, You know,

I think because we were having such fun together, and it was like,

fuck. Where has this been for Yeah. So long? Like, Because

and, you know, there's no blame whatsoever going on him or me or whatever,

but having a kid there, it changes a lot of the dynamic. And

so whenever we're hanging out and the kids being there for the whole time. And

and it's like, I it's nothing that I love Henry more than anything too, but

in my life, I wanna have Mitchie, My Mitchie as well, you

know, like, have that relationship with him that I've had for

32 years. And

so, like, even just to sort of say that, and then, like, I felt like,

oh, you know, I felt like, oh, you were you thought that maybe I

was against the kid or not want it not loving Henry. It's like,

that's not the case at all. It's just I'll miss that relationship that we

used to have. And I get that it's all obviously gonna change and

but we can still, like, just the moment we you know? Yeah.

We were sort of both enjoying it so much. It's like, Fuck. Where has this

been? You know? I think I I get that too because

if I go somewhere now, like, particularly catch all my best mate's butter.

Like, if it's a breakfast or, like, a lunch or something. Like, I

normally take Sunny. Like like because then it's I can't just leave Brie

with 2 kids or if whatever, Particularly if it's a weekend. Yep.

And it's different because you're not you're watching. Yeah. You're talking, but you

you're not You're not present? Yeah. So I'm like, what's this kid doing?

Like, he's like me. He's about to jump on someone's table, and they

didn't have smashed that over, but he's about to smash it. Like, Geraldine,

so it's not as if I'm not trying to be present all there,

but you're not. You're all over the shop, and you end up doing a half

ass job of everything. Yeah. So I think you probably had such a good time

because it it was just you 2. Mhmm. No other distractions.

Mhmm. And that's how it used to be, but that's life Doesn't it won't be

like that again. Yeah. But I suppose what's really important, I've got a couple of

mates like this. You set time the side, it might only be

once or twice a year catch up. But when it is, you're on, and

it's so valuable. Like, it's not like it used to be, but you you

end up putting more emphasis on it because it means so much

more because you don't get that all the time. Yeah. And I

think that's exactly it. It is like just And understanding that that, you

know yeah. That the times of fucking having sleepovers

Friday night and hanging out and, you know, playing Xbox, they're gone. Yeah.

But You can, you know, just to see even, you know, last

Saturday to see that you we could have that interaction again. Because it

was interesting because what he sort of said as well was He felt like,

you know, I'm off doing all these crazy things and whatnot. And if

when we hang out, all he's like, he doesn't really have anything to Say. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. And it it was interesting sort of thinking about that. Like,

you know, because for me, that hadn't even ever Even entered my mind.

Like, we we could talk for 24 hours about anything.

Basketball, cricket, you know, blah blah blah.

But he obviously felt that that his

life was not as exciting and as Entertaining.

So, you know, then it's gonna be hard to, you know Well, I can empathize

with that because I sit in the home and I'm like, You lose your

identity as an individual because you

don't do anything. Like, you don't suddenly you don't do anything. I would I would

retract that. You don't do the things you used to. So it's a real big

adjustment when your life changes and

You're at home. You're looking after your kids. You're there. It's full on. You're with

your partner, and it's like grand dog day, day after day, which

is beautiful to be in that moment. But then When you say he you know,

like yourself, doing all these other things, it's not that you're jealous

because your life's changed. But you're like, wow. Like, Wouldn't that be

cool to talk about? Or I wouldn't mind doing that every now and then?

Or, like, I just yeah. It's it it's different stages

in your life, and it's We assume things that that would

be better or, I don't know, when things are tough. Yeah. Because it doesn't matter

where you are. You have tough times, but I think when you're particularly, like, Yeah.

You the 4 walls of your house Mhmm. You're there a lot,

particularly with kids. Like and that's probably he's like, well, I'm not leaving

my house, and here you are, You know, traveling around, going to

Sydney, got around, doing all the things you're doing, and he's, you

know, wiping ass 5 times a day, getting spewed on

and Token powder. He's got pseudo cream all over him. It's just my

night. Just That's what you were doing about half an hour ago. Yeah.

I was. Geez. I'm relaxed now.

You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We should I don't know. No. I

know. But I'm trying to Yeah. Yeah. You're trying to. Yeah. I do know. Yeah.

I know. And, Oh, we're yeah. A couple of mates in the same boat. You're

just like, I wanna catch up and do the same things we used to,

but I can't. Yeah. And so there's no new normal? I think maybe

I don't know what the normal is. There's none. But I think maybe just it's

almost like what I've probably learned with this is Actually trying to

acknowledge that and try to and then and then you can set

a time, you know, and I know I don't know how hard it is when

you got kids, whatever. But I think for people with kids, it's

really important to give your mates that don't have kids

time. Mhmm. Like, give them your time. Yeah.

Just and, obviously, it's not gonna be all the time, but just, like, once

every fucking month or whatever it might be, Give them your full

attention. Mhmm. And obviously, for the people with with our kids, it's

like, you know When you get that time, don't Fuck it up.

Make the most of it. Or or don't bail. You know? Like, if they say

Yeah. This you've got me. Yeah. You can't bail. Yeah. You

know? And that's probably you don't understand that now. Yeah. Yeah.

Realizing how hard it is Yeah. To get that little bit of moment.

Even if it's a couple of hours, like, it sounds really simple, but it's

like yeah. It's you know, I'm going through the same thing with 1 of my

mates. So I've got wanna catch up, and we We speak probably 2 or 3,

4 times a week on the phone, but you'd like, when are we gonna

catch up? It's like, I don't know. I don't I don't have the answer.

Mhmm. Yeah. Like, it's Yeah. So yeah. It's And then also

yeah. Just being honest and saying, like, you know, I I just,

You know, just because your life has changed, I still

really value you, and I still love you as a person. Want you in my

life. Yep. So let's work out a way to do that because yeah.

Because both parties can probably feel like they're drifting apart, and

it's They probably feel like, oh, they hate me, and they probably feel like they

they don't like me anymore. And, you know, if you can actually have that conversation

and figure out, like, that's not actually the case. It's just Circumstances

have changed. And it's not it's not that it's just

the way you used to be. You won't be doing the same things, but that

doesn't mean that The affection and love and respect and trust

and how much they mean to you isn't there. Mhmm. It just

means that a relationship going forward is different. You know,

like, those 2 things are there, but having that connection and seeing

each other like you do isn't nowhere near as much as it will be. And

it'll probably get less and less and less and till you're probably older, and

then we'll get more and more and more again. Like and that's

I don't know. It's a really hard thing to navigate,

Because there's no right or wrong answer with it, and it's really hard because

you you're mourning. Like, you know, I've felt this. I'm mourning the life I

used to have because I've got a great new life, and I'm So grateful for

it, but I've lost my identity as a human being and a friend to those

people because my attention and energy now, I don't

it's It's not that I don't have time for them. I just can't fathom being

away because it's not fair for the boys or my wife. Mhmm. You

know? So I I don't know. It's it's a really it's a juggling act, and

that's why having those conversations or when you do get that time, oh,

you you really wanna soak it up? Mhmm. Yep.

Yep. Definitely. Definitely. Alright. Let's move

on. Now Cool. We've got, no. We're

gonna you've gotta really I'm I'm interested to see where this quote goes. I

like, Yeah. Yeah. But, before we do that, you and I

love this. We had Now Instagram blew up, Jack.

Now Fraser, my lovely wife, thought,

even though I don't leave the house, as we should spoke about, Oh, jeez. What's

going on here, Dale? Your phone is lighting up. And I'm like, it's,

yeah, the joint Instagram. Jacko has put it out there that,

he's got a lot of tickets. And, what's

stage shows. We got musicals. We've got gigs. We've

got everything, and we've off offered it out to the listeners. And

the response Yeah. It's very, very good. We thought we

might be getting 1 or 2, you know, Just creeping in there saying, you

know, yeah. I'll come if you have to. You know? What's he's obviously

lonely. Got no one no one to bring. But we got a nice

little response on the on the old overly excited Instagram.

So We've decided, Jacko. We'll put them in a hat Yep. And we'll just

pick a random one. And and underneath each name, it's got the

show that they wanted to go to. Okay.

So I've got him in a hat here, mate. Okay. Do you

wanna pick 1 out? Here we go. Here we go. Dig deep, big boy.

Whoop. There we go. Who's the lucky winner

of a show? Okay. We have Riley

Thompson to a musical. Oh, okay. Okay. We'll

have to look into that. Thank you, Riley, for, for coming on

board. We should really have have, had a look and seen What Riley wrote to

us, that was the whole thing, wasn't it? It was. Let me just just give

me 2 secs, and I'll just check the He

can, get that up there. So, Riley, we will,

we will reach out to you. Hopefully, As you said, you're an

avid listener of the overly excited podcast.

Do you have that up there, Jacqueline? Go. Yep. So Riley Riley's

one of her passions is musicals. Oh, there we go. She's actually been in

3 musicals. Oh, wow. You keep getting musical people out of

your tree. Well Maybe Riley could help you. She might be able to get

me on stage at some Maybe,

Eddie Perfect, Riley, and I, we could be starting something special

here. But she loves meeting new people. That's what life's about.

That's what I'm about. So, Riley, thank you very much.

Let's find a musical. Yes. I've got plenty here. I can't decide

right now. You know, we'll have to sorta You discussion about the dates and everything

like that. But, I must admit, I I, after when you put

that out, they went inside and spoke to Brad about it. I'm like,

It's the most random thing I've ever heard, and I loved it. I was all

for it. No. I was like didn't, though. You think it's you think it's weird?

No. I just I think it's I would just wouldn't do it.

Mhmm. But I like doing other types of acts of

kindness. Mhmm. I but it's not me. I was actually like It made

me think, and I was like, that's really cool, but I

personally probably wouldn't, like Out of your comfort zone, but comfort

zone. I like meeting new people, being in different situations, but probably like you, mate,

Mitchie, I don't really get out much now. So when I do, I wanna

be so specific with How I do it? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I probably that's

probably where I was coming from. Yeah. But that's why when you said it, I

was like and I thought of it. I thought, I love that.

Isn't it? That's great. Well, we'll, Ryan and I, we will have a

nice little Movie musical, night,

and we'll report back to the overly excited podcast. I look forward to that. So,

Riley, we'll reach out to you. Now, Jacko, you have,

We always want something. Like, we do mate, we've spoke for half

an hour about nothing. We find it very We find it

very easy to Very easy. Yeah. As long as you I literally

don't have any notes or anything, and, you sent me

a text. You sent me a couple, actually. 1 was a little bit political, and

I'm like, oh, man. I don't really like talking about politics. It's,

sort of where I stop, but I would've gone there if you wanted to, but

you brought something else. Do you wanna I'll pass it over to you, great man.

Well, I've have I got the quote actually up? I sent it to you today,

didn't I? You did. It was, So it was

Keanu Reeves, and it basically came up.

He talks about he doesn't even engage in gushions anymore.

And the quote was, if someone comes up to me and says 1

plus 1 equals 5, I just say, you're right, and I move on. And

I just found that such an inch I mean, Keanu Reeves is a bit of

an idol of mine, you know, missing Before that, why? Like, why

is he an idol? It's funny because I think, You know, I'm only

going off little snippets that I've seen on, you know, social

media and all the rest of it. But, you know, from what I've seen, he

comes across as just the The most caring sort of guy, and

he's been through, you know, crazy trauma in his

life with his, you know, wife dying and his A lot a lot

of death in his family around him and, you know,

crazy sort of trauma, and yet he's still a really nice person even though he's

got all the money in the world. And he's That doesn't make you happy, though,

the money. But No. Not at all. Yeah. But but it probably gives you, you

know, you probably Probably helps. You've got that, you can be a

bit of a dick, because you're like, you know, you can a lot of

people with money think they're above everyone else, and they're more important than they're this

and they're that. And Their time's more important and blah blah blah. And

just seen all this stuff of Keanu Reeves, like, you know, giving his seat up

on the on the train. Catch like The metro. Yeah. And, like, you

know, buying all these stunt doubles, you know, whatever. Giving them

holidays and just Giving up half his salary to,

you know, female leads and because, you know, they should have be paid the

same. All that kind of stuff, which, you know, is I just admire.

And then, yeah, just to see this quote, it's like, it sort of just

made me think a lot about life today and how,

I guess, like, separated everyone is, like,

it's it's their way or the highway. You know? It's like

and And, I mean, I've just said I like counter ease because I've seen

a bunch of shit on the Internet. Yeah. But that's what that's what you've got,

though. It is. But then know anything But they're like people who read shit

on the Internet on certain issues. It's like, that's right.

And that And so, yeah, I I just found it

interesting. I was interested on your views of, like, you know, how much

do you even engage these days when someone's got a

different view to you or a view that you don't agree with.

You know, it does get a bit difficult, like, when they're so sure in

their views and And opinions.

Yeah. It's it's, but I feel like that's sad

because it's one of the things I love doing most is, like, debating things and

putting things out there like, oh, what about this? You know? Yeah. I get where

you're coming from, and I can see where you how's But that's normally, that's not

the case, mate. But not many people. People aren't saying that. No. They're saying their

opinion Yeah. And they're not listening. Even when you're talking, they're not if

someone if I'm chatting to someone and they're just talking at me, Then that's

exactly the same one plus 1 equals 5. Good on you, mate. Catch you never.

Yeah. Like, that's great. Like, literally, see

I've got better things we do with my time. Yeah. But

where's the line between sometimes you're like, no. Like, it just hits a

chord with you, and you're like, Nah. That's wrong. But they're the sort of

person, and I agree with what he's saying. I'd it doesn't matter what you

say. They've got an issue or they're so fixated, you talk

about empathy a lot walking someone else's shoes. Yep. Having empathy

is being able to listen. Listen. You know? And if

They're saying that and not taking your point of view or even

considering it. Mhmm. It to to bit to be able to walk

away is another strength on its own. Mhmm. For him to be able to say

that Mhmm. Because it's all well and good for us to talk about it now,

and I agree I would do that too. But In the heat of the moment,

a situation no. No. It's not, man. It's 2. Like Yeah.

You know? Yeah. Like and it's it's stupid. Like

Exactly. Like, that, As you said, like, listening, how

and it because it made me think of myself. It's like, I like we all

like to think that we are someone, and we we do the right things. But

it made me think, like, how many times do I listen to someone

when they're speaking, but I've already got what I wanna say

in my head? And I'm just waiting for them to finish what they're saying so

I can say my piece. Do you know what I mean? Oh, I do. Before

you're actually listening and you're actually taking in what they say, you've already

formed your. Yeah. It's just it's a funny one. So it was it was sort

of like something for me just to have a think about and and sort of,

you know, a little improvement area for the week Just to, you

know, try to to listen and take other people's opinions in

and, yeah, give them the time. I Lauren, I

totally agree with that, and I think that's where,

why podcasting is so good. And You've picked it up. You're a natural

because you don't come with a lot of questions. But, you know, you've

got a fair idea where you wanna go on a different. Understand the personal, the

topic, or whatever, but because you don't have questions, when they're talking,

you're listening, you're not thinking about that question you're going to ask them. Mhmm. And

it's I feel it's exactly the same. Like, if you're talking,

you're not learning. Yeah. And, like, mate, certain people that

know me, like, Dale, you like, that is

all I used to do, and I'm still probably not the best at it, but

I'm aware of it. Yeah. Yeah. And I think that's the key. If you're aware

of something and you're trying to actively change it and get better at it, It's

people that aren't aware of it are the ones that are going 1 plus 1

equals 5 Yeah. Because they've got no idea. And so that's what I

mean. Don't waste your time. And I I agree with, mister Nero, the

matrix says, like, he you're not gonna change them

because they're not they're not aware Yeah. That they're doing something

that's not Considerate of the other person. Mhmm. But then but then it's

interesting because god. We're getting deep here.

No. This is good. Yeah. It's better than talking about politics. Yeah. Well, I'm

almost getting there. Here we go. Because it's funny

because, like, I talk about, like, I just barely watch the news. Right? I

just stay away from it. It's all negative and blah blah. But I

was having a conversation recently where someone was saying that, you know, that's

Such a privileged position to be in to not stay up with

current affairs and to not and so

Whereas for me, I'm like, I'd so much rather just not let

because it is just so negative. And I'm not saying that I don't

Feel bad, and I don't have empathy. And I'm not I

wish things were different over and, you know, everywhere around the world. It's

crazy shit going on. Yeah. But to let it, like, destroy

me as a person and to make me feel shit Well, you can't change

it. Like, exactly. Yeah. But if everyone

was like me and just said, oh, fuck it. I'm not I'm just gonna choose

to ignore it, then No good

action would come, you know. You need those people fighting the good

fire. Different. Yes. But why and this is my

thing. Why does someone have an opinion on like, why is that

person allowed to have an opinion on Whether I'm doing Whether you're watching

it or not, and whether that's a good or bad thing or where you need

to change I guess there have an opinion on them saying, You need to

stop watching this because it's all negative. Yeah. No one has the right to tell

you what to do. No. But but I guess their argument would

be, well, We I need more people helping me

to help the world be a better place. Just be a nice person.

Mhmm. That's, like, on the same, bring my wife,

love everyday listens to these podcasts and brilliant, you know, and

about current affairs, everything going on. And,

Brilliant. I don't really I'm the same as you. I couldn't care less

because it's like politics. It's like so many things, Jacko. You can't

change it. So why let it consume you or take up your energy

or make you angry? But they would say you can change it. Politics is the

voice of the people. Oh, no. You know, we gotta know what they're talking out

so that you can vote because your vote matters. If it is not. Yeah.

Yeah. That's I I just my thing is, like, if

That makes you happy and, you know, being up to date with things, awesome.

Mhmm. For me, and I'm very similar to you, I don't care.

I'd rather consume myself with Something positive. And I think I don't

it's not that I don't care. I think it's more I know

that watching negative,

You know, mainstream media constantly just does not do

good things for me. So, you know and I'll just learn that a

long, long time ago, and it's like, I'd rather yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. But it's, like, that it's not caring. It's,

Do you still care for people? Care, and I look at what's going on

and makes me sad. But by watching that, it's not gonna

change the narrative, And it's just gonna make me sad

as well, and it's not gonna actually do me any good. Yeah. So I'd rather

not watch something and Consume myself doing something fun or Because I

think it definitely does consume like, some people go way too

far, and it consumes them so much that they're Constant and

they doubt everything and they hate everyone and they are negative

about every situation because they've read, you know, or

whatever it might be. So But, yeah, it's just

it's a it was a it's a tough sort of balancing act I find because

you need those people who are who are fighting the good fight and go and

going in there and Protecting the minorities and, you know,

not allowing people to take advantage of of other people and whatnot.

And I'd like I'd try I'd like to think that I do that in my

daily life and but, you know, on a larger scale, I

probably Have not quite, you know Yeah. But that's where

everybody's got a different purpose in life. And what that purpose is,

nobody's here to judge. You're doing a podcast helping

people. You do nice things. Like, that's your

way of giving back. Doesn't mean that you need to be on the front line

doing Tests or watching all the news, consuming every bit of

data information that is out there to understand what's

going on. You're aware of what you need as a human being, and you are

able to give back and provide to other people and be the best possible version

of yourself. That's for me. But I think the big thing

is everyone is different. If we're all the same, it'd be a horrible place.

Mhmm. So don't You should never tell someone that they

need to watch the news or, like, if they want to, grass. Good.

Go for it. That's amazing. Yeah. That's what you need and that makes you happy,

do it. Like, that's that's what there's so many different

outlets these days to get whatever you need or to voice or anything.

Mhmm. I just comes back again to not judging.

Yep. You know, be happy with what you're doing. And if someone else is doing

something different, then You're not walking their shoes. Just maybe sit back and think,

alright. Well, that's what they need each day. That's allowing them to be the person

they are, and that's all that really matters. Mhmm.

Yep. Yep. Interesting one.

Interesting one. But I do agree, Keanu. I'm gonna Gonna

keep that at the back of my eye. One plus one equals 5. See you

later. See you. Catching ever, mate. Seemed

good. Yeah. Oh.

That's an interest yeah. Yeah. And I'm like, I don't

know. It's just the others like, What is what is

enough? Like and that's probably the hard question. That's why I like your attitude

of, you know, like, do what you can do, and that you can't tell anyone

else to You tell them, but they're not gonna listen. They've gotta come up with

the idea or they've gotta wanna change themselves. Yeah. It's like telling people

that, You need to exercise. You need to eat

healthier. You need to go to bed earlier. Oh, cool. That's

your opinion, not mine. And and so until you actually figure that out and want

to Actively change it yourself. It's not gonna change. And that's

where education comes in, isn't it? And that's probably the best form of, you

know, that I would say with all that stuff, like, With physical fitness and health

and all the rest of it, it's like, if you can actually educate someone on

why this is really good for them, and they can see what

the that it might have and the benefits. Once they once you start seeing benefits,

it's a lot easier to get into a bit of a role with stuff, isn't

it? So Well, and that's that's where feeling it, you know, like,

actually feeling it or going through it instead of just seeing told what to

do. Yeah. I think that's what I try and do with the work I do

is You give people an experience and, like, oh, wow. Actually, that

did change something because we all know what we need to do. And

if you tell someone they're gonna resent that, oh, what do they know? Oh, it's

easy for them. I'm not gonna do that. That's fine. Yeah. But People

need to come to that understanding or judgment themselves. Mhmm. And we all need

to, and we rebel when someone tells us what to do. Yeah. Started at a

young age, like, I can just say it now for Kids. Hurry out.

I tell you, my son keeps telling me 1 plus 1 equals 5. I'm

like, fuck me. Is it? Until Keanu Tell

me it's not. I'm just gonna walk away from you now, and I'm like, no.

It's not. Catching him over, man. Oh

my goodness. Oh.

Shit. That's good stuff. That's good stuff. A lot of

gain there, Jacko. That's, Well,

what the other thing that happened during the week, Soddy Yeah? I

finished my 2nd, novel. I really like

Akhtar. Akhtar. To all my Akhtar fans

out there, I've just finished the

2nd novel. I'm on to the 3rd, what was the 2nd? Mist and

Fury, and now I'm on to Wings and Ruin or something.

But my god. It Got heated. I'll tell you what. Towards the end of the

2nd novel, wow. Read it in a cafe again? No. I made sure I

was tucked up in bedside For no particular

reason, but I just made sure I was on my own. Oh. In the

solitude of my bedroom. These in audiobook? Do they have, like

If there was They just aren't reading it to you. Fuck it. Oh.

That could be anything. But so this I'm

really, really excited for this one because my housemate actually said that this is her

favorite. And another friend of mine that's read them all said this is this one's

her favorite. So bring it on wing wings

and and, I think it's called. So Can I ask how you got

into this? Was it your housemate that recommended it or, like, How do you, like,

how do you find the fairies and dragons? Well, it was a friend of

mine, a good friend of mine. She She

suggested I read 4th Wing because she knew that I'd love it. You know?

She was halfway through it. She's like, you will love this book. You know, it's

right up your alley. She knows all my, you know, the sci fi, love, and

all the rest of it. So do you like, like, Star Wars and stuff? My

god. Really? Oh my god. See, I've I've never watched Yeah. So so

good. I mean, if you didn't grow up on it, I think it's hard to

I just don't I just don't get it, and I'm trying to watch a little

bit, just It's not I think I don't mind. That that's cool. But for

me, I'd I'd rather watch a true story or a romantic

comedy, mate. Yeah. Give me, Meg Ryan any day. You know? Like,

Meg Ryan. Shum, mate. But you know

what I mean? Like, I just that's just not me. Yeah. I mean, I I

just think, like, using your imagination and these, like,

Star Wars is just it's so far from you know, it's I don't know.

It's like the dreamer in me. Like, I just Wish that I was, like, there

was more to this world and galaxy that, you know, the

magic and the all the rest, you know. So that that's, And

I grew up on it. My auntie got you know, she was a mad Star

Wars fan, so I grew up on the originals. So she painted it and

just Engrained it in you. Every time I at Nana's place after

school, you know, we're putting which dolls can we you know?

So, that was pretty special. And now, Obviously, it's

it's, Disney have taken over, and it's sort of

hitting its straps again with our our Lord and savior, Dave Filoni, taking

the taking the reins and Bringing it back to the George Lucas Star Wars,

anyway. I like that. Do you find watching or

reading more captivating, or do they both offer

Different sensory appeals. Yeah. I I find, like,

a a an incredible book is, like, undefeated.

Mhmm. You can't, like, You can't once you get

into a book, like, deep into a book Can't put it down. And it's just

like because I've got You you can make up the

world in your own head. You know? You can sort of form like, they give

you the the outline, but you can form the characters and you can

form the, You know? On the screen for you? Yeah. Yeah. So I

don't know. I've always like, any even any book that I've ever

ever Red that has been turned into a movie. It's like the

movie always Always. A bit flat. Yeah. Because it the book's probably,

like, 10 hours. Yeah. Like, in particular, if it's trend if it's on an

audiobook, most good books at 10 to 15 hours. Yeah. A movie's

2 max. Yeah. Exactly. So they're cutting things out. Big time.

You know, whereas they can really build that narrative through a book. And that's

what a good book does. Exactly. Exactly. Oh, there you go. So

New book. New. So I'm literally 5, 6 pages in,

and there's all there's drama. There is It's

happening. She's gone. She's let she's gone through with the other one, and, oh my

god, there's a love triangle and it's

shit. She's now a fairy now. So sisters oh my god. I

won't give it away because I know that our listeners are are,

very captivated by. But So

we've got 3 to go. We've got 3, 4, 5. I think it's, like,

3, then 4 is, like, a little half book, And then the

5th one. Oh, very exciting, man. It's, John, what

I reckon that would be helping you sleep as well. Yeah. Yeah.

It would be really helping you sleep. Off the Instagram

scrolling and Scroll was just that blue light. That's so true. Yeah.

Well, they do recommend reading 10 pages a night. I'm guessing you're reading a lot

more than 10. Yeah. Because you're nearly half out the door ready to go.

And we got the, sequel to 4th wind coming out next week. So

Oh. I'm gonna have to get through these 5 books so I can get straight

onto that. Oh, plenty of

reading today. As always, Jacko, it's, another Cracking

episode, mate, where we come in and we talk. I think we covered a lot

of different topics. Particularly, I really like talking about the

changes and just because we're both males. Same for moms

and things like that and and, you know, females that aren't a mom, like,

how much your world changes. But yeah. Just and it probably comes

back to that 1 plus 1 equals 5. Like, just understanding that

because someone's situation is different, Doesn't mean that the love and

care isn't there. And it's interesting because we're both in the different

stages that we're talking about. You know? Like, you you've got the kids and the

family and And I and I don't. So we're both

right in the heart of that sort of, you know, that change.

And, Yeah. It it is a difficult one

when your best mates, you know, their whole life and

their situation change. And I guess, like, if you sort

of understand what it's like to be on this side of the fence, whereas we

don't we can't understand what it's like. That's a very good point, and I must

admit, I've a couple of mates had kids early. Mhmm. I didn't I was

like, you know, it's the worst. Come on, mate. Yeah. Like, surely, just

leave the kids. You know? Like Yeah. And I You can't go

back in life or change things, but I think I'm aware of that now. And

that's why I'm very passionate about talking about it because

I was not a good friend Mhmm. By saying that. Mhmm. You know? And I

was doing exactly what we've been speaking about tonight, Telling someone

what they should do, it that yeah. Yeah. Anyway, I I can't

I can't change that. No. But I can talk about my experiences and own

it. Yeah. And I think that you you don't know

something until you're in it. Yep. But yeah. And that's where the self

awareness and the listening And everything else we spoke about

is so important because even though even when you're not in it,

if you have that mindset of, alright, I wanna try to understand you and

I I'm not gonna fully understand, but at least I can show you

that I care and show you that I'm trying to

understand the difficult situation that you're in.

You know, it's it's so important rather than as we speak about all the time.

It's like being so sure of yourself and that your way is the right way

is is a really Half position to take a lot of the time, and and

it's, you know, I don't think it's the right one. So That

that's never the right one. It's you're so headstrong on

That you're right. Mhmm. Yeah. It's like a lot of things we're talking about tonight,

then you miss out on so many opportunities and people will say, catch an ever.

Yep. Think that's, a very nice way to finish, but,

Jacko, well, thank you for, the

competition as well, Riley. Riley, look out. I'm, sure.

She's very excited about that. Chicago. I've got

Mamma Mia, and I've got, what else is coming

out? Wicked. We got wicked tickets. So, Riley, take your

pick. That's not bad. That's a

Bloody good fries, mate. You're a very caring, giving man,

Jacko. I do appreciate that, and, I love that challenge. I'll

I'll have to come up with another one. I don't know what it'll be.

I'll, I'll think of something. I, maybe I'll think of something for you, and then

you can think of something mean I like that. That's cool. I was, I I

like, random, like, challenges. We have to do

something That's not about you, but it's about somebody else. You've gotta sort of

put yourself out there. Yeah. I know. Think think of something. I'm I'm

always open to doing things. Bring it on. That's right. Anyway, you bring

something to the table, and I look forward to it. Listeners, as always, thank you

very much for being here, Jacko. Pleasure. Thank you.

Creators and Guests

Dale Sidebottom
Dale Sidebottom
Is the creator and founder of Jugar Life and Energetic Education. Two multidisciplinary business platforms that provide people with the tools to make play a focus of their everyday. Dale is a full-time 'play' consultant who taps into his 20+ years working in the education and health sectors to educate individuals, schools, sporting clubs and corporate organisations globally on the benefits 'adult play' can have on mental health and wellbeing. Dale is the author of All Work No Play, a TEDx speaker and podcast host. Dale has worked face-to-face with students, teachers, schools and corporations in over 20 countries worldwide.
Jack Watts
Jack Watts
Co - Host of The Overly Excited Podcast, owner of Skwosh Clothing.
Jack & Dale | The Power of Kindness and the Admirable Qualities of Keanu Reeves
Broadcast by