#3: Dale Sidebottom | From Self-Criticism to Self-Acceptance: The Journey of Transformation

Join us on The Overly Excited Podcast for a heartfelt journey of self-discovery and personal growth as Jack takes the host seat and goes deep into Dale's life and journey this week. Dale shares his transformative relationship with his family and the realisation that love was something that he never gave to himself. 

Jack explores the power of Dale's upbringing in the country and the struggles Dale has had with self-image and acceptance. Through this, we learn about the importance of mentors, the gift of being present, and the strength of supportive communities. Get ready for an emotional rollercoaster filled with reflection and the understanding that imperfections make us human. Don't miss this powerful episode with Jack and Dale!

P.S. Thank you for all the lovely messages people have sent. We really appreciate it. 

Creators and Guests

Dale Sidebottom
Dale Sidebottom
Is the creator and founder of Jugar Life and Energetic Education. Two multidisciplinary business platforms that provide people with the tools to make play a focus of their everyday. Dale is a full-time 'play' consultant who taps into his 20+ years working in the education and health sectors to educate individuals, schools, sporting clubs and corporate organisations globally on the benefits 'adult play' can have on mental health and wellbeing. Dale is the author of All Work No Play, a TEDx speaker and podcast host. Dale has worked face-to-face with students, teachers, schools and corporations in over 20 countries worldwide.
Jack Watts
Jack Watts
Co - Host of The Overly Excited Podcast, owner of Skwosh Clothing.
#3: Dale Sidebottom | From Self-Criticism to Self-Acceptance: The Journey of Transformation
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