Sam & Sam | From Covers to Originals: Sam and Sam's Evolution as Musicians and the Joy of Performing Their Own Songs

Welcome back to The Overly Excited Podcast, where we bring you stories of triumph, growth, and the pursuit of dreams. In today's episode, we welcome two incredible guests to the show - Sam Ludeman and Sam Russell. Join our hosts, Dale Sidebottom and Jack Watts, as they dive into the journey and accomplishments of these talented individuals.

Our guests share their recent achievements, which include starring in a feature film, leading a musical, and releasing an original album. Despite initially deeming these goals impossible, they now realise they weren't as challenging as they once thought. However, their newfound success has left them nervous about setting new goals, as they fear the relentless pursuit that comes with it.

As they contemplate their future, they grapple with the delicate balance between work, life, touring, family, and long-term aspirations. They also acknowledge the need to redefine their business goals, as they believe they have achieved their current ones. Excitingly, they discuss their upcoming tour across various locations in Australia, which they see as a turning point in their careers.

Throughout the episode, we explore the serendipitous moments that have shaped their paths, from playing covers in Shepparton to navigating the challenges of the pandemic. The guests emphasise the importance of taking risks, putting themselves out there, and capitalising on opportunities. They share stories of overcoming adversity and maintaining friendship amidst the pressures of pursuing their musical ambitions.

Criticism has not been a stranger on their journey, as they reflect on harsh feedback received during their time on The Voice. However, they have learned to focus on the positive, embracing criticism as an opportunity for growth and learning.

Our guests also shed light on their experiences running a business with close friends, highlighting the strains it can place on relationships. Yet, they express gratitude for their friendship, emphasising its significance over business success.

The episode concludes by discussing the speaker's anxiety before performing on national television, fueled by memories of a past high school production mishap. They delve into the creative process behind their music, drawing inspiration from artists like Ed Sheeran and the nostalgic power of chord progressions.

Tune in as we uncover the fascinating journey of Sam Ludeman and Sam Russell, celebrating their achievements, exploring their fears, and discovering the true essence of what it means to go all in on your dreams.

Creators and Guests

Dale Sidebottom
Dale Sidebottom
Is the creator and founder of Jugar Life and Energetic Education. Two multidisciplinary business platforms that provide people with the tools to make play a focus of their everyday. Dale is a full-time 'play' consultant who taps into his 20+ years working in the education and health sectors to educate individuals, schools, sporting clubs and corporate organisations globally on the benefits 'adult play' can have on mental health and wellbeing. Dale is the author of All Work No Play, a TEDx speaker and podcast host. Dale has worked face-to-face with students, teachers, schools and corporations in over 20 countries worldwide.
Jack Watts
Jack Watts
Co - Host of The Overly Excited Podcast, owner of Skwosh Clothing.
Sam & Sam | From Covers to Originals: Sam and Sam's Evolution as Musicians and the Joy of Performing Their Own Songs
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